Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 504

Chapter 504
Mu Rou was about to enter the treasure shop, but she was attracted by the noise of attention and discussion around her. Out of curiosity, she turned her head and glanced. When she looked at the past, the calm lake of her heart was like a dragonfly on the water, and suddenly there were thin ripples. , the crystal-like pupils flickered slightly, and fixed on Tang Yan without a blink.

At this moment, the warm feeling from the heart ripples, familiar and soft, warm and comfortable.

"Mu Rou, what's the matter?" Sheng Nu had already entered the treasure shop, and suddenly found Mu Rou stopped in front of our shop, and several Yaochi disciples who accompanied her also stopped strangely.

"Sister Mu Rou?" The sixth princess noticed the beautiful figure in the distance. In the bustling crowd, Mu Rou dressed in white was like a fallen fairy, with a beautiful and pure face and a temperament like a snow lotus. It is so conspicuous.

"Princess Six?" The aunt walked out of the store and immediately noticed Princess Six on the street.Although she is a little young, she can still be seen as immature, but her innate beauty and aristocratic aura born out of the royal family attract attention like a stand out from the crowd.

This is a completely different temperament from Mu Rou's beauty and purity, one is as pure as a snow mountain lotus, and the other is as fragrant as a budding tulip.

"Holy Aunt, Sister Mu Rou, I heard that you were here yesterday. I wanted to visit, but I haven't had time. Please forgive me." The sixth princess walked up happily.

The relationship between the royal family and the Holy Land of Yaochi has always been good. The gentleness and kindness of the next saint, Mu Rou, is well known throughout the country. The sixth princess also studied intensively in the Holy Land of Yaochi when she was young. maintained.

The holy lady saluted briefly: "Princess Six, you are welcome, we were supposed to visit."

"Sister Mu Rou?" The sixth princess was about to have a passionate conversation, but she found Mu Rou a little strange.The holy aunt was also curious and followed her gaze.

Tang Yan was too late to dodge, stood on the spot, smirked, scratched his head in embarrassment, and choked out a sentence: "Long time no see."

Chocolate's eyes widened, he looked at Mu Rou, then at Tang Yan, and said to the two people around him in a soft and charming voice, "Oh? This guy even hooked up with this little saint? What are you doing?"

Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli were also shocked. They knew each other?Judging by their appearance, it seems that they are more than just acquaintance!
"Long time no see." Mu Rou lowered her eyes and nodded slightly.Her voice was soft and inaudible, and her snow-white cheeks had such a slight... blush.

The holy lady and the sixth princess were very close, paying attention to each other. They looked at each other in a daze. This is totally abnormal. How could the little holy girl show such an expression?
Tang Yan smiled awkwardly, the sudden encounter caught him off guard.

The meeting on this kind of occasion is not what I want at all, at least I have to take the initiative, with elements of surprise, to let her know that I am working hard.But this occasion is really embarrassing at the moment, it seems that he was hooking up with others and was suddenly bumped into.

"You know him?" Aunt Sheng's face darkened, and it was also icy cold.Isn't this the Tang Yan I met in the Gobi Desert last night?Since entering the city, I have heard a lot about his criminal deeds, and I didn't intend to have an intersection with this kind of troubled boy.

But she never expected that Mu Rou seemed to be very familiar with him!

She had a sense of the absurd, how could this be possible?Mu Rou was the one whom I saw growing up, almost inseparable guardian. I have never seen her have a private relationship with a man. How could she be involved with a man for no reason? Is this a problematic boy?
"En." Mu Rou didn't deny it, but nodded softly.

"When did you know each other?" Sheng Nu asked with a harsh tone.This kind of performance of Mu Rou surprised her, she was caught off guard, and suddenly became very vigilant.

"Lei..." Mu Rou would not lie, she hesitated for a while before preparing to tell the truth.

Tang Yan interrupted with a heavy cough, and walked up with a smile: "A long time ago, sister Mu Rou and I..."

"Mu Rou? Sister? Presumptuous, you can call the saint by her first name?!" The saint's face turned cold, and her gaze was deeply carved on Tang Yan's face like a sharp knife.

"Holy aunt, he didn't mean anything..." Mu Rou hurriedly persuaded her.

"You actually spoke for him??" The saint's face became even more ugly.


"Explain clearly to me, how did you get in touch with him! When and what happened? Tell me the truth!" The holy lady was annoyed and angry, and she always treated Mu Rou as her daughter. Suddenly, she forgot to respect her. humble manners.

"Sister-in-law, you seem to be very arrogant?" Tang Yan narrowed his eyes, tilted his head, and stared blankly at her eyes: "In terms of position, this is your future saint, but in terms of status, isn't she Your own daughter, why are you yelling at her?"

"Sister-in-law? You call me sister-in-law?" The saint's face was livid.

Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli retreated wisely, and by the way grabbed Chocolate who was full of excitement and was about to watch a good show. The three of them ordered barbecue at the street stall, and planned to eat something to pass the time.Yan Luo looked at them in surprise, and smiled and approached them, asking Tang Yan and Mu Rou about their "passionate past" in a low voice.

"Tang Yan, how can you call the holy lady like that!" The sixth princess hurriedly made a rescue.

"What's wrong with the holy lady? Can the holy lady scold my family Mu Rou like a shrew?" Tang Yantian was not afraid of anything. He wanted to make a good impression and be as polite as possible, but this old woman dared to scold Mu Rou. He stared at him, and became angry, and stood directly between the two of them: "Girl, don't be afraid, brother is here!"


Zhao Zimo and others in the distance, and the Yaochi disciples in the treasure shop, all gasped, their mouths almost turned into an 'O' shape.This 'girl' was so soul-stirring, and the phrase 'Brother is here' was so heroic and insolent that they were so shocked that Zhao Zimo almost bit his tongue.

The six princesses opened their mouths slightly and looked at Tang Yan in disbelief.What is this for?Brazenly molesting the little saint?If this news gets out, the elders of Yaochi Holy Land must not be violent!Is this little pervert really not aware of the seriousness of the problem, or is there something missing in his head?

The holy girl's face turned from green to white, and then back to green, and a cold voice squeezed out from between her teeth: "Shameless disciple! How dare you defile my Holy Land saint, if you don't get rid of you, how can I defend the purity of my Holy Land?" reputation!"

"Are you sick? Or an endocrine disorder! Why did I become a disciple for no reason? How did you know that you saw me defile your saint?"

The holy aunt lived a lonely life and had a high status. She had never been so sharply opposed by others. She was so angry that she was ready to fight.

Tang Yan suddenly put his hands together, wrapped around Mu Rou's small waist, and twisted his head: "We are true love!"

This explosive and shocking move directly stunned the tourists all over the street, and some old guys almost suffered a heart attack.

Chocolate swallowed hard, and moaned with emotion in his weird tone: "My brother is really awesome!"

crazy!crazy!Tang Yan got into trouble!The six princesses turned pale in astonishment. Mu Rou was already the pre-appointed saint of Yaochi Holy Land. Her shocking talent even amazed the royal family, and her affinity was respected by the entire Holy Land.And her master, who is the current saint of Yaochi Holy Land, has been in seclusion for a long time and is launching an attack on the Martial Saint Realm. Let alone whether she can succeed or not, even if she fails to break through, her strength may improve by leaps and bounds, and she will become one of the semi-holy-level powerhouses. top existence.

The identity of Mu Rou's little saint is well known, and her holiness and reputation have also been preached by outsiders. No one dared to show the slightest covetousness or disrespect, but this girl was brazenly... hugged in front of everyone?

At this moment, a shocking scene was imagined in everyone's minds, that is Tang Yan was frantically hunted down by tens of thousands of disciples from Yaochi Holy Land, and the devastating blow from the wrath of the Yaochi saintess.

But what made people's jaw drop even more was that the little saint Mu Rou was just blushing in a pretty face, a little flustered and shy, and did not fight back angrily as expected.

"True love? You really are a grandma!" The holy aunt's anger reached the extreme, she uttered a fierce swear word, drew the giant sword next to her and slashed at Tang Yan.

"Hey! Why are you so unreasonable, woman?" Tang Yan picked up Mu Rou and retreated into the distance.

"You... ah!!! Let her go!!" The holy lady's anger was completely ignited, with a sharp hiss, her spiritual power surged, the epee in her hand shattered, and the majestic spiritual power surged away. Clean up everyone and everything within a hundred meters around, the shop collapsed, the stalls were smashed, and all the tourists and warriors were thrown back.

(End of this chapter)

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