Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 543 Ming Shang

Chapter 543 Ming Shang
The black coffin fell from his hand, with a loud bang, and fell into the Gobi, which was full of pits and ravines, and was deeply inserted among the dark gravel.

Tang Yan also fell next to the black coffin, feeling dizzy and dizzy, subconsciously leaning towards the black coffin.Fortunately, the blackwater leech let out a sharp neigh, which stung Tang Yan's consciousness, and he woke up suddenly just before touching the black coffin.

"Be careful, this black coffin seems to be awakening!" the black water leech reminded Tang Yan anxiously, with a very heavy voice.

From the sudden attack of the black chains to the respective attacks on Tang Yan's Yan Yuhan; from the attack of Yan Yuhan to Tang Yan's counterattack; Yan Yuhan was on the verge of life and death, but failed to attract the attention of others.

Still in shock, Yan Yuhan retreated to Tang Yan's side while enduring the severe pain.

"Close to me, never leave!!" Tang Yan was full of horror but had to stick close to the black coffin. He would rather take the risk of moving the black coffin than being turned into a puppet by the soul attack without defense.

"What happened just now? How could it strip off my Burning Sky Blue Flame? Could it be a soul martial skill?" All of Yan Yuhan's disdain and contempt disappeared under the sudden and sharp attack just now, replaced by thick vigilance and coldness.

"The semi-holy of the Golden Tower, the Skyhawk Envoy, majors in soul martial arts!" Tang Yan stopped in front of Yan Yuhan, wary of the dark night ahead, he couldn't see anything, but he could feel a strong threat there keeping it.

Ow! !A shrill scream sounded, and the chaotic battlefield came to an end. Facing the joint encirclement and suppression of many venerables, Zhuyeqing suffered heavy injuries one after another.The main body was imprisoned by the white snow lotus, and was shaken to death by the light of purification, leaving only a soulless remnant crashing to the ground.

A mighty Yaozun was surrounded and killed in this way.

The six-winged demon bird in the distance roared furiously, and unexpectedly rolled up a terrifying storm of evil spirit, which burst into the sea of ​​flowers like a violent wind and clouds, and even Zhaoyi was forced to retreat one after another.

"You're all going to die! Don't even try to escape!" The six-winged demon bird let out a piercing roar, and the six wings shook violently, carrying the heavy gravity field and blasting into the sky. In an instant, a terrifying wave of spiritual power Resounding in the depths of the distant sky, billowing dark clouds are accumulating, like rolling waves, the momentum is frightening.

"What does it want to do?"

"Be more careful."

The second elder was fully on guard, secretly thinking that this monster was about to go berserk, Qiu Futu took Zhuyeqing's horned subordinates, seeing that no one cared about its body, and put them into the interspatial bag together.A Tier [-] Demon Venerable with the bloodline of an ancient beast, even the blood all over his body is precious, so it cannot be wasted.

Tang Yan didn't care about the six-winged demon bird, nor did he have the energy to put away Zhuyeqing. He was vigilant against the night, and didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

In the depths of the distant Gobi Desert, the monk headed by Chenyuan Pavilion who was still facing the Rage God Zhai was slightly alert, and the hermit of the Rage God Zhai was also aware of it, and looked up at the chaotic battlefield.

The familiar rattle of chains caught their attention.

However... before there was any response under the night, a cold voice suddenly sounded beside Tang Yan, just a few steps away, right in front of the black coffin! "Tang Yan, I haven't seen you for a few years. Your growth is amazing."

who?Tang Yan was startled, he clasped the black coffin in front of him tightly, and made a gesture to blast it, but... bang, there was a dull impact, the black coffin was easily held down by the shadow in front, and Tang Yan used a force to release it. , but he didn't move the black coffin at all, but was almost brought down instead.

On the opposite side of the black coffin, a tall and thin figure covered in a black cloak, fine black arcs flashed from time to time, filled with a heart-pounding horror, a kind of unstoppable coolness.

"Who are you?" Tang Yan was fully alert, continuing to hold the black coffin tightly.He felt a strong threat, and even more terrifying trembling. He didn't care about it so much, the demon spirit pulse was activated quietly, and his right hand turned into a sharp candle dragon claw in the fine click sound, and the sharp edge was embedded in the black coffin bit by bit. , fasten firmly.

"This is..." Yan Yu's cold and proud expression suddenly changed, and she couldn't help but be astonished as she was as calm as she looked at Tang Yan's ferocious animal claw in disbelief.

"Is it the dragon's claws? It seems that you have a good chance!" The figure under the black cloak slowly raised his head, a pair of green vertical pupils flashed a silky light, and there was surprise in the light, but more For clarity or brutal coldness.

"I'm asking you, who are you!" Tang Yan clasped the black coffin tightly, staring at the man in black, secretly, his feet turned into the sharp claws of the candle dragon, which were deeply inserted into the gravel, Dense spikes appeared on the knees and elbows, and dark green tough armor began to appear on the skin under the clothes.

He felt a kind of oppression that he had never experienced before, mixed with negative emotions such as coldness, evil, fierceness, etc., affecting the mind and stimulating the fear deep in the soul.This person is very strong, so strong that he has a clear weakness!Not only did Tang Yan feel this feeling, but even Yan Yuhan felt it!
"We have met before." The green and evil vertical pupils stared at Tang Yan's eyes. These vertical pupils have no human feelings at all, and they are very creepy, like two cold sharp knives, trying to cut him open. clear.

If the spirit is weak, they can sit down directly.

Meet?A semi-holy powerhouse!It's definitely not the Skyhawk, and it doesn't look like the mysterious demi-holy seen on the Dros battlefield.Besides them, when did I see other half-saints?This kind of scary old monster is not something that can be seen everywhere.

Tang Yan stared at the evil pupils, and accidentally caught a glimpse of the black arc on the cloak from the corner of his eyes, and his heart trembled slightly: "Who are you? I'm not interested in guessing riddles with you! Tell me!!"

"In the Dayan Mountains, I should have killed you, but in the end I spared your life, but I still have some impressions?" The voice of the black-robed figure was hoarse and cold, but when he said these words, Tang Yan clearly Inside, I heard a very slight... joking and taunting!

Tang Yan stared at it for a while, the doubts in his heart suddenly became clear, he was taken aback for a moment, then roared like he was going berserk, swung the black coffin with all his might, and slammed it down at some black shadow: "You snatched the black girl? give me back!!"

boom! !The heavy black coffin bombarded the man in black, but suddenly rebounded half a meter away from the top of his head, as if he had been impacted by a surging force, the violent rebound brought Tang Yan overturned in embarrassment.

Strangely, the black coffin returned to silence, and there was nothing unusual about it.

The astonishment in Yan Yuhan's eyes became even stronger. At the moment Tang Yan burst into flames, she clearly saw Tang Yan's sharp claws and feet that resembled animal claws, as well as the dark green armor under the ragged clothes!Isn't Tang Yan human? ?

"Give me back my black girl!!" Tang Yan was so angry that he roared hysterically. He violently picked up the heavy black coffin and threw it at the man in black again.

"Your? With your blasphemous words, I can break the promise of the year and kill you here in the Black Rock Gobi." The black-robed man is the strong man sent by Youye Forest, the top genius of Yaoyelei wolf clan , Ming Shang! !

With a cold snort and a shake of his hand, a tyrannical black thunderbolt rushed out, intertwined and intertwined in a strange way, like black fists woven together, and slammed fiercely at the upper side of the black coffin, that is, the pale bones. on the knife.

Click! !The bone knife made a slight clicking sound, and the fine electric arc rushed into the interior along the crack where the bone knife was combined with the black coffin.In an instant, the black coffin erupted with an abyss-like strange black glow, which was not so strong, but it emitted strange energy fluctuations, filling all areas of the black coffin, and a muffled groan and moan of pain came out from inside the black coffin, The pale bone knife shrank back in an instant, leaving only the handle full of cracks.

And the weight of the black coffin suddenly skyrocketed, like a compressed heavy mountain range, it bounced back towards Tang Yan, with a loud bang, and smashed him directly on the Gobi Desert. Slammed deep into the ground.

"No matter who you are, this is the territory of Yan Kingdom, not a place where you can run wild!" Yan Yuhan woke up with a start, stepped out, and stopped between Tang Yan and Ming Shang, and the obviously weaker Fen Tian Lanyan was entrenched In the void, the blue pupils stared at Ming Shang.

"If you were fully mature, you would be able to pose a threat to me. Now you, a small juvenile body, are presumptuous and sleepy in front of me!" Dozens of thick black lightnings appeared out of nowhere in the space, like a lightning cage, accumulating and shrinking, trapping fiercely towards her and Fen Tian Lanyan.

"Damn bastard!! Give me back my black girl!" Before Yan Yuhan could get mad, Tang Yan, who was smashed into the deep pit, was carrying a black coffin and collapsed into the ground. , soaring into the sky, tumbling crazily, and slamming down violently with the momentum of a turbulent wave hitting the shore.

"Is that Tang Yan's voice?" Du Yang and the others, who were rushing at full speed, clearly recognized Tang Yan's voice, and could feel the anger and tyranny in it, which was different from the usual laziness and stubbornness.

"What's going on?" Zhan Juhu, who ended the war, and other Dayan group powers are also sprinting here. The night is dark and the road is far away. They look down on the situation, but what they can feel is... the depths of the sky are gradually The strong terrifying coercion gave rise to an ominous premonition in his heart, and his speed soared at full speed.

(End of this chapter)

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