Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 580

Chapter 580
Tang Yan and others all withdrew from the battlefield and ran at full speed towards the land of Caesar.

The fairyland of Hundred Waterfalls, which was once beautiful as a picture scroll, has become miserable. The rushing rivers no longer converge into waterfalls, but wash wantonly on the surface of the mountains.The Seven-Headed Lieyang Snake didn't blindly pursue it, so what if it rushed up?What's the point of killing one or two?What's more, he may not be able to kill him, but he will be injured again.

It must return to Nanhuang Immortal Palace immediately and report the matter to the top. It is not a trivial matter to lose ten demon masters in one day, and it is unprecedented to lose an inspector.Tang Yan's guess was correct. Due to various reasons, Immortal Phoenix cannot leave Nanhuang Immortal Palace for the time being, but the four semi-holy monsters guarding Immortal Palace are not restricted!
Tang Yan and the others didn't make any cover-ups, and flew across the clouds like a falcon, hoping to leave Nanhuang as soon as possible.It took several hours to rush into the land of Nishizawa, which is full of rivers and swamps.But none of them stayed in this area. They followed the clear boundary line very tacitly, bypassed the border of Beiming, and rushed into the land of Dongkui.

They had to spend more time, turn around more places, and leave a lot of interference clues along the way to disrupt Nanhuang's tracking.

Dongkui is a hidden and peaceful mountain stream, with thousands of walls standing on both sides and a gurgling brook at the bottom of the stream. The interior is dark and quiet, with only a little light shining from a crack above the head.

Tang Yan and others who were bumping all the way finally stopped.

Whether they like it or not, they will get together and act together in the near future.

It has been two or three days since they left Nanhuang and detoured all the way here. The battle in Nanhuang might have been spread all over Eternal Beast Mountain. None of them can guess what measures the four major territories will take. To avoid the limelight for the time being, Dongkui hid quietly here.

"Are you Tang Yan?" Zhaoyi looked at Tang Yan who was exactly like a monster, her gaze was indescribably complicated, a series of accidents consumed her energy, and also let the original resentment be erased bit by bit, compared to being deceived Annoyed, she was even more surprised by Tang Yan's appearance now.

Tang Yan first looked at her with high vigilance, and after confirming that there was no killing intent in Zhaoyi's cold eyes, she smiled sarcastically: "What orders does the Grand Palace Master have?"

"What's wrong with you? Was it ruined by a monster?" Not only Zhaoyi, but everyone looked at him like a monster. To be precise, this is a monster.

"Don't get excited, I'm still me." Tang Yan rolled his eyes at Du Yang, took out a loose robe from the golden lock, and covered it over his body. Under the weird eyes of everyone, he restrained the blood of the demon spirit and returned to normal. Human appearance, and a very brief explanation: "The life-saving martial arts passed down to me by my master is a bit weird, but very practical."

"Martial skills make people's bodies into monsters?" Zhao Zimo looked at Tang Yan in disbelief. Even though he had a deep understanding of some of Tang Yan's strange martial arts, he still couldn't accept such an unheard of change.

Advanced warriors can use their exquisite spiritual power control ability to transform thunder, lightning, qi, etc., as well as pure spiritual power, into animal shapes, but I have never heard of anyone who directly transforms their body into a monster.

Could it be that this product is actually a monster?
That's not right, unless it is a real holy beast that is below the level of a demon saint, it is possible to transform into a human.

"Blood?" Xuanyuan Longli inadvertently thought of this possibility, his pupils suddenly condensed like needles, fixedly staring at Tang Yan, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

A bloodline that can turn into a monster?
Isn't it the ancient bloodline recorded in the classics - the demon spirit vein? !
Demon spirit vein? !

Yao Lingmai is one of the top ten golden ancient clans in ancient times!

They have disappeared for a long time. Some say that the ten ancient clans have been annihilated in the years of history, and some say that they have escaped from the secular world and hid in different areas of this continent. Unless there is a special disaster on the continent, they will not Show up easily.

Tang Yan's strange change is very similar to the legendary demon spirit vein. If it really comes from blood, would it be related to the demon spirit vein?Can the secrets mentioned many times by the mentor in the dream be answered here?

Xuanyuan Longli's gaze changed from cloudy to sunny, and various questions and memories flickered again and again.

Zhaoyi and the others didn't hear Xuanyuan Longli's murmur, nor did they think about blood.

"Grand Palace Master, take a step to speak?" Tang Yan quickly changed the subject.

"Is there anything I can't say here?" For some reason, Zhaoyi, who had never been afraid of anything, was a little afraid of being alone with Tang Yan, or she couldn't say "scared", anyway, she was a little uncomfortable.

"Let's go inside and talk." Tang Yan wrapped the blanket tightly around his body and walked towards the dark side of the mountain stream.

Zhaoyi hesitated a little, but followed her in.

"What does this girl have to do with Tang Yan?" Du Yang hugged the furry little beast and touched Zhao Zimo who was beside him. The three-legged toad tentatively raised its small paws to touch it a few times, showing strong interest.

"There is a Yuhua Palace in the Dayan Mountain Range, and there are three Palace Masters in the Yuhua Palace. This is the Palace Master, named Zhaoyi, who is also the number one beauty in the Dayan Mountain Range."

"Well, you can see it." Du Yang agreed with Zhao Zimo's evaluation of "the most beautiful woman". Over the years, he has seen many women, but no matter in terms of temperament or appearance, only this Zhaoyi can match the "most perfect woman" in his heart, Ni Ya compare.

One is magnificent and the other is glamorous and enchanting, but they are both the type of queen who is graceful and luxurious.

"Continue, I asked Tang Yan what relationship she has with her, it seems... unusual."

"The three palace lords of Yuhua Palace have their own characteristics. The first palace lord Zhaoyi is noble, the second palace lord Ling Ruoxi is glamorous, and the third palace lord Yin Xiyue is arrogant. I don't know the relationship between the third palace lord and Tang Yan, but... Tang Yan played field battles with Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi."

"Pfft! Cough cough!!" Du Yang couldn't swallow his saliva, choking him so much that he couldn't recover for a long time.Even the second elder, who was about to leave the mountain stream, paused, his well-groomed phoenix eyebrows were frowned, and he couldn't help looking back at Zhaoyi who had disappeared into the darkness.

"What what? Field battle?" Du Yang saw that Zhao Zimo was indifferent and calm, but he didn't expect such an explosive word: "Are you sure? Zhaoyi has such a strong taste? Would you like this kind of stuff?"

"There is a pond at the foot of my house, which disturbed my intensive training and plundered all the edible things in my house. This is the only evil. My miserable and dark life began on that day." Zhao Zimo recalled the scene that day. , with a faint sigh, endlessly sour and desolate.

"Then what are they doing in there?" Du Yang looked at Tang Yan and Zhaoyi who 'shuang' walked into the mountain stream, and muttered to himself, how can Tang Yan have such a great charm?Still have so much guts?Are you not afraid that Niya will castrate him?

"I can't hold back my restlessness. What else can I do, alone and widowed?" Zhao Zimo uttered another sentence that made people break out in cold sweat, and walked towards the stream next to him, wanting to recuperate and rest.

Xuanyuan Longli was also made to smile wryly by their exaggerated conversation.

"Are you all Tang Yan's friends? Tell me about his deeds?" Du Yang knows what kind of guy his brother is, but looking at Zhaoyi in the distance, it seems that he has done more things than he expected in the past few years more hot.

"Are you still angry?" Tang Yan asked tentatively in the mountain stream.

Zhaoyi was trying to forget the events of the day, thinking that Tang Yan was going to talk about something serious, but this time it was a good thing, she suddenly picked up all the things she had suppressed, and almost gave him a slap in the face.

"Actually, I just wanted to save you, and I didn't mean to be blasphemous. You should also remember that you had wounds on every part of your body at that time, and you didn't take them off..."

Snapped! !

Zhaoyi really couldn't hold back the slap, and stuck it firmly on Tang Yan's face: "You did it on purpose? Believe it or not, I really castrated you!!"

Tang Yan could have dodged it, but he didn't. Touching the red handprint on his face, he smiled wryly and said, "I want to help you get over that hurdle in your heart. Don't feel uncomfortable in your heart. If you really can't accept it, just ruthlessly Thinking about it cruelly, at the edge of Lei Chi that year, didn't we all go away? Do you still care about this?"

Zhaoyi was so angry, her graceful and luxurious temperament was almost ruined: "Tang Yan, shut up!!"

"Don't get excited, we are all adults now. Back then you couldn't accept losing your virginity, maybe it was because I was just a little Martial King, but it's different now, I'm not only a Martial Venerable, but also a second rank, maybe someday I'll surpass You, the level of strength is not a problem.

Besides, I want to look good, I want power and power, you have seen all my friends and buddies, they are all perverted, it is not a loss for you to marry me, it is not a loss for you if you follow me.

If you agree, I can help you convince Niya.Think about it, when you are usually idle and bored, you can still fight with Niya, what an interesting thing. "

Zhaoyi's chest heaved for a while, and she glared at Tang Yan angrily. Seeing this, she was already on the verge of going berserk.

"I'm telling the truth, no matter what you do, you're still a woman, and you need a man to take care of you. Although I'm a little bit shameless, I'm completely treating those who I don't like, as well as those enemies and friends. With my own woman, I am still very reliable. Look at Niya, I am completely dependent on her, and when you enter the Tang family, I will also..."

Snapped! !

A loud slap rang again in this dark corner, Zhaoyi finally restrained the emotion of killing him, and only vented her anger with a slap: "You asked me to come in for such a stupid thing, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I can't accompany you. "

(End of this chapter)

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