Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 584 Refining the Demon

Chapter 584 Refining the Demon
"How could Niya fall in love with you, a pervert!" Zhaoyi felt the hatred in her heart!

"Men are not bad and women don't love. This is an eternal truth. What Niya loves is my true temperament, which is not pretentious or pretending. And don't you also have feelings for me?"

"Are you dreaming?" Zhaoyi endured the pain brought by Heiyu and Qinghuo while listening to this guy's teasing. Get it over with.

Tang Yan carefully controlled the green fire, and gradually increased the intensity, while saying: "Is there really no feeling? If you were any other man, even if you could easily remove Hei Yu, would you expose your body in front of him? Be another man, strip you naked and heal your wounds like that day, and you still have to commit suicide with hatred? Don't deny it, after what we did, you already have me in your heart. "

Zhaoyi almost passed out: "Tang Yan, you are getting more and more presumptuous!! Believe it or not, I will strangle you right now!!"

"Hey, listen to your words yourself, strangle to death? Why does it sound like flirting?" Tang Yan blinked, and before Zhaoyi really changed his face, he said seriously: "I'm going outside to get rid of these black people." Yu, purify yourself from the inside. Come on, cooperate together! Stop thinking about it."

As soon as the words fell, the green flames all over his body rose sharply, like a ferocious beast's mouth, swallowing all the black mist that filled the surroundings, and tried his best to refine it.

Zhaoyi held her breath and focused, turned her spiritual power far away with all her strength, and drove away the remaining black mist in her body with the great cycle of reincarnation.After about a quarter of an hour, under the joint action of inside and outside, Kuroba was gradually cleared away.But before Tang Yan could heave a sigh of relief, Zhaoyi had endured the "flying back" for a long time, and without warning, he hit someone's crotch directly. This blow was so powerful that it seemed to vent all his anger and embarrassment. .

boom! !Ow! !
Tang Yan let out a strange muffled cry, and his whole body knelt on the ground, the pain made him gasp. "You... uh... you really kick... hiss... huh..."

"Give me the spirit source liquid of the Sky Winged Demon, plus two second-level demon masters." Zhaoyi finally relieved her hatred, threw down her space ring, and turned to walk towards a cave in the deepest part of the mountain stream.

At the mouth of the mountain stream, Tang Yan walked out with weird steps, gasping for air, rubbing his waist and kicking his legs to ease the pain.

Du Yang caught a glimpse of him coming out in such a strange posture, and was immediately amused, and whistled loudly: "So fast?"


"Back then in Zuixianglou, you challenged Huo Wu and Xue Rou alone, but you fought fiercely for an hour. What's the matter now? Just go in and out? It's too fast, isn't it? Are you afraid that other girls will dislike you? No, I'll give you some tonics to recuperate your body later, don't embarrass us young people."

When Du Yang's nonsense words came out, Tang Yan immediately understood, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Du Yang who was squatting high on the stone tree: "Little brother, I am as brave as ever, if you don't believe me, just ask Zhao Zimo, we When I was soaking in the flower pond at Black Rock Ridge, I fought fiercely from night to morning, and Zhao Zimo ran out in shame."

"Eh? Have you ever soaked in flower ponds?" Du Yang couldn't help but look at Zhao Zimo in the distance. Such an honest child actually went to brothels?I really can't see it.

Zhao Zimo's back twitched all the time, and he turned around little by little, his face livid: "Tang Yihai!! When did I soak in the flower pond with you?"

"Do you dare to do it or not? When we first arrived at Black Rock Ridge, the two of us went to Zui Hua Lou first? Do you dare to say that you didn't go in? Shall we go to Black Rock Ridge again and find Aunt Mei, the number one As a witness?"

Xuanyuan Longli wasn't calm anymore, his eyes twitched and he woke up from meditation, sighing to himself that people can't look good, even an honest guy like Zhao Zimo visits brothels.Alas, it can be said that those who are close to ink are dark. It seems that Du Yang is very serious. It seems that he went to accompany Tang Yan to "nod the sign" many years ago. It seems that Zhao Zimo is very honest, and he actually followed Tang Yan to "soak in the flower pool".

"That's right!! I went in! But I came out in a blink of an eye." Zhao Zimo's face was full of grief and indignation, his thick eyebrows were frowned, and his whole body was tense. Seeing this posture, he was ready to fight Tang Yan desperately.

I'm famous! !
"Who would believe it? I went all out and ordered more than 30 beauties. Can I stand it alone? It's okay, it's a big deal, men, I understand." Tang Yan was depressed by Zhaoyi. It will all be passed on to Zhao Zimo. After some teasing, I immediately feel much happier.

Zhao Zimo's face turned blue and then pale, looked at Du Yang, looked at him with a half-smile, glanced at Xuanyuan Longli, and kept shaking his head and sighing. "Tang Yihai, don't let me seize the opportunity, or I'll kill you!!"

"Jiumei, let's go to the Central Plains some other day for a taste? Du Yang spent my youth with me in Biannan, and Zhao Zimo witnessed my youthful prowess at the Black Rock Ridge. Come with me to the Central Plains to experience my glory."

The three of them had black lines all over their faces, and kept rolling their eyes.

"Okay, okay, don't be in a hurry to retreat, watch for me, I have to refine the demon." After teasing, it's time to get down to business.Tang Yan summoned all the demon kings in Zhaoyi's ring, including giant elephants, tarantulas, golden giant centipedes, wolves, tigers and leopards, and so on. The lowest level is all demon kings. There were seven demon venerables exuding ferocious aura, and the strong smell of blood immediately filled the mountain stream, making one sick from the smell. Hundreds of corpses crowded the not-so-spacious place to the brim.

Du Yang's eyes widened, and he hurriedly gathered stone groups to block the top of the mountain stream from all the entrances, lest the bloody smell would attract the powerful demon masters, after all, they were still on the run.

"Where did you get so many corpses?" Zhao Zimo and Xuanyuan Longli were startled, looking at the corpses with horrible shapes and shapes, they couldn't agree with each other.

This approximate number... probably close to five hundred! !
What's more, there are ten demon masters outside! !

"This is the result of Zhaoyi and I raiding Nanhuang. Otherwise, Nanhuang Wonderland would go crazy and chase me down?" Tang Yan looked at these corpses and took a deep breath. It would take Xiang Haoda to refine them all. project.

"No wonder the Seven-Headed Lieyang Snake said that you are about to kill their Nanhuang's demon master." Du Yang rubbed his forehead with a headache, and felt a moment of silence for Nanhuang after getting into trouble with such an evil star.

"You killed so many monsters of them, it's your luck that Nanhuang didn't send out a half-sage." Zhao Zimo suddenly felt a little scared, why did he run over there in the first place? If there was a half-sage lying in ambush near Nanhuang, Shouldn't all of these people be buried there?

This damn Tang Yihai! !

"Is it possible? The information they got was that there were only Zhaoyi and me. Sending two patrol envoys and the ten demon venerables was already the limit. This still considered various possible unexpected situations. *Credit to win. It's a pity, my master is superior, and I have a counterattack!!"

"It's Nanhuang who deserves to be unlucky." Xuanyuan Longli mourned for Nanhuang. They probably never dreamed that Tang Yan would gather the teams left in various places in a short time. They thought there was no suspense. treachery.

"You help me guard, and at the same time ensure that Zhaoyi retreats safely, she is ready to attack the semi-saint."

"Oh?!" Du Yang and the others lifted their spirits and said in unison: "Can it be successful?"

"It should be. Zhaoyi should have confidence, otherwise I won't take risks." Tang Yan has confidence in Zhaoyi.

"This is good news!!" Du Yang and the others finally smiled. The current situation is full of dangers. Their team seems to be powerful, and they can sweep the outside world, but they are still too weak in this Eternal Beast Mountain. With the addition of a semi-holy-level stop, the group of them will all return to their full glory, and the chances of survival will be greatly increased.

Tang Yan brought in all the corpses of the Yaozun who had already absorbed the souls from Ren Tianzang, and contacted the Black Water Locust by the way: "Brother Hei, please do me a favor, personally take the locust group to find the tiger and cardinal cavalry, no matter what. You want to give me accurate news, and by the way, check for signs of Dongkui's activities, and I want to know the impact of the Nanhuang incident on this place."

"No problem, be careful yourself, don't think that there is no danger in Dongkui, don't forget, you killed Dongkui's demon master." The black water leech recruited the groups from the two black water hyacinths, and they were all Those above the fourth level, the number reached [-].

"Don't worry, we have a lot of people here." Brother Hei Tang Yan is the most reassuring, steady and reliable.It is responsible for tracking the tiger and ben iron cavalry, at least it can let itself know whether Tang Hao and the others are dead or alive.

After everything was arranged properly, Tang Yan began to refine in a closed-door way.

The corpses of [-] demon venerables and nearly [-] corpses of demon kings are so huge that it is a bit appalling.Even with Ghost Qinghuo's current strength, he's still a little apprehensive, but now is an extraordinary time, Tang Yan must do his best, and what he can do with all his might is better than nothing he can do.

Tang Yan sat cross-legged quietly, and the ghost Qinghuo filled the mountain stream with the power of the domain.The blue fire is not as fierce as ordinary flames, but is as clear as water, wandering and flowing, very pure and very peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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