Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 506 Heroes and Scoundrels

Chapter 506 Heroes and Scoundrels

"Wait! Your parents have been robbed, so you mobilize people to come to me to ask for someone? Are you sick!! I have been shopping with the sixth princess all night from dark to now, and I was just talking to Yaochi There was some friction in the Holy Land, as the whole street here can testify.

Also, Elder Mo Chan of your family is a second-rank venerable, so I am so capable that I was attacked quietly?Are you overestimating me, or your parents are always idiots?Nie Yue, I found out that you are not only sick, but also have IQ problems!If you want to find trouble, please find a reasonable reason, or just start the fight directly. Don't you feel ashamed to use this stupid method of leaking your IQ? "

Tang Yan pretended to be sad and indignant, but it aroused the sympathy of many people. Tang Yan was indeed wandering on this street all night. It seemed that he didn't have time to go to the Tianmo Bieyuan, which was half a city away, to make trouble. Besides, a second-order The elder was robbed by a sneak attack without making a sound, even the super strong couldn't do it, how could Tang Yan be implicated, after all, this is Wu Zun, not an ordinary person!

"Don't argue here, you didn't do it yourself, it was Zhao Zimo and his monster!" Nie Yue turned his cold eyes to Zhao Zimo and Three-legged Toad.

"You really have a lack of IQ. Sometimes it's me, and sometimes it's not me. I also tell you clearly that my friends are all walking here, and no one has left this street!"

The sixth princess also said: "Mr. Nie, let me uphold justice. We have been together since dark until now. If you don't believe me, you can ask all the shopkeepers present, and please take a look at the messy scene around here." , It was caused by some friction between Mr. Tang and Yaochi Holy Land. I don't know what happened to you, but this matter may really have nothing to do with Mr. Tang and the others.

And Mr. Tang is right, Elder Mo Chan is so powerful, how could he be taken away so easily?From my point of view, if it wasn't someone deliberately framing her, it was... Young Master Nie, you guys are deliberately causing trouble. "

Tang Yan couldn't help but look at her with admiration. She really deserved to be the sixth princess. This sharp retort turned her back and successfully pointed the finger at Nie Yue, and also shifted the focus of hatred to other places.

Zhao Zimo said: "I would like to ask Mr. Nie, what do you rely on to conclude that I robbed your elders? You have to pay attention to evidence to frame up, otherwise, your farce today is too clumsy."

Nie Yue's eyes swept across the chaotic streets, and then at the crowd waiting to watch the play.There was a slight hesitation in my heart, could it really not be Tang Yan?It was impossible for them to convince the whole street to help with the fraud, after all, it would be clear after a little investigation, and the sixth princess represented the royal family, so it was impossible to directly target the Heavenly Demon Holy Land.

"Mr. Nie, why don't you talk? Is it because I, Zhao Zimo, am not worthy to talk to you?"

"There are footprints left by your monsters on the boulevard!" Nie Yue finally said.

"anything else?"

"There is the breath left by your desolate beast." "That's all?? Mr. Nie, are you kidding? With a few footprints and a breath, it is a bit absurd to conclude that we hijacked your elder.

I don't need to explain too much to you, but I still can't help but want to say a few words.First of all, thank you for your praise, I, Zhao Zimo, have the prestige of being able to hijack a second-rank Martial Venerable quietly. From now on, all the Venerables in the city must be careful.Secondly, if it was really done by us, it must have been carefully planned. How could we deliberately leave obvious clues and lead you to rush over aggressively to make trouble? "

Zhao Zimo's jokes caused Nie Yue and the others to slowly diverge their murderous eyes and look at each other, but they did not open their mouths to defend themselves.

The Sixth Princess didn't want to express her position at first, but Tang Yan kept silently signaling and approached her, so she had to speak again: "Mr. Nie, if you trust me, I can testify that Mr. Tang is indeed with me all the time. Shopping with Sister Yan Luo, I don't have time to go to your place to make trouble.

By the way, let me remind you that the current situation in Blackstone is chaotic and unclear. There are many people with ulterior motives, let alone those who deliberately create troubles.Now everyone knows that you have a grudge with Mr. Tang, what if your original enemy, or someone who is deep in the city, took advantage of your conflicts to intentionally hijack Venerable Mo Chan?This possibility is not impossible.

Instead of wasting time here, it's better to carefully recall what happened, and don't be framed by others. Not only will the time to save people be delayed, but it may also be used continuously. "

The Sixth Princess once again showed her wise and shrewd side, with ingenious and gentle words, easing the tense atmosphere from the side, and incidentally making indirect remarks, soliciting the relationship between Nie Yue and the little prince without a trace.

Tang Yan walked to the front very appropriately: "If Young Master Nie is purely looking for trouble, then stop making these excuses and fight if you want to. Pull all your people out and we will stay with you to the end."

The elder beside Nie Yue reminded: "Things don't look as simple as we imagined. Tang Yan may play tricks, but the sixth princess has to consider the royal prestige, so it is impossible to collude. No matter what the facts are, the current situation is not good for us. If there is a fight, we will also be slandered by other forces, but Tang Yan has been fulfilled. I think we will leave tonight and deal with it after we find out the matter."

Nie Yue still wanted to continue to ask, but his intuition told him that this matter must have something to do with Tang Yan, but what the elder said made sense, unless he could produce decent evidence, he would only be humiliated by Tang Yan, and he would miss the rescue of Elder Mochan timing.

Tang Yan provocatively provocatively: "Master Nie? What are you hesitating about? Don't be shy, you really don't need any high-sounding reasons, just hit if you want, we'll accompany you anytime!"

"I will investigate the matter clearly. If it is really not what you did, I will personally come to apologize for what I did tonight, but if you really join forces to frame my Heavenly Demon Holy Land, you will definitely be overwhelmed and walk around. !" Nie Yue snorted heavily, his cold eyes rested on Tang Yan for a while, and he turned and left with the people from Heavenly Demon Holy Land.

"Master Nie, just leave like this? Don't discuss two moves? Talk, are you a clown, purely a joke?" Tang Yan yelled coquettishly, and Nie Yue and others who walked away angrily turned pale .

"Stop messing around, I've done my utmost benevolence today, I hope someone will remember it!" The sixth princess reminded Tang Yan as thinly as a mosquito.

"Princess Six, don't worry. Although I, Tang Yan, sometimes get a little messy, I will never cheat in repaying favors. Believe in my character." Tang Yan blinked, somewhat provocatively.

"I hope." The sixth princess exhaled softly, feeling a little tired from tonight's torment: "I've finished everything, I should go back. By the way, I would like to remind you, no matter what method you use, you must get Mo Chanzun The body of the deceased should be cleaned up, so that the Heavenly Demon Holy Land cannot be found again. Also, let this matter be exposed, and the Heavenly Demon Holy Land should not know that you did it, let alone cause conflicts between the royal family and the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, otherwise I will never take it lightly. Forgive you!"

"Take orders!" Tang Yan clasped his fists solemnly, offering the courtesy of the emperor and his ministers.

The serious expression that the sixth princess had managed to maintain was broken by his mischief, and she said with a smile: "I'm leaving. If you have anything to do, go to Yanhuang Palace to find me."

Returning to Jin Yuanchun, the four of them gathered in the room.

The three-legged toad spit out the Venerable Demon Cicada, Tang Yan put the black water leech on him, and began to wait quietly for the result.

Xuanyuan Longli sat in the corner, looked at Tang Yan quietly, and looked at him with a re-examination gaze.

Things happened one after another in one day, from setting up a banquet to being furious, from declaring war forcefully to sneak attacking at night, from robbing the saintess to retreating Nie Yue wisely, and now waiting calmly.During this period, it can be regarded as climax, which made him know and understand Tang Yan more clearly.

If you really want to make an evaluation, it's simple, shameless, rogue and unscrupulous, and a bit arrogant and domineering.It is still completely different from the expected image of heroic loyalty, and it can even be said to be two extreme conducts.

But after getting along for a long time, especially after today's observation, Xuanyuan Longli has a new idea instead.

Objectively speaking, Tang Yan's disposition is actually cunning and casual, plus he doesn't suffer any disadvantages, and he is also lawless and free and easy.In a broad sense, it is similar to evaluations such as shamelessness, but actually they are two different concepts.

Shameless rascal plus unscrupulous, and arrogant domineering.This is Tang Yan in the eyes of outsiders, and it is also the intuitive feeling that everyone will have.

Sly and easy, and lawless free and easy.This is the real Tang Yan that Xuanyuan Longli sees through, and it is also a more objective and accurate evaluation, and it is the true self under the disguise.I also have to admit that Tang Yan's cunning reveals shrewdness, his casualness reveals indifference, and his free-spiritedness has a different kind of affinity and... ruthlessness!
This world is chaotic, with heroes vying for the throne, and ancient sects fighting each other. If Tang Yan really wants to survive in this chaotic tide, Tang Yan's temperament and behavior style are actually far better than that kind of wild heroism or excessive ruthlessness. With a traitorous nature, he wants to live more chicly, live longer, and go further.

Especially in the situation where Tang Yan is destined to face more dangerous challenges, more peerless talents and ancient forces, this kind of temperament is actually very precious, and it is easier to persist until the end.

How unlucky the heroes have been since ancient times!The rogue has always existed since ancient times!
What kind of world is suitable for what kind of person, Tang Yan was not born in a huge family, without strong power support, everything needs to be created by himself, he can't be a hero, and he can't be a hero! !

(End of this chapter)

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