Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 509 The Bizarre Death Incident

Chapter 509 The Bizarre Death Incident
"Where are you going?" That evening, Xuanyuan Longli came to Tang Yan's room, but was surprised to find that this guy was wearing a tight-fitting night clothes, an ancient black sword, and most of his face was covered. Stretching his body a lot, doing warm-up exercises, he suddenly thought he had been robbed.

Tang Yan was doing stretching exercises vigorously: "I'm bored and want to go out for a stroll, why are you here?"

"You don't want to make trouble again, do you?" Xuanyuan Longli looked at him suspiciously, and then corrected: "I shouldn't use a rhetorical tone, you must want to make trouble."

"How is it possible? I'm just going to see my girl. Living with a group of old women every day will affect her mental development. Tell me, what do you want me to do? You won't have to eat. It's getting late, I have to go .Such delicate little flowers need my nourishment."

"This is a serious matter, and it has already spread widely." Xuanyuan Longli sat down at the round table.

At this time, Zhao Zimo walked in: "Jiumei, why did you call us here, huh? Tang Yihai! What are you doing in night clothes and want to go out to do evil? I said you couldn't hold it anymore, so you went to the brothel Soak in a flower pond, and go elsewhere to harm other girls."

"Fuck you! Let's talk about the business first, who caused the trouble?" Tang Yan became interested and sat up at the round table.

"Three Wu Zun died last night!"

"What? Who?" Both Tang Yan and Zhao Zimo were shocked.

"Green Blood Hall, a treasure shop with a long history in Heishi Ancient City. It has a history of at least a thousand years and is very famous in the ancient city. The owner of the hall is named Venerable Green Blood. He employs six king-level guards and more than a dozen Wuzong thugs. Ordinarily, she seldom provokes disputes, and has always acted in a low-key manner, but her network of relationships is intricate, and she has contacts with many local snakes.

Last night, a total of 87 people, including Venerable Jade Blood and the six Martial Kings, as well as shop assistants and maids, all died tragically, and none of them survived.The death was very simple, and there was not even the slightest sign of struggle left.

Venerable Baichen, a reclusive old monster, a first-level martial artist, used to be active in the swamp area in the south of Yan Kingdom. He was cruel and withdrawn.

As early as three months ago, he came to the ancient city of Heishi, and he was still lonely and indifferent. He would occasionally walk around at night and shop around, and he was also not good at communicating with people.

But last night, he died tragically on the street, and was wiped out with one move, clean and tidy.

Huanming Mercenaries, a notorious mercenary team, is also a very powerful team. Its leader is Wu Zunjing, and there are only 20 members under his command, but all of them are Wu Kings.

They entered the ancient city of Blackstone two months ago, listed the killer union, and accepted employment from all parties.But because of the high price and the ugly crime, no one cares about it.

Last night, the courtyard where they lived was attacked without making any noise. The 21 people in the team were killed cleanly, and they were killed with one move, leaving no sign of resistance. "

"Last night?" Tang Yan and Zhao Zimo's faces were serious, so many high-level powerhouses were simply slaughtered to death?

"It should have happened last night, because the Jade Blood Hall, Venerable Baichen, and the Phantom Mercenary Corps all showed up last night.

But this morning... Venerable Baichen's body was accidentally found on a street corner. The Jade Blood Hall hadn't opened for business for a long time. At noon, it was smashed open by a cargo owner who picked up the goods, only to find that the hall and courtyard were full of corpses.The phantom mercenaries were discovered this evening, and the boss of the mercenary team wanted to buy them a drink, but..."

"Have you found out why?"

"Not yet. These three things happened very strangely. To be able to kill the Venerable without making a sound, his strength must be at least a Tier [-] Martial Venerable, or higher! And the three parties who died basically have no connection. , there is no conflict of interest, and it is difficult to find out any clues.

Now this incident is full of disturbances. As the masters of the ancient city, the four major auction houses have begun to jointly investigate. Some people associate this incident with the disappearance of Venerable Mo Chan ten days ago, and suspect that it is the same person. "

"Hey, it helped us resolve a crisis. Now Nie Yue shouldn't be in the mood to doubt us anymore." Tang Yan pulled the corners of his mouth, trying to laugh but couldn't: "According to what you mean, it might be a semi-holy-level strongman." Those who came to the ancient city of Heishi?"

"The possibility of semi-holy-level powerhouses is unlikely. There has been an unwritten rule in previous Treasure Appreciation Conferences. The four major auction houses will send semi-holy-level powerhouses to sit in the ancient city to maintain order fairly, but any external forces will not It is allowed to have strong people of the same kind to enter.

After all, semi-saint powerhouses are too terrifying. Such characters can destroy this ancient city with a single hand and flip of their palms, and respectable powerhouses can also be easily killed, which is not at the same level at all.

Otherwise, with the allure of this Treasure Appreciation Conference, there will definitely be more than one semi-sacred powerhouse coming in person.

However, the circumstances of this year's Treasure Appreciation Conference are special. It is difficult to say that the four major auction houses can maintain their power, and the possibility of a semi-sage coming may not be ruled out.

However, semi-holy-level powerhouses are often hidden masters, or the ancestors of some super ancient sects. They will not do such despicable things such as assassination, not to mention whether they have any enmity, and more people suspect it is A third-tier warrior who is good at assassination. "

"How many Tier [-] Martial Venerables are there in Heishi Ancient City?"

"According to President Ye's investigation, there are only five of them, the Second Elder of the Yaochi Holy Land, the Venerable Thunder Witch of the Great Witch Holy Land, a supreme powerhouse of the Tianyuan Empire's royal family, Dao Baiyan of the Tianyuan Empire's Martial Temple, and Dao Baiyan. There is a demon master from Eternal Beast Mountain. As for whether there are other hidden old monsters, it is not sure for the time being."

Tang Yan tapped the table with his fingertips: "One wave of unrest and another wave, I think this treasure appraisal conference will get out of control sooner or later, unless the royal family of Yan Kingdom sends more powerful people to sit in control, otherwise... this session of treasure appraisal This conference may be the last."

"The royal family of the Yan Kingdom wants to take control, but the ancient city of Heishi is a chaotic place, and it is also close to the Central Plains. With the clamor of the Tianyuan Empire, the future of the Yan Kingdom may be full of disasters.

Didn’t you see that Yan State only sent Yan Yuhan, not even a third-rank venerable?

However, the Fifth Prince and the Sixth Princess are well-known in the imperial family, and Emperor Yan sent them to sit in the township with another meaning. He hoped that they could take advantage of the chaos and recruit an alliance to control the situation with a gentle attitude. "

When Xuanyuan Longli said these words, Tang Yan and Zhao Zimo looked at him differently.

The eldest son of Dihuang's vision is really extraordinary, and it reminds Tang Yan of Nalantu. If they can become friends with each other in the future, Xuanyuan Longli will probably become the closest comrade-in-arms with Nalantu, and they will complement each other in terms of strategy. .

Zhao Zimo said: "Hundreds of forces are mixed together. I think they can get along peacefully. In my opinion, more accidents will definitely happen in the later stage. For the first time, you should stay at home honestly. Now the whole city is arresting you." As for the murderer, you are a problematic person, and if you sneak out dressed like this, I can guarantee that all the detective teams will lock on you, and there will be no place for you to cry."

"As long as they have some brains, they won't waste time on this little guy like me. If I could kill so many people easily, I would have slipped into the treasure house of the auction house long ago. Well, these accidents are too weird, so let's Let the big shots make trouble, we ordinary people can do whatever we want."

Tang Yan entrusted the little golden monkey to Xuanyuan Longli, stretched his limbs again, and prepared to leave.

"You really want to go out? The murderer hasn't been caught yet, aren't you afraid of danger?"

"Dangerous, what danger can I have? If that murderous brother wanted to trouble me, he would have come a long time ago. I have to go to my girl. I haven't seen her for a few years. I have to cultivate my relationship carefully. You hear, I will wash up today. After taking a bath three times, it exudes a delicate fragrance from the inside out."

Zhao Zimo rolled his eyes: "Come on, you, even if you wash it ten times or eight times, you still can't wash away the coquettish smell that radiates from the inside out."

Xuanyuan Longli almost sprayed it before he swallowed a sip of tea.

"You owe a beating?! Little San, let's go and pick up a girl." Tang Yan reached out and grabbed the three-legged toad.

"Don't even think about it!!" The three-legged toad rushed out, squinting at him: "Are you not afraid that I will spit you into that second elder's boudoir again?"

"Pretend I didn't say it." Tang Yan dodged and rushed out.I didn't intend to count on the three-legged toad at first, this toad has a bad heart, not to mention the boudoir, even the couch of the second elder.He didn't want to rush out excitedly, open his eyes, and hug the second elder on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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