Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 508 Chaos and Stealth

Chapter 508 Chaos and Stealth
Tang Yan leaned back on the bed, grabbed the little golden monkey who was lying on its back and hugged him, and fell into deep thought.

The Dayan Mountains are in turmoil?

It can be said that what is planned depends on the people and the sky. I thought that the Dayan Mountains would be peaceful for ten years, but as soon as I left, the mountains experienced such a shocking change.But when you think about it carefully, this is also a good opportunity. Compared with the comfortable development, the way of living that is always full of crises and challenges can promote the faster integration of Wagang Village and the growth of the Tiger Cardinal Cavalry.

But why did Langya Dongtian disappear for no reason?

How to explain the abnormality of the Jedi during the day?

How could there be such a scale of riots in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and even a million monsters fleeing in terror?

There must be a deeper secret in it!
Where will Niya choose as a training place?

Tang Yan is not worried about her safety. Niya is not a reckless person. In terms of calmness and wisdom, she is stronger than herself. Years of Delos life have restricted her growth. Great opportunity for transformation.But what Tang Yan was worried about was that Niya set the goal too high, excessively explored dangerous places and secret places, and there were riots in Dayan and the ten major mountains, the danger level was several times higher than normal.

As the former number one genius of Delos and a practitioner of Sword Emperor Jue, which place would Matthews choose as his place of intensive training?
Tang Yan didn't care about Chocolate's nonsense. Matthews' character is absolutely trustworthy. It's a good thing that he secretly guards Niya.But in this silent recollection, Tang Yan concluded that Matthews would rest alone, but he had a new guess. Matthews had already fused the Lieyang Sword and was at the critical point of breakthrough, but whether he would choose to directly stimulate the power of the Fierce Sword To promote the transformation of King Jinzun, or to lay a stronger foundation at this crucial stage of the king, and then launch an impact?For example, obtain the second fierce sword, carry out fusion and condensing, and expand the potential to the extreme!

If so, would he choose to go to Biannan alone to invite the other five fierce swords in the Holy Spirit Hall? !

Thinking about the chaos in the ancient Black Stone City, the Heavenly Demon Holy Land lost an elder, and they would definitely not let it go. Although there is no definite evidence, they are not so easy to fool, and they will definitely find ways to fight back.

The alliance between Nie Yue and the little prince has become a trend, and many sectarian forces will be drawn in one after another to form a stable alliance. They will either suppress themselves in the remaining 30 days, or they will directly make a decision after the Treasure Appreciation Conference. Ultimate move, it won't make him feel better anyway.

But now Tang Yan is no longer afraid. If they attack in advance, he can use Xuanyuan Longli and Zhao Zimo to deal with it. If they attack outside the city, Du Yang is a decisive move!Ren Tianzang also will not stand idly by.Nalantu will also do its best to provide assistance. By then, Tang Yan is quite sure to fight a beautiful counterattack.

The Sixth Princess has a deep and deep heart, and she must be eager to get something in return for helping her so much. After a few days of getting along, it can be seen that she has no bad intentions, at least there is no sign of deliberately using her.

The fifth prince rarely showed up, as if he was willing to serve as a foil.But since the royal family sent him here, this person must be extraordinary. Thinking about it now, he may have been operating in secret, communicating with several other major sect academies, hoping to form a larger alliance.

As a local force, the royal family of the Yan Kingdom must not only try to control this crisis, but also obtain as many treasures as possible, so as to demonstrate the demeanor and majesty of the ancient country.

Yan Yuhan didn't show any obvious signs of hatred, but every time they met, the green fire in the depths of her sea of ​​qi would always react, and the blue flame imprint between her brows would respond vaguely, green fire Wanting to swallow it, it also waits for the opportunity.

But no matter what, Tang Yan does not expect to meet Yan Yuhan in battle. The "love sorrow" originated from Alinda has always lingered in his mind, and the blooming ice butterfly has always been imprinted in the depths of his mind, destined to become a lifetime The pain, time and space overlap, and the killing scene reappears. Tang Yan will never allow the ending to repeat itself.

He had to think of a suitable way to avoid the two sides facing each other in life and death.

Jinlou's Holy Spirit Cult has always remained calm, almost eerie.The Skyhawk Emissaries already knew their identity, and they had deliberately acted insolently in the past few days in order to attract their attention, but they were still immersed in the reconstruction of the Golden Building complex as if nothing had happened.

What the hell are they waiting for?
What are you still watching?
Could it be that the appearance of the black coffin aroused their fear?

Reminiscent of the change that happened in the black coffin that night, Tang Yan was really shocked, and he was even more sure that there was a peerless monster sealed inside, and he also thought of the black coffin found in the mysterious abyss of the psychedelic forest for a while!

Back then, a bottle of black coffin sealed two peerless venerables, what about now?
What are these black coffins?Where did it come from again?

There are also the mysterious powerhouses of Eternal Beast Mountain. It is said that they have not been active outside after entering the ancient city. When they approached, they were brutally devoured. The bloody scene once made the front of the door deserted for half a month.

Tang Yan has always wanted to visit and ask about Xu Yan's news, but according to the introduction of the sixth princess, Eternal Beast Mountain is very hostile to humans, and often hunts humans for food. If you don't know the situation and rush in, it may be self-defeating .

Then there is the upcoming Treasure Appraisal Conference, what kind of peerless treasure has attracted such a large number of experts!
The number of rare and rare high-level powerhouses soared directly to fifty or sixty, and there is still a trend of leaping.

If it was purely because of the chaos ten years ago that pushed the momentum of the Treasure Appreciation Conference to its peak, Tang Yan would never believe it. A real treasure is here!
To fight or not to fight?
It's been a long time since I calmed down to think about things. After thinking about it, Tang Yan suddenly felt that there were so many things to solve and headaches.

Fortunately, he is not a person looking for troubles. After thinking about it silently for a while, he fell asleep heartlessly. Mu Rou's shy and pure smile appeared in his sleep, and his mood suddenly became happy.

On the second day, the ancient city of Heishi was relatively calm. Small-scale conflicts occurred from time to time, but the sensational confrontation did not reappear. The forces of all parties seemed to calm down suddenly, digesting the successive major incidents in recent days.

Secret alliances happen from time to time.

It is rare for Tang Yan to be honest. He cultivated in Jin Yuanchun and seriously refined Venerable Mo Chan. Leapfrog refining is always a labor-intensive task. In order to pursue perfection and also to take the opportunity to temper the Youming Qinghuo, this painstaking refining The transformation lasted for six days and six nights.

During this period, secret forces continued to enter the ancient city of Blackstone, exacerbating its tense and chaotic situation, and the gathering of such a large number of powerful people completely exceeded the control of the four major auction houses. They had to send to the headquarters to dispatch more A lot of powerhouses arrived to discuss whether to arrange semi-holy powerhouses to sit in the ancient city of Heishi in advance, otherwise, once some unexpected changes occur, the ancient city of Heishi will become a sea of ​​riots.

It doesn't matter how many people die, and it is acceptable for a dozen people to die. The key is that each person represents a certain force. Once there are too many deaths in the ancient city of Heishi, those ancient sects will inevitably be involved.

The chaotic killing situation in the ancient city of Heishi is likely to evolve into the fuse of the riots in the ancient land of Canglan and the Central Plains.

When there is only one month left before the Appraisal Conference, the transport teams under the banner of the four major auction houses entered the ancient city from the four city gates one after another, signifying that the Appreciation Conference has entered the final preparation stage, and all kinds of treasures will arrive one after another.

Their arrival pushed the chaos of Heishi Ancient City to a fiery stage.

But at this delicate moment, an invisible stealth crisis caused a lot of fear, making many forces jealous and suspicious. In just a few days, the atmosphere in the ancient city became quiet and tense.

(End of this chapter)

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