Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 502 Venerable Demonic Cicada

Chapter 502 Venerable Demonic Cicada

"I searched everywhere in Libieyuan, but I couldn't find Du Yangdi's shadow."

Outside the other courtyard where the Heavenly Demon Holy Land is located, Chocolate poked his head out in the air, introducing Tang Yan, Zhao Zimo and the others.

"Is there anything missing?"

"Brother, don't question my ability to do things, I'm a professional!"

"Aside from Nie Yue and the two Heavenly Demon Elders, are there any other venerables in there?"

"do not have."

"What are they doing now?"

"Nie Yue left with the team after dark, and he hasn't returned yet. The two elders started to retreat after returning at noon. They are both in the bedroom, and the two bedrooms are not far from each other."

Xuanyuan Longli said: "The two demon elders both showed signs of injury. The elder with the golden bandage on his hand is the most obviously injured. He can feel that his breath is chaotic. I suggest starting with him."

"No matter how badly he is injured, he is a Tier [-] Martial Master after all. It is impossible to hunt without making any noise, so..." Zhao Zimo looked at Chocolate's head floating in the air.

"I leave it to you! Come on!"

"Believe in yourself, you can do it."

"you can."

The three of Tang Yan nodded solemnly at the chocolate, and with the opening of the three-legged toad's big mouth, all of them were swallowed. The three-legged toad let out a grunt, and sneaked into the Tianmo Bieyuan with three legs aside.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Chocolate didn't come back to his senses, his round head was very dazed, but soon, he was slightly dazed, and almost cried: "Close to ink is black, you are all going bad! Tang Yi Damn, it's true to its name!"

Elder Mo Chan from Heavenly Demon Holy Land is sitting cross-legged in the bedroom, silently running the Heavenly Demon Sutra, performing weekly rotations, and repairing serious injuries. During the battle that night, he was carelessly injured, resulting in two fingers of his left hand being petrified, and his abdominal cavity was also damaged. It was severely corroded, almost reaching the internal organs, and the injury was very serious.

The growth rate of that little brat is so abnormal. It is said that he was only a little Martial King six years ago, and he was promoted to Martial Master two years ago. Got it!

But now, the Black Rock Ridge is surging, and just after a battle with that brat, he has provoked such a strong and difficult opponent like Tang Yan.Fortunately, Tang Yan was too insolent, and even provoked the little prince of Prince Jing's mansion, so that the Heavenly Demon Holy Land would not be isolated and helpless, but instead had an ally.

But in this Black Rock Spine, everything is about strength, and he must restore his strength as soon as possible before the start of the Treasure Appreciation Conference, at least [-]% to [-]%.

He was cultivating meticulously, and suddenly he felt something, and opened his eyes suddenly.

The bedroom was dark and quiet, there was no movement, and no strange smell was caught.

Venerable Mo Chan was very cautious, stood up slowly vigilantly, swept every corner of the room with cold eyes, got up and came to the door, opened the gap, and observed the scene outside intently.

Everything is calm and nothing unusual.

"Elder, what are your orders?" A disciple in charge of secret vigilance hurried over.

"Is there anything unusual?"

"Everything is normal, don't worry, elder."

"Is Nie Yue back?"

"not yet."

"Well. It's all right." Venerable Mo Chan returned to the room and continued to refine.

Time passed by, and the room became more and more silent and darker, but at some point, a thin white mist floated in the room, so slight that it was almost impossible to see clearly in this dim room.

Venerable Mo Chan was already immersed in self-cultivation, he didn't notice any abnormalities in the air, let alone a tiny black worm that had approached the bed silently, then moved up quietly, and observed carefully for a long time Finally, it was attached to his wrist, which was the edge of the area eroded by petrification.

Blackwater leeches are the best at lurking, and they are also good at determining the most suitable attachment area.The energy of petrification remains in the petrified part, which is easy to be affected, which is not conducive to lurking, and the place where the petrified area meets the intact area is a place where people feel a little chaotic. Even if the magic cicada respects and feels abnormal, it will not be too deliberate care.

The target to be lurking this time is the second-tier Martial Lord, which is different from the gap between the first-tier Martial King and the second-tier Martial King. The first-tier Martial Master and the second-tier Martial King are like an insurmountable gap. My lord, the blackwater leech has to be careful and careful.

And when lurking in, he released his ecstasy mist as much as possible. This is also a metamorphic new ability that occurs when he transforms into a venerable.Somewhat similar to the Nightmare Miasma of the Nightmare Guardian, but with less intense nightmare effects.On the contrary, its effect is somewhat similar to its specific toxin, it can charm the mind, and the effect is also obvious, but the advantage is that it will not cause the inhaler to notice, and achieve the most significant effect in the weakest way.

Venerable Mo Chan was vigilant by nature, but after all, he did not expect to be attacked in his own courtyard, nor did he feel the effect of the mist.

The 'speed' grasped by the blackwater leech is very ingenious, not only keeping the ecstasy smoke in the air at a relatively low level, but also maintaining restraint when sucking blood, so as not to suck too much and cause alertness.

It took a full quarter of an hour before the three-legged toad sneaked into the bedroom and approached the bedroom under Tang Yan's reminder. It also tried its best not to make a sound, using the blue electric light circulating all over the body to move slowly and carefully. A hollow was chiseled, appearing in the very center of the bedroom.

"Get ready!!" Tang Yan and Xuanyuan Longli signaled to each other, while Zhao Zimo sat in the middle of the ocean. The fishhook had already hooked the Thunder Seed, and a huge Thunder Whale took shape, and the tyrannical power filled the entire space of the toad's belly.

"Go!!" The three-legged toad groaned, and the taut tongue burst out. It was very small, but it contained the momentum of the river compressed to the extreme, and it ruthlessly pulled towards Venerable Mo Chan.

Venerable Demon Cicada suddenly woke up, and retreated in shock, but... the fascination effect of the smoke, the drowsiness effect caused by the flow of blood, and the blood-sucking effect of the blackwater leech soared instantly, all of which had a strong and sudden impact.

What? ! !His heart trembled slightly, and in this slight gap, he was hit by his tongue with a slap.

"Slay the soul!" Tang Yan shot out, roaring in his heart, and passed by him in an instant.Venerable Mo Chan has been famous for a long time, and his strength is strong. Even in this most dangerous moment, he still dodged, but there was no need for a direct hit at all, and the torn ripples slashed on his soul.

Xuanyuan Dragon Carp also appeared at the same time, did not arouse the Nine-Tailed Dragon Carp, but swung the brocade robe violently, and a tyrannical coercion immediately exerted on the Venerable Mo Chan, as if suddenly a mountain and river world bombarded him , There was a crisp cracking sound from the body.

Zhanhun's soul attack, Jinpao's physical trauma, and the three-legged toad's critical strike and the advance effect of the blackwater leech are equivalent to a four-hit combo, which instantly knocked Venerable Mo Chan dizzy.

The three-legged toad took a sharp breath and swallowed him whole into the abdominal cavity.

There was a sudden riot in the bedroom, and there were abrupt marks.

"Eternal Thunder Whale!" In the space of the toad's belly, Zhao Zimo let out a deep roar, and swung the fishing rod almost crazily, catching a huge Thunder Whale of more than a hundred feet, and enveloped it towards the Demon Cicada, who had not yet returned to his senses, and stabbed it. Violent thunder and lightning instantly overwhelmed him.

Tang Yan and Xuanyuan Longli followed closely, without giving Venerable Mo Chan a chance to fight back and relax. A series of intensive and crazy offensives were launched in this toad belly world. The momentum swallowed his blood.

Venerable Mo Chan woke up, fell into madness and went berserk, but the attack was too fast, too sudden, and there was no room for him to fight back.

The three-legged toad tried its best to control the rioting world in its abdominal cavity, and escaped from the hole cut in the corner of the wall.

The whole operation was very meticulous and perfect, but the critical attack of the three-legged toad's tongue, as well as Tang Yan's offensive, could not be silent.

The guards outside the door quickly realized that no one rushed in blindly because they were afraid of Elder Mo Chan's hot temper.After all, it was the Venerable's bedroom, and his strength was tyrannical. They didn't think about the sneak attack, they just thought it was a little chaos in the practice.

But in the bedroom in the courtyard next door, another ancestor-level venerable became alert, hesitated a little, and got up to check.

But... bam! !A sound of footsteps suddenly sounded behind him, the Venerable's heart trembled slightly, he turned around abruptly, as if he was about to launch an offensive, but the room was quiet and there was nothing.

Just when he was confused, the quilt on the couch suddenly squirmed slightly, as if something was moving inside, but it also quieted down after a moment.

The Venerable was fully on guard, and the mountain-like coercion filled the room. First, the bow was fully drawn and ready to go.

It's just that the room was quiet, and there was a full quarter of an hour's silence. There was no abnormality again. Finally, I waved my hand to turn the bed into dust, and there was no expected 'animal' inside.

Dazzled?Slightly relieved, he scanned every corner of the room with sharp eyes to make sure that there was really nothing lurking.It was then that he suddenly remembered the abnormal energy fluctuations from Venerable Mo Chan, quickly left the room, and rushed over with the vigilant disciples.

But the three-legged toad had already left, and even Chocolate, who was 'teasing' the Venerable Demon, retreated quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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