Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 539

Chapter 539
Boom! !

The huge body fell to the ground, the rocks flew, and the dust and mist were like a sea, but after all, it was a demon venerable with the blood of an ancient beast, and the heavily injured body still forcibly jumped up and landed a hundred meters away.

"Hey, how does it taste?" Tang Yan panted heavily, supported his heavily injured body with a knife, and showed a cruel smile.This kind of desperate style of play can always be unexpected, and the effect is remarkable! !At the moment of being submerged by the silver hammer, he unfolded the Golden Elephant Art to protect his body, and precisely grasped the timing when the giant ape was rebounded and out of control and unable to take care of himself, he used the eight-phase thunder seal to rush towards the giant ape.

Then... Silent Eye cooperates with Soul Slashing!

One is its fragile eyes, and the other is its fragile soul!
All hit hard!

This time, Tang Yan concluded that the silver giant ape was severely injured!
"Shameless human!! What have you done to me?" The giant ape screamed in pain, while covering his right eye that was covered with thick silver blood, he shook his head vigorously, his huge body trembled slightly, his soul Injured, causing unconsciousness, and causing unbearable pain and discomfort.

"Go and help the holy lady, I'll take care of it here. Don't thank me, just give me a kiss in the future." Tang Yan winked at Mu Rou, the blood-stained smile was a bit embarrassed, but there was still a brave masculine look In Mu Rou's eyes, it was even more intense.

" careful." Mu Rou secretly let out a sigh of relief, without any time to hesitate, she quickly rushed to the holy aunt's battlefield.

"Die to me!!" The silver giant ape shook its head violently, glared at Tang Yan with one eye, suddenly let out a deafening roar, jumped wildly, and violently clenched its right fist towards Tang Yan with endless anger And down.

"I haven't started yet, you are looking for death yourself!" Tang Yan took a deep breath, and a roar exploded on the tip of his tongue, surging golden light burst out, turning into a golden lion shadow, rushing towards the mountain-like giant ape fist.

The giant ape's fist was domineering and fierce, possessing the power to open mountains and rivers, and bombarded it head-on, blasting the lion's roar seal on the spot, collapsing into a dazzling golden light that filled the sky.

But at the moment when the lion's roar seal was shattered, Tang Yan shot into the air and was submerged head-on in the dazzling golden shadow.With the help of the cover of the golden light, the right arm and right fist were half demonized with all their strength, and the candle dragon's sharp claws ruthlessly tore and struck violently.

Half demonized!The candle dragon and the sky blue bull python possessed their bodies, unleashing terrifying coercion, and even more unparalleled critical strike power!At this moment, Tang Yan's pure offensive strength is enough to cross to the second level!

puff! !
Sweeping with sharp claws, unparalleled sharpness and rage, Tang Yan rebounded again amidst the boulder-like roar, and blasted towards the messy and dilapidated Gobi, but the attacking giant ape let out a miserable scream, and its huge body resembled It was because of some kind of unstoppable force that it was overturned directly, and fell on its back.And its critical right fist was torn out three hideous slits, and silver blood spurted wildly, revealing pale bones.

Tang Yan was full of energy and blood, and his right arm seemed to be about to shatter. He was secretly horrified at the horror of this giant ape. Are all the monsters coming out of the Eternal Beast Mountain so perverted?
"Tang Yan, you brought me here just to watch you play monkeys?" Yan Yuhan chased after him, secretly shocked by the brutality of the battle, but she had no time to waste time here, and the eight Martial Masters were still waiting for her to go back and rescue them Woolen cloth.

"Help me kill this white-skinned monkey, and I will fight you again."

"You treat me as a three-year-old child? Put away your deceitful nonsense!" Yan Yuhan's eyes turned cold.

"If you don't want to, just stay by the side, and appreciate the heroic posture of the young master!" Tang Yan clenched the ancient saber and rushed towards the silver giant ape.

"Stupid human being, I'm going to blast you into a pulp!" The silver giant ape screamed in the sky, slamming his chest with both fists, and silver giant axes emerged around him, each of which was ten feet thick, suspended in the void. Vigorous ancient characters appear on the axe, namely: kill, town, seal, destroy, etc.

A vast coercion enveloped the thousand-meter land, and a strange sound echoed between the heaven and the earth, just like an ancient sacrifice!The coercion is vast, and the tough black stone Gobi shattered with cracks, spreading all over the ground like spider webs, "Is that all? You're almost there!" Tang Yan's body was full of gold, and the golden halo was like a burning flame, waving the ancient sword Stepped into the air and hit critically, facing the giant hammers in all directions.

The silver giant ape screamed arrogantly, its eyes were full of ferocious terror, and the momentum of the hammer's bombardment was like a turbulent wave, almost destroying a kilometer of land.

Yan Yuhan was secretly surprised, and couldn't help but want to help. This giant ape is really terrifying, and the phantom of the giant hammer surging with ancient characters is probably some kind of ancient bloodline combat technique.

It seems that the Wangu Beast Mountain's treasure appraising conference is bound to win, and all the super demon masters will be sent!

But she was even more horrified by Tang Yan's abnormality. The first-order Wu Zunjing was able to confront this giant ape head-on, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became.

"Yeah! Eagle Wingspan!!" Tang Yan soared vertically and horizontally, and the bright green fire turned into a ten-foot giant eagle, submerging the giant hammer with the word "Mie" with unparalleled critical strike power, and the critical strike power of Eagle Wingspan cooperated The sacrificial power of Youming Qinghuo came directly to burn jade and stone together.

"Violence Jue! Lava Jue! Eight heavy blows of flames! Let me go!" Tang Yan fought furiously, and the Tang family's martial arts took turns. With the giant hammer of the word "mie", the earth cracked, and the powerfully melted magma gathered into a giant python with terrifying momentum, drowning the giant hammer with the word "seal", and the eight heavy blows of the flames strongly shattered the giant hammer with the word "kill". hammer.

Although the Tang family's four major martial arts are not as terrifying as the earth-level martial arts, they are jointly performed with the help of Youming Qinghuo, and the momentum and wildness are comparable to the earth-level. The eagle screamed and churned, the galloping magma was raging and blazing, and the dazzling sword light competed for the brightness of the bright moon.

The shocking ferocity even Qiu Futu and others who were fighting fiercely in the distance couldn't help but glance a few times.

Under the wild bombardment of the Tang family's martial arts, six giant hammers shattered, rocks tumbling, and smoke and dust like mist.

"Let's see how long you can hold on! 81 heavy soul seals!" In the chaos, Tang Yan instantly cast ninety-nine 81 Buddha seals, and nine groups of monkey-shaped Buddha seals were suppressed one after another, sealing the silver giant ape.

"Eternal Warhammer!" The giant ape roared, smashing his chest wildly, like a King Kong glaring, showing the strongest combat skills in ancient warfare.Its whole body was shining with silver light, dense phantoms of war hammers appeared on the surface of its body, but it was no longer an attack, but turned into a battle armor, guarding the whole body, so tyrannical that it wanted to forcibly shake the Nine Layers of Soul Suppressing Seal.

In an instant, the Gobi rioted. The giant ape showed its power and its power was astonishing. With every stride, the earth collapsed, and with every punch, the chaotic world pierced through the sky.

The rage of the giant ape seemed to shake the sky and the earth, but the Nine Layers of Soul Sealing seals the soul, which can be said to directly hit the weakness of the silver giant ape.

hum! !Nine consecutive soul-suppressing seals were superimposed, and nine groups of golden monkey seals were superimposed and enveloped. In the area covered by the golden light, the Buddha's voice was gurgling, horrified, and the silver giant ape roared violently, but the trembling space tore its soul.

Ho ho ho!The silver giant ape was under great deterrence. The soul that had been severely injured by the beheading was already weak, so why did it endure such torture, and the superimposition of each group of Buddhist voices brought a heavy mountain-like squeeze, forcing it to kneel on the ground.

Yan Yuhan stared at the majestic figure of the treasure in doubt, how many martial arts does this kid have?How come one after another, emerge in endlessly, each has such a terrifying power.Is this a soul-destroying martial skill?Isn't the Central Plains prohibiting the circulation of this kind of martial arts?How could it be displayed here? It is still so overbearing.

"Damn human, you have angered me!" The silver giant ape suddenly roared and struggled wildly. The heavy hammers that were attached to the whole body exploded like an explosion, and scattered and bombarded the 81 Buddha seals. .

Ka Ka Ka! !The heavy hammer bombarded, and a large piece of Buddha seal shattered.

Nine layers of soul suppressing seal... broken! !
But... Tang Yan was already entrenched in mid-air, and the white Taoist seals were superimposed, gathering into a vast number of Buddhas, as if overlooking all living beings, and staring coldly at the silver giant ape. The moment it broke free, the hundred Buddha seals were resolutely pushed out.

The mighty light of the ten thousand-zhang Buddha spreads across the night, and the son of the treasured Buddha is in the palm of his hand.

The golden Buddha's palm descended from the sky, breaking through layers of golden light and mist, and imprinted on the chest of the silver giant ape like a comet hitting the earth. It was fierce and domineering, with unparalleled power.The silver giant ape let out a muffled scream, and its huge body, which was ten feet tall, writhed and lost control, and flew towards the distance, hitting the ground one after another along the way, and violently trembled.

The intimidating soul of the eightfold town soul seal, the fierceness and wildness of the hundred Buddha seal, the double crit of the soul and the body, this time, completely damaged the silver giant ape.

crazy!crazy! !Tang Yan completely fell into a madness of rampage, and swallowed a large amount of spiritual source liquid. Regardless of weakness and pain, he rushed towards the giant ape again!

The giant ape was no longer as brave as before, lying on his back on the ground, his chest cavity was blasted with cracks, blood flowed horizontally, his consciousness was dull and painful, the fire of his soul seemed to be extinguished, and his right eye that had been eroded before was even more horrible.

It sensed Tang Yan's approach, and subconsciously moved its fists.

"White-skinned monkey, grandpa will take you on a plane!" Tang Yan grinned, turned around, hugged one of the fingers of the giant ape, screamed angrily, and swung it up, standing on the spot for a while. It flipped over and smashed hard on the broken Gobi Desert with a bang, rocks flew across, and the ground trembled wildly.

The Yaochi disciples who had paused in the distance were stunned and swallowed with difficulty. The earth dragons and humans and beasts who besieged them were also terrified. The silver giant ape was defeated?Was it violently swung by a tiny human?
The silver giant ape is not only powerful, but also horrifying in weight. This huge body of ten feet is a normal size, and it is being discussed?What a terrifying force it takes.


Tang Yan's strength was astonishing, the finger snapped with a cracking sound, and blood spurted out. The silver giant ape roared and struggled, as if it was about to wake up.


Tang Yan hugged the other finger, carrying the heavy pressure of the Black Stone Gobi, lifted the giant ape into the air, swung it again, and smashed it violently at the besieged Yaochi disciples, of course not to kill them, but It is to break through their besieged predicament.

The earth dragons were terrified, and the surviving Yaochi disciples fled silently, rumbling, smoke and dust rising, and boulders scattered.

"Aw..." the giant ape roared, and was wounded continuously, the silver light all over his body was reduced a lot, and the runes faded a lot, but he was about to wake up, struggling frantically, trying to beat Tang Yan to death.

Tang Yan's expression was fierce, and he rushed forward, grabbed the violent ape's body, and slammed it violently, even rushing towards... the battlefield of Kaishan Mangniu!

(End of this chapter)

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