Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 537 Chaos Battlefield

Chapter 537 Chaos Battlefield

"This is the breath of a real Buddha, a living real Buddha." A vicissitudes old monk with white beard and hair whispered softly, his vicissitudes of eyes that seemed to see through the world were shaking slightly in a trance.

"Fearless Golden Lion Seal? It's a golden lion with awakened blood." A hoarse and cold voice came from under the jet-black cloak. The hidden strong man from Rageshenzhai raised his head slightly, his bewitching eyes seemed to pierce the darkness, locking on tens of kilometers away golden lion shadow. "In this desolate place, there are such strange beasts. Chenyuan Pavilion, you have found a treasure."

The old monk with white beard and hair nodded respectfully to a fat monk beside him who was like a meat ball: "Little Master Wuzhen, we will take care of this here, please go and find out the reason for the golden lion seal, this matter is of great importance. Be sure to treat each other with caution, and help Tang Yan's junior uncle get rid of the misfortune along the way. Before this trip, Du Jue's uncle asked me to tell Tang Yan that the ten-year agreement has come, and he is waiting for you in the Thousand Buddha Hall of Chenyuan Pavilion. "

This round, white and tender monk wearing an oversized cassock, round and cute, but also very pure and sacred, is the little monk who had a relationship with Tang Yan in the psychedelic forest back then—Wuzhen! !

"The hermit of Rageshenzhai, the tragedy of the Nalan family has already angered many hidden families. It is hard to distinguish between right and wrong. They will not pursue too much, but if you kill them all, you will not leave any children for the Nalan family. , Rageshenzhai will be doomed. I would like to announce this, don’t be careless.” Wu Zhenwei solemnly reminded the strong man of Rageshenzhai under the dark cloak, and then saluted the four monks one by one with his hands clasped together, and quickly moved towards the battlefield where Tang Yan was. rush to.

"Hmph! A group of hypocritical monks! When the Nalan family was massacred, did your Chenyuan Pavilion help? Even Wudi City and Kuibing Tower remained silent and never came forward to stop it. Now that the dust has settled, you guys I became nervous because of a few orphans. Do you really think I don’t know why? Hmph! There is no one else here, so don’t be hypocritical. Now, everyone who threatens to protect Nalan’s orphans is all because of the disappearing ancient scroll? You Chenyuan Pavilion How can it be exempt from vulgarity!"

"What happened in the past has its own judgement of good and evil, and the actions of the Chenyuan Pavilion also have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, so don't bother this hermit to worry about it."

"But today, I will not allow you to hurt Nalan Yanran, let alone little uncle Tang Yan."

"Junior Uncle Tang Yan has a deep relationship with Chen Yuan Pavilion and Chen Yuan Pavilion. As long as he sets foot in the Central Plains, Chen Yuan Pavilion will definitely protect him with all his strength."

"If the hermit wants to enlighten me, I will accompany you to the end."

The four Buddhist monks dispersed one by one, divided into four directions to block the mysterious powerhouse of the Rage God Zhai, and all of them launched an offensive. The golden Buddha light enveloped the whole body, turning into a phantom of a ten-foot Buddha, and there was a buzzing sound from the sky and the earth. The buzzing chants sounded solemn and solemn.

On the battlefield in the distance, Fen Tianlanyan froze the entire golden lion phantom, the cold air passed by, Wan Lai was silent, and everything was frozen!The blue sparrow roared loudly, sweeping across unimpeded, and the phantom of the frozen golden lion shattered into a sky full of stars in an instant.

In the confrontation between two formidable forces, Fen Tian and Lan Yan won the victory!
The domineering power of the strange fire is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

"Roar!" The two-headed golden lion roared ferociously, abandoning the entangled Wuzun target, and ran towards Yan Yuhan with all its strength. The left and right heads roared in unison, and the golden light flooded the entire area. The rays of light are like the sea, majestic and mighty. With the roar of the sky, the golden light suddenly converges, turning into a reclining Buddha and a golden lion respectively, and bursts towards Yan Yuhan.

The reclining Buddha is solemn and solemn, and the golden lion is violent and brave!
"Self-inflicted crimes!!" Yan Yuhan's expression turned cold, and he waved his slender hands. The blue sparrow roared and swept across, with a bone-piercing cold wave. As for the frozen night, he was facing the two golden Buddha seals head-on.

Boom boom boom!
The cold wave freezes everything, and the golden light floods the night!
This time, the two Buddha seals of the golden lion were frozen and shattered again, but the two Buddha seals were released together, and they were extremely overbearing. Fen Tianlanyan was affected, and after the raging, the remaining body shrank by more than three times.

"Enough!" Tang Yan let out a loud roar, stopping the two people who were getting excited. "Teacher Yan, do you want to hurt both sides, and then be taken away by Jinlou to be abused, or do you want to give up this group of people who have nothing to do with you, and save your own life?"

"I am the Grand Tutor of Yan Kingdom first, and the master of Fen Tian Lan Yan second!"

Yan Yuhan's voice is fierce, and she is deeply favored by the royal family of Yan Kingdom. She is not only the commander of the imperial army, but also the prince's tutor, and the head of the royal task force. This body and soul are inlaid with Yan Kingdom inside and out. The brand of the royal family needs to be for the sake of the country of Yan at all times.

Again, it's okay for Tang Yan to kill one or two, but if she wants to drive this group of people to extinction, she will definitely not stand idly by.

What's more, Tang Yan just made it clear that he has no intention of returning to the royal family of Yan Kingdom.

Things are completely different from the agreement at the Appreciation Conference, and she has to make a more accurate decision.

Tang Yan held back for a long time before shouting loudly: "You stupid woman! Brainwashed by the royal family?!"

"Finally, I remind you to stop fighting immediately, or don't blame me for not being sympathetic!" Yan Yuhan showed his iron and blood prestige, standing proudly in the air, with blue flames burning the sky, the bone-chilling chill filled the world, and even the hard black stones formed layers of ice .

This is not a real ice layer, but an extremely cold flame, a cold flame that is completely opposite to high temperature!
Freeze the surface and burn the inside!
"Okay!! Since you are stubborn, I will fight you! If you can beat me, I will spare them, and I will never hurt the king of Yan Kingdom again. You can't beat me weakly, so don't worry about it today Nosy, their lives and deaths have nothing to do with you. This is a bet, and it will work tonight, do you dare to accept it?" Tang Yan clenched the ancient sword and invited Yan Yuhan to fight.

"Fight with me? You are asking for trouble!"

"We can change to a wider battlefield, please!" Tang Yan gave the two-handed lion a fierce look to kill all of them quickly, and fell from a high altitude on the Black Rock Gobi, spreading his shadow martial arts and sprinting towards the distance.

"Before I come back, they'd better be alive, otherwise... a life for a life." Yan Yu coldly warned the two-headed golden lion, and chased Tang Yan wildly.

The double-headed golden lion looked at Yan Yuhan's leaving figure. After it completely disappeared into the darkness, its mighty right head suddenly locked on the venerable who was fighting fiercely with the golden monkey not far away. With thunder and lightning all over the sky, it was drowned on the spot.It doesn't care who Yan Yuhan is or what special status he has, all he knows is that he is here to kill tonight, and if he kills a Martial Master, he can exchange for a piece of spiritual source liquid!

Roar! !The roar of the lion shook the sky, and it rushed to the battlefield, sweeping all directions with unparalleled ferocity.

Tang Yan ran wildly in the Gobi Desert. Of course, he would not start a war with Yan Yuhan. The main purpose was to lure her away from the battlefield, and then... rushed to the battlefield where he was fighting with the Eternal Beast Mountain in the Holy Land of Yaochi.

The battle in that area was the most frenzied, and there was also a battle between the Tianyuan Imperial Family and the Martial Temple and the Jinlou. As long as Yan Yuhan was entangled in it with all his strength, Yan Yuhan would not have the leisure to fight with him again.

As for the half-sage of the Golden Tower... Tang Yan is confident that he can stop it with the black coffin, and then when Zhao Zimo and the others rush over, Zhaoyi and others rush over after finishing the battlefield, and join forces with each other to fight together, they will have overwhelming power and become the Black Stone The biggest winner in the melee.

"Tang Yan, stop right now! Otherwise, I'll go back immediately and kill those monsters!!" Yan Yuhan soon realized that Tang Yan had other plans. showdown.

Tang Yan kept silent, and his speed continued to increase. Seeing that the battlefield in the distance was getting closer and closer, a violent evil spirit rushed towards his face. The blood in Tang Yan's body also gathered more and more violently. Formed into a sharp black vortex, ready to go, the dim green fire has already been consumed ragingly, following the example of Tang Hao, gathering into blue wings with the wingspan of an eagle.

"Tang Yan! Stop!!" Yan Yuhan roared fiercely, and he was about to stop the pursuit and turn around to rescue those sectarians.Even though they all have treasures to assist them and are extremely powerful, but each of the five-headed demon venerables has combat skills, and the two women are even more powerful, it is difficult for the lords of the Yan Kingdom to persevere.

But at this moment, after Tang Yan sped up and ran ten steps, the cyan fire wings shook violently, like a sharp arrow bursting into the sky, and abruptly rushed towards the bursting and chaotic battlefield ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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