Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 510 Little Saint

Chapter 510 Little Saint

Tang Yan used the stone frog seal to suppress and hide his aura, and even used the seal of the soul to subtly seal his deep-seated strength for a little bit.

Even if a third-rank Martial Master makes a rough inspection, he will be treated as an ordinary person, at most a powerful Martial Master.

The key is to hide the aura so that it is not easy to be found.

If Master Dukong is still alive, knowing that Tang Yan is using the martial arts he has painstakingly experienced during his travels in the mainland to pick up girls, he doesn't know how he should feel.

But... If you know that Tang Yan is after Mu Rou, maybe you will be a little relieved.

"Brother Hei, what's going on? Haven't started yet?" Tang Yan lurks in the corner of the Yaochi courtyard, keeping an eye out for the silent courtyard.

The blackwater leech was very entangled, and even his usual calm tone was obviously helpless: "Tang Yan, I have been reduced to your weapon of picking up girls after Jinzun. Isn't my fate a bit bleak?"

"This is for entertainment and leisure. By the way, you can exercise your ability to control the ecstasy mist. After 30 days, it will definitely be a fierce battle, and then you will be in exile. It will be difficult for you to live such a leisurely life by then."

Tang Yan has already made up his mind to go all out after the Treasure Appreciation Conference. The situation has become so chaotic. Either retreat early, or simply be the craziest. It is really a last resort. veins can be revealed.

"Well, whatever you say makes sense." The blackwater leech had nothing to do with him, and patiently released a thin mist of fascination, which diffused into the depths of the courtyard. It only needed to bring a slight fascination effect, Otherwise, it is easy to backfire, and by the way, search for potential disciples who may exist in an ambush.

With 100% energy, Tang Yan carefully approached the inner courtyard according to the guidance and cleanup of the blackwater leech, and sneaked towards the small courtyard where Mu Rou was located without any danger.

This combination of man and beast is a perfect match, and the thief sneaked in.

But... they still underestimated the strength of the second elder of Yaochi Holy Land, and underestimated the detection ability of the third-rank Martial Lord. At first, the second elder didn't think that someone would dare to provoke Yaochi Holy Land, so they didn't deliberately vigilant, but after the bathroom incident, basically The entire courtyard will be inspected regularly every day, especially after the sneak kill last night, today's inspection frequency has increased a bit.

Just as Tang Yan sneaked into Mu Rou's courtyard, the second elder also caught the thin mist floating in the other courtyard of Yaochi.With a move of his hand, the originally insignificant mist gathered in a large area, and gradually became thicker, trapped by a blooming white lotus, quietly in front of his eyes.

When the fog is thin, it will hardly attract anyone's attention, but it is so forcibly compressed and condensed, and it is a deliberate detection, but it can no longer be concealed.

The Second Elder's eyes turned cold, and after a little thought, the first thing he thought of was the mysterious killer who appeared last night.The second elder's guess after getting the news was that he was able to kill a respectable person silently.

And isn't it the ecstasy in front of him?

Could it be that the mysterious killer wanted to attack the holy land of Yaochi, causing even greater chaos?

The second elder's expression became more and more cold, but he didn't feel impulsive. After thinking for a while, he got up and left the bedroom, planning to contact the holy aunt first, and rush to Mu Rou's room together.

She doesn't know the true strength of this mysterious killer, so her first task is to be careful and rush to Mu Rou's room to gather. The combination of the three can not only ensure Mu Rou's safety, but also deal with various emergencies.

"Hi! Beauty, I see that you are frowning and looking sad, are you thinking about your lover?"

Mu Rou was sitting on the bed with her eyes closed, she was suddenly awakened by these words, and when she glanced around, she was startled at first, and then her face was full of embarrassment.A head poked out from the open window, with a bright red flower in its mouth, winking at her.

"You're really here, I'm not afraid that the aunt will catch you." Mu Rou lightly pursed her red lips, a little shy, and even a little playful that was rarely seen.

"It doesn't matter what I do, can she catch me? In the next life." Tang Yan jumped in from the window, closed all the doors and windows, and fixed the latches.

Mu Rou panicked: "You...what are you doing..."

"So as not to disturb anyone, today is the official meeting of our long-lost reunion, so we must be quiet." Tang Yan came to Mu Rou, bowed affectionately, put his left hand on his chest, and held up a flower with his right: "Pretty girl, please accept my belated condolences. This flower represents my deep obsession with you."

"You're naughty." Mu Rou had never received such blunt and nasty confession words before, her fair and pretty face suddenly turned red like a red apple, she was indescribably shy and charming.

"How can this be naughty, this is my true confession. Remember our token of love? At that time, I could only give you a small one, but now I can give you... such a big one!"

Tang Yan took out a brocade box and slowly opened it. The refined second-order spiritual source liquid lay quietly inside, like emerald green pearls, emitting a dazzling clear luster and rich spiritual power.

He carefully refined this spiritual source liquid for six days and six nights, devouring all the resentment and soul inside, and condensed it repeatedly. This is a very pure spiritual source liquid, pure without a trace Impurities.

Mu Rou grew up in the holy land of Yaochi, a world full of women, and even men are rarely seen, let alone Tang Yan's straightforward love for Chi Guoguo, which immediately confused her.

Fortunately, I have prepared in advance, so I won't be scared.

"It's such a rich spiritual power, where did you get it?" Mu Rou looked at the lush green spiritual source liquid in surprise.

"Look, what a romantic courtship ceremony, and you just respond like this? It hurts my heart too much." Tang Yan curled his lips a little discouraged, and closed the brocade box with a snap.

"I... I was wrong..." Seeing Tang Yan's face change, Mu Rou panicked, pursed her lips and lowered her head.

"Correct if you know a mistake, you're still a good boy. Come on, I'll teach you." Tang Yan showed a bad smile, took Mu Rou's delicate little hand, and caressed it involuntarily: "You should take the brocade box affectionately." And flowers, showing a happy and intoxicated look, and then staring at my eyes with blurred eyes, come on, try it."

Not only did Mu Rou's pretty face look like a red apple, her whole body was burning hot, she was a little dizzy, and felt like she was about to faint. She really couldn't stand Tang Yan's aggressive attack.

"I...I won't..."

"Take your time, I'll teach you." Tang Yan really liked this kind and shy little girl, she was like a piece of white paper, and also like a budding snow lotus.

Mu Rou wanted to pull her hand back, but Tang Yan squeezed it hard, and kept kneading her, which made her short of breath, nervous, and her cheeks burned with shame, letting Tang Yan manipulate her.

"It's started, hold it with both hands."

"Eyes, pay attention to your eyes, be blurred."

"There's still this shyness."

"Yeah, you did a good job, that's all."

"Be shy, oh, it's so beautiful."

"Say it one more time, I am willing, hiss... that sounds good, let me say one more sentence..."

"Then, put it next to the bed, put away the brocade box, show a happy expression, and then...hug me..."

Tang Yan is like a big bad wolf, step by step, luring the lost and flustered lamb, stepping towards the abyss of evil.

"Who wants to hug you?" Mu Rou used to look for an opportunity to pull out her hand, squeezed her hand awkwardly, lowered her blushing pretty face forcefully, her voice was as soft as a mosquito, but there was a delicate smile on the corner of her mouth.

I have been practicing since I was a child, and practicing again, no one has ever joked with me, and I have always deliberately catered to the master and the elders. Only when I am with Tang Yan can I feel so relaxed and worry-free Carefree feeling.

She... likes it very much... "Why are you ashamed, I forgot that I saw your body when I was in Thunder Cloud Mountains."

"You...don't say it! He was too young at the time."

"Huh? Are you sensible now? It's better, let's talk about marriage." Tang Yan leaned against Mu Rou, and Mu Rou hurriedly moved away. By the side, Tang Yan and Tang Yan are about to squeeze together.

" move to the side...Nano..."

"Why? It's an old couple's business, it's such a mess."

"You're such a rascal, who's married to you."

"We, baby, are married. We have been married for more than 20 years."

"Don't fool me again, I don't believe it, how can there be any baby relatives."

"How can you doubt this? At the beginning, your parents and I planted love seeds in us, otherwise we would have fallen in love at first sight? How could there be such a wonderful warm feeling?"

Tang Yan really loved Mu Rou's soft and shy cuteness, but he couldn't bear to attack her again. She was like a porcelain doll, too rough and easy to break.

"Whoever feels warm with you is lying." Mu Rou blushed, lowered her head vigorously, and quietly reached out her hand, tentatively trying to push Tang Yan away.

Tang Yan took advantage of the situation to hold her, and with a puff of breath, he hugged her whole in his arms.

Mu Rou let out a coquettish cry, and her delicate body tensed up immediately, as if she was about to stop breathing.

But at this very moment, the two of them felt an inexplicable sense of tenderness at the same time, it was very strong, their heartbeats accelerated at the same time, and they thumped violently.

Tang Yan felt that Qihai Buddha's heart responded again, a very warm reaction.

Before they knew it, both of them became quiet, immersed in this subtle and strange heartbeat.

"Did you feel it? This is the kind of love, the kind of love we are destined to be together." Tang Yan hugged Mu Rou's stiff body with his arms around her, lying on her blushing neck, his voice as soft and gentle as possible .

"You're lying." Mu Rou shyly murmured, but her delicate body softened a little bit, limp on Tang Yan's body, and said in a soft voice: "Do you say that to every girl you see. "

"How is it possible!! Your words hurt my heart."

"Shame, I've heard about you a long time ago, even Aunt Yan Yuhan has adjusted her breath."

"Uh... that was... pure accident..."

"What about last night? You went shopping with the sixth princess and gave gifts..."

"Is there?" Tang Yan's eyes were a little erratic.

"No?" Mu Rou sat up gently, looking at him with bright big eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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