Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 581 Opportunity to be promoted to semi-saint

Chapter 581 Opportunity to be promoted to semi-saint

"Okay, let's talk about business." Tang Yan rubbed the red and swollen cheeks on both sides, and mumbled with his sore and numb teeth: "However, your two slaps really hurt, no matter how you say it, we have been married for a night, let's start... hey Hey, don't go, don't go, I'm talking about business."

Zhaoyi turned her back to Tang Yan, her towering chest rose and fell slightly, and her quiet heart was full of ripples. Could it be that she committed evil in her previous life?How did you meet such an enemy?

Tang Yan said: "Have you considered breaking through here?"

Zhaoyi looked solemn: "Retreat?"

"Cooperating with you in Nanhuang for half a month, I feel that your strength has improved a lot compared to back then. Fighting against the Sky Winged Demon and the Seven-Headed Fierce Sun Snake, you can persist for so long, and you have already far surpassed the ordinary third-tier martial arts. Respect. If you feel that the realm has matured, you can consider sprinting to the half saint.

This is the Eternal Beast Mountain. The spiritual power between the heaven and the earth is ten times stronger than that of the Dayan Mountain Range, and it has the basis for a breakthrough.I will help you refine a few spirit source liquids, and I can use them to assist you when necessary. "

Tang Yan most hoped that Zhaoyi could be promoted to semi-sacred, so that they would have a certain right to speak in the Eternal Beast Mountain, unless the Immortal Phoenix from the Southern Phoenix Wonderland personally acted, or its subordinates all Get out, otherwise Tang Yan's combination can basically handle it.

The prerequisite is that Zhaoyi can advance successfully!
Tang Yan hoped that Zhaoyi could try it once, but she was not sure if her realm was mature enough.

Zhaoyi fell silent, thinking seriously.

It has been nearly a thousand years since he stopped in the third-order realm. During this period, he has accumulated experience and enlightenment, and there are already countless. In addition, in recent years, there have been constant battles, and new progress has been made in his enlightenment one after another.In fact, a long time ago, she had planned to attack with all her strength, but due to the fact that the spiritual power of the Dayan Mountains was not enough to support her to complete this breakthrough, she only made a few tentative sprints.

The life-gambling martial arts of "Wang Yang Overturned" and the escape secrets of "Ancient Nether Road" were all discovered by accident at that time.

After Tang Yan mentioned this, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.The spiritual power of the Eternal Beast Mountain is quite strong, ten times higher than that of the Dayan Mountain Range, and much higher than that of the Canglan Ancient Land. Such opportunities are rare, not to mention that Tang Yan, a different kind, can provide spiritual source liquid.

How about... try it?

"You must think carefully, and don't force yourself. If you feel that you can, I will do my best to assist you. I can help you refine the Sky Winged Demon and other demon venerables today, and I will do my best to help you protect them. If you feel that it is not the time yet , put this matter aside for now."

Tang Yan knew that the process of Wu Zun's transformation to the semi-holy realm had certain dangers, not to mention the environment of the Eternal Beast Mountain was even more dangerous. Once an unexpected accident happened, Zhaoyi might be more or less ominous, and it might leave behind a hidden disease and permanent damage. Lose the qualification to launch a sprint to the semi-holy realm.

Zhaoyi is more aware of the hidden dangers behind this temptation than Tang Yan. What's more, she is now covered with scars, even her soul is damaged. In the previous battle, the Sky Winged Demon left black feathers on her body, which has not been cleared yet.

Tang Yan did not urge Zhaoyi, but quietly waited for her answer.

After a while, Zhaoyi hesitated: "Give me some time to think about it."

"Do you need my help?" Tang Yan was referring to the black feathers looming between Zhaoyi's clothes, which were difficult to erase by Zhaoyi alone, and had to rely on the ghost Qinghuo.

"No need!"

"I mean it."

"I'm serious too." Zhaoyi really didn't want her body to be fumbled and looked at by this pervert again.

"Okay then, come and tell me when you need it. By the way, don't think about the marriage I told you? I'm serious! If you agree, I will attack your sister again. Unfortunately, I feel that she still has a little meaning for me."

"Could you be any more shameless?" Zhaoyi glared angrily. Is this trying to take down our Yuhua Palace?

"As I said, I have to be responsible to you. I didn't have enough strength before. I'm sorry to say this. Now I have proved it to you. In just ten years, I was promoted from Wu Wang to Wu Zun, and I was still a second-rank Wu Zun. .So...I want to fight for it. Since it happened at the beginning, of course I have to take responsibility as a man. You don't have to worry about it. I..."

"Let's talk about it after you leave Eternal Beast Mountain alive." Zhaoyi really didn't want to say a word to this guy, she was afraid that she couldn't help but really kill him.

"Huh? Your words seem to be interesting. So... if we really leave the Eternal Beast Mountain, are you willing to agree?"

"Dreaming!!" Zhaoyi gritted her teeth with hatred, turned around and walked deep into the mountain stream.

She needs to check her own situation comprehensively, and then consider whether the current realm is suitable for breakthrough.After preparing for nearly a thousand years, I have always longed for a breakthrough, but at this moment, I hesitated.

Tang Yan looked at the back of Zhaoyi walking in, in the dark, swaying and graceful, like a fairy.I couldn't help shouting: "I actually have feelings for you, really."

"Get out!!" Zhaoyi staggered, wishing to come back and slap him twice.

Tang Yan found Ren Tianzan and poured out all the ten monsters in the golden lock. There were originally eleven, but the six-eared voiceless bat was swallowed by the eyes of Nirvana, and only these ten remained.Except for the soul of the purple-winged unicorn which has been swallowed by Ren Tianzhu, the other nine monsters, including the Tianyi demon, still hold their breath, and the souls inside are still lingering.

"Boss Ren, I'm here to give gifts. You absorb the soul, and I'll refine the body. As I said before, the two of us... are a perfect match!" Tang Yan looked at the huge and hideous monsters, and his heart was full of excitement .This adventure was really worth it, and the huge harvest made him want to do it again.

Ren Tianzang devoured the soul inside, and the remaining resentment would be eliminated. Tang Yan then used the ghost green fire to refine them all.After that is the purest spiritual source liquid, the spiritual source liquid without negative emotions!
Du Yang and the others can take it with peace of mind, and they don't have to worry about the negative remnants left in it affecting them.

That's why Tang Yan said that the two are a perfect match!
Ren Tianzhu will not refuse anyone, the souls of the Nine Great Demon Venerables are no longer as simple as a "big supplement" to the paper dolls, if it is not for the insufficient realm, Ren Tianzhu can attack the third-order Wu Zun realm.

These Yaozun souls are his greatest support cornerstones!

"Next, shall we act together?" Tang Yan issued an invitation.

"One of the second grade, two of the first grade." Ren Tianzang's face was like a dead man's, cold and serious, his voice was dry and hoarse, and he always cherished words like gold.

"No problem! Deal!!!" Tang Yan was full of joy. With Ren Tianzhu's strange ability, it would be no problem for him to leave the team and roam the Eternal Beast Mountain alone. It would be extremely dangerous to follow Tang Yan, but danger comes with rewards. Once a bloody battle breaks out, Ren Sky burial can collect more souls, this is a unique opportunity for him!
As for the distribution of the spirit source liquid, there are already ten demon masters in front of him, and Zhaoyi's ring contains the corpses of seven demon masters and more than 400 demon kings obtained from hunting a while ago. After a long time, they were still able to refine a lot of spiritual source liquid, which was enough for their team to share.

It is not a problem to repair the injury and swing a hair in the next battle.

"That's it! You are busy first, I will come over later and refine them all." Tang Yan didn't bother Ren Tianzhu to collect souls, and he didn't want to feel the evil of the soul-calling banner and the weirdness of the paper figurine.

Inside the mountain stream, the three of Zhao Zimo were talking harmoniously.

Du Yang has a cold temperament that is difficult to get close to, but Zhao Zimo's indifference and Xuanyuan Longli's elegance are quite to his liking, part of the reason may be Tang Yan's friends, Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli's strength also got his support recognized.

Zhao Zimo talked about the absurd experience when he met Tang Yan, Du Yang mentioned Tang Yan's dissolute behavior back then, and Xuanyuan Longli occasionally added the glorious deeds of Black Rock Ridge, and the three of them talked happily.

"Where did you get this...uh...panda?" Tang Yan came to them and looked at the fat boy in Du Yang's arms, which was similar to a panda, but without a single hair on his body. A bleached panda.

Honest and clumsy, but also so funny, it is really endearing.

"Do you still remember the sacred beast eggs lost in the Jianbao Conference back then?" Xuanyuan Longli smiled and reminded, his expression couldn't hide a bit of admiration, holy beast cubs, even the ancient holy places in the Central Plains couldn't bear this temptation, and they were caught A young man with no background influence gets it, this is the so-called chance.

"That's it? Is a panda hatched from an egg?" Tang Yan wanted to hug the fat boy.

"This is a totem beast! A totem beast from the ancient Blackstone country!" Du Yang hurriedly hugged the little beast to avoid Tang Yan's 'claws', and warned: "Don't be impulsive, it is a genuine second-tier demon master."

Tang Yan sat on the stone pile, his face full of interest: "Tell me what happened, why did it fall into your hands?"

(End of this chapter)

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