Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 491

Chapter 491

Tang Yan sat in the room for a long time, thinking about Du Yang and Xu Yan, thinking about the current situation in Blackstone, and also thinking about the joint situation of the various forces, and gradually had a preliminary calculation, then got up and left , came to another room on the top floor, which is also the most elegant VIP room in Qinxin Building.

"Stay outside. If you hear a fight, rush in immediately." Tang Yan took out several thousand-year-old ginseng and gave it to the little golden monkey, telling it to stay outside.The Sixth Princess's palace is too deep, and the ghost knows what she wants to do. Although it is not possible to take people directly, it is necessary to be careful.

Under the ingenious creation of the sixth princess, the atmosphere in the room was relatively harmonious, but Zhao Zimo was indifferent, gobbling up the chocolate, and Yan Yuhan sat at the far window and stared out, with a sinister old woman standing beside her. , only the sixth princess and Xuanyuan Longli said a few words occasionally, and they were all the most polite, how weird this picture looked.

"Ren Tianzhu is gone?" Seeing Tang Yan coming in, the sixth princess felt a sense of relief. It is really difficult to get along with this group of weirdos. It is better to communicate with this slippery little bastard, at least you don't have to worry about being cold.

"Reminisce about the past, talk about love, and look forward to the future, and then go their own way." Tang Yan sat at the exquisite and simple carved wooden table, looked at the sumptuous meals on the table, and immediately felt good, and said unceremoniously eat up.

"How did you meet Ren Tianzang? Isn't this question abrupt?"

"We met by chance, looked at each other pleasingly, and made a friend. What is this called? Oh, yes, love at first sight! Later, when I was in trouble, he saved me several times in a row, and I was also in his need. After helping him a few times, the relationship has deepened."

Such a good passage, why does it feel so awkward to say it from his mouth!The sixth princess smiled sweetly: "Mr. Tang is very lucky. I have never heard that the Ren family had any intersection with anyone, let alone the established young master. If you can make friends with the Ren family, you can be regarded as having a protective umbrella in this ancient land of Canglan. Few people dare to provoke you."

"I, Tang Yan, haven't fallen to the point of relying on others to survive. I just deal with a bunch of jumping clowns. I can clean it up myself."

"Young Master Tang, I have something I want to ask."

"Tell me, I'm very easy-going. After all, we had some kind of relatives, and the relationship is not ordinary." Tang Yan showed a very ambiguous smile while eating vigorously.

Chocolate suddenly said: "Brother, do you want to pick her up again? Seeing one another, this is the legendary one-and-done catch? A pervert crosses the border, and nothing will be born!"

The sixth princess blushed immediately, while Yan Yuhan's pretty face turned cold.

Tang Yan yelled at the top of his voice: "Shop boy, take this pig out and stew it!"

Chocolate grabbed Lulu who was devouring the tiger's eyes, tore open a space crack, and threw it into the void before he could say anything. He grabbed the three dishes and three soups in front of him and threw them in too.

The whole process was as fast as lightning, clean and neat, and finished in one go. I continued to bury my head and eat hard, as if I wanted to make up for all the things I left behind for more than two years, and muttered while eating: "If you have the ability, I will go in and stew."

"Space Warrior?" Yan Yuhan and the old woman were surprised, and the sixth princess was also slightly surprised. I didn't expect this dry, thin and wretched little guy to be the most mysterious space warrior in the world. Move easily, I'm afraid the level will not be low!

What is the identity of this Tang Yan?Why are there so many freaks and freaks around, one is more perverted than the other, even this humble and wretched pig-riding man can actually practice space martial arts.

The sixth princess continued: "There is a Jiuchongtian in the south of Yan Kingdom, which was forcibly breached three years ago. The nine stone gates and nine mountain palaces were all turned into ruins. This incident once shook the ancient land of Canglan and caused many suspicion."

"What's the matter? To break through the Nine Heavens, at least you have to be in a semi-holy realm, right?"

The sixth princess smiled, and looked at Tang Yan with big black jewel-like eyes: "This is the problem. The mysterious strong man called himself 'Wukong'. When he broke through the top three heavens in a row, his strength appeared strange. Skyrocketing, after the complete defeat, the strength dropped sharply to the Martial King Realm. This abnormal situation attracted the attention of many guards.

In the final blow, 'Wukong' used the majestic sword technique and the martial arts of the Pure Land Buddhism. With all due respect, Mr. Tang... is very young, and he is from Dayan, even the martial arts seem to be somewhat ……similar……"

Tang Yan scooped up the soup ladle and stopped slowly, looking straight at the big shining eyes of the sixth princess.Let me tell you, how can this girl endure so much, the dignified and noble princess can even restrain herself from being obscene, it turns out she has a plan.

Yan Yuhan withdrew his gaze from the window, the Jiuchongtian incident?Almost forgot about that.

It did cause a lot of commotion at that time, and it was at the time of Dayan's turbulent battle, which aroused a high degree of tension and suspicion.Jiu Chongtian, the two empires of Yan and Tianyuan, has frequently strengthened its troops, and is also trying its best to search for the trace of the mysterious 'Wukong'.

But when the incident happened, the scene was chaotic and the light was dazzling. No one could see the appearance of 'Wukong' clearly. In addition, 'Wukong' disappeared immediately and never appeared again. The incident gradually faded away over time.

Yan Yuhan was fighting against the provocations of the Tianyuan Empire on the western frontier at that time, and the incident at that time was only hearsay, so naturally he didn't know the real situation.I didn't expect the sixth princess to have such a deep memory, and she even involved Tang Yan. Could it be..."Mr. Tang? What are you thinking?" Looking forward to it, is it really him?Or is there a connection?
"I was wondering... if you had a beauty mole on the corner of your mouth, would it be as charming as your aunt?" Tang Yan smiled, sat up straight, and said, "Sixth princess, you think too much, with my crazy attitude, If you can make such a great achievement, you must hold a sign and publicize it everywhere, go straight to the palace to ask your father for marriage, maybe we are now a sweet couple."

Rao the sixth princess was a bit scheming, and she was ashamed and annoyed by this provocative blunt words, she almost raised her little hand and slapped him.

From childhood to adulthood, all the young heroes tried their best to show their best aspects and the most elegant demeanor in front of him, not to mention provocative, even disrespect. Few people dared to show it. This guy is really an outlier.

The old woman's expression was gloomy: "Tang Yan! If you dare to speak rudely again, there will be no room for you in the billions of lands of Yan Kingdom!"

"Don't get excited, just make a joke, and liven up the atmosphere. The sixth princess is too young, and my taste is not so bland. I like Aunt Mei." Tang Yan winked at Aunt Mei who was eating silently across the way, subtly Changed the subject, but in exchange for Aunt Mei's indifferent eyes.

The sixth princess stood up suddenly, and Yan Ran's expression turned serious: "Young Master Tang, this Palace officially extended an invitation to you on behalf of the royal family of the Yan Kingdom, hoping to hire you as the first-class enshrined priest of the Royal Family of the Yan Kingdom. There are no restrictions, just a favor. , and assistance within its capacity when necessary. In return, the royal family of Yan Kingdom can provide you with the favorable conditions required for cultivation, as well as refuge and protection when necessary."

Tang Yan was slightly moved, and even Chocolate, Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli stopped, and all looked at the solemn sixth princess of the royal family.

Yan Yuhan frowned slightly, as if she was dissatisfied with the actions of the sixth princess, and wanted to remind her intentionally, but after repeated hesitation, she remained silent.

"Princess Six, you are impulsive, and you are not afraid of making a loss-making business by hiring a first-class priest from the royal family based on some uncertain guesses?"

"I hired your team, Mr. Xuanyuan, Mr. Zhao, and Mr. Zhu." The sixth princess was willing to take a risk, and it was not a risk at all, it was just a gamble at best.Even if the four of Tang Yan really have no connection with 'Wukong', let alone Tang Yan's connection with Ren Tianzhu, just for today's good performance, they are worth wooing.

I believe that the news will be sent back to the palace, and the father will also approve of his decision.

In the past dynasties, the lowest position of the first-class enshrined is the third-rank Martial Venerable, or a tyrannical genius with extraordinary talent, such as Yan Yuhan, who is qualified to be promoted to a saint.Although Tang Yan and the others are first-class martial masters, their talents are extremely astonishing, and they are qualified enough to accept the position of first-class enshrined priests, not to mention that she deliberately mentioned-the group!
Tang Yan glanced at Yan Yuhan, smiled and said, "If I accept it, can the two of us act together at the Treasure Appreciation Conference in [-] days? Sister Yuhan, don't have any objections to me. I withdraw my reckless marriage proposal that day. One day in the future, if you have feelings for me, I will come again formally."

Yan Yuhan turned his attention to the magnificent ancient city of Heishi again, and stopped talking to this little bastard, so as not to make himself depressed again.

"Of course, it's a great honor!" The sixth princess smiled and asked Zhao Zimo and others.

"Temporary cooperation." The three of them said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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