Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 493

Chapter 493
After bidding farewell to the Sixth Princess and others, Tang Yan returned to the Jinyuanchun Courtyard of the Dihuang Branch.At the delicate moment of the Jubaodian incident, Tang Yan ostentatiously stayed in the VIP guest room on the top floor of Dihuang, which immediately aroused a lot of suspicion.

Don't be afraid of Prince Jing's Mansion and Heavenly Demon Holy Land, fight against the alliance of the powerful, make friends with the ancient Ren family, have lunch with the six princesses of the royal family, and then live in the Dihuang Bieyuan.

What is the origin of this Tang Yan?
There are more and more suspicions, more and more fears, all kinds of rumors are everywhere, and some people even say that they are descendants of a super ancient clan in the Central Plains, otherwise, how can they get the affirmation of the Ren family, and they will be wooed by the royal family.

Invisibly, a small but tyrannical alliance group began to diverge with Tang Yan as the center. This is also the first prototype of an alliance formed since the unveiling of the Blackstone Storm, and it is also the fuse for the alliance of the Blackstone powers.

President Ye had already obtained Tang Yan's 'feat' of destroying Jubao Hall, and he wanted to lament that he provoked the God of Plague.Now this bastard comes back swaggeringly, obviously wanting to pull Dihuang into the chariot. In the past, he would have blasted him out with a broom, regardless of his image, but now there is a mysterious young man for nothing, he can only fight With broken teeth and blood swallowing down his stomach, Tang Yan tossed his handsome smiling face into a bitter face.

"Jiumei, can I ask you something?" Tang Yan sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed, hugged the little pig Lulu who was full of enjoyment in his arms, and smiled and motioned Xuanyuan Longli to sit down and talk.

Xuanyuan Longli looked around, Zhao Zimo was closing his eyes and recuperating, Chocolate was staring at Tang Yan with grief and indignation, Aunt Mei had already left, Jiumei?Where is Jiumei from?
Zhao Zimo raised his eyes lazily: "Don't be dumbfounded, he's talking about you."


"This is a pet name, it seems that we are kind."

Xuanyuan Longli was entangled: "Brother Tang, I am the eldest in the family, and I am also a male. How come I am the ninth younger sister?"

"Don't you have nine little goldfishes on you? You are beautiful and cute. The name Jiumei is so suitable. How do you sing the lyrics? Jiumei Jiumei, beautiful younger sister, Jiumei Jiumei, fiery red The stamens..." Tang Yan smiled and hummed a tune from his hometown.

What kind of crap is this?Xuanyuan Longli didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly raised his hand to interrupt: "If you have any questions, please tell me quickly."

"You've been watching me all day, what's your opinion?" Tang Yan hugged Lulu and rubbed the soft little wings, this action made Chocolate hate it.

"It's completely different from what I expected, but it's barely acceptable."

"Prediction? You knew me before?"

"To be honest, I don't know you, but I have known you since I was five years old." Xuanyuan Longli showed a mysterious smile.

Tang Yan raised his eyebrows, looked at Zhao Zimo, and then at Chocolate, both of them looked at him curiously.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, Zhao Zimo sighed quietly: "Poor baby, I have had nightmares since I was five years old."

"Yes, it is indeed a dream. Since I was five years old, I have had a strange dream frequently. In the dream, a senior said something, but it was vague. At first, I was curious and didn't understand it. Until I After the blood was stimulated at the baptismal fountain, I understood what he said, understood my own path, and knew that in the near future, I will meet several close friends. If I treat each other frankly with my heart, they will definitely die wholeheartedly stay together."

The smile on Tang Yan's face slowly subsided: "Can I say something... don't you understand?"

Xuanyuan Longli smiled: "I didn't know who the friends he was referring to were before, and I didn't deliberately search for them. Until a year ago, an old man found me and guided me to the Black Stone Ridge."

"Old man? A sloppy old man holding a cigarette?" Zhao Zimo frowned.

"The old man often holds a cigarette, and he no longer pays attention to his clothes. Maybe he is the person you mentioned. The old man pointed out that there will be a fateful meeting on the ridge of the black stone. You should put aside the barriers and wait for it wholeheartedly."

"Do you know that old man?" Tang Yan asked, feeling a little inexplicably irritated in his heart, feeling like he was being calculated.

"I haven't seen it, but he said something, which dispelled my worries."


"Brother Tang, there is no need to be nervous, and there is no need to ask what the old man said. I can tell you one thing. No one has ever forced us, and there are no shackles to enclose us. Our meeting was prompted by someone intentionally, and it was also due to fate. But The law of heaven is impermanent, and samsara is endless. Whether this encounter will be a friendship after an encounter, or a disintegration after a rebellion, no one can predict and have no power to control.

To be honest, the impression Brother Tang gave me is different from what I expected, it is a completely opposite 'different', but this kind of joyful kindness and chicness seems to be more acceptable to me, relatively speaking. It is better to survive in this chaotic world, and it is better to maintain the balance of this specific combination.

I decided to make you my friend, and I am willing to help you make your way through the chaos in Blackstone. I also hope that brother Tang can believe that I have good intentions, and we will do our best to deal with the difficulties.

As for how to define this friendship afterwards, let's look at the relationship during this period.If brother Tang is dissatisfied with me, please tell me directly, if I feel inappropriate, I will also turn around and leave. "

"I just want to know what you know?"

"I do know something, but I don't know if you have the ability to accept it."

"Just say it, I can bear it."

"This kind of thing is still explained by the fate guide, I don't want to cause any misleading." Xuanyuan Longli smiled, turned and left. "You guys have a good rest, I'll take my leave first."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Zimo looked at the closed door, then looked at Tang Yan with a frown: "Why am I somehow... doomed to be with you? Did I commit crimes in my previous life, or did I become an adult?" Demon?"

"You have accumulated good karma in your previous life!" Tang Yan glanced at him angrily.

Chocolate was full of melancholy, and sighed quietly: "If time could be turned back, I would rather be still feeding pigs on the mountain."

"Stop doing this, little brother, I'll treat you well!" Tang Yan was depressed for a while, and then said: "Zimo, lend me your mistress for one night."

"Little San?" Zhao Zimo was surprised, and the three-legged toad stared.

"Nicknames, you are allowed to have nicknames for me, but I am not allowed to call you petites? Please, I will borrow it for one night."

"Impossible! My Uncle Toad belongs to the male family!"

"Fuck you! I want to go out to do some errands, and I'm using my mistress as a disguise."

"Don't you have Lulu? Wouldn't it be better to let it take you into the void?"

"Look at Lulu's dazed state. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out if I go in. I'll be wandering in the empty space like a pig all my life."

"Where's Lao Zhu?"

"Look at him gnashing his teeth with hatred, I'm afraid he'll throw me into a black hole, so I might as well go with a pig."

Zhao Zimo looked at Chocolate and Lulu, secretly thinking that you still have a little self-knowledge, these two guys don't seem to be very trustworthy. "Tell me what you want to do first?"

"I promise you, it's just to meet an old friend!"

"Are you fooling your grandson? Do you need to be sneaky when you meet an old friend?"

"There are some misunderstandings, I can't explain them to you, and you can't understand them even if I explain them. I plan to venture in tonight to resolve the misunderstandings and provide a close ally for our next actions."

"Ghosts believe you! Don't borrow it! Don't even think about it! You really think of my Uncle Chan as a free car? Uncle Chan's abdominal cavity accommodates Wang Yang and Leizhong, and it is usually in a state of delicate balance and evolution. Forcibly breaking it will give toad Uncle brings damage."

"Stop this set, a spirit source liquid!"

"Who do you think I am? How can Uncle Toad be able to..."


"make a deal!!"

"You... Zhao Zimo, you've turned bad!"

"Those who are close to the ink are black."

As night fell, outside a secluded manor in the central and northern part of Heishi, Zhao Zimo was full of grief and indignation, gnashing his teeth with hatred, silently cursing Tang Yan as a bastard, but he had to carefully hide in a dark corner, trying to cover up his breath, For fear of being discovered.

In a certain corner of the manor, the three-legged toad also showed an aggrieved look, being careful and careful, slowly moving forward on tiptoe with three little feet, avoiding the patrols that can be seen everywhere.

In the toad belly space, Tang Yan held a bouquet of flowers, whistled, adjusted his clothes, and imagined seeing Mu Rou with a smile, thinking about how to abduct this little saint for a tryst.

(End of this chapter)

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