Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 507 Du Yang's News

Chapter 507 Du Yang's News

After a stick of incense, Chocolate noticed that Tang Yan's wrist was 'blooming' again with the pattern of the black demon flower. Tang Yan also fell silent, and hurriedly asked: "How is it?"

Zhao Zimo showed a look of attention, wanting to know more about what kind of person Tang Yan is so concerned about Du Yang.

After Tang Yan communicated with the blackwater leech for a while, the stone in his heart finally fell: "That's right, it was really Du Yang, but he escaped at the end."

"Escape? Are you sure? The three venerables teamed up to attack, and with the help of the treasure of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, how could he escape completely?" Zhao Zimo was a little surprised. Even if he cooperates with the three-legged toad, the possibility of escape is unlikely If it reaches [-]%, even if it is a life-threatening effort, it will not reach [-]%.

"The blackwater leech can only detect part of the information, and it is impossible to steal the complete memory, so it is barely certain that Du Yang escaped, and there is a special assistant by his side, and the specific situation is not clear."

"Assistant? Xu Yan?" Chocolate smiled strangely. I haven't seen that female man for many years. I don't know how aggressive she is.

Tang Yan communicated with the blackwater leech again, shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it shouldn't be Xu Yan."

"Who is Xu Yan?" Zhao Zimo asked strangely.

Chocolate grinned: "My elder brother is a mistress."

Tang Yan nodded: "Very well, when I see Xu Yan, I will convey this sentence to you intact."

Chocolate's face turned bitter, and he obediently closed his mouth.

Xuanyuan Longli asked, "How did Du Yang offend Heavenly Demon Holy Land?"

"The exact situation is unclear. The cause may be that many years ago in the Taiwu subsidence area of ​​Delos, Du Yang had a grudge against a genius descendant of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, that is, Nie Yue's younger brother, and they continued to fight and attack They killed him, causing the two sides to forge enmity.

Later, Du Yang disappeared, and the Holy Land of Heavenly Demon rushed back to Canglan Ancient Land due to the continued tense situation in the south, so the matter was left alone.

Until six years ago, when Du Yang suddenly appeared in the territory of Yan Kingdom, he had a conflict with the Heavenly Demon Holy Land due to friction and collision, leaked his identity, was chased and killed by the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, and then disappeared mysteriously again.

Two years ago, Du Yang showed up, attacked and killed a venerable demon in one fell swoop, causing the resentment between the two sides to reach the peak, setting the arrest warrant to the peak, and offering a huge reward for Du Yang's head.

The Heavenly Demon Holy Land came to Blackstone Ridge this time for another purpose. They got the news that Du Yang would be active near here, so they prepared to hunt and kill them, and made careful arrangements.

But I didn't expect that after two years of absence, Du Yang's strength had a qualitative leap again, and he almost killed the Venerable Demon Cicada. From his remaining thoughts, the black water leech could still catch a few traces of panic . "

"Promoted to Martial Master two years ago? Why is he stronger than Yun?" Chocolate was a little unbelievable. When they parted that year, Du Yang's strength was still a level behind Tang Yan's. In just a few years, he had surpassed him.

Xuanyuan Longli and Zhao Zimo look at each other, can it make Venerable Mo Chan panic?Is it because Du Yang is too powerful, or because of the help of his assistant?

Tang Yan was also surprised, but he was more excited. His pure blood destined him to have unlimited potential, and the engulfing of Lepus' original origin also destined him to grow rapidly.Being able to be promoted to Wu Zun in just nine years shows that Du Yang has obtained a new inheritance in the collapsed area of ​​Taiwu, which better integrates the origin of Usagi.

Zhao Zimo said: "Du Yang was seriously injured and fled. It is likely that he left the Black Stone Gobi to find a suitable place to cultivate. Are you going to find him?"

"Since he is deliberately hiding, I can't find it no matter how hard I look, and there's no need to look for it. Based on what I know about Du Yang, he won't let it go. This treasure appraising conference will also be an opportunity for him."

Chocolate asked, "Will he show up at the Treasure Appreciation Conference?"

"Even if he doesn't show up at the meeting, he will sneak up in the melee afterward. As long as he shows up, I can find him." Tang Yan is not in a hurry to find him now. After confirming that he has been promoted to a venerable, and there are superpowers to help him, You don't need to waste your time worrying about him.

"There should be nothing serious going on, right? There are still more than 30 days until the Treasure Appreciation Conference. I suggest you take a good rest and stop causing trouble." Zhao Zimo was indifferent by nature, and he really couldn't adapt to Tang Yan's sudden way of doing things. .

"Cultivate with peace of mind, save this old man for me first, and I will train him tomorrow." Tang Yan threw Venerable Mo Chan to Three-legged Toad.

"Rest early." Xuanyuan Longli and Zhao Zimo stood up and left.

Chocolate also gasped and prepared to leave, but was stopped by Tang Yan: "You still have tasks, don't rush to leave."

"What's the matter, you really think of me as a coolie?" Chocolate first hugged Lulu, hugged him tightly, and stared at Tang Yan vigilantly, afraid that this guy would play some tricks again.

"I'm that bad?"

"Or else?"

Tang Yan rolled his eyes, and pulled out from the golden lock the Void Spirit Stone, Vientiane Wood and Senluo Mirror bought in Jubao Hall: "You have to go back to the Dayan Mountains, and give these things to Nalantu first, and arrange them in the On the formation of the wrong space, you expand the space by the way, and then get a set of formations to me, and teach me how to use it.

When I get the five-color vine, you immediately go back and perfect the formation.If there is anything I need, I will activate the Zoyan Konghen and call the old man and the others over! "

"The idea is very good, but I have to say something. The Dayan Mountains are in a mess now, and Wagang Village may not have a chance to help you."

"Chaos? Why is it messing up again? Who is making trouble?"

"Langya Cave disappeared for no reason..." Chocolate roughly talked about what he knew, and there was not much substantive content, but the talkative brother added fuel and vinegar and cooperated with body movements, and he talked for a full quarter of an hour.

"I just left, and Dayan caused such a big mess? According to your opinion, Wagangzhai has completely turned against Shuluan Hall and Jiantai Mountain? Are your words reliable?"

"Believe it or not, believe it or not."

"Have you found out the cause of the chaos on the Shiwan Dashan?"

"Who's going to investigate? Do you want to investigate? The major gangs are either too busy to take care of themselves or are busy fighting for the blessed land. Who has the time to care about that crap. Besides, the Shiwan Mountains are more dangerous than the Dayan Mountains. Even if anyone wants to investigate, I don't have the patience either."

"Have Niya and Matthews gone out for training?"

"Isn't it? It's been almost three years." After Chocolate finished talking boredly, he suddenly regained his energy, rushed to the edge of the bed, hugged Lulu and leaned on Tang Yan, and said with a smirk: "Brother, ask What's the matter?"


"What do you think about Niya and Matthews going out to practice?"

"How do you feel? What do you think?"

Chocolate smiled evilly: "One is your wife and the other is your rival in love. The two have been missing for three years without making a sound. Don't you worry about your wife being abducted?"

Tang Yan clamped Chocolate's head with one elbow, and said bitterly, "Are you itchy?"

"This is a kind question. In terms of appearance, Matthews dumped you by several blocks. In terms of temperament, he is cold and unrestrained, obscene and obscene. In terms of martial arts and talent, Matthews is no worse than you. I really can't think of it. , Where did you get the confidence to not worry about their two handsome men and beautiful women eloping? Ah!! It hurts, it hurts, let it go! Let it go!"

Tang Yan choked Chocolate's throat tightly, gnashing his teeth with hatred: "I am handsome and handsome, how can I become obscene and obscene in your mouth? Your sister-in-law is gentle and generous, how can you become that kind of secular woman in your mouth?" If you dare to talk nonsense to me again, you and Lulu will be thrown into the pot and stewed together. Do you hear me?"

"Ahem!" Chocolate nearly rolled his eyes from being pinched, and coughed with difficulty, sticking out his tongue.

"Don't use your obscene thoughts to question us normal humans." Tang Yan shook off the chocolate, took out the spiritual source liquid in the golden lock, put it in a jade bottle and threw it to Chocolate: "Give these spiritual source liquids to Nalantu, Then hand it over to my grandfather and the tiger cavalry, most of them are king-level and clan-level, enough for them to use."

Chocolate coughed and rolled his eyes: "Rude! Niya followed you, it was a sin in the previous life!"

"Hurry up and go! Hurry up and come back!" Tang Yan kicked over.

Chocolate quickly got out of the way, and rushed into the space with Lulu in his arms, only showing his bare head: "Brother, can I have some gold coins? What if my sister-in-law comes back when I go back? And if I accidentally say something wrong, I'll let you go What should I do if all the glorious deeds such as brothel, shopping with the princess, and molesting the little saint are revealed?"

"Take it!!" Tang Yan threw out a bag of gold coins and threw them at his thief's face.

"Hey, big brother, you're so handsome!" Chocolate weighed it up, and immediately showed a bright smile.

(End of this chapter)

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