Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 582 Dreamland 9 Fierce

Chapter 582
"Back then, there was a totem beast in the ancient Blackstone country, and it created the Blackstone Gobi for hundreds of kilometers by itself. It could wear stone armor for millions of soldiers in the ancient Blackstone country, making them invulnerable! As long as it is within the range of the Blackstone Gobi, the soldiers of the ancient country cannot conquered.

But later, the Totem Beast was threatened by the Yan Kingdom and the Tianyuan Empire, eager for a breakthrough at a higher level, so it retreated and made a breakthrough when it thought the time was right.Unfortunately, the news leaked out. At the critical moment of promotion and breakthrough, the two empires jointly invaded, and the ancient Blackstone country couldn't resist frequent defeats until it retreated to the Blackstone Gobi.

The ancient Blackstone country is facing the danger of subjugation, so it forcibly breaks the retreat of the totem beast, hoping to be protected.The result... It is conceivable that the totem beast suffered a backlash.As a last resort, it exhausted its lifespan and the life of the entire ancient country, and bred a cub egg with more potential, which was equivalent to reincarnation and nirvana, and carried out a new round of growth.

After the egg was born, it hid itself underground in the Black Rock Gobi. After thousands of years of gestation and recuperation, it left the ground more than ten years ago, ready to break its shell.Unfortunately, it was discovered by a sorcerer, which led to chaos in the treasure appraising conference more than ten years ago.

Later, because the chaos got out of control, the beast eggs returned to the Black Stone Gobi.After six years of hard work, he broke open the beast egg, and has been hiding underground in the Black Stone Gobi ever since, relying on the energy left over from its previous life to survive and grow.

Two years ago, I went into exile in the Black Rock Gobi because of my quarrel with the Heavenly Demon Holy Land. I felt that the Black Stone Gobi was special, so I prepared to smelt this Gobi to promote my petrified martial arts. Unfortunately, I came across it by accident.It may be that my blood is attractive to it, so it followed me. "

"You want to smelt the Black Rock Gobi?" Tang Yan was surprised by Du Yang's appetite, and even more surprised by the little panda's life experience. He tentatively wanted to hug it. The little guy stared at him vigilantly with his big black eyes. Locking it in Du Yang's arms, maybe its immature mind realized that the guy in front of him was not a good person.

"Purely use petrification martial arts to petrify the soil around you. As the level increases, the toughness of the rocks will also increase. The highest can only be regarded as relatively tough rocks. I have long wondered whether I can find a special area. , to smelt them all, and enhance the power of all aspects of the rock."

"Good idea." Xuanyuan Longli praised him. From this sentence, it can be seen that Du Yang is a person who aspires to become stronger and works hard all the time.

"Have you noticed? My current stone forest is all black after casting, similar to steel. This is the special ore of the Black Stone Gobi. It makes my stone forest stronger and its attack power is more than doubled than before. Wait for future smelting It is more sophisticated, and it is expected to have its unique gravity suppression."

Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli felt the same way. Back then in the Black Rock Gobi, Du Yang's Stone Forest Domain shocked everyone. Its scope and tyrannical level rivaled that of a Tier [-] Martial Master.This should be due to the fact that the Black Stone Gobi is the legacy of the totem beast from its previous life, allowing the little beast to exert its unparalleled advantages there.

"Tutu and I were fortunate enough to find the remains of its previous life in the Black Rock Gobi. As long as it is successfully smelted, Tutu will grow a lot, and I can perfectly smelt the entire Black Stone Gobi together. But later... ...The Holy Land of the Heavenly Demon came to make trouble, and you appeared again, and we were broken halfway through refining."

Du Yang felt a little regretful. If he could refine all the Black Stone Gobi before entering the Eternal Beast Mountain, he believed it would be able to play a greater role.With the expansion of the Stone Forest field, a huge Black Rock Gobi can be spawned here. Not only is the Stone Forest powerful, but its tyrannical gravity suppression can also make it difficult for the enemy to move.

Tough materials and special gravity pressure are the changes Du Yang is most looking forward to.

"Don't worry, we will be able to kill it." Tang Yan's eyes were still fixed on Tutu. Is this simple and clumsy guy the legendary totem beast?He was a terrifying holy beast in his previous life, and he exhausted the fate of the entire ancient Blackstone country back then. This reincarnation may have more room for growth than before.

As expected of a holy beast, it was able to be reincarnated after a failed breakthrough!
This kind of ability to surpass the world is really amazing.

"Let's talk about you? How did you hook up with the number one beauty in the Dayan Mountains? Does Niya know? The red flag at home is not down, and the colorful flags are waving outside. Your lust has not restrained at all." Du Yang teased Tang Yan, By the way, put Baby Tutu behind you, lest this thing be used for research.

"It's a long story. When Delos left, it took more than ten years in a blink of an eye. Now the Delos Empire is gone, King Zhou Ling has grown bigger, the Tang family has also moved to the Dayan Mountains, and I have formed my own forces , and have some good partners."

Tang Yan couldn't help being a little emotional. More than ten years passed by in a blink of an eye, and the scene of the separation of the Rao family was still vivid in his memory.The experience during the period was rough, dangerous and difficult, but also wonderful.

From leaving Delos to going deep into the Dayan Mountains; from getting acquainted with Tibing Mountain to experiencing the Jedi during the day; The rise of Bingshan, and then Dayan's melee, the troubles of the Three Commandments, and his own experience of resisting the Nine Heavens, fighting Dayan, and the danger of rushing to help Delos.

All of this makes Tang Yan feel like he is dreaming in retrospect. What he has experienced in the past few years is probably beyond the imagination of others in a hundred years.

"The Delos Empire is gone? What's going on?" When Du Yang left Biannan, the melee of the Three Kingdoms had just started. Although Delos was at a disadvantage, a majestic empire, with Sala rushing to help in the east, would not destroy the country.

"Come, come, talk while eating." Tang Yan took out some berries and fruit wine from the golden lock, put them in front of him and began to introduce them.He has a stomach full of words and wants to chat with Du Yang. This feeling of reunion after a long absence can only be experienced by the person involved. Tang Yan forgot about his injury and did not go to retreat. He just wanted to have a good talk and share Du Yang's things by the way. years of life.

Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli didn't know Tang Yan back then, nor the mysterious and perverted Du Yang, so they were naturally happy to sit around and listen to their chat.

The conversation lasted for a long while, during which there were so many sighs and emotions that even Zhao Zimo had to admit that Tang Yan had a wonderful experience, no wonder he grew up so fast.Du Yang did not expect such an accident to happen in Biannan. If he had known it would happen, he would not have left Biannan in a hurry.Fortunately, Tang Yan went back to rescue in time, otherwise, if the Rao family was wiped out, he would probably regret it for the rest of his life.

It is precisely because I have been wandering outside for a long time, and I am aware of the sinister human heart, and I can see through the intrigue, that I can better understand the warmth of the Rao family and the sincerity of the old man.Although Du Yang is cold by nature, those who are indifferent are often those who value affection. What is cold is the affection of the world, and what is important is the inner feelings.

Perhaps it will be difficult to find the leisurely feeling of the Rao family in this lifetime.

"Can you feel Xu Yan's location? My golden lock is severely damaged, and I can't find out the exact location, but... it should be here in Dongkui." Du Yang suddenly remembered.

"Xu Yan is in Dongkui?" Tang Yan quickly felt the golden lock with his heart.

"Who is Xu Yan?" Zhao Zimo asked strangely.

Son of the Bone Race!Hate? !There was a flash of light in Xuanyuan Longli's eyes, but he didn't show it.

Since coming to Heishi Gobi, I have met Zhao Zimo, the son of thunder, Du Yang, the rabbit, Tianzhu Ren, the furnace of refinement, Chocolate after Li Yun, and the famous but never met Zhanzhen Nalantu and Niya, the 'genius warlock', have now received news from Xu Yan, the 'legacy son of the Bone Race'.

Except for the last 'Sword Crazy' who has no clues, the 'Nine Ominous' in the dream are about to meet by chance.

"A female man, our friend. We worked as coolies in the mines together and experienced a lot of things. Xu Yan is a girl, but she has abnormal strength. She was in the third-rank Wuzong back then, and with one arm, she was able to exert ten thousand catties of strength. Now, the ghost knows how much she has grown." Xu Yan thought of the girl back then, with a smile on her face, and before she knew it, the old friends from back then were about to meet again.

The corners of Zhao Zimo's eyes twitched slightly, secretly thinking that there are a group of perverts. He used to think that his talent was astonishingly brilliant, and his martial arts were even more extraordinary. But since he met Tang Yan, a freak, more perverts appeared around them.

I'm afraid that if you take out any one at random, you can have a solid battle with yourself!
But... such a group of perverts assembled, what is this going to do?Why did the mysterious old man drag himself into it?

"That's right! Xu Yan is in Dongkui! But the specific location is very vague, as if something is disturbing it." After careful inspection, Tang Yan did catch another sign of the golden lock, but it was very vague.

Although the golden lock is precious, it is not a special treasure after all. If it is in a special environment, it is very likely to be disturbed.

(End of this chapter)

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