Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 579

Chapter 579
The seven blazing sun snakes are trying their best to control the death knell of doomsday, trying to trap and kill the second elder who is wrapped in snow lotus inside, he is shocked when he hears this, if it is normal, this roar will make him excited for several days, and he will also laugh at Tianyi The demon bowed his head to show weakness.

But now... the head in the middle is full of ferocious eyes, looking back to wish for the Sky Winged Demon's battlefield.

The other six heads were also full of astonishment.

As soon as it relaxed here, the second elder in Doomsday's death knell opened his eyes suddenly: "Purification in the prosperous age!"

Vast spiritual power focuses on the precious treasure snow lotus in Yaochi, and the holy light sweeps across the entire world of death knell, resisting wind, rain, thunder and lightning and other destructive storms with unparalleled power.

boom! ! !The violent roar was as if the sky was falling apart, and the terrible sound waves even spread cracks on the distant mountains like an earthquake. The white jade snow lotus was so radiant that it was completely crowded with death knells, like a dazzling scorching sun!

Ka Ka Ka! !

There were dense cracking sounds one after another, and the seven ancient characters such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning were dim and almost shattered.

"Don't try to break my death knell, sleep me!!" The seven blazing sun snakes roared fiercely, and the seven roared in unison, trying to regain control of the situation, was too late.

The second elder of the Yaochi Holy Land is by no means an easy person, who is also in the third-order realm. The opportunity is rare, and he seized it! !

Boom boom boom! !The white jade lotus blossomed wildly, shaking the death knell of the doomsday, and the holy radiance shone across the earth, completely covering up the various martial arts of the seven blazing sun snakes.

The seven heads of the seven blazing sun snakes were full of ferocity, and they stared fiercely at the second elder. It was completely confident to control her again, but hesitated a little, and turned around and rushed towards the battlefield of the Sky Winged Demon.If it is said that beheading a Tier [-] Martial Venerable requires the loss of a Southern Phoenix Inspector, it will definitely not accept it, and it clearly distinguishes the seriousness of it.

Although there are usually conflicts with the Sky Winged Demon, they both belong to the Southern Phoenix Wonderland after all. At critical moments, they still have to be rescued, they still have to be rescued!This is related to the stability of Nanhuang Wonderland!
"Seven-headed Fierce Sun Snake, hurry up!!" The Sky Winged Demon put aside all worries and urgently called for help, like black lightning flashed across the sky, and converged towards the Seven-Headed Fierce Sun Snake.

But... "Mountains and rivers have power, and Tai Chi is an illusion! Yin and Yang fight and turn!" Xuanyuan Longli groaned softly, as exquisite as a pearl, and once again showed his strange secret skills.Based on the beautiful mountains and rivers and the nine-tailed dragon carp as the model, a terrifying Tai Chi pattern that spreads across the world has evolved.

Stretching in front of the Sky Winged Demon.

"Ahhh!" The Sky Winged Demon didn't care at all, screamed in pain, flapped its wings fiercely, rushed in like a swirling hurricane.

But in the next moment, the weird situation made everyone's hearts tremble violently, and even the eyeballs almost popped out.

Tian Haiyi rushed in, and then rushed back. It was just a moment of neutral, and its trajectory turned 180 degrees!
Xuanyuan Longli actually diverted to space!Or it overlaps the space!
In's mysterious and unpredictable, and their hearts trembled when they saw it, and they were confused when they thought about it.

They couldn't believe their eyes, they didn't know how Xuanyuan Longli, a mysterious guy, did it! !

The Sky Winged Demon was in a frenzy and chaos. Without realizing it, the speed soared to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, he returned to the encirclement circle of Tang Yan and others again. The scene in front of him completely confused his already chaotic and painful head.

"Hey, good, good, good job, Jiumei, good job!!" Tang Yan laughed loudly, and went forward, the expanded green fire domain completely engulfed the Sky Winged Demon, and his whole body was bombarded like a cannonball. In this world, only Tang Yan, with his perverted blood, is qualified to fight the third-order demon master in close quarters.

The speed of change of Ren Tianzhu's seal was accelerated, controlling the evil spirits to destroy the soul of the Sky Winged Demon, and disturbing its sanity to the greatest extent.Du Yang and Zhao Zimo were even more unequivocal. They took their pets and separated on both sides, and launched a strong attack into the Green Fire Domain.

Xuanyuan Longli endured his weak consciousness, and once again outlined the power of Tai Chi. If the Sky Winged Demon had the ability to run out again, he would be able to make it change its trajectory in the first place, obediently falling into the battle circle and being ravaged.

The dignified Nanhuang Inspector, the third-rank Yaozun, what happened at this moment is really miserable and embarrassing.

Zhaoyi stared fixedly at the cyan flame, slightly absent-minded, a burst of anger almost made her faint, gritted her teeth fiercely, turned around and rushed towards the Seven-headed Lieyang Snake.The second elder in the distance also revived his fighting spirit, chasing the Fierce Sun Snake for a fight.

As long as Tang Yan and others can trap and kill the Sky Winged Demon, it will be enough to deter the Seven-Headed Lieyang Snake!

Today, this chaotic and fierce battle can be declared over.

"If you slaughter ordinary monsters, the Immortal Phoenix will not care about your face. If you dare to kill the inspector, the anger of Nanhuang Immortal Palace will make you all the unjust souls of this eternal beast mountain forever!!" The seven blazing sun snakes roared wildly Critical strikes, along the way, howling winds, torrential rains, thunder and lightning, even the ground is heavy with mountains, within a thousand meters is like doomsday, anyone around it will be shocked by the horror of this ominous creature.

But Zhaoyi and the second elder didn't care about anything, anyway, they had already reached this level, so they just went crazy to the end.

The Sky Winged Demon was completely insane, struggling in the green fire domain, and had an extremely violent fight and collision with Tang Yan. The sound of violent crit resounded through the world, and the terrifying collision wave even stirred up the green fire domain. .

Tang Yan's madness aroused Zhao Zimo's madness, and they almost unreservedly displayed their strongest martial arts.

It was the first time they fought against a Tier-[-] Venerable, a Tier-[-] Demon Venerable with a special bloodline, fighting, fighting hysterically, even if they died under the wrath of Nanhuang Wonderland in the future, they were considered worthy! !
In the end, Ren Tianzhu directly held the Soul Calling Banner and attracted all ghosts to rush into the battlefield.

"Stop! Everyone stop!! Let the Sky Winged Demon go, and I will guarantee you to leave the Southern Phoenix Wonderland safely!" The Seven-Headed Fierce Sun Snake was really in a hurry, watching helplessly as the Sky Winged Demon in the distance suffered disaster, but it could do nothing.The two women in front of them were completely insane, they were on the verge of fighting with their bodies.

Today's operation has completely failed, keeping the Sky Winged Demon as the top priority!

"Unless you Undead Phoenix come here in person, no one will be able to save the Sky Winged Demon today!!" Zhaoyi and the Second Elder seemed to want to vent their anger these days, and forced their fighting spirit to keep attacking.

"Damn it! Fuck you all!!" The seven-headed blazing sun snake erupted with a terrifying ray of blazing sun, and the blazing blazing light was bad, like dense light needles piercing the sky, and the seven big heads all went berserk , the ancient characters such as 'wind' and 'thunder' on the forehead are shining brightly, arousing the crazily accumulation of spiritual energy in the world.

It has a ruthless mind, and is ready to risk its life to control Zhaoyi and the second elder, even if it is only one of them, and then... an equal exchange!Use this method that is not an option to exchange the Sky Winged Demon back!

But... "Retreat!" A clear roar exploded from behind, Zhaoyi and the second elder's spirits vibrated slightly, and they retreated at full speed. The battlefield of Zhao Zimo and others.

The fierce battle has come to an end, the Tianyi Demon is dripping with blood, and the six monster black feathers are covered with scars. They do not know whether they are dead or alive, and they fell under Tang Yan's sharp claws, holding them high in the air: "How dare you move forward halfway!" One step, and I'll cut off its head!"

The seven heads of the seven blazing sun snakes let out a deafening roar, venting their unwillingness and anger: "You crazy people!! You will kill all the demon masters in the Southern Phoenix Wonderland! Do you really think this is an honor? This is courting death!! You killed not only the Yaozun of Nanhuang Wonderland, but also weakened the overall strength of Eternal Beast Mountain! Nanhuang will not let you go, and Xi Zedongkui and Bei Ming will not let you go either !!"

"Who are you scaring? As long as the one who dies is not a half-holy one, Dongkui and the others can't wait for all the monster masters in Nanhuang to die! Let me ask you, is the woman you arrested called Ling Ruoxi! Answer honestly, don't be those naive Threat." Tang Yan grabbed the Sky Winged Demon's throat, which might break at any moment.

"Yes!!" The Seven-Headed Lieyang Snake didn't talk nonsense, and stared at Tang Yan viciously.

Zhaoyi felt dizzy for a while, and her body was almost in a coma after being exhausted.After entering the Eternal Beast Mountain, I couldn't feel Ling Ruoxi's position and breath, and I kept hoping that Ling Ruoxi was not in the Eternal Beast Mountain, but now it seems... "Is the little golden monkey still alive?"


"Go back and tell Undead Phoenix that if something happens between Ling Ruoxi and Little Golden Monkey, I will kill not only the Sky Winged Demon, but the other three inspectors will be my next target." Tang Yan's tone was ferocious.

"Why not exchange Ruoxi with the Sky Winged Demon!!" Zhaoyi stared at Tang Yan with sharp eyes.

"If you care about it, you will be chaotic. I forgive you." Tang Yan glanced back angrily, and continued to shout at the seven-headed blazing sun snake: "My life is worthless. If I do what I say, you must be crazy, Lao Tzu I will accompany you to the end!!"

Xuanyuan Longli explained in a low voice behind Zhaoyi: "We have already caused trouble, and we must find a safe place to hide to avoid fighting again. But if we exchange the hostages with the Sky Winged Demon, we will simply throw ourselves into the trap. They only need Send out a half saint, and we will all die. This is not a hostage exchange, this is death."

Zhaoyi closed her eyes in pain.

"I'll give you the same words. I don't want that woman and monkey to be insulted, so let go of the Sky Winged Demon immediately." The Seven-Headed Lieyang Snake was not stupid, and immediately found a new breakthrough.

"Think carefully about my words! The two captives are more important, or your inspector is more important. I, Tang Yan, will kill as soon as I say, and the speed will definitely be faster than you expected!" Tang Yan has never been the one who is threatened. Ignoring it, squinting at the big head in the middle of the seven-headed blazing sun snake, he suddenly said: "You Immortal Phoenix is ​​probably in seclusion? Or... it cannot be separated from Nanhuang Immortal Palace!"

Um? ?The eyes of the middle head of the seven blazing yang snakes narrowed, and the other six snake heads also showed obvious signs of stilling.

"Goodbye, there will be a time later!" Tang Yan sneered in his heart, put the Sky Winged Demon into the golden lock, took a few steps back, and ran towards the western region at full speed, while shouting at the top of his voice: "I am waiting for you in the land of Caesar, I have the ability Come and kill me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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