Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 585

Chapter 585 The Millennium Grievance

The moment the green fire appeared, Du Yang and the others immediately retreated again and again, avoiding the space of the green fire domain.They all knew how terrifying the blue flames coming out of Tang Yan's body were, and they were afraid of being touched by it. Otherwise, even they might become spiritual source liquid if they were not paying attention.

Tang Yan held his breath and concentrated, the Great Zhoutian was running the Immortal Yantian Jue, and the ghost green fire was fully activated, covering the corpses of nearly a hundred monsters on the surface, starting from their toughest skin.The ghost green fire is like a powerful sulfuric acid, dissolving silently, turning into thin threads of spiritual power, permeating in the green fire, and then being compressed and gathered.

The ten-meter-tall tusked elephant on the outermost surface shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. It first turned into transpiring spiritual power, and then gradually turned into little-finger-sized liquid droplets as the blue fire gathered in a whirlpool. Clear, like a pearl in a pool.

Tang Yan was promoted to the second-rank Martial Lord, and the green fire seeds of the ghost green fire were fully formed, and it became relatively easy to refine ordinary demon masters. It only took a quarter of an hour to refine them thoroughly, so refining a Martial King was only half a pillar Fragrant time.

Only the body of the Sky Winged Demon needed Tang Yan's repeated and careful tempering.

Therefore, although the number of monsters in the mountain stream is huge, it will also consume energy, but as long as they are refined one by one, they can basically be refined completely in less than a day.

Standing at the mouth of the stream, Ren Tianzang looked at the vast field of green fire surging in the mountain stream. Looking up close, it looked like a pool of emerald green lakes had been moved to the mountain stream. There was no high temperature, but a little coolness.

Staring carefully, the Green Fire Domain is like a young ancient creature, which is slowly absorbing the spiritual power between heaven and earth while refining monsters.

That's right, the current state of Ghost Green Fire is quite different from the past. To some extent, it can already absorb spiritual energy to maintain the "scale" of Green Fire, instead of simply relying on Tang Yan to consume spiritual energy to maintain it .

"Ghost Qinghuo has given birth to spiritual wisdom!" Ren Tianzang's cold eyes radiated a little scorching light.

Back in the day, when I first met Tang Yan in the psychedelic forest, the ghost blue fire was just a pure "young fire", all consciousness, all abilities, and everything was wiped clean, and returned to the It is equivalent to the most primitive form in the period when the world was first opened.

At that time, Ren Tianzang had secretly estimated that it would take at least a hundred years for the ghost Qinghuoyao to wake up from the extremely weak sleep period, and it would take another hundred years if he formed a primitive consciousness and opened his spiritual wisdom.

But when he saw the Black Stone Ridge, Ren Tianzang found that the ghost Qinghuo had awakened!Now, after a few months, Ghost Qinghuo's behavior at this moment seems to have the most primitive consciousness-to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth by itself!
There are various indications that the ghost green fire has passed the weakest sleep period in just over ten years, and also passed the difficult stage from awakening to nurturing spiritual wisdom.It is equivalent to being conceived into a human form from a sperm egg, and born out of a womb.

It took Tang Yan more than ten years to complete the growth of the ghost green fire that should have taken hundreds of years.

This is a miracle!
A miracle created by Tang Yan unconsciously!

With the awakening of the ghost Qinghuo, Tang Yan, who accompanied it through the most difficult period and nurtured it personally, will definitely treat it as the "closest and most trusted" relative.

Ghost green fire, ancient sky fire!
It has always enslaved the strong, it has always controlled life and death, and no one has ever been qualified to control it, even those tyrannical human emperors and demon emperors!

Based on this alone, Tang Yan is probably the No. 1 in Zhen Gu Shuo Jin!
Once the ghost Qinghuo's spiritual wisdom is fully matured, which is equivalent to turning into a teenager, a series of inheritances will be born, and Tang Yan's cultivation journey will officially enter the broad road.

Judging from the current signs, it will not exceed a hundred years!

Ren Tianzang has to admit that Tang Yan, a lunatic, has the capital to make all geniuses jealous, and he also has to admit that it is Tang Yan's greatest luck that the ghost Qinghuo has not been discovered until now!

Tang Yan, I hope you can bring more surprises to the world, and I also hope that you can bring back the power of the ghost blue fire to the world!If you are able to reach that step, I, Ren Tianzang... would like to accompany you in a bloody battle to the end of the world!
Inside the mountain stream.The number of monsters is obviously shrinking, grains of spiritual source liquid are like pearls floating in the turbulent green fire field, exuding rich spiritual power, and undergoing repeated tempering by the green fire.

People can't help but forget the evilness of Qinghuo itself.

Tang Yan soon discovered a novel phenomenon, the consumption of spiritual power in operating this huge green fire field was much less than expected.After careful investigation, it turned out that the Qinghuo Domain was absorbing the energy of the heaven and the earth for its own use, urging itself to maintain a stable scale.

Doesn't it mean that in the not-too-distant future, the Ghost Green Fire will exert twice as much power as before, consuming only half of the previous spiritual power?

Could this be the new changes brought about by Qing Huo's awakening?

Tang Yan was pleasantly surprised. One day in the future, when Ghost Qinghuo's spiritual wisdom matures, wouldn't it be possible to play a role without absorbing his own spiritual power?

Qinghuo is getting more and more mature, and the changes it brings are getting more and more novel.

Tang Yan is looking forward to its maturity!

The speed of ghost green fire refining is increasing, gradually surging, sweeping the dense spiritual source liquid, and continuously melting the huge monster body. During this period, Tang Yan also occasionally picked up a few king-level spiritual source liquid to supplement the spirit Power, although the ghost blue fire absorbs the energy of the world on its own, it is far from reaching the point where it can refine monsters without relying on itself. It is mainly because Tang Yan is using spiritual power to maintain its scale and richness.

For nearly half a day, none of the demon kings were refined into spiritual source liquid, and they were repeatedly refined and purified.Afterwards, he buffered slightly and concentrated his efforts on refining the Yaozun. This time, it was no longer a large-scale refining, but one by one without any impurities remaining. It took another two hours before he knew it.

It is also fortunate that Tang Yan has the help of Buddha's heart and can maintain abundant energy at all times, otherwise he would really not be able to withstand such a toss.

Tang Yan selected three of the largest and richest spirit source liquids from all the spirit source liquids, which were from the Sky Winged Demon, Glazed Alligator and Black Nether Blood Leopard. These three strongest demon masters had the largest refined spirit source liquid, It is also the most refined, with fifty king-level spiritual source liquid attached, all of which were handed over to Zhaoyi.

So that she doesn't have to worry about the lack of spiritual power during the retreat process.

The spiritual source liquid refined by the purple-winged unicorn, the black-armored war tortoise, and the sky-turning mouse was given to Ren Tianzang.

Eleven Zun-level Spiritual Source Liquids and 420 King-level Spiritual Source Liquids remained.Zhao Zimo, Xuanyuan Longli, and Du Yang each shared two Zun-levels and thirty King-levels. Two Zun-levels were enough for them and the monsters to return to their full state, and the spirit source liquid of the Monster King level was reserved for future use. future trouble.

All the rest were put into Tang Yan's golden lock.

Tang Yan didn't want to be alone, but packed up and went to a quiet stream and lake outside the mountain stream, and found the second elder of Yuhua Palace who was meditating quietly here.

"What are you doing here? Not with Zhaoyi?" The Second Elder was as cold as ever, just like the white jade snow lotus around her, crystal clear, flawless white jade, but cold, making one dare not look directly at it.

Tang Yan didn't realize it, and sat down next to Xuelian: "Do you know Zhaoyi?"

"The master of the Yuhua Palace in the Dayan Mountain Range is so magnificent and beautiful that no one in the Yan Kingdom has heard of it."

"anything else?"

"What else?" The second elder looked at him with a rather indifferent gaze.

"We transferred here from Nanhuang all the way, some of your performance...well, how should I put it, it's not the same as usual." Tang Yan felt strange because he noticed some details inadvertently.Zhaoyi and the Second Elder are both Tier [-] Martial Venerables, and they are both very beautiful and distinguished. They will at least introduce each other or talk to each other after going through battles.But along the way, let alone communicating, Zhaoyi didn't even look at the Second Elder, his expression was colder than before, and the Second Elder always deliberately stayed at the back of the line.

"What do you want to say?"

Tang Yan asked strangely: "Did you know each other before?"

"You are very interested?"

"Of course, otherwise I came here to strike up a conversation with you?" The many forces that exist in the Dayan Mountains today can be said to have been formed thousands of years ago by the venerables who wandered from the ancient land of Canglan and the land of the Central Plains. Zhaoyi And Ling Ruoxi is no exception.Could it be that they were separated from Yaochi Holy Land?If you think about it carefully, it's wrong, their martial arts are completely two extremes with those of the Holy Land.

Zhaoyi's field of flowers looks gorgeous, but in fact it is huge and cruel. Ling Ruoxi's field of annihilation is even more eerie and terrifying, completely different from the holy and light martial arts style of Yaochi Holy Land.

"I can tell you very clearly that Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi have nothing to do with Yaochi Holy Land!"

"Really? You seem very excited? Then do you know that they used to be from Canglan Ancient Land, or from the Central Plains?" Tang Yan looked into the eyes of the second elder, and his tone was a bit aggressive.

Most of the venerables who lived in the Dayan Mountains back then fled. They either committed some crimes or were chased and killed by powerful enemies. Zhaoyi was already a second-order martial venerable in the early days of Dayan , this level of strength in Canglan Ancient Land is definitely not unknown, with the power and intelligence capabilities of Yaochi Holy Land, it will definitely be clear.

"She is from the Central Plains, and I don't know anything else. If you want to inquire about Zhaoyi's background, unfortunately, you have found the wrong person. Please go back." The second elder became a little agitated, and directly changed the seal formula, It is necessary to close the snow lotus to retreat and rest.

(End of this chapter)

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