Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 542

Chapter 542
In an instant, the hidden petals exploded violently, turning into a sea of ​​flowers to meet the black feathers all over the sky.

Bang bang bang!When the petals and black feathers touched, they all exploded, detonating the battlefield densely.The black feathers are all condensed by spiritual power, possessing strange weight and devouring power, but the petals are also condensed by spiritual power. The encounter at this moment triggered an unprecedented explosion, like a sea of ​​flames raging in the sky.

Black Feather's prestige was lifted, and Yan Yuhan also changed his target at the same time, and the surging cold wave hit the poisonous mist!The poisonous mist of Zhuyeqing is very terrifying. It claims to dress everything in the world, and even the soul can be 'defiled', but the strange fire of Fentian Lanyan is even more overbearing. It freezes and shatters at the moment of blending, turning into dots all over the sky, and is covered by black stones. The gravity field of Gobi pulls and falls.

"Who, get out!!" The six-winged demon bird snorted coldly, and Zhuyeqing was also terrified.

The Lord of Zhaoyi Palace descended from the dark night, and the sea of ​​flowers surrounded the sky, and the shining white light reflected a sky, beautiful and magnificent, like a noble fairy falling into the dust, but recalling the strength of the six-winged demon bird, who is facing it hard, no one can see it. They all felt a terrible coercion, a coercion born from the heart!
Who is this woman?A flash of surprise flashed in Mu Rou's eyes, and she couldn't help but look at Tang Yan more.

"The Grand Mistress of the Yuhua Palace in the Dayan Mountains?" The Second Elder's expression was slightly cold, and his eyes were fixed on Zhaoyi without blinking.

"It's her! Grand Palace Master Zhaoyi! When did she enter Canglan Ancient Land, and how did she get involved with Tang Yan?" The saint also recognized this graceful and peerless beauty.

"First Yan State Ancestral Hall, then Eternal Beast Mountain, don't you think our enemies are not too many? Trouble is not chaotic enough?" Zhaoyi really didn't think about making a move, when she came to this battlefield a few minutes ago She felt helpless.

This Tang Yan is really not a worry-free guy, should it be said that he is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf?Or should he be said to be lawless?Provoking the Ancestral Hall of Yan State is already enough of a headache, and they still don't know how to kill the beasts of the Eternal Beast Mountain!Don't you think the Dayan Mountains are not chaotic enough?Do you think that mess is not enough for them to torment?
"Life requires passion. Only when there is a big adventure can there be great rewards and great growth, you know." Tang Yan put away the remnant body of the Kaishan Mang Niu, with a grim expression, and looked coldly at the six-winged monster bird: " Immediately hand over the blood essence of Bai Zeyu and Wusheng, or I will kill that little green snake immediately! Let the snake soup be stewed tonight!"

"Proud!" The six-winged demon bird and Zhuyeqing were all full of anger. With the mighty power of the Eternal Beast Mountain, no one had dared to threaten to kill wantonly in front of them. They still used the special word 'kill', counting 10 Over the past few years, even Zhenyao Temple has not dared to be so arrogant!

"Whether it is arrogance or not depends on whether the fist is hard enough!! Grand Palace Master, please hold this bird man, our side will end soon." Tang Yan was exhausted and it was difficult to fight again, but the lineup behind him was enough Powerful, there is no pressure at all to suppress the Eternal Beast Mountain.

"Our business, we take care of it ourselves!" The second elder looked at Palace Master Zhaoyi with a strange look, and led Shengnu and Mu Rou to kill Zhuyeqing, the 'Zhitian Qingling'.This is the matter of their Yaochi Holy Land, Qiu Futu has done his best, and Tang Yan is risking his life, they can't pretend to be spectators watching the battle, and they don't want Zhaoyi to intervene.

"Elder, your injury!" Aunt Sheng wanted to stop her worriedly.

"You can't die, let me kill you!" The second elder really wanted to win Bai Zeyu, no matter how serious the injury was, he would kill him to the end.

"The despicable worms of the Yan Kingdom, wait for the wrath of the Eternal Beast Mountain!" Zhuyeqing felt threatened, her huge body swung fiercely, and the sharp corners of her forehead burst out with a dazzling thunder, which contained a terrifying advantage that pierced the sky , and the cyan poisonous mist spread out like a raging flame.The poisonous fog was overbearing, the black stones of the earth were corroded, and the air in the space made a strange noise.

Qiu Futu did not leave according to the agreement, instead he took a step forward, the iron sword crossed the sky, and the dense golden sword lights seemed to attract across the space, and they all rushed towards Zhuyeqing: "I want two horns on its head!! "

"Let's refine its soul! Seal the white lotus forever, and give it to me!!" The second elder, together with Mu Rou and the holy aunt, worked together to urge out the holy land treasure, and a crystal white snow lotus fell from the sky, surrounded by gorgeous mist, dispelling the poisonous mist, as if to Completely engulfed Zhuyeqing's huge body.

"Frost Withering!" Yan Yuhan also launched his killer move, and the blue bird phantom brought the freezing cold wave, burning the strongest poisonous mist of Zhuyeqing with the power of frost.

The erosion of the burning sky and blue flames, like the natural enemy of the poisonous mist, the melting of large stocks, the suppression and dispersal of the white lotus, purifies the remaining toxins, and also locks the surrounding space where the bamboo leaf green traps and locks it. Qiu Futu has no scruples anymore, with A wave of swords all over the sky rushed towards Zhuyeqing.

Zhuyeqing let out a tyrannical howl, her huge body screamed and swung wildly, and the sharp horns on her forehead caused thunderstorms in the sky to riot, showing her fierce and true power, and she was able to shake the joint suppression of the five martial masters.

The arrogance and brutality at this moment is shocking!

It is worthy of being a fierce beast from the Eternal Beast Mountain, and it is worthy of having the blood of ancient beasts!
"There is only one end to provoking the Eternal Beast Mountain, death!!" The six-winged demon bird was furious, and its wings fluttered violently, like black lightning tearing the night, shooting towards Zhuyeqing's battlefield, the speed was extremely fast, almost surpassing Tang Yan The space spanning of the eight Thunder Seals.

"Pass through my sea of ​​flowers first, and then speak wild words!" Palace Master Zhaoyi calmly gathered more and more sea of ​​petals, spreading out the world.Zhaoyi strode across the sea of ​​flowers, stopped in front of the six-winged demon bird, and pushed out with a palm, a storm of petals rolled up, seemingly gorgeous and gentle, but brought a thrilling threat!

"Go away!!" The fury of the six-winged demon bird was about to burn the night, its speed soared again and again, and the sharp sound waves brought a terrifying force like a blade, destroying Zhaoyi's flower sea world in pieces, but the flower sea is endless , as if pulling it into a strange space, it couldn't find its position, but Zhaoyi can accurately lock the position of the six-winged demon bird, and push it out with one palm, and the sea of ​​flowers in the sky sometimes turns into a whirling storm, implying Terrible tearing sharpness, sometimes condensed into a sharp leaf, containing terrifying piercing power.

Zhaoyi can't hurt the six-winged demon bird, but can temporarily entangle it!

The six-winged demon bird is extremely powerful, but it cannot break out of this petal world as soon as possible!
Zhuyeqing was fighting for life and death, even though she wailed endlessly and was bloody flying, she brutally withstood the oppression of the Second Elder and the others.But no matter how strong it is, it is only one. After just a few rounds, as Yan Yuhan and Qiu Futu went crazy at the same time, the sky-burning blue flame covered Zhuyeqing's whole body, the strange cold and strange fire eroded wildly from the wound, and Qiu Futu's iron sword Then it went forward like a wave and slashed its thunder horns one after another.

The huge demon body suffered heavy damage!
The second elder and the three endured the serious injuries, and urged the white lotus treasure again, turning into a huge snow lotus phantom, covering the green bamboo leaves, the misty fluorescent lights, and the pure snow white rising, as if trying to refine it to death alive in.

Zhuyeqing's crisis became more and more serious, and the six-winged demon bird was temporarily trapped in Zhaoyi's sea of ​​flowers, the more anxious it was, the more unable to break out.

Tang Yan also rushed to Zhuyeqing's battlefield, but he was not in a hurry to attack, but was fully on guard.

"Be careful! It's coming!" The blackwater leech, which had been sleeping for a long time, unexpectedly woke up at this time. At the same time, the body dormant on Tang Yan's wrist began to spread rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a fine armor, guarding the Atrium and Dantian parts.

In an instant, two pitch-black chains shot out from the void, one for Tang Yan and the other for Yan Yuhan.

"Teacher Yan, be careful, this is a soul attack!" Tang Yan had already been alerted, and the black coffin with bone inserted directly summoned it, and slammed towards the direction where the chains invaded.

Yan Yuhan has experienced many battles and sensed the crisis. When he heard the reminder, blue light flashed in his eyes, and two substantial blue lights burst out.

boom! !Click!
A pitch-black chain hit the black coffin, and the black coffin reappeared similar to the scene that night. A terrifying fluctuation, like a torrent of gates, instantly shattered the soul chain.

But Yan Yuhan was not so lucky, the attacking pitch-black chains easily shattered and shattered the bone-piercing blue light, ruthlessly wrapped around her head, hitting her soul directly!

An ear-piercing bird song echoed in the sky, and it was hard to conceal the sternness. I saw that the phantom of the blue bird was inexplicably wrapped in black chains, and it was tightly controlled. Moving towards the far sky, as if wanting to break away from the main body.

On the other hand, Yan Yuhan backed away screaming in pain, hugging her head tightly, her beautiful delicate face turned pale, and an invisible chain was fixed between her eyebrows, sucking in the blue flame like a whale.

"Master, I've been waiting for you for a long time! Open it for me!" Tang Yan spread his wings and soared into the sky, dancing the black coffin and slamming the chain in front of the blue bird.

There was a strange buzzing sound, and the calm black coffin unexpectedly burst into a turbulent black fog, which exploded like a bomb, swept across the sky, and also impacted the blue sparrow and the chain.

There was a muffled hum from the misty rain and the darkness of the sky at the same time, the chains shattered, and the blue bird was affected and severely injured.

But... Tang Yan hadn't had time to get excited, but felt a bone-piercing coldness in an instant!

At that moment just now, he had a hallucination that seemed real and illusory, as if a pale hand bone fell on his wrist, protruding from the black coffin, it was very cold, and it was going to kill him with his soul dragged in.

(End of this chapter)

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