Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 526 mad at you

Chapter 526 mad at you

"Do you still want to swallow me?" Tang Yan suddenly leaned closer to Yan Yuhan's ear, and giggled in a low voice.

"If you go wrong, I will have no fear." Now it is not about devouring Tang Yan, but to prevent this guy from using the name of Chenyuan Pavilion to frame him.Yan Yuhan made it clear that I can give up this idea, but if you want to devour me with evil plans, I will definitely fight back without fear.

"Why am I willing?" Tang Yan blinked, taking advantage of his unpreparedness and people's indifference, he made a reckless move, the tip of his tongue touched the earlobe in front of him like lightning, and swished five steps away , pretending to be indifferent and coughing dryly: "I'm going to visit my nephews."

Yan Yuhan was a little dazed, and then her face was icy cold, but guarding the pagoda, the sixth princess and others, she really didn't want to have a fit, so she couldn't say that she was molested by Tang Yan just now?Or was... kissed on the private earlobe?

He gave him a vicious look, and said calmly: "The Appraisal Conference has a clear rule that during the appraisal period, the various suites are not allowed to interact with each other at will, so as not to damage the fairness of the bidding, and also to prevent fights. You have become the focus, Doesn't it feel a bit publicized to go out again?"

The sixth princess didn't notice the abnormality, so she also blocked her way: "There is only the last stage left, so don't be in a hurry. Wait patiently, the next step may be to go to the Zijin war halberd."

"Okay, I'll go later." Tang Yan sat next to Nalan Yanran, away from Yan Yuhan.

"The third treasure-appreciating item comes from Prince Jing's Mansion. I don't need to explain the details. The starting price is one million gold coins, and the price increases by [-] each time." Qin Hentian was a little impatient when he showed the purple gold war halberd.

Everyone knows the origin of this halberd, and everyone understands the purpose of today's display.

This is not so much a bidding, but rather a 'competition'. He, a super strong third-rank martial artist, has to be a spearman, and he feels a little uncomfortable.

Tang Yan smiled, walked to the front of the screen, and said, "I'll pay 500 million!!"

"Tang Yan, you're bullying too much!!" In the other suite, the little prince was angry and ashamed.After all, the Zijin War Halberd was finally displayed at the Treasure Appreciation Conference. This is simply a slap in the face of Chiguoguo, and it is still the kind of crackling sound. This bastard directly soared to 500 million, which is obviously an intentional stimulus.

"I'll pay... 550 million?" Someone in the stands yelled, obviously it came from some big families, or directly from the power of the Central Plains, and they were not afraid of the prestige of Prince Jing's Mansion.

"I like this halberd very much, let's buy it for 600 million." Someone in a certain suite also shouted a high price. I don't know if it was deliberately to stimulate the little prince, or to sell the face of Chenyuan Pavilion, or it was purely for fun.

All in all, amidst the laughter, the price soared all the way, reaching 950 million gold coins in the blink of an eye.

The little prince's face was livid with anger: "I will offer 1000 million, Tang Yan, come on, keep coming, I will play with you to the end!!"

"Okay, the little prince is courageous, so I will... just pay 2000 million directly!! The back wall of my hut is about to collapse, and I have been looking for a strong iron rod to support it. I think this one is just right. Grandpa There is no shortage of money, what is played is taste."

Wow! !Fierce laughter and frivolous whistles echoed in the magnificent hall, and they rang together. Even those young masters who hated Tang Yan were blown away by these explosive words.

"It's too bad." The fifth prince shook his head and smiled wryly. He could completely imagine the little prince with his face livid and nostrils puffing, using the little prince's treasures to cover the wall of the hut?This... is too bullying... "Only you can do this kind of thing." The sixth princess didn't know whether to laugh or be depressed, and she was really afraid of being infected by being with this guy all day long.

If it was before, they still wanted to persuade Tang Yan not to go too far, so as not to offend Prince Jing's mansion, but with the deliberate support of Chenyuan Pavilion, even the royal family of Yan Kingdom would not have to worry about this guy.

Yan Luo laughed, laughing at Tang Yan's immorality for a while, and laughing at the wonderful face of the little prince at the moment, even Nalan Yanran smiled, and took another look at him quietly, just in time Tang Yan had seen it A frivolous wink made her blush.

After the Fuguidian incident ended that day, Yanluo left a "teaching" mouse in the ruins, and eavesdropped on the content of the little prince's negotiations with the Fuguidian.Their plan is to follow Tang Yan to keep raising the price, and suddenly stop at the last moment, let the Zijin War Halberd fall into Tang Yan's hands at a super high price, slap him hard, and then join forces in the melee stage Get back the Zijin War Halberd.

But Tang Yan was even worse. If he said what he said today, the little prince would have to take the things back no matter what he said.Otherwise, if the news gets out, his reputation will definitely be the same as Tang Yan's thatched hut, which is stinking to the sky, and it is likely to become a notoriety that will accompany him throughout his life, or he will become a demon.

"I'll offer 100 million!" The little prince gritted his teeth in hatred.

The two venerables of Taiyin and Taixu also gritted their teeth, it was too deceiving!It's so deceiving!
What happened today was reported back to Prince Jing's mansion. I don't know how angry the prince will be, and whether he will vent his anger on them!Prince Jing's Mansion is well-known in the Yan Kingdom, and it is as powerful as the Zhen Guo General's Mansion and the Three Holy Lands. Since entering the ancient city of Heishi, they have almost been ashamed all the way, and they have never had a chance to show their majesty. Yan's words turned into a joke.

"My lord, proceed according to the original plan, and give him a slap in the face! Anyway, I have already lost face, and I can't continue to act arrogantly according to him, otherwise it will appear that we are too cowardly."

"As long as Tang Yan can be defeated after the Treasure Appreciation Conference and trampled under his feet, all dignity can be recovered and our power can be reproduced."

"As for the Chenyuan Pavilion...we defeated Tang Yan, but we didn't want his life. Let's leave him alone. Chenyuan Pavilion is the lord of the Pure Land, and his compassion shines in the Central Plains, so we won't pursue too much."

"Be patient for a while, take a step back. If you can give Tang Yan a hand, it can be regarded as us moving back to the game a little bit. It's better than being led by the nose like this. As for the dignity of the can get it back later. Little prince , think twice!!"

"Okay! That's it!" The little prince's livid face was a bit hideous.

Tang Yan sat on the soft couch and said leisurely: "Why doesn't the little prince continue? Is it just this courage? I'm sorry for your prince's name? Do you dare to continue? We will come here by thousands of thousands? Let me first 7000 million!!"

"Okay! If you dare to come, I will dare to come! I will offer 8000 million!!"

quiet! !Just when everyone was ready to watch the show with smiles, Tang Yan, who called out for a price tag of tens of millions, immediately misfired and didn't hold back a word for a long time.

In an instant, everyone seemed to be back at the opening stage. After a little silence, the corners of thousands of people's eyes twitched fiercely, and their hearts wailed in pain, what a bastard!Death does not pay for death!

The little prince stared at the screen, and was ready the moment Tang Yan raised the price by tens of millions. As soon as Tang Yan called out the second price, he would stop immediately and not increase the price, lest Tang Yan would play tricks again. This can be regarded as the safest strategy.

However, after all, he still underestimated Tang Yan's cunning. After raising the price, he didn't even mention it again, and just misfired.

Taiyin Taixu suddenly snorted, his face turned pale, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his expression was extremely sad and angry. They lived for more than half a year, and today they were angered and suffered internal injuries!

"Little prince? Are you still alive? I suddenly remembered that your stick is too ugly and not in my taste. I am very particular about it. Although it is only supporting the wall of the hut, I still have to be careful about it. Save it, let it go to you, 8000 million to buy your own things, you are so open! I thank you for Jubaodian."

The sound of Tang Yan's beating came from the suite, which felt weird to anyone's ears.

At this moment, most people have an idea in their hearts, don't provoke this guy, otherwise they will die miserably!
"Tang Yan!!" The little prince's chest heaved violently, and a voice of resentment came out from between his teeth. He clenched his hands tightly, and the sound of creaking joints rubbing against each other echoed in the suite.A wave of resentment ignited from his chest and spread to his whole body, as if to burn him down.

"Poor guy, playing dirty tricks with Tang Yan? You don't even know how you died." The sixth princess and others shook their heads secretly.

Tang Yan approached Nalan Yanran, and said with a soft smile, "Do you like heroes who put on airs? Or do you appreciate little bastards who can always think of ways to protect you?"

"I..." Nalan Yanran faltered, her pretty face blushing.

"If you let Nalantu know that you are molesting his sister, why not beat you?" Zhao Zimo said angrily.

"This is called love and protection. A wretched guy like you doesn't understand the love that a brother has for his sister." Tang Yan straightened his clothes and walked to the screen with a smile: "8000 million, guess what, the little prince is crying , are you still laughing?"

(End of this chapter)

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