Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 501

Chapter 501
Tang Yan's sudden attack and strong offensive broke the frozen atmosphere together, and Jin Yanlou and other forces were about to rush over.

"Warning again! Those who eat dinner are on the first floor, those who discuss matters are on the top floor, and those who don't want to go to the kitchen. The cutting boards have been set up and the kitchen knives have been sharpened. I promise to give you a good time!" Yanluo glanced at the audience provocatively. , she is getting more and more excited now. Not only can she hold the little golden monkey, but she can also use the opportunity to tease this group of self-righteous heroes and geniuses from all over the world. Nothing is more exciting than this.

Although Tang Yan is a bit of a bastard, he is still very strong in his work. Yanluo suddenly discovered that this guy is actually quite masculine, at least much better than those self-proclaimed heroes and geniuses .

"Be safe and don't be impatient, let's see the situation first." Jin Yanlou and other forces maintained restraint, not because they were afraid of Yan Luo, but because Tang Yan's revealed identity was unexpected.

"If you come from the pure land, you can be great? The pure land is surrounded by hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers, and there are more than thousands of Buddhist sects in it. A thief who jumped out of a small temple is also worthy of running wild in front of my heavenly demon holy land!" With the halo of young glory, he has always invited and led the younger generation of Yan Kingdom, and has always been awed. He has never suffered such humiliation.

"You only need to know that I am from the Pure Land. You are not qualified to know the rest. I will give you one last chance to tell me about Du Yang's life and death. I advise you to think clearly before answering. I will use your answer to decide your Heavenly Demon Holy Land." life and death. If you really kill him, I want you to be buried with the entire Heavenly Demon Holy Land!"

"Arrogance! How can you say that you can destroy the Holy Land of Heavenly Demons!" The two ancestor-level elders were furious. The readers were a little palpitating.

Yan Yuhan stopped in front of the sixth princess, dispelling the strong coercion. They had to admit that Tang Yan was usually playful, mischievous and cunning, but when he was really provoked, his domineering strength was enough to make anyone look sideways.

"Don't bark here! Even if you stand here in person, I can still point to my nose and repeat this sentence!" Tang Yan stepped forward with no fear, the Buddha's heart mark on his forehead was shining brightly, and the golden lines on his whole body were revealed Like a golden god of war, he looks down upon the two elders of Heavenly Demon!
hiss! !There were bursts of inhalation sounds from the nearby restaurant, so loud that even the ancestors of the Holy Land of Heavenly Demon dared to challenge him, this is really crazy!If this spread to the ears of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, wouldn't he be mad?He was scolded by a little doll pointing at his nose.

"Okay! Very good!! Just say this to you, and you will be added to the most wanted list in the Heavenly Demon Holy Land!!!" The elder with the bandages on his hands couldn't suppress his anger anymore. Not many people in the territory of Yandi dare to challenge Bantianmo Holy Land.Even if it really came from the Pure Land super ancient sect, it would not dare to say that it would destroy the Heavenly Demon Holy Land!

Unless they can fear the entire Yan Kingdom!
After all, the Heavenly Demon Holy Land belongs to the sect within the territory of the Yan Kingdom, and the Yan Kingdom is an ancient country that has lasted for nearly ten thousand years. How can foreign forces be allowed to come here to destroy a huge force at will!This is not only about dignity, but also affects the overall strength of the Yan Kingdom.

"Okay, are you declaring war? How did you do it? Do you want to stop dying? Or stop at the end?" Tang Yan stepped forward step by step, his eyes were extremely cold. If he really killed Du Yang, he would definitely do everything he could. Can destroy the entire Heavenly Demon Holy Land.

Xuanyuan Longli and Zhao Zimo looked at each other, and they all stepped forward, separated Tang Yan's left and right sides, the three-legged toad puffed up its cheeks, and once again showed its domineering and fierce power. , it is in no way ambiguous.

"I will never die!" The two venerables were so angry that they had no scruples!

"Okay! It's your own gauntlet, bet with your dog's life! I, Tang Yan, will follow! I will also use this life to pay for it!" Tang Yan is even more fearless. He is alone, and he will go into exile in the world.

Nie Yue subconsciously felt that he shouldn't be in a hurry to completely turn against Tang Yan, but Tang Yan's repeated provocations also aroused his anger: "If you want to know the life and death of that bastard, I will tell you, but I will tell you when you are in front of me." Before dying! Let's go!"

"Tang Yan, enjoy this last month of life well. When the treasure appraisal meeting ends, it will be the moment of your death!"

"Let me tell you a little bit of news, you'd better pray that your brother is dead, otherwise he will live a life that is worse than death, and he won't live well, especially after today's banquet!"

The two Tianmo elders glared at Tang Yan angrily, and followed Nie Yue to leave Qinxinlou.

"We'll see you in Heishi Gobi in 38 days. Who will live and who will die at that time will depend on your ability!!" Tang Yan roared loudly, his anger was overwhelming, and the anger and killing intent in it could be felt by all the forces in the nearby restaurant Clearly.

"Tang Yan, your grievance against Heavenly Demon Holy Land is really..." The sixth princess walked forward, wanting to comfort her, but before she could finish speaking, Tang Yan had already turned to Zhao Zimo and the others and said, "Go back and rest, get ready, and attack tonight!" , kill one first!!"

"Didn't you agree to fight after 38 days?" The sixth princess felt a chill in her heart.

"You are the princess of the empire, are you really so simple? I said 38 days is 38 days? This is called paralysis interference. Besides, I only agreed to start the war after 38 days, and I can't make a move before there is no guarantee. I will let them understand it today. , What a stupid act to provoke me, Tang Yan."

"You'd better make a careful decision. The two elders behind Nie Yue are both second-rank Martial Venerables. They have been famous for nearly a thousand years, and they may own a certain spirit treasure from the Heavenly Demon Holy Land. It's not that you can kill it if you say it. In the end, we... please forgive us, as the royal family of Yan Kingdom, we cannot help."

Yan Yuhan also said: "Are you stupid? Even if you can kill a certain elder quietly, the whole ancient city will know that you did it."

"That's not necessarily the case, Sixth Princess, tonight... invite you to enjoy the moon?" Tang Yan's resentful expression suddenly changed into a smiling face, and the exaggerated change made the Sixth Princess stunned.

The banquet turmoil in Qinxinlou ended in a hurry, but the announcement of Tang Yan's identity and the overbearing declaration of war between the two sides triggered a new round of discussions. It can be regarded as living up to the expectations of all parties, even with the ancient beast mountain. Interested, but this interest is limited to Tang Yan and his identity.

As night falls, the ancient city of Heishi is brightly lit, and various shops are enthusiastically attracting customers and entertaining young masters in gorgeous clothes.Every Treasure Appreciation Conference will be a prosperous event, not only attracting many powerful forces, but also attracting the interest of some powerful families in the surrounding and Yan Kingdom, and many mercenary teams dare to join in the fun.As the former imperial city of the ancient country, Black Stone Ridge is naturally huge in size, and its bustle and prosperity are equally eye-catching. During the Treasure Appreciation Conference held once every ten years, the level of excitement even fell to that of some royal palaces.

On the main road of the inner city, the figure of Tang Yan and the sixth princess 'shopping' intimately attracted a lot of attention.One is a mysterious and topical character, but also a tyrannical senior boy, and the other is the most beloved little princess of Yan Kingdom, who is also the embodiment of beauty, nobility and wisdom.

When Tang Yan declared war on the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, the sixth princess blatantly acted as a "companion", which had to make people suspect, could it be that the little princess took the initiative?Or is the royal family interested in recruiting Tang Yan?

Yan Luo enthusiastically followed behind, holding two golden monkeys in her arms, arguing and staring at Tang Yan from time to time, Qiu Futu, who was closely guarding her, fell far away in the darkness, her sharp and cold aura frightened the strong men along the way.

"It's almost time." Tang Yan thought about it for a while, looked around, and said, "I invite you to taste the golden bottle fish feast? It's not far ahead, and I heard from Aunt Mei that it is very famous."

The sixth princess did not refuse, and followed Tang Yan to the exquisitely decorated restaurant not far away: "The Aunt Mei you are talking about is a dancer from Zuixianglou, right? How did you know her?"

"Oh? Have you been there yet?" Tang Yan deliberately teased.

The sixth princess blushed slightly, and said angrily: "Aren't you afraid that aunt will punish you?"

"Your aunt dare not, she is reluctant. Didn't you notice? The way she looked at me began to change."

"Oh? Why didn't I pay attention?"

"You girls are not sensitive to these things. I feel it most clearly. Maybe one have to call me uncle." Tang Yan teased a smile, raised his hand and said, "Princess Six, please! Little Witch, please! !"

"If you dare to use nicknames indiscriminately, I will drug your golden monkey tonight!" Yan Luo hugged the little golden monkey tightly angrily.

"Several guests, please?" The shop owner greeted them personally and led them to an elegant suite. According to the highest standard, they came with a set of gold bottle fish banquet. The maids bowed and stepped back.

"Enjoy yourself, and I'll be back soon." Tang Yan showed a bad smile, and was enveloped by golden lightning in an instant, before disappearing from the room.

At the same time, the three-legged toad quietly left Jin Yuanchun, swallowed Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli, and rushed towards the other courtyard where the Heavenly Demon Holy Land was located.

(End of this chapter)

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