Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 586

Chapter 586
"Second girl, you are very talented, but you really don't have the ability to cover up lies." Tang Yan smiled silently, and continued: "I tell you good news, Zhaoyi is in retreat, and she is ready to attack the semi-sacred realm."

The expression of the second elder suddenly changed: "Retreat? Breakthrough in this Eternal Beast Mountain? Is she crazy?"

"A normal breakthrough, what's wrong?"

"She should know that there is a great risk in attacking the semi-holy realm, and it requires a lot of preparation, and she needs to be in a full state. With her current injury situation and the environment where we may be attacked at any time, the possibility of her success is Zero!" The second elder's tone was suddenly severe.

"Of course she knows it well, so she needs a safe environment, recuperate first, and then pass the customs. If something really happens unfortunately, I hope you can help fight it."

"I'm sorry! She's not taking a risk, she's looking for her own death. I'm seriously injured now, and even a second-level Yaozun may not be able to resist it. I have more heart than strength, so please ask someone else to be wise."

"She has already retreated, and no one can stop it." Tang Yan rolled his eyes, and suddenly said: "How try it? It can also make up for the mistakes you made thousands of years ago."

"What mistakes did I make? What mistakes did I make! Tell me clearly!" The second elder's eyes suddenly sharpened.

"Which is right and which is wrong, it's up to you to decide, but it's been nearly a thousand years, what can't you let go?" Tang Yan continued to tease the second elder with cryptic words.

The second elder's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Tang Yan closely: "What did Zhaoyi tell you?"

"I didn't say too much, just to accuse Yaochi Holy Land of being indifferent and ruthless, to accuse you of your despicable methods, to let her go into exile in Dayan, and she will be trapped for a thousand years."

The second elder's emotions suddenly became agitated: "Is it Yaochi's indifference, or is she Zhaoyi ungrateful, is it because of my despicable means, or is she too suspicious? If Yaochi Holy Land hadn't begged the royal family of Yan Kingdom to come forward and dare, she Zhaoyi would have been killed long ago." The Dagan dynasty in the Central Plains was taken back to do..."

"What are you doing? Continue." Tang Yan was listening intently, why did she stop suddenly?
"Are you lying to me?" The second elder stared at Tang Yan with serious eyes, and said in a bad tone, "Perhaps what happened in Yaochi Holy Land back then was a little too much, but the biggest reason is that Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi's grievances are not clear. Things have passed for thousands of years , Yaochi has completely forgotten about that matter, as if Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi had never existed, the two of them would also keep their secrets secret and completely seal up the grievances of the past. How could they mention it to you for no reason? do not know anything!!"

"Uh..." Tang Yan smiled sarcastically.

"You shameless bastard!!" The second elder was so angry that he used such a 'shameless' way to make clichés, almost falling for the bastard.

"Don't worry about this, since we've already started talking, let's continue talking? What did you just say... What is Daqian Dynasty?"

"Shameless! Don't even think about it!!" The second elder's face was full of frost.

"Don't get excited, you can't beat me now." Tang Yan said very casually, almost causing the second elder to lose control.

Tang Yan frowned and thought seriously: "The Dagan Dynasty... I remember it seems to be the ancient empire of the Central Plains, right? The Dagan Dynasty, the Holy Empire, and the Thomas Feisen United Empire... all belong to the Three Saints and Five Kingdoms Empire. Both Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi are from the Dagan Dynasty? Did they offend anyone?"

"No comment! Ask Zhaoyi yourself!"

Tang Yan curled her lips, and looked up and down the second elder: "I said, second girl, look at your cold and arrogant temper, no wonder you are still single now, even Zhaoyi is loved by others, don't you do it yourself reason?"

"Tang Yan!!" The second elder yelled angrily, almost screaming, and stood up abruptly: "Get out! Roll as far as you want, and disappear from my sight immediately!!"

"Just kidding, don't get excited. What happened back then, no matter who is right or wrong, you have already chosen to forget it anyway. Now that we are reunited in Wangu Beast Mountain, we must unite if we want to survive. Zhaoyi can break through, It's the best news for us."

"I've said it, she can't succeed! I've said everything I need to say, get out!" The second elder was about to explode with anger.Originally, she loves beauty and yearns for youth, but Tang Yan's words just now really irritated her, like a small sharp needle, directly piercing her heart!
"It's really not possible, I want you?" Tang Yan said a word, and the second elder's right hand directly turned out a white snow lotus, and pressed it towards the top of Tang Yan's head.

"Surrender!!" Tang Yan hurriedly begged for mercy, and smiled sarcastically: "You can't stand a joke. Smiling for ten years, a sullen face all day is not good for the skin, and it is easy to age."

"Repeat for the last time, get out of here!!"

"Really? I know about Mu Rou."

"What? Where is it?" The second elder's expression changed.

"Abducted by Dongkui's inspector, I have an eyeliner who saw it with my own eyes."

"Dongkui?" The second elder settled down, but closed his eyes in pain.Nanhuang Wonderland is enough to kill her, not to mention taking Bai Zeyu back, even if she survives, now that Mu Rou is in Dong Kui's hands again, what should she do?
"Mu Rou is your treasure, and it's also mine. And that Bai Zeyu, I promised Mu Rou that I would help her get it back. So now... we have to put aside the barriers and work together in good faith. First of all, Ensuring the success of Zhaoyi's retreat is the greatest reliance we can use to negotiate with Nanhuang and Dongkui."

"Zhaoyi can't..."

"Don't jump to conclusions, I have some special medicines that can restore her to her full strength in a short time, so don't worry about her injuries. Don't worry, Zhaoyi is not a reckless person, she won't Joking about her own future, since she dares to try in this environment, she will definitely have a great chance of success."

The second elder looked at Tang Yan strangely: "What elixir?!"

"I still have a few more here, if you can guarantee that you will forget them forever after leaving the Eternal Beast Mountain, I can give you two, which will allow you to restore about [-]% of the spiritual power in your meridians in a very short period of time.

Restoring about [-]% of your spiritual power will basically allow your injuries to heal at a normal speed, and you will be able to stabilize your state as soon as possible, absorbing the spiritual power between heaven and earth. In this way, you will be able to recover to your full strength within five days at most. heyday. "

"Give it to me!!" The second elder didn't hesitate at all.

What she desires most now is spiritual power, to return to its full glory! !Although the heaven and earth energy of Eternal Beast Mountain is rich and abundant, it is much irritable compared to the outside world, and it is more difficult to refine, not to mention... the meridian of the third-order Wuzun is like a vast ocean. It takes three to four months.

She wasn't worried about Tang Yan's tampering inside, and she didn't get in touch with each other for a day or two. She knew that although this little guy was a bit evil, his character was not bad.Just like what Tang Yan said, they are all in the same boat, one prospers and the other loses, and they must work together.

"Two." Tang Yan handed two spirit source fluids of the second-level demon master to the second elder. The third-level warrior is an extremely important combat power, second only to Zhaoyi, and it is enough to stop the level of inspectors. Tang Yan must Great efforts must be made to help her recover as soon as possible.

When the second elder explored it, his expression was lifted. The two egg yolk-sized spiritual source fluids exuded extremely surging spiritual power, and they were quite pure and agile. I could feel the spiritual power between heaven and earth in my hands Converging towards it like a summoning madness. "This is... liquid spiritual power?! Where did you get it?"

"You don't have to worry about this, just use it for refining, it won't leave any hidden dangers to your body. Now believe what I said? Maybe it won't take five days for you to return to the full state. So... ...I hope you can help protect Zhaoyi's retreat when necessary."

The second elder focused all his attention on the spirit source liquid, and said something simple but with a deep meaning: "I have conflicts with her, but there is no hatred."

"That's good." That's what Tang Yan was waiting for, so she kept asking her about her relationship with Zhaoyi because she was worried that there was some irreconcilable hatred between them.If this is the case, he has to find a way to adjust for them to avoid hidden dangers in the team.

Otherwise, one mistake could wipe out their entire team.

The second elder calmed down, and suddenly said: "Treat her well, don't let her down."

"Huh?" Tang Yan raised his eyebrows and smiled, but didn't say much.

"You can leave now." The second elder couldn't wait to absorb the spiritual power in the spiritual source liquid.

"You rest at ease. I have sent an eyeliner to verify Mu Rou's news. When Zhaoyi leaves the customs, if there is no accident... Let's go meet Dongkui's lord—the Holy Beast Zhuqian!" Tang Yan left this sentence words, left the flowerbed.

(End of this chapter)

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