Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 503 Whereabouts Leaked

Chapter 503 Whereabouts Leaked
The fierce battle in the toad-belly world has entered into a fierce stage. Tang Yan and the three fought fiercely, and the Youming Qinghuo, Wangu Thunder Whale, and Nine-Tailed Dragon Carp collided wantonly in this boiling ocean world.In order to suppress Venerable Mo Chan as soon as possible, the three showed their strength almost without reservation. Venerable Mo Chan roughly understood what was going on, and also realized the crisis of life and death. It was so fierce that he almost succeeded in counterattacking.

A violent storm unfolded in the abdominal cavity world of the three-legged toad, and the ocean that was stirred up was not only boiling, but also constantly impacted on the three-legged toad's body.

The three-legged toad was full of pain, and tried its best to suppress the riots in the space, so as not to lose control and show its true body.But when he left the other courtyard of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, the overly manic energy shock in his body finally reached the limit of persistence, and a low-pitched frog roared and rolled out. The unstoppable turbulent spread of the breath.

Nie Yue's chariot just returned near the main entrance, and was immediately shaken by this aura. All the guards were on alert immediately, and Nie Yue frowned slightly. The aura of wild beasts made him feel familiar.

At this moment, there was chaos in the courtyard, and an angry scream shook the surroundings, wrapped in surging magic power: "Thief!! Get out!!!"

Nie Yue was in a bad mood, he didn't care about the aura, and immediately rushed into the other courtyard: "What happened?"

The guards bit the bullet and said: "Elder missing!!"

"What? Missing?" Nie Yue thought he heard it wrong.

The guards' faces were pale, and they all knelt on the ground: "About 10 minutes ago, there was a chaotic sound in Elder Mochan's room, and there was a strong spiritual impact, but it calmed down again in a blink of an eye. We thought it was Elder Mochan... ...I'm cultivating, so I didn't pay much attention to it, just..."

Another Elder Tianmo came out of the room with a gloomy and scary face: "I was attacked by surprise. There is a mist of ecstasy in the room, and there are obvious signs of fighting. There is also a hole in the corner. I did notice that there was something wrong here before." It's abnormal, but it seems that someone appeared in my room, I don't know if it is planning to attack or pure interference. But I can be sure that the magic cicada may have encountered something unexpected."

Nie Yue was still a little unbelievable: "Who can capture Elder Mo Chan in a blink of an eye? Haven't left any obvious clues? Could it be that there are semi-saints? How could a semi-holy powerhouse make such a despicable sneak attack?" thing?"

The senior elder suddenly frowned: "Tang Yan? Could it be them?"

Nie Yue suddenly remembered the desolate beast aura before, his eyes changed again and again, and he rushed out with everyone.

Soon, everyone gathered on a tree-lined avenue behind the other courtyard. There were dense old trees on both sides of the spacious avenue, such as Canglong Panza, which had a history of thousands of years, and each tree had traces of time.The tree-lined avenue is very calm, with occasional insects chirping, and the shadow of the moon mottled, sprinkled on the gravel avenue through the gaps in the branches and leaves.

"Is this the sole of a monster beast?" Nie Yue squatted in front of a messy pothole, as if some heavy object had hit here. The trace was very messy and stretched all the way forward.The further you go forward, the smaller the scope of each pothole, and the shallower it becomes, and finally no trace can be found.

"Each group has three soles!! Could it be the three-legged toad next to Tang Yan!"

"Despicable and shameless thing! During the day, it was agreed to go to war in 38 days, and it came to sneak attack in the blink of an eye!"

"I've never seen such a bastard!"

"Is he really from the Pure Land? I doubt it 100%!"

Everyone's face darkened, and they gritted their teeth with hatred.

Nie Yue stood up slowly, his eyes still falling on the pothole on the ground: "The Venerable Mo Chan is a second-rank Martial Venerable, Tang Yan can't be looted without saying a word, unless there is an expert to help, or..."

Another venerable elder said: "The magic cicada may not be dead yet! Let's go, go to Jin Yuanchun!!"

The three-legged toad crouched in the rubble pile not far from the boulevard, its size had shrunk to the extreme, and it completely concealed the news.And the fierce battle in the belly space of the toad also announced that it had subsided. Venerable Mo Chan was severely injured and fell into a coma, and was suppressed by Wang Yang at the lowest point, retaining only a weak vitality.

"We might have leaked it." Zhao Zimo's face darkened. After all, they were only first-rank Martial Venerables. The difference in realm was here. Even with the help of the three-legged toad, it would be difficult to kill a second-rank Venerable easily.

In fact, being able to do this to this extent is enough to be amazed, but I didn't expect Nie Yue to rush back at this time, and almost met him.

Tang Yan said: "What evidence does he have? No! There is nothing! Don't go back to Jin Yuanchun, follow me to the Sixth Princess! There are so many people testifying, and Nie Yue himself doubts what's the use."

Zhao Zimo put away the fishing rod: "That's the only way to go. Use your rogue and try to avoid conflicts."

"Who's a scoundrel! I'm shrewd!" Tang Yan snorted, and left the toad belly space together, first came to the boulevard, cleaned up the traces left by the three-legged toad, and waited for the chocolate to come back.

Nie Yue and the others left in a hurry and did not send anyone to guard this crucial piece of evidence, which happened to be an advantage to Tang Yan.

After sorting out and covering up, Tang Yan used his shadow-confusing martial arts and rushed to the Jinzun Tower as fast as he could. He left for a total of an hour. Fortunately, there were no accidents during the period.

"You were really caught?" Yan Luo looked at them in surprise.

"Of course, such a small matter can still trouble us? You've almost eaten, so I'll go shopping with you? Just buy what you like. I'll pay the full price, and it will be a small gift for the two beauties."

"No need, it's getting late, I should go back." The sixth princess is noble, she has never gone shopping with any man, let alone accepted a gift from anyone. What are the rumors.Agreeing to accompany him out tonight is already the worst decision she has made in years.

Tang Yan smiled sheepishly: "Actually...hehe...we...have encountered some small troubles, very small troubles."

"Little troubles are hard for you?" The sixth princess looked at them amusedly. Xuanyuan Longli maintained a calm and elegant smile, and calmly nodded in response to the eyes of the sixth princess. Zhao Zimo couldn't afford to lose this person and turned his head directly. Beside him, Chocolate stared wide-eyed and stared blankly at this stunning loli.

"It's like this. We did catch him, but at the last moment, we alarmed the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, so... I hope the sixth princess can help me again."

The sixth princess was helpless: "Young Master Tang, I am helping you deal with our country's holy land. It is very rare to be able to do this."

"The Heavenly Demon Holy Land doesn't seem to have much respect for the royal family, right? We are punishing, not exterminating. Sixth Princess, you are beautiful, beautiful, graceful, luxurious, and wise. Great? If I were seven or eight years younger, I would definitely bow down under your pomegranate skirt and be willing to guard you for the rest of my life. The sixth princess is a veritable person, and she will definitely be a warm-hearted person. Good people, good things will be done to the end, right?"

Tang Yan spread his perfect tongue, and praised the sixth princess until his face was full of weirdness. Zhao Zimo and others coughed frequently, while Chocolate's eyes were full of admiration. This kind of compliment is really easy and effortless.

"Is this how you chase after girls?" The sixth princess looked at Tang Yan with a funny face, and the strange thing was... there was no slight resistance in her heart.If it was normal, which apprentice dared to be so unscrupulous, without doing it himself, the nearby guards would have rushed over and taken it down.

"Speak out of feelings, please?" Tang Yan made a gentlemanly gesture of bending over and spreading his hands.

The sixth princess was a little helpless, she was silent for a while, smiled and nodded: "Let's go, let's play with you, the royal family has everything I need, you don't need to spend money."

When Tang Yan and the others left the Jinzun Building, Nie Yue and others who were about to arrive at Jinyuanchun got the news, immediately changed direction, and killed them in a mighty direction towards the inner city, their undisguised anger shocked them Many forces along the way, some people with good intentions simply followed them with great interest, so that the team grew bigger and bigger.

"Princess Six, here it is for you." Walking on the bustling street, Tang Yan casually bought an exquisite jade hairpin from a roadside stall, and held it in front of Princess Six.

"Thank you for your kindness, I don't need it." The sixth princess politely declined. The royal family has everything, all kinds of accessories can be requested, and they all have corresponding special abilities, which can be used as weapons at any time.

"Do you think of me as those apprentices who are chasing you? They are all carefully prepared luxurious objects with ulterior motives. I just look good and buy them casually. I feel that they are more suitable for your hairstyle. , the meaning is completely different. You should treat it as the first time in your life to buy a street stall, as a novelty."

"Then...well..." Sixth Princess hesitated, but still took it.

However, this random action fell into the eyes of the nearby secretly paying attention, and the meaning was completely different. They could not hear what Tang Yan and the sixth princess said, and only paid attention to certain actions.

"Tang Yan wooed the Sixth Princess, but the Sixth Princess was ashamed to accept it! Quickly send it back to the capital and report it to my emperor!" The guards of the Sixth Princess in the dark almost went crazy like frying pans, and hurriedly gathered the news, using the fastest speed out.

Yan Luo didn't want to: "Hey! Tang Yihai, where's mine? Is this girl free?"

"Who is Tang Yihai?" Tang Yan stared.

"The old pigs are called that? It's a pet name!"

"I..." Tang Yan was about to settle accounts with these bastards, but suddenly, his eyes froze, he fixed on the treasure shop in front of him in a daze, and almost ran away with his head in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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