Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 527 Six-winged Qingpeng

Chapter 527
"Tang Yan, do you really intend to kill the venerable Prince Jing's mansion in the Black Stone Gobi?" As the princess of the empire and the spokesperson of the royal family, the sixth princess had no choice but to ask Tang Yan.

This guy looks naughty and perverted, laughing and cursing is not upright, but it is this kind of person who is the most dangerous and vicious type, who can make him fall in love with him, and he can do whatever he wants, but if people It's not pleasing to the eye, and the shot is absolutely ruthless and cruel.

But although Prince Jing's mansion is not on good terms with the royal family, it still retains the blood of the royal family and is also the mainstay of Yan's power. Unless it is absolutely necessary, she doesn't want to get into too much trouble with the young prince.

"If I let him go, will he let me go?" Tang Yan asked casually, and continued to look at the new baby displayed on the screen with great interest.

"What I mean is, you can punish him a little bit, and don't kill him."

"Cut the grass and leave the roots, and there will be endless disasters. Sixth princess, don't you understand this truth? If it were you, you would have a hidden danger of hating yourself and thinking about yourself every day?" Tang Yan looked at the sixth princess with a smile However, this smile made many people feel chills.

Sure enough, this guy is a ruthless master!

The sixth princess stopped persuading, but exchanged glances with Yan Yuhan indiscriminately. After the scuffle broke out, she should stop Tang Yan a little accordingly, lest he really kill the little prince. If Tang Yan is wanted, the royal family will not be able to explain it, and it will be difficult to continue to hire Tang Yan as a first-class royal enshrinement. My efforts in the past few months will be in vain.

"The fourth baby-appreciating object, a treasure, is the Lieyang Earth Bow. The starting price is a spirit-level mid-level martial skill!"

"The fifth baby-appreciating object, a high-level spiritual-level martial skill, nine-turn Xuanming, the starting price--treasure exchange! The client will decide the final result!"

"The sixth baby-appreciating object, a second-level monster master, a baby sea crystal lizard buried, the starting price--spirit-level high-level martial arts, or a monster cub of the same level!"

"The seventh treasure-appreciating object, high-level spirit-level martial arts, 36 forms of beheading, the starting price - Yaozun, high-level spirit-level martial arts, and treasure exchange. The bids will be made by everyone present, and the result will be determined by the consignor. "

... "No. 15 Jianbao objects, Tiandi Lingbao, Beidou Xuanzhu, starting price - one million gold coins, one hundred thousand each time."

"No. 16 pieces of baby-appreciating objects, top-notch treasure Guishui mirror, starting price - prefecture-level martial arts!!"

"No. 17 baby-appreciating objects, the top treasure star blade, the starting price - earth-level martial arts, treasures of the same level, or cubs of the third-order demon master! The final result will be determined by the consignor."

... "No. 30 The three treasure-appraisal artifacts have been confirmed by the four auction houses. The essence of things does not really disappear, but temporarily lives in the mirror world.

If you can smelt the mirror of nothingness into yourself, you can smelt a virtual realm in your body, incarnate as the master, and you can bring the enemy into it, and control its life and death!There is no starting price, please set your own price, and the consignor will decide the result. "

In the thunderous screeching, the treasures were finalized one by one, and the level of the treasures gradually increased until the third was three treasures, which was the fourth to last treasure. The spiritual 'Lingbao' was revealed, and immediately A majestic palace.

Some people have long heard of the reputation of the Illusory Mirror, even if they didn't know it, their hearts were moved by Qin Hentian's introduction, and no one could restrain their excitement and peeping.

"This is a virtual realm, which is equivalent to a perverted realm!" The sixth princess's eyes flashed brightly, and her heart was full of excitement. In the previous bidding, with the help of Tang Yan, they successfully bid for three treasures. However, after the exhibition of the illusion of nothingness, I still couldn't help but be moved.

"Are you three idiots? Why don't you bid on a single treasure?" Yanluo looked at Tang Yan, Zhao Zimo, and Xuanyuan Longli strangely. These three weirdos were always calm, at most curious, or Just watching the fun, I didn't see the slightest hint of excitement.

"No money." Tang Yan and the three said in unison, Lingbao?
There are countless treasures on Tang Yan, let alone spiritual treasures, Buddha's heart, ancient sword, blood soul tree, which one is not a peerless treasure; Wrapped in secret treasure, he also doesn't care about these.As for Zhao Zimo, indifference is just one of them. His fishing rod, fishing line and hook are not top soldiers, and the three-legged toad on his shoulder is a desolate beast with the blood of an ancient fierce beast, which is the same level as a holy beast!

It seems that they are dressed in ordinary clothes, but the treasures of their bodies are shaking out, which is enough to cause a sensation in the ancient land of Canglan.

A fierce competition unfolded, whether it was the powerful forces in the suite or some hermits and old monsters in the stands, they all tried their best to win the mirror of nothingness. The competition lasted for a long time, and finally in the Under the reminder of the client behind the scenes, the Illusory Mirror was handed over to the Martial Saint Hall of the Tianyuan Empire at the price of... an elementary martial skill at the earth level, the Da Geng Demon Sword Formation! !

"No. 30, the four baby-appraisal objects, have been jointly verified and confirmed by the four auction houses. These are the eggs of the six-winged green roc, with strong signs of life. The six-winged green roc is the murderer of the sad wasteland in the east of the Central Plains. Possessing part of the blood of the ancient golden-winged roc, it can resist the blue sky at the top, deter the wilderness at the bottom, and the level of monsters can be classified as semi-sacred. Please bid for it yourself, and the highest bidder will get it."

"I'll give you the ultimate treasure, the Youhuo Clock!" Qin Hentian had just finished speaking, when there was a price call from the suite.

"I don't know how to live or die! How can there be a bid? This is obviously a scam!!" Tang Yan suddenly regained his energy, rushed to the screen and snorted coldly.

"I bid my price, what does it have to do with you!" The person bidding in the suite snorted dissatisfied.

"I'm doing this for your own good. Let's not say it's just an egg. It's the same thing whether it hatches or not. Even if it hatches, it's just a little guy with no hair. If you want to raise it from childhood to adulthood, it's one thing. But how much time you have to spend, how many heaven and earth spirit treasures, and how many demon venerables are used as food to fight against the semi-holy beasts. With these resources, you can cultivate yourself into a semi-holy by force.

Besides, you really don't know how to live or die, your egg is taken up for auction, and you still have to take it away to play with, will you go crazy?Its mother is Qingpeng with six wings, who dominates the Sad Wasteland, and suddenly finds that her child is gone. I don’t know what kind of rush it will be. With the sensation caused by the Treasure Appreciation Conference, her child appeared here. They must rush over here in such a hurry that when the time comes, you will be killed without a way to go to heaven or to go to earth. Not only will the eggs be snatched away, but you will be tossed to death as food for its children. "

Tang Yan's moaning words made the bidders in that suite completely quiet, and many people who had already opened their mouths to bid were also hesitantly clicking their mouths, and finally closed them all. .

"Hmph!! You want to cheat again, you are going to suppress others, take it yourself." The angry little prince taunted.

"Me? Just kidding, I can't exchange earth-level martial arts, I can't raise a half-holy bird, and I don't want to be hunted down by the six-winged green roc all over the world."

"Can you guarantee that you won't buy it?"

"Do you have dog hair stuffed in your ears? Didn't you hear what I just said? This thing is a scam. Whoever buys it will be fooled, and whoever buys it will suffer. Besides, with such a good thing, why didn't the consignor keep it for himself? Cultivation, in the future, there will be a semi-holy beast as a bodyguard, wouldn't it be better than other treasures? I guess, probably because they knew the news had been leaked, they were also worried that they would not be able to keep them, so they hurriedly threw them up for auction at the Treasure Appreciation Conference."

Qin Hentian's expression was not good: "Young Master Tang, please do not disturb the order of the Treasure Appreciation Conference once. If you commit the crime again, you will be expelled from the Treasure Appreciation Hall immediately."

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything." Tang Yan coughed three times and sat back on the soft couch.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Yan Luo really couldn't figure out how this guy acted.

Tang Yan blinked, and said with a bad smile: "I think this thing is pretty good, give it to my family Mu Rou as a gift."

Everyone rolled their eyes at the same time, so they knew they had no good intentions.

In the suite of Yaochi Holy Land, Mu Rou received Tang Yan's "cough" signal, and signaled to the holy lady: "It's time to start, take down the cub of the six-winged Qingpeng."

"This thing is quite useful." The second elder's expression was as cold and arrogant as usual, and there was a hint of joy in his tone.A semi-holy-level ferocious bird, even if it costs a lot of spiritual treasures, is still worth having. As for the anger of the six-winged green roc, it should either not come. A helper is enough to force it to stay, and being a guardian holy beast can kill two birds with one stone.

Tang Yan's words are equivalent to clearing a lot of obstacles, and there are only a few who are capable of competing with Yaochi, so they should be able to win.

Soon, the auction for this semi-holy demon egg ended in a blink of an eye. The Holy Land such as the Heavenly Demon and the Great Witch, as well as the Tianyuan royal family had participated, but Tang Yan sneered and ridiculed a group of people who were very popular. In the end, it was exchanged for a top-notch treasure.

The enraged client yelled at the backstage, if it wasn't for the things on display that couldn't be taken back, he really wanted to rush over and get them back.

"Holy aunt, have you changed your opinion of him? Go back and ask Master for help." Mu Rou hugged the cyan demon egg she had exchanged for, with a happy smile on her face.

"After I go back, I won't say anything. I'll let you and the elder explain. Are you satisfied?" The holy lady sighed angrily, and glanced at the second elder who had been acting weird recently, secretly wondering if the elder was swollen. What a.

(End of this chapter)

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