Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 528

Chapter 528
"No. 30, five pieces of precious treasures, three drops of blood essence, originated from a fallen saint, which contains surging blood essence." Qin Hentian showed a delicate seven-colored jade bottle, and the seven-colored rays shone everywhere Looking at the spacious [-]-meter stone platform, it is gorgeous and colorful, dazzling, and wafts a faint fragrance, which is refreshing.

The colorful glow is like a cage, imprisoning the five drops of blood in the jade bottle.

The drops are like jade, and the grains are like red beads.

At the moment it was exhibited, a thick blood energy filled the magnificent palace through the colorful rays of light, and passed into the nasal cavity of everyone present. Those with weaker strength suddenly felt chest tightness, and the blood flowed backward, as if they were about to break their bodies and die. out, the pain was unbearable.

Everyone was horrified, and hurriedly used martial arts to suppress it.

"The blood essence of the fallen saint?"

"The Four Auction Houses are so generous!!"

"There is blood, and even more the unique coercion of a martial saint."

"After falling for a long time, he still has such power, how powerful this Martial Saint must have been in his lifetime."

"Whatever he does, I care about these three drops of blood!!"

The atmosphere in each suite became hotter, and the surging blood essence could be felt through the jade bottle. This was probably the blood essence left by a super-level martial saint, or a martial saint who studied blood cultivation.

Tang Yan suddenly felt his heart beating faster, pounding, echoing in the eardrum.It was also at this moment that a long-lost voice came from the depths of the sea of ​​qi. It seemed to be roaring, and it seemed to be roaring and cursing. come out.

In the depths of the sea of ​​qi shrouded in golden light, the blood doll is trapped by dense chains, or more properly bound, thin, ferocious, and embarrassed, no longer living up to the original cuteness and mellowness. Since voluntarily falling into the abyss, the number of chains here It is constantly intensifying, and it is also consuming its essence and blood all the time.

He is waiting, waiting for Tang Yan's next transformation, which is also the best time for him to take over and rebirth, with at least a [-]% success rate.

So I endured it, gritted my teeth and persisted.

But at this moment, he actually felt the aura of blood connection!

Could it be the three drops of blood that were shot out before his fall?

Evil ancestor? !Tang Yan frowned slightly, could it be the blood of the evil ancestor?
If this is the case, wouldn't it contain the essence of Immortal Yantian Jue cultivation, maybe it can also promote the cohesion of the life mist baby, and the advancement of Immortal Yantian Jue! !

The more Tang Yan thought about it, the more likely it was, and he tried to communicate with the blood doll.However, it was unexpectedly discovered that the abyss of Qihai was already a golden ocean, and dense chains covered the entire area, like a huge cocoon-like cage, sealing and blocking it.I couldn't even detect my thoughts, I could only feel the golden light and the righteousness and humming Buddha's voice coming from the chains.

I haven't contacted Blood Doll for almost four years, how could this situation happen?Could it be that the continuous fusion of the Buddha's heart with himself and the refinement of more Buddha seals have intensified the power of the Buddha nature in Qi Hai, which is to...refine the evil ancestor?
Strange!Why didn't the blood doll resist?This evil and ferocious guy is not a master who just sits and dies!It's not that they can't compete!

Tang Yan didn't have the energy to pay attention to Xiezu now, and quietly looked at the three drops of blood essence in the jade bottle. The more he looked at it, the more excited he became, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

The blood of Wu Sheng! !
In terms of practicality and effectiveness, the temptation of this kind of thing is no less than that of the last holy beast cub. After all, it does not need to spend time and spirit treasures to conceive and raise it, it can be taken directly. For some blood cultivators , is definitely the top treasure, it is possible to comprehend some mysteries, suddenly realize a certain martial skill, promote the promotion of strength, and leap forward towards the semi-sage.

The scene fell into silence. Although the bidders in the stands were excited, they obviously couldn't come up with a bargaining chip that could be replaced.The forces in the suite are all capable, but they are all waiting and observing. Some of them did not plan to bid at all, and made up their minds to snatch it in the scuffle after the fact. The temptation of power, whether he can offer a price, and whether he can keep it afterwards.

"Wu Sheng's blood? These are the No. 30 five treasures, and the next one is the last one? But why didn't Bai Zeyu show it all this time? It is the goal of the Holy Land of Yaochi, and it has been confirmed that it will appear at the Treasure Appraisal Conference."

"Could it be that Bai Zeyu is the finale of this year's Treasure Appreciation Conference?"

The expressions of the sixth princess and the fifth prince were a little weird.

"What's wrong?" Tang Yan was surprised by the expressions of the two.

"We have received news that the finale of this year's Treasure Appreciation Conference is a complete skeleton of a holy beast, which is the fundamental reason for attracting the Eternal Beast Mountain. We have also received definite news that a piece of spiritual feather left by the ancient desolate beast Bai Ze will also be here This is the treasure that Blackstone Auction House tried their best to find, and it is their finale. But the third stage has progressed until now, there are only five No. 30, and Bai Zeyu has not shown up. What about the skeleton of the holy beast? Or...they canceled Bai Zeyu, leaving only the skeleton of the holy beast?"

The more the sixth princess thought about it, the more something was wrong, and the more she talked, the more abnormal she felt.

Tang Yan frowned slightly. This trip to Yaochi Holy Land was personally accompanied by the second elder, and its main purpose was to come for Bai Zeyu. Mu Rou also begged herself to help them capture Bai Zeyu as much as possible at the Treasure Appreciation Conference. They have the ability to protect.

If there is an accident, things will be troublesome.

After Mu Rou finally begged herself, it might be an opportunity to improve her relationship with the saintess of Yaochi.

Xuanyuan Longli explained: "Bai Zeyu is a piece of spiritual feather left by the ancient desolate beast Bai Ze in the world. It is said that there are some spiritual thoughts left in it, which can help the semi-sage to survive the disaster more smoothly and increase the chance of becoming a saint."

Yan Yuhan said: "The semi-sage transforms into a saint, also known as 'chrysalis-turned-butterfly'. If the transformation is successful, one step to the sky, the transformation fails. Either, eternal life and eternity will not be able to try again, stop at the semi-sage and cannot move forward, or directly explode the body , Dementia.

This process of transformation is very complicated, accompanied by many disasters, unexpected accidents, and the preparation conditions that need to be prepared are unimaginable.Throughout the ages, becoming a saint has always been a disaster for warriors, and the chance of success remains at... [-]/[-]!

Semi-holy powerhouses are rare, and they are all amazingly talented warriors with a solid foundation, but even with their abilities, there is only a one-in-a-thousandth chance of successfully transforming. It is conceivable how difficult it is .

In order to complete the transformation, all the semi-saints will try their best to increase the probability, and for this reason they will not hesitate to retreat for thousands of years, just for the final impact, to decide whether to win or lose.

Bai Zeyu is the treasure with the best supporting role in the legend, known as the favor left by the ancient demon emperor Bai Ze to the world, its importance and preciousness can be imagined. "

The sixth princess said: "Not only the Holy Land of Yaochi, the Martial Saint Hall, the Tianyuan Imperial Family, Prince Jing's Mansion, but also the Everlasting Beast Mountain, including us of course, can't resist Bai Zeyu's temptation. One of the main purposes is for it."

The Fifth Prince's face is not good-looking: "The situation has changed!! Some time ago, Blackstone Auction House had a close relationship with Jinlou. I just thought it was them exchanging matters related to the Treasure Appraisal Conference. Now it seems that I have thought of a certain possibility. Bai Zeyu Transferred to Jinlou in advance?! Jinlou bought Bai Zeyu, what do they want to do?"

Yan Yuhan suddenly said: "We have overlooked a problem. We have always been sure that Bai Zeyu will appear in Heishi Ancient City, but we have not confirmed that it will appear in the Treasure Appraisal Conference, and the Fourth Auction House has not clearly informed us. If it is true Bai Zeyu will not be displayed at the treasure appraisal conference, and we have no proper reason to question and counterattack."

"The soul of the undead phoenix, in exchange for three drops of the blood essence of a martial sage." A hoarse and strange voice broke the quiet atmosphere, the sound was like the teeth grinding of an undead human being, which made one's heart chill.

The soul of the undead phoenix?

There was a strange change in the atmosphere in the palace. Some people frowned, some looked blank, and some looked horrified.

"The Immortal Phoenix, a demon saint with the blood of the ancient Demon Emperor, sits on the mountain of eternal beasts. In the process of transformation, there will always be a few colorful profound stones left behind, which are called the spirit of the undead phoenix. There are strong and weak, even the weakest can give the venerable a super healing and repairing ability, the top spirit The soul can resurrect the semi-holy. Listen clearly, it is resurrection, not healing."

Xuanyuan Longli introduced again, with a very serious expression on his face.

"Eternal Beast Mountain has made a move! Directly hit the soul of the undead phoenix, this is determined to want these three drops of blood essence." The fifth prince quietly clenched his fists, a little angry and unwilling.

The forces in each suite did not ask for a price until the end, not only because of the prestige of the Eternal Beast Mountain, but also because the value of the undying phoenix soul is too high, it can be compared with the blood essence of the saint.

"No. 30 six treasure-appreciating objects, the final treasure of this year's treasure-appreciating conference-a complete skeleton of a holy beast! After identification, it comes from the holy beast that fell ten thousand years ago, the Tianluan White Ape!"

(End of this chapter)

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