Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 530

Chapter 530
The atmosphere in the Hall of Appreciating Treasures was subtly oppressive, and more and more forces gave up this senseless scramble to avoid confronting Eternal Beast Mountain head-on.

"If no one bids a higher price, the Appraisal Conference is over. Please trouble Jinlou to send the remains of the Tianluan White Ape to the Eternal Beast Mountain. The inspection is correct. The Immortal Phoenix will personally offer three soul essences. I will bid farewell!! "A deep voice came from the suite of Wangu Beast Mountain, and the strong Beast Mountain inside got up and was about to leave.

"Humph, what a majesty!" A hoarse and gloomy sneer sounded in the silent hall, and the mysterious strong man of Rage God Zhai directly aimed his target at Wangu Beast Mountain: "Being famous is worse than meeting each other. I haven't seen you in many years. Wangu Beast Mountain is crazy!" It’s still the same! But... you are so arrogant and arrogant outside, you are not afraid of attracting people from the demon temple? It is said that their altar has been vacant for a long time, and they have been waiting for a heavy monster."

Many people raised their brows, their eyes full of astonishment.Few people in the room knew about Huangshenzhai, nor had they heard of any demon-suppressing temples, but the wild words and deeds at this moment made everyone terrified.

There was an oppressive silence in the suite of Eternal Beast Mountain. After a long while, their cold voices came out: "Today is the treasure appraising meeting, and success or failure is judged by winning the treasure. You lost to a female slave before. Do you dare to take it again this time?" ? If you can offer a higher price, the bones of Tianluan White Ape will be given to you all!!"

"I really have something here, it's a copy of martial arts, it's called... The Nether Demon Slayer Book!" Rage God Zhai offered the price, but what he got in return was a burst of surprise and bewilderment from the audience.

"Do you know this?" Tang Yan looked at Nalan Yanran, wanting to see how much this chick knew.

"The Nether Demon Slaughtering Book, the Demon Smelting Pot, and the Slave Demon Life and Death Formation, these are the three most important treasures of the Demon Suppressing Temple. A martial skill, a treasure weapon, and a formation are all called the nightmare of monsters. Born to destroy demons. Demon Town Temple, like Rage God Zhai, is a super secret force left over from ancient times. There are countless powerful people in it, occupying a Jedi "ancient village cemetery" in the Central Plains.

It is worth adding that Zhenyao Temple and Eternal Beast Mountain are deadly rivals. Almost every time Eternal Beast Mountain appears, Zhenyao Temple will send the most powerful people to kill Eternal Beast Mountain, and the superpowers of Eternal Beast Mountain will also invade the ancient village cemetery . "

Nalan Yanran still looked timid and weak, her voice was very thin and soft, but the details of her words once again attracted Tang Yan and others' surprise, blinking their eyes in disbelief.

"Did he just say dungeons? Martial arts can also have dungeons?"

"Huangshenzhai is a strange hermit. They claim to be able to copy everything in the world. Whether it is martial arts, weapons, or even heaven and earth spirit treasures, they can raise seedlings with secret methods. Although they are different from the originals, they have the same effect and can play It has a similar power. The Nether Demon Slaughtering Book is one of the three treasures of the Demon Suppressing Temple. Even if it is a copy, I am afraid..."

Nalan Yanran had a deep fear of Huangshenzhai, and also had a nightmare that she didn't want to look back on. She just said a few words, then bowed her head in silence, and said no more.

"Holy level martial arts?" Everyone felt their mouths and tongues dry, and they were stunned for a while.In this Canglan Ancient Land, the prefecture-level high-level martial arts are all overbearing and unparalleled, and they are also the supreme existence. There are only a few in the entire ancient land, and the holy-level martial arts only exist in legends.

Eternal Beast Mountain's response was full of anger: "A copy of the Nether Demon Slaughtering Book? It is also worthy of competing for the remains of the Tianluan White Ape?! If you have the ability, get the original version, or get out of the way, and don't embarrass yourself here!"

"A pile of rotten bones, can it match the original version? Didn't you also use a few grains of the undead phoenix in exchange? Are you able to bring the undead phoenix? Hmph, who is embarrassing here!" Frightened, he responded coldly.

The people in the palace were dumbfounded, who is this sacred?
How dare you confront the Eternal Beast Mountain?
Undead Phoenix?How dare you bluntly call out the living holy beast of Eternal Beast Mountain! !Is this going against the sky?

Qin Hentian didn't want this kind of situation to happen: "The three souls of the Immortal Phoenix are no different from the Nether Demon Slayer Book. According to the agreement of the Treasure Appraisal Conference, the ownership of the Tianluan White Ape is determined by the entrusting party."

"No need, it's just a pile of broken bones. I'm not rare in the Rage God's House, and I won't exchange it with a copy of the Nether Demon Slaughter Book." The mysterious strongman in the Rage God's House is more just to stimulate the mountain of eternal beasts.The Nether Demon Slaughtering Book is the nightmare of the monster race, and it is also a nightmare like a natural enemy. The pretense of his dungeon is nothing more than to scare them.

Qin Hentian didn't give the two sides any more chances to fight verbally: "The copy of the Nether Demon Slaughter Book has been withdrawn from the bidding, so far only the spirit of the undead phoenix has bid. So far, only the three spirits of the undead phoenix have bid. Who else is interested?" The skeleton of Tianluan White Ape? Who else can offer a higher price?"

The atmosphere in the Hall of Appreciation of Treasures has returned to silence. People have given up competing, no longer looking forward to any good shows, and no longer waiting meaninglessly.They became nervous and vigilant, with a dangerous look in their eyes.

"This storm that has been brewing for three months is finally about to take shape. Everyone, do you have any anticipation? It's been three months, and I really want to beat him heartily!" Tang Yan stood up from the soft chair , twisting his waist, stretching his arms, and doing warm-up exercises.

Yan Yuhan said to the fifth prince: "There will be a short buffer period after the meeting. You should use this time to rush to Qinxinlou. Unless you have to, don't get involved in this scuffle. I will handle everything."

"At the beginning of the war, I will use three swords to help you three times, and that's all." Qiu Futu expressed his attitude. These three types of lore sword come to an end.

"Hundreds of melee is rare in a thousand years, and it's worth going all out!" Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli looked at each other, their eyes sparkling with brilliance. They were willing to accompany Tang Yan in a bloody battle, and they were willing to go all out to show their true strength .

"Tang Yan, the position of first-class enshrined in the royal family will be valid forever. I hope to see you in the imperial city of Yan Kingdom one day!" The sixth princess is not a procrastination person.

"Help me take care of Yanran. Even if I don't go to you afterwards, someone will take her away. Please let me go."

With the attack from the Wangu Beast Mountain, the visit of the Chenyuan Pavilion, the appearance of the Rage God House, and the gathering of hundreds of statues, the situation has completely exceeded the control of the royal family. The deployment and abilities of the five princes in the early stage are useless, meaningless and useless. We can only let nature take its course and wait for the evolution of this disaster.

While Tang Yan was making preparations, the forces in the rest of the suites also began to move around. Among them, the relatively calm Tianyuan Imperial Family and the Wusheng Temple were the most prominent, and the thousands of warriors sitting on the seats around them no longer concealed their aggressive intentions. .

The atmosphere on the surface is getting more and more oppressive, but the heat in the dark is getting more and more turbulent.

"The bones of Tianluan White Ape belonged to Wangu Beast Mountain, and the Golden Tower will deliver them as soon as possible. A total of 660 and six treasures were exhibited at this Treasure Appraisal Conference, and all of them have been auctioned off. This is the end of the curtain!"

Qin Hentian left a few simple concluding remarks, announcing the end of the Treasure Appraisal Conference.

The king-level guards guarding the entrances of various places dispersed one by one. After a little silence, the crowd left their seats sparsely and left one by one with vigilance. The forces in Prince Jing's residence and other forces in the suite also got up one after another, but they all walked through the secret road. Yes, this is also a security measure specially arranged for them by the Appreciation Conference.

Tang Yan left after the meeting and rushed to the suite where Chenyuan Pavilion was located, but there was already no one in it.

The sky had already darkened, and the once bustling and noisy ancient city of Heishi was silent, not a single person could be seen.The courtyard of the ancient road is cold and silent, and the lanterns are dotted with dark red. Occasionally, a cold wind blows and rolls up the messy dead leaves, like a dead city that has been abandoned for a long time.

Suddenly from the lively and passionate palace to the desolate ancient city, from the resplendent to the dark and cold, people are obviously not used to it, but the vigilance and danger in their hearts are more intense.

The crowd was crowded together, first they watched nervously, then slowly dispersed, and then...the crowd dispersed like a swarm of bees, and many king-level powerhouses and respect-level powerhouses all rushed towards the dark night.All of a sudden, the silent ancient city was full of shadows, flashing vertically and horizontally across the roofs and walls, and a strong murderous aura spread towards the entire inner city as the crowd dispersed.

Tang Yan left from the secret passage of the suite and appeared in a dark alley a thousand meters away.

Zhao Zimo, Xuanyuan Longli, Yan Yuhan, and Qiu Futu all came out of the secret path, using their respective martial arts with all their strength, silently accumulating spiritual power, with nervous expressions on their expressions, and even more unconcealable heat.

Qiu Futu seems low-key and indifferent, like a silent scrap iron, but as a super venerable born on the frontier battlefield, once the sword is drawn, it will definitely be full of fighting spirit.

Yan Yuhan commands the Xeon Guard of the imperial city, sits on the legion of tens of thousands of soldiers, and does a lot of things that bleed for thousands of miles. It seems cold and beautiful, but once he throws off the restraint, he is also a shocking killer .

Everyone took a deep breath, feeling the depression before the battle, a hot current gushed out from their hearts, and then circulated throughout their bodies.

The night was very quiet, so strangely quiet!

The night was very dark, without the brilliance of any stars, it was as dark as being in an abyss, filled with thick danger and depression.

Messy black shadows shot across the city, some were searching, some were hiding, and some were already standing on different roofs to start a tense confrontation, but no one was the first to start a war, and the large forces were still heading towards the black stone outside the ancient city. Gobi moves.

There are too many restrictions in the ancient city, and once it rushes into the Gobi Desert, it is like a fish entering the ocean, and there will be more opportunities to leave early. After all, most people still don't want to be involved in this doomed storm, and they can protect themselves. It is undoubtedly the best result for your baby to leave safely.Of course, some people rushed to the Gobi Desert in order to deploy traps, kill more people, and grab more treasures.

There are not a few people who want to escape, and there are even more people who want to take advantage of the chaos to make a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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