Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 492

Chapter 492

"The name of the royal first-class enshrined sounds very cool. Is there a purple document and gold token?"

"It has many benefits, and it will also have tokens and appointment documents. If you want, you can also announce it to the world. But these matters need to be certified by the emperor himself after returning to the palace. The authority to grant orders. If Mr. Tang doesn't mind, after the Black Stone incident is over, come back to Yan Kingdom's palace with me? You can also appreciate our Yan Kingdom's customs and martial arts customs."

Tang Yan first glanced at Yan Yuhan in the corner, and asked tentatively, "After I go in...can I come out?"

The sixth princess couldn't help but smile wryly: "Don't worry, Mr. Tang, we won't imprison you. This is an order, it is your glory, and it is also a grand ceremony for our royal family."

"Can you make a guarantee? I'm talking about coming out in one piece, don't miss anything." Tang Yan was still looking at Yan Yuhan, with a smile on his lips, but a gloomy glint in his eyes different awns.

Yan Yuhan met Tang Yan's gaze and watched quietly, but did not answer anything.

The sixth princess noticed Tang Yan and Yan Yuhan's strangeness, and said, "I can assure you, my aunt will not care about the unpleasantness when we first met."

"You can make this promise? I'm afraid your aunt can't do it herself? I can accept the employment of the first-class priest, but I will be exempted from going to the palace. I am really afraid that your aunt's excitement will keep me here forever in."

Tang Yan never thought of hurting Yan Yuhan, but Yan Yuhan probably didn't want to swallow him all the time.Not to mention entering the imperial palace, even stepping into the gate of the imperial city, the mentality of each other will change immediately, and don't even think about leaving easily.

Not to mention Yan Yuhan, if the royal family knew that someone had a dark green fire, they would force Fen Tianlanyan to swallow it up, so as to help Yan Yuhan achieve greater achievements and better serve the royal family.

"Auntie?" The sixth princess looked at Yan Yuhan, hoping that she would express her attitude.If Tang Yan doesn't enter the palace to be sealed, he won't get a token, and if he doesn't get a token, he can't get in touch with Tang Yan at any time and invite him back, and the title of 'First Class Consecratory' won't play its due role. .

"It's not too late to make a decision after the chaos in Blackstone is over." Yan Yuhan replied casually with a little deep meaning.


Tang Yan interrupted: "Don't make things difficult for her, she can't make a decision by herself. Princess Six, I want to trouble you with a few things."

The sixth princess glanced at Yan Yuhan strangely, but saw that she didn't pay attention to it: "If you have anything to say, tell me."

"Help me find the Holy Land of Yaochi, the Holy Land of Heavenly Demon, and the Mountain of Eternal Beasts. I want to know how many people came and who they are."

"What are you investigating them for?" The sixth princess was secretly startled, any of the three holy places in the Yan Kingdom were not easily provoked by the royal family, and the Eternal Beast Mountain was something that the entire Canglan dared not provoke.

"What are you trying to make trouble again? Bro, can we stop for a few days?" Zhao Zimo thought to himself that something is wrong, this guy is a war madman, he will feel uncomfortable if he doesn't talk about it for a day, and the incident in Prince Jing's mansion hasn't been appeased yet, this girl He's targeting the Holy Land and the Eternal Beast Mountain again. Wouldn't he just turn the ancient city of Heishi into a pot of rotten porridge?

"What do you mean... a bad brother?" Chocolate wondered.

"Tang Yihai, my nickname for him."

"Oh! Very cute! So popular." Chocolate's eyes brightened, he touched Xuanyuan Longli quietly, and whispered in his weird tone: "Remember, we will try our best to use pet names in the future."

"I promise not to cause trouble with Yaochi and Eternal Beast Mountain, and I don't worry about time. You can check slowly, but it is best to find out detailed information within ten days."

The sixth princess looked at him suspiciously: "You really won't cause trouble? The next saint of Yaochi Holy Land may come to Heishi Ancient Land, you little pervert, please don't provoke her, otherwise Yaochi Holy Land will become angry and burst into flames." It’s not easy for the royal family to intervene. The Eternal Beast Mountain can’t be provoked, otherwise, just wait for a few ancient holy beasts to chase you all over the world, and no one can protect you.”

"Don't be impatient, I am a peace-loving person, and I am also a person who likes to make friends."

Everyone in the room rolled their eyes collectively.

As soon as Tang Yan walked out of the room, he saw a funny scene.Yanluo and the little golden monkey were staring at each other nervously, Yanluo was gearing up, her eyes were shining, and when she pounced, the little golden monkey was on alert, froze on the table and grinning, looking at the resentful look, If it wasn't for Qiu Futu's intimidation, he would have rushed to scratch his paws long ago.

"Hey, hey, Miss Yan, pay attention to the influence, it's not good to talk about sneaking around." Tang Yan waved his hand, and the little golden monkey rushed back, jumped up and down, pointed at Yan Luo and screamed , Gritting his teeth with hatred.

Yanluo liked the golden monkey more and more, so she walked up with a smile: "Shall I discuss something with you?"

"Want a golden monkey? Don't talk about it!"

"Hmph, cheapskate, this lady is optimistic about your monkey because she thinks highly of you." Yan Luo curled her lips, but moved forward again: "Really don't think about it? I have a good baby, I guarantee you will not suffer, I heard you Like beauties? I'll take you back to the imperial city, you can choose any beauties in Yan country, even if you want the sixth princess, I can match you up."

"Ahem! Sister Yanluo, you're being playful again." The sixth princess walked out of the room, coughing deliberately.

Yanluo sticks out her tongue, but she doesn't show any signs of being shy.

"Don't talk about it! What are you doing here again? I can warn you, if you play tough again, I will not be polite." Tang Yan glanced at Qiu Futu standing in the far corner with his sword in his arms and drooping brows. These perverted guys.These super families that have inherited the Jin Wannian are different. Look at this Qiu Futu, look at Yan Yuhan, and think about the Taiyin Taixu next to the little prince. They are all peerless powerhouses. Jie Wuzun's ultimate move can resist.

"I'll hold it for two days, no, ten days. As long as you promise, I'll find a way to dissolve the agreement between you and Uncle Qiu. How about it?" Yan Luo really likes the little golden monkey, golden and fat Dudu, quick-witted and lively, with the strength of a monster, this is simply an excellent pet!

"Not so good! Five days later, we will receive the sword of the general in Heishi Gobi!"

Tang Yan had a basic judgment on Xuanyuan Longli's strength, and the three of them joined forces to resist Qiu Futu's most powerful sword.

Although the second-rank Martial Master has the absolute power to kill the first-rank, and Qiu Futu is a pervert who can challenge the third-rank, but Tang Yan and the others are freaks among perverts, and they are happy and fearless.

The sixth princess said: "General Qiu, Mr. Tang, please allow me to make some adjustments. Mr. Tang has already understood the strength of Mr. Tang, and Mr. Tang has also witnessed the talents of Mr. Tang's four best friends. In fact, after five days As for the result of the competition, everyone already has an estimate in their minds. If there are no major accidents, it will basically be a draw. Even if there is a leader, it will be a slight advantage at most.

Bengong felt that instead of being used as a joke, it would be better to shake hands and make peace in private, and deal with this turmoil together.

General Qiu has been in the army all his life, and Mr. Tang is happy to befriend and enmity. The meeting in the Jubao Hall is more like an acquaintance without a fight, a unique fate, what do you think? "

After the sixth princess finished speaking, she whispered to Tang Yan: "Don't insist, it's meaningless. Be careful not to be exploited by those who want to push the general's mansion to the opposite side of you, adding a strong opponent like Qiu Futu."

Tang Yan got off the donkey along the slope and kept silent.

Qiu Futu raised his lowered eyelids, glanced at Tang Yan and the other four people one by one, but didn't continue to pay attention.

They all expressed their wishes in silence.

Yan Luo said: "I sent the purple gold war halberd directly to Jubaozong. They are willing to accept the entrustment and signed the entrustment agreement. But when I was about to leave, I saw the younger brother of the little prince went to Jubaozong."

"What didn't you find out?"

"It must be a small trick. Don't worry, Jubaozong will not return the purple gold war halberd to Prince Jing's mansion. Jubaozong is a Central Plains force, and they don't want to mess with Prince Jing's mansion, but they are not afraid of him. Since you Gucheng's face came out, and Jubaozong signed a written agreement with me again, and they will definitely be officially auctioned at the Treasure Appreciation Conference. Also, before I left, I quietly left a Tianji mouse, so I could spy on them Speech, when the Appreciation Conference comes to a lore counterattack."

Although Yanluo is very playful, she has a very shrewd little head, and she is best at this kind of small games.

"Let's see it this way. During the Treasure Appreciation Conference, the three parties cooperate with each other? Add some passion to it." Tang Yan showed a wicked smile, and said something in a low voice.

Princess Six's expression suddenly became strange, while Yan Luo clenched her little hands excitedly: "Okay!! That's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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