Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 529 The Eve of the Storm

Chapter 529 The Eve of the Storm
"Where's Bai Zeyu? How could it be like this!!" The saint's face was very ugly, and she stood up directly in shock and anger.

Bai Zeyu and the others were sure to win, and they even brought many treasures from the Holy Land of Yaochi, and they would give them all when necessary.The transformation of the saint is imminent, and this vital guarantee is urgently needed. The Holy Land even regards it as the cornerstone of its rise.

Why didn't it show up?Withdrawn for no reason? !

"Bai Zeyu didn't show up at the Treasure Appreciation Conference, could it be that someone took it in advance?!" The second elder's bright eyes flickered sporadic chills.

Mu Rou showed her true toughness, and her voice was cold and decisive: "There will be a fierce battle after the Treasure Appreciation Conference. We will save it until the end. As soon as you find Bai Zeyu's aura, snatch it immediately and take it back to the Holy Land of Yaochi!"

"What is Tianluan White Ape?"

Compared with the missing Bai Zeyu, Zhao Zimo was more interested in the complete skeleton as the final treasure. Judging from the reactions of the venue, most of them were at a loss, without the expected enthusiasm, as if they didn't know this holy beast.

Xuanyuan Longli said: "Tianluan White Ape, the offspring of two ancient holy beasts Qingluan and Tongtian Lingyuan, can know the sky and know the earth, can fight the sky and fight the river, fierce and savage, extremely powerful."

"You know all about this?" Zhao Zimo's eyes widened. Even the Sixth Princess and the others cast curious glances. They were about to discuss what kind of holy beast it was, but here they started introducing it directly.

Nalan Yanran whispered: "The Tianluan White Ape is a very special holy beast, which has been described in detail in ancient books and classics. It was born out of heaven and earth, perfectly fused with the blood of the two ancient beast parents, and possesses extremely strong With great potential, he was once expected to be promoted to the demon clan battle spirit of the demon emperor.

But Tianluan White Ape not only inherited the blood of the two ancient holy beasts, but also inherited the negative factors in their blood, domineering, war-loving, perverse and fierce, and because of the pampering and protection of the parents of the two holy beasts, he has been raised since childhood. Trouble continued.

In the end, it was eager to make a bigger leap, set its target on its parents, and planned to devour Qingluan and Tongtian Lingyuan, two ancient desolate beasts born with the world, to attack the Demon Emperor Realm.

As a result... Tongtian Lingyuan can predict the future, and before Tianluan White Ape gathers many monster race Xeons to sneak attack, it has already made preparations.It invited the demon emperor Mo Qilin, who dominates the world, to kill the nine vitality of Tianluan White Ape, extract the essence of the two bloodlines in his body, and live in the Qilin Palace forever.

But the two ancient holy beasts love their sons eagerly. After witnessing the pain of drawing blood and beheading their souls, they couldn't bear it to suffer any more, so they secretly loosened the seal and transferred its body outside the Lingshan Mountain. After 10 years of sealing, it can be recovered free.But... time has changed, the two ancient holy beasts have fallen, and the news of the sealed place has leaked.

Ten thousand years ago, the Tianluan White Ape was broken, his blood was drawn out, he was suffering from misfortune, and was extremely weak. He was attacked by many mysterious strong men, and finally escaped with serious injuries and lost his trace. Unexpectedly, his remains would be seen here. "

The suite became quiet again, and everyone looked at the delicate and delicate Nalan Yanran with weird eyes.

"This is what my brother told me. It is a story and a fact recorded in the epic." Nalan Yanran timidly pursed her lips, blushing and lowering her head.

Thinking of Nalantu, Tang Yan was filled with surprise.What kind of strange family is this? How can everyone know everything about it, even knowing what happened 10 years ago.

"This complete skeleton of the holy beast was displayed by the Jinlou. Where did they get such a treasure?" The sixth princess didn't know how strong the Tianluan White Ape was, but after hearing Nalan Yanran's introduction, it must be The strongest among the demon saints!It's not an ordinary newly promoted holy beast, but it still has ancient blood!
How was such a top treasure discovered?How could the auction be displayed in this ancient land of Canglan?If it is placed in an auction house in the Central Plains to appraise treasures, even holy-level martial arts can be sold at such terrifying prices! !
"Bai Zeyu didn't show it, and went directly to the complete animal bone, which is the remains of Tianluan White Ape. This is no longer as simple as just to cause a sensation." Xuanyuan Longli is sensitive by nature, and at this moment he smells the smell of conspiracy. There must be something strange.

Tang Yan remained silent, linking up the news he got from the Jinlou Wuzun who refined it, and vaguely thought of a certain possibility. The boss behind the Jinlou was the Holy Spirit Hall, and now he threw out the bones of the holy beast, which was obviously white. Give it to Eternal Beast Mountain.Could it be that the Temple of the Holy Spirit intends to make friends with Eternal Beast Mountain?The Eternal Beast Mountain is difficult to contact, and it also exists in the mysterious mountains that cannot be easily entered, so they are attracted here, and then they are favored by Bai Zeyu, and then...the remains of the Tianluan White Ape are displayed to communicate with the Eternal Beast Mountain. Reach cooperation intention?

As for choosing a relatively remote place, I am afraid it is to avoid competition from stronger forces and make it easier to obtain the Eternal Beast Mountain.

Qin Hentian continued to announce: "Tianluan White Ape is a top-notch treasure, and it is inconvenient to display it here. However, we guarantee that it exists and is intact. In order to avoid the recurrence of the disaster of the year, we guarantee that whoever can come out If the price is higher, the remains of Tianluan White Ape will be delivered to the mansion in person, and the specific itinerary will be escorted by its owner, Jinlou Auction House!"

really! !Tang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, Jin Lou was in charge of escorting?This is the trend of entering the Eternal Beast Mountain! !
Bai Zeyu is in the hands of Eternal Beast Mountain, and the Holy Spirit Sect will cooperate with Eternal Beast Mountain again?Could Xu Yan still be in the Eternal Beast Mountain?Touching lightly with Tang Yan's fingertips, he silently made up a certain idea.

"Should I grab it or not?" The fifth prince looked at the sixth princess. The sixth princess' eyes changed and she couldn't make up her mind, so she looked at Yan Yuhan. Discussion, seems to be undecided.

This kind of treasure is too precious, precious enough to make anyone salivate, and once the news is released, it will definitely cause a tsunami-like sensation.No matter whose hands it falls into, let alone whether they can be escorted away safely, they will face countless harassment and invasion later on, especially the Eternal Beast Mountain. They will definitely try their best to take it back, even by force.

But the temptation of this precious bone is too great, maybe there are still some inherited martial arts skills of Tianluan White Ape left in it!

"Don't be stupid, do things according to your ability. Whoever takes pictures of this precious bone will bear the brunt of the attack. Can you carry the Eternal Beast Mountain? Or can you resist the Rage God Zhai? Plus a few others What about the invasion of forces?

No one is sure what kind of monsters came to the Eternal Beast Mountain, and what perverts are dispatched by the Rage God Zhai. When the time comes to face each other head-on, one move will kill you, and you will have nowhere to cry. Tang Yan interrupted their eye contact, leaned closer to Yan Yuhan, and said in a low voice, "I've always wanted to tell you something. The supporters behind the Golden Tower are a huge secret organization. Shan contact, will also help in the subsequent melee, and another very important task capture you alive!Extract Fen Tian Lan Yan! "

"How do you know?" Yan Yuhan's face changed slightly.

"If you trust me, be more careful. If you trust me more, just follow me. Also, their goal is you, not the sixth princess. You don't have to worry too much about their safety, think about yourself What's more, if there is a real fight, it is more dangerous for them to be with you."

Yan Yuhan slanted Tang Yan: "Your goal is not to burn the sky and Lanyan?"

"I'm just making a suggestion, you make your own choice. Let me remind you that the Treasure Appreciation Conference is about to end. The collision of nearly a hundred warriors is enough to raze the ancient city of Heishi to the ground, and countless lords and martial kings will also fall. Any accident may happen, and everyone will face death, including you and me. A simple decision often determines the life and death of many people.

I don't like nonsense, but I still want to remind you that the forces behind the Jinlou are far more terrifying than you expected. You'd better send the sixth princess to Qinxinlou, and then... either act alone or with me. "

Yan Yuhan looked at Tang Yan with a strange expression. After a long while, he said in a deep voice: "Princess, give up the auction of Tianluan White Ape. The treasure appraisal conference will end soon. You should return to Qinxinlou immediately, and you will be escorted by Linma the whole way. , leave the Qinxin Building, and leave the ancient city of Heishi by the eye-secret way."

"What about you?" The sixth princess sensed the seriousness in Yan Yuhan's tone.

The venerable old woman known as Linma said: "My lord, there are two venerables sitting in Qinxin Tower, which are enough to protect the safety of the princess and the prince. I will assist you."

Yan Yuhan said: "Don't worry about me, I'll be in charge of breaking the queen."

"The immortal phoenix left behind three soul essences when it was promoted from a semi-sage to a holy beast. I will offer them all in exchange for the bones of the Tianluan white ape." It was Wan Gu Beast Mountain who offered the price. Although it was also the soul of the immortal phoenix, this It was left behind by the half-sage when he became a saint, and it was three pieces. Its preciousness is self-evident. Although it is far from Tianluan White Ape, looking at the whole audience, it is possible to expel a higher-priced force... I am afraid there is no one.

All forces did not open their mouths, either hesitating or thinking, Qin Hentian bowed his head in silence, waiting for a new bid to appear.

The atmosphere is gradually changing amidst this silent waiting. The treasure appraising conference will finally come to an end, which also indicates that a vicious battle capable of disturbing the Canglan Ancient Land has entered the countdown.

What people want to grab is not only the top few treasures, but also the conflicts and hatred between a few forces that need to be resolved. The main hidden danger of collision is the treasure that exists among other forces, and they are optimistic about it but are taken away by others. ?How can they swallow this breath, once a war breaks out, they will definitely turn their greed into a violent war!
After a treasure appraising meeting, hundreds of treasures and spirit treasures were auctioned, and the hatred caused by the confrontation was countless, which had mixed the contradictions in the audience into a mess. Almost everyone was angry and hated .

It also indicates that once this scuffle breaks out, it will definitely affect the entire ancient city of Heishi!

And as the Palace of Appreciation of Treasures is about to come to an end, the entire ancient city of Heishi also returned to silence as night fell after being hot for a day. A strange depression circulated in every corner of the city, and the residents gradually entered their underground secret rooms. Hiding, the shops were tightly closed, and the property was quietly transferred.

Everything, turned into the tranquility before the storm! !
(End of this chapter)

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