Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 538 Soul Consciousness

Chapter 538 Soul Consciousness
At this moment, the fierce battle between Yaochi Holy Land and Eternal Beast Mountain has reached a fever pitch.

The majestic martial arts compete for the bright and bright moon; the mighty roar shakes the Gobi.

The second elder fiercely fought this six-winged humanoid monster, even though he was covered in blood, his fighting spirit was surging, his anger froze the sky, and he shook the night with all his heart, his cold eyes flashed with fierceness and determination.And the human-shaped eagle-headed monster with six wings from the north is extremely domineering, and the ear-piercing cry of the eagle wants to tear the sky and the earth, and the explosive attack smashes into pieces of ice. The thunder and lightning slashed and slashed, and the momentum was extremely terrifying; the holy lady was also in a state of embarrassment and blood, fighting a domineering mountain-opening bull. Even with the assistance of the Holy Land Baolian, she was still firmly suppressed by this giant bull with black light shining all over its body. A storm of mixed boulders raged on this battlefield; Qiu Futu himself came to assist, and made up his mind to only use three swords, but at this moment, he was entangled by the first giant bamboo leaf green that was tens of feet tall and had a horny head. The poisonous gas formed a closed space, and the sharp long horns aroused the thunderclouds in the sky, while the huge body twisted and rioted, shattering the earth and opening the cracks in the earth. The iron sword roared proudly and slashed, and an iron snake took a hard body.

The earth is collapsing, the night is trembling, and a generation of iron-blooded army gods reveal their world-shaking power.

On the other hand, Mu Rou was trapped by a silver giant ape. The whole body was shimmering with silver light, like pouring fine steel, exuding a mountain-like violent aura, running wildly and arrogantly, screaming and shaking the whole field, every time the wheel punched the ground and rolled, the night fell There will always be phantoms of silver hammers flashing one after another. Each silver hammer is as large as ten feet. Although it is a phantom, when the hammer hits, the ground cracks and the rocks are emptied, making the scalp numb.

As for the disciples of the Yaochi Holy Land, they were also caught in a bitter battle. They were entangled by those king-level earth dragons and strong men with human bodies and beast heads. More than ten people had died tragically. Dying.

The dominance and ferocity of Eternal Beast Mountain are revealed at this moment.

Even if Yaochi Holy Land wants to retreat now, it is impossible for this group of rampant monsters to bypass them.

"Silver-skinned stinky monkey, get out of here!!" Tang Yan didn't expect the battlefield to be so dangerous, let alone the Eternal Beast Mountain to be so overbearing and brutal.It was as if a stream of light abruptly penetrated into Mu Rou's battlefield, with a hysterical roar, the ancient sword hit the sky critically, and the eight heavy blows of the flames were superimposed, sweeping up with the momentum of landslides and ground cracks, and directly hit the giant ape's jaw.

Roar! !The eyes of the silver giant ape were scarlet, and its roar shook the sky, shaking the king-level earth dragons fighting fiercely in the distance. There was a disciple of Yaochi and the earth dragon who were killed alive, and the giant ape glared at Tang Yan who was rushing, Standing up, the round fist struck violently, and four phantoms of giant hammers solidified instantly. They were only the size of fists, but they exuded terrifying oppression, and they all blasted down towards Tang Yan's sword light.

A terrifying wave of sound spread out, bang! !The earth is full of cracks, the broken rocks are scattered in all directions, and the thick dust transcends the gravity field, rushing towards the surroundings.

puff!Tang Yan's tiger's mouth burst open, blood splashed everywhere, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, like a meteor falling into the rubble pile, hitting more than ten times in a row, tumbling nearly a hundred meters away, and spraying scarlet blood mist in mid-air.

The giant ape's iron hammer seems to have a critical strike force of hundreds of thousands of catties, while the phantoms of the condensed silver hammers are bombarded side by side in a straight line. The four hammer shadows are superimposed at the same time, almost jumping the ancient sword. fly out.

Tier [-] Demon Venerable?Tang Yan's face was serious, and he was panting heavily, no wonder he was able to beat Mu Rou so hard that he couldn't fight back, it turned out to be the first second-rank demon venerable!

That is to say... the Eternal Beast Mountain dispatched a third-order demon master and four second-order demon masters?

What a great courage!
The most important point, but all the monsters that came out of that mysterious mountain area, which one didn't have the blood of more or less ancient beasts?
Roar! !The silver giant ape abandoned Mu Rou, its bright silver eyes locked on Tang Yan, and let out an extremely manic roar, fighting like boiling water, killing and cruel like rolling clouds, and rushed towards Tang Yan, every time the soles of its feet landed , Heishi Gobi trembled violently, and there were more dense cracks.

"You are not its opponent, get out of the way!!" Mu Rou's face turned pale, and she reminded Tang Yan urgently.She had a taste of the horror of this demon master. The ordinary second-tier demon masters were quite perverted, but the silver giant ape in front of him had three black hairs on his forehead, which obviously had some kind of strange blood.

"Get out of the way? Are you joking?" Tang Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, grinned, showing his blood-stained teeth, twisting his neck vigorously, stepping forward, flapping his wings, and shot into the sky, facing the silver giant ape shoot up. "White-skinned monkey, take another stab at me!!"

"Are you crazy? Come back!!" Mu Rou's eyes widened in shock, and she resisted head-on?This silver giant ape is like a pure silver forging. Not only is its power terrifying, but its defense is even more terrifying. Even a third-rank warrior would not be willing to fight head-on.Even if Tang Yan is powerful, if he rushes up, he will be courting death.

"Fuck me!!" The silver giant ape is like a war machine. With a loud roar, it also strode and leaped, like a silver mountain rising from the ground, and its tightly clenched fists came down towards the little one Tang Yan Hongen .At the same time, the phantoms of the six hammers solidified, with the two fists as the central area, separated in six directions, trapped Tang Yan, and smashed them all down.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a huge silver bell descending from the sky, covering its huge body and including Tang Yan.

It turned out to be very smart. The six hammers were enough to prevent Tang Yan from escaping and dodging. This blow had no dead ends and covered an area of ​​[-] meters, which was enough to blast Tang Yan into meatloaf.

"Back!!" Mu Rou yelled sharply, and was about to rush forward.

It was this move again, and it was almost killed by it because of this move. If it wasn't for the treasure of the Holy Land, it might have fallen already.

"Yeah!!" Tang Yan gritted his teeth and let out an ear-splitting roar. The destruction of the body was squeezed beyond the limit, and the ancient sword was infused with the faint green fire. At this moment, all the eight critical strikes were superimposed, which was really positive Hard resistance.

Tang Yan's original intention of this attack was to use the eight-phase thunder seal to dodge the attack and take the opportunity to sneak attack, but he never expected that the silver monkey would be so terrifying. Otherwise, no matter which angle will be hit hard.

But... run away?

Tang Yan's cruelty is even more cruel than monsters!
Destruction of the body combined with eight superpositions!This is Tang Yan's strongest combination of martial arts for frontal attack at this stage, and it is also his greatest capital for confidently resisting the second-order martial master.

This blow is full of power, it can indeed bring trauma to the second-order Wuzun, and it can make people feel horrified.But the one in front of him is the first and second rank Yaozun!Still a crit-type demon master with the blood of ancient beasts!
boom! !The bright green light shattered on the spot, and Tang Yan only felt an extremely terrifying force rolling over his body like waves, every cell was shaking and tearing, every inch of bone was about to shatter, and it bounced back like a lightning strike.And at this moment, a phantom of a silver hammer smashed down on the top of the head, like a collapse of a thousand-jun mountain, submerging it on the spot.

But Tang Yan's blow was so powerful that the silver giant ape's fists were ripped open viciously to the bloody gash, and the body that fell from the sky was also slammed, and it rolled and fell as if it lost its balance. , a heavy pause.

Mu Rou was horrified, but Tang Yan was actually able to confront this giant ape head-on. After all, Tang Yan was only in the first-order Martial Venerable Realm. What's more, Tang Yan may be more ill than good.

But... just when the silver giant ape stood firm and was about to roar and vent its victory, a piercing golden sound emerged from the back of its head. The giant ape became alert, turned over violently, and retreated at the same time.However, when he turned over to see the enemy's situation clearly, what he saw was a man covered in blood and eyes full of ferociousness, and that eye that emitted a strange black glow.

"Niuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom Tang Yan's left eyes to shoot at the silver giant ape's huge pupils. The vortex twisted, stirred, and swept upwards.

The silver giant ape should have been able to dodge, but at the moment when they looked at each other, their consciousness suddenly appeared a little trance, as if they were suddenly in a mysterious dark world, full of unjust souls, tombs everywhere, and darkness everywhere. Intertwined with the underworld fire.

The giant ape is powerful and tenacious, and he returns to his senses in just a trance.

But it's too late!

The Eye of Nirvana approached instantly, and precisely hit its silvery right eye, the black light pierced through, and the black streaks stirred, and suddenly exploded violently like an explosion, bursting silvery blood, while the black mist remained in the wound, wantonly of erosion.

The silver giant ape hissed and screamed, hugged his right eye fiercely, staggered its body that was already retreating, and lay down on its back.

"It's not over yet, white-skinned monkey!! Slay the soul!!" Tang Yan roared in a muffled voice, jumping down from the sky, his consciousness connected to the world of ancient warfare, the sword swept straight down, and strange ripples swept across the soul consciousness of the giant ape.

(End of this chapter)

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