Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 531

Chapter 531
"The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind. Let's not rush to hunt other people blindly, lest we fall into a bitter battle and be watched by more enemies. I suggest, observe first, and then attack!" Yan Yuhan reminded Tang Yan.

"Is that what you did, Legion Commander?"


"Planning before you move is not suitable for any battlefield, especially tonight! After you observe it, those who can run will have already run away! This group of people is too dawdling, and they are too timid to make a move. Let me light a fire for them !" Tang Yan suddenly left the alley and rushed to the top of the tall building in the distance.

"Tang Yan!!" Yan Yuhan's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly wanted to stop it.

"Prince Jing's Mansion!! Heavenly Demon Holy Land! I, Tang Yan, am here, how dare I fight!!" A roar exploded on the tip of his tongue, disturbing the silent ancient city and attracting a lot of attention.Tang Yan's expression was solemn, his eyes were bright, and he clapped his fists amidst the roar. The crackling sound was like clanging, like piercing gold and cracking stones, piercing ears and ringing, spreading in the huge and magnificent ancient city.

Inspire the Buddha's heart, the golden light of the whole body is shining, and the vast Buddha's light is surging.

"What's that?" Under the horrified eyes of the whole city, the golden light around Tang Yan suddenly surged, as if boiling waves soared into the sky, flooding the ancient wine shop buildings within hundreds of meters, crowding the deep night, a The huge '*' took shape, shining in the rolling golden clouds, and the mighty Buddha's light shines on the ancient city.

"It's Tang Yan? Zhengchou couldn't find you, and you came to the door yourself!" Prince Jing's mansion, which was rushing towards the outside of the city, was the first to respond. The meaning turned into a clanging and crisp sound, trembling the sky, and looked at Tang Yan across the air.

"Little prince, don't be impulsive, let's go out of the city and fight again!!"

"According to the agreement, we have to rendezvous with Heavenly Demon Holy Land first, and then entangle with Tang Yan."

Taiyin Taixu hastily stopped him, was too late! !

"Tiger! Lion Roar! Fascinated! Fourteen Fearless! Eighty-one Re-Sealed Souls! Stone Frog! Hundred Seals Stacked, Buddha Power Gathered, Hundred Buddha Gang Seals!" Tang Yan's eyes were frenzied, and a series of Buddhist seals exploded on the tip of his tongue Turn on, the sound is superimposed, majestic like a tide, Tang Yan's body is full of Buddha power, the huge golden '*' is spinning in the sky, the golden air is churning, the sea of ​​clouds is surging, and golden Buddha statues appear one after another, following Tang Yan's voice The roaring sound came across the space as if being attracted, overlapping and merging.

"Hundred Buddha Seals, Hundred Buddha Seals! My lord, take the move!!" Tang Yan yelled, trembling the night, the hundred Buddha seals were superimposed, like a Buddha child forming in mid-air, entrenched under the huge and shocking '*', Solemn and dignified, like a precious treasure, following Tang Yan's palm print vigorously pushed out, the phantom of the Buddha made the same move, and in an instant, a huge Buddha palm with a size of more than a hundred feet struck violently.

The golden light flooded the sky, and the huge Buddha's palm shocked all directions!

Vigorous, fierce, and domineering, haunted by misty Buddhist chants.At the same time as the Buddha's palm withdrew, the golden light continued to gather, its Buddha's palm continued to condense, and its power also skyrocketed layer by layer.

At this moment, in this world, Foyin is the only one!

The heroes from all directions showed shock!Surprised by Tang Yan's soaring strength, and by the divine power permeated by Foyin.

"Don't talk about one trick, ten tricks can still be resisted! Let me experience your Buddhist seal today!!" The little prince was full of enthusiasm and madness. He stepped forward and screamed. Buddha seal.

He practiced earth-level martial arts and practiced on the battlefield for ten years, and he was not afraid of any challenges.

What's the matter with the Chenyuan Pavilion, what's the matter with the seal of the Hundred Buddhas, the purple-gold war halberd strikes all directions, and has never been defeated!

"What a domineering gang seal!"

"I'm afraid the little prince won't be able to resist!"

Taiyin Taixu was far less confident than the little prince, and they could feel the deterrence brought by the seal of Buddha more clearly.What's more, although Tang Yan is perverse and domineering, his strength is extraordinary and refined, and his martial arts skills are even more domineering.If the little prince is up against other peers in the Yan Kingdom, they can watch the battle proudly, confident that the little prince can sweep the heroes of the Yan country with a single halberd, but now... the little prince will definitely suffer a loss, and maybe he will be hit hard!

So, they had to make a move!

"Wow!!" The three-legged toad, which was running at full speed thousands of meters away, let out a muffled growl, its tightly closed tongue suddenly burst open, and the head of the toad was like a rolling and rushing river. Swept towards Taiyin Taixu.

"What?" The toad's tongue came first, bringing a majestic majesty like mountains and rivers, Taiyin Taixu's face changed slightly, and in a hurry, both good and evil palms blasted out to intercept the toad's tongue.The good palm is strong and fierce, while the evil palm has evil intentions, they turned into a horse of death, intending to smash the toad's tongue.

Although it was just a hasty parry, but after all, they are both second-rank Martial Masters, and the twins of good and evil are united, even Yan Yuhan and other alternatives have to retreat.

But at the moment when the two sides were about to collide, the three-legged toad suddenly retracted, condensed in size, and disappeared under the night.

"What are you trying to do? Stop it!!" In the depths of the alley, Yan Yuhan and Qiu Futu suddenly came back to their senses. In the blink of an eye, Tang Yan and Zhao Zimo launched an offensive, and the speed was so fast, and The few subtle details that unfolded in front of them gave them an ominous premonition.

"Look carefully, you may see a different Tang Yan tonight, which is also a more real side of Tang Yan!!" Xuanyuan dragon carp walked forward step by step, and the nine-tailed red dragon carp swam out of the body , Swimming freely between the heaven and the earth, strolling in the courtyard, but there is a gushing trend of splendid mountains and rivers.

"Tang Yan must be stopped, otherwise the anger of Prince Jing's Mansion will be enough to cause chaos in Yan's country!" Yan Yuhan and Qiu Futu didn't expect Tang Yan to come for real, and directly aimed at Prince Jing's Mansion.

"Yeah! Open it for me!!" The little prince was full of fighting spirit, startling the powerful people in all directions, and the purple-gold spiritual power surged around his body, turning into tough armor, like a howling god of war, with a purple-gold war halberd Then the flames were raging, and they brazenly met the Hundred Buddha Seals that came across thousands of miles!

At this moment, the audience held their breath, stopped, and gazed into the distance, gazing at this duel that represented the pinnacle of the young generation.

Clang! !The purple-gold halberd slashed across the Buddha's seal, and the ear-piercing sound waves swept across every corner of the ancient city, making everyone dizzy, and the two fierce forces collided violently, like two mountains colliding.

One is Xeon Xeon, and the other is Xeon Xeon.

Ka Ka Ka!Baifoyin was overbearingly stopped, and sharp energy poured into the Buddhayin, with the impact point as the center, the crack spread in a large area.

But how strong the hundred Buddha seal is, and it is the space-duty 'swastika' seal mixed with the essence of hundreds of paths!Enough to collapse mountains and seas! !So... Although the purple gold war halberd stopped the Hundred Buddha Seal, the same cracks also burst open on it, and spread towards the little prince's arm and wrist bones, a terrifying coercion swept over the whole body.

puff! !

After a short period of stagnation, the little prince spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the hundred Buddha seals shattered, turning into an out-of-control golden storm that swept across the wilderness. The little prince was severely injured and retreated into the distance.

However, at the moment when the Hundred Buddha Seals shattered, a fist-sized golden shadow suddenly rushed out of the golden wave, and quickly swelled to a normal size.

It's a golden monkey! !

It is the little golden monkey who followed the Buddha's seal in response to Tang Yan's secret order and has been hiding in the depths of the Buddha's light!

"Hey!!" It has been holding back for three months, and the fighting spirit in its heart has soared to the extreme. With a familiar and excited roar, the surging fighting spirit burns blood, and the ancient combat skills burst out. The punch suddenly rose to half a meter, and it hit the little prince's head violently.

Move like a bow, move like a thunderbolt!
The little prince never thought that there would be more killer moves in the seal of Buddha!
The golden monkey's melee power is so fierce that even Tang Yan has to go all out. The sneak attack at this moment, the counterattack at this moment, and the timing at this moment are all gathered into a perfect blow.

boom! !Click! !

The little prince was unable to dodge at all, he was hit by the hind claws with only a moment of gap in front of him, his brain trembled violently, the pain surged, and dense cracks spread in the skull.

Ah screamed, and the body that was already out of control violently tossed and fell.

But... Hey! !The little golden monkey was crazy in melee combat, flexible and swift. When he punched out, he reached out with his left palm again and grabbed his throat. Taking advantage of his confusion, he tore down and pressed down. At the same time, his waist exerted force , the monkey turned around, and a violent kick shot up into the sky, straight for the face.

There was another violent collision, and blood splattered everywhere, even if the young prince was born in the army, he would not be able to withstand such a sneak attack, such a violent critical blow.

On the other hand, the little golden monkey became more courageous as he fought, became more excited as he fought, screamed and attacked unceasingly, using the mysterious steps of ancient combat techniques, clinging tightly to the little prince, a series of densely packed critical strikes, like a violent storm, were all inflicted on him. On the body of the little prince, as his body fell, blood spattered everywhere, screamed again and again, and smashed all the way to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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