Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 589 Zhaoyi's Dangerous Situation

Chapter 589 Zhaoyi's Dangerous Situation
Jin Yanpengying has seen more than one semi-sacred promotion, and is very aware of the special nature of the previous transformation. The scene of Zhaoyi swallowing the spiritual power of heaven and earth makes it frightening, but it also means that the time spent will be greatly extended .

When it goes and comes back, the metamorphosis is definitely still going on.

Tang Yan couldn't help but wanted to stop, but stopping was a fierce battle, and starting a war meant that Zhaoyi would be affected.

"Don't be nervous, it may be undecided whether to kill or make peace, and rush back to ask the higher-ups for instructions." Xuanyuan Longli rushed over from a distance, looked back at the storm vortex that was still swallowing up the power of the world, secretly surprised in his heart, this The movement is too great.

No wonder Jin Yanpengying is worried that this transformation will disturb Dongkui's spiritual power branch, no matter how rich the energy of the world is, it can't withstand the "whale and tiger" of this scale!
Zhao Zimo also rushed over and said: "We are already in a life-and-death relationship with Nanhuang, it is best not to make enemies with Dongkui. If Dongkui sends a half-sage to negotiate, we have no room to fight back, and then try to lower our attitude as much as possible , willing to cooperate with them, it doesn’t matter even if they declare to join them. As long as Zhaoyi succeeds in being promoted to a semi-saint, and we have the strength we showed in Nanhuang, they will definitely face up to this power, at least they will not treat you badly.”

"Don't put all your hopes on this kind of possibility speculation. If Dongkui and Nanhuang have already negotiated privately, we will be thrown into a trap by then, and it will be too late to regret.

I suggest to make two preparations, and when they come back, I will find a way to delay the time, but once they show signs of attack, we must go all out to create a quiet environment for Zhaoyi to transform.Ladies and gentlemen, when necessary... fight them with your life.I can assure you, as long as you have a breath, I, Tang Yan, will definitely save you! ! "

In Tang Yan's heart, one's own strength is always the most important thing. Without strength, everything is empty talk!Even if they seek refuge with Dongkui, what they value is the strength of this team, so... Zhaoyi must successfully complete the transformation!
Even if he had to choose between 'enrage Dongkui' and 'Zhaoyi's metamorphosis', Tang Yan chose Zhaoyi without hesitation!As long as Zhaoyi transforms and cooperates with this perverted team in a semi-holy state, she will definitely have a say in this Eternal Beast Mountain!

For this reason, he did not hesitate to make bold words, begging Zhao Zimo and others to fight with their lives.

"We are on the same boat now, we know what to do, but don't take the initiative to show hostility." It was rare to see Tang Yan speak in such a solemn tone, Zhao Zimo also solemnly reminded Tang Yan.

"I'll tell you some very unfortunate news." The second elder stepped forward, with a serious look on his face: "Zhaoyi's not normal..."

"What? Make it clear!!"

"I witnessed with my own eyes that the Holy Land Saintess was promoted from a Tier [-] Martial Venerable to a Semi-Holy Realm. The energy wave she caused was far less than Zhaoyi's current... exaggeration! Look around, this area is already blank , the spiritual power in the distance is still gathering here. If this momentum continues, Zhaoyi will have only one end—exploding body!!”

"What??" Everyone's expressions changed, and Xuanyuan Longli took two steps back.When the body exploded at such a critical moment, the energy storm contained in Zhaoyi's body was enough to raze the entire area to the ground, and there might not even be leftovers of these people.

"The energy aroused by my holy maiden in the Holy Land was already amazing. It also attracted the attention of the holy places and royal families of all parties, and asserted that the holy maiden has a [-]% chance of transforming into a saint. Now, my holy maiden is already doing the final Sprinting, as long as Bai Zeyu gets his hands on it, there will be almost no accidents in becoming a saint.

It is rumored that the semi-sacred realm is a transition from a martial master to the holy realm. The amount of energy from the world and the tempered physique when breaking through from a third-rank martial master to the semi-sacred realm will directly affect future achievements.As long as the energy storm can be triggered, there is a [-]% chance. If it cannot be formed, the eternal life will stop at the semi-holy realm. "

The Second Elder spoke very euphemistically, but the meaning was very clear.

Everyone looked around, a large area of ​​mountains and forests had withered, it was Zhaoyi absorbing the energy of the heaven and earth, causing the spiritual power within a kilometer to be exhausted, and the ancient trees that had lived for endless years were dying. Now... the dust and fog have subsided, leaving only spiritual power The vortex formed by the mist rotates slowly but intensely, converging towards the central area.

They could already feel the terrifying energy fluctuations. This fluctuation... far surpassed the ordinary half-saint, and it seemed that there were some signs of being unable to control it.

"Is there any way?" Tang Yan's face was gloomy. Was there an accident in some link?
"Now Zhaoyi can only rely on Zhaoyi to get through the difficulties, and must not be interrupted forcibly." The second elder has only experienced this type of breakthrough once, and has never encountered such a situation.

"There is no other way?"

"Yes!" It was Ren Tianzang and Xuanyuan Longli who spoke at the same time, they looked at each other, and Xuanyuan Longli said: "You can try a primitive method, divert people!"


"Don't break into the energy tide formed by Zhaoyi, just go outside, absorb the energy with a strong person of the same level, but the intensity of control must be ingenious. The intensity of the absorption must be sufficient to relieve Zhaoyi's pressure. Coincidentally, it will not disturb the internal balance and stability."

Tang Yan and the others all looked at the Second Elder. Zhaoyi is a Tier [-] Martial Venerable and is at the critical moment of becoming a semi-saint. His energy is too huge, and Tang Yan's strength is not enough to have an impact.The Second Elder is a Tier [-] Martial Venerable, and with the help of treasures from the Holy Land, it should be effective.

The second elder, however, turned to the energy wave. This scene was too frightening, and he was afraid that there would be an accident during the diversion process, and he would be included in it.

"The second elder went in, and the inspector came back, who will resist?" Du Yang objected.

The third-tier demon master is the third-tier after all, and the group of them can only barely fight against it together, but if the inspector comes back again, they will not come back alone. Who will be inferior to the rest of the demon masters?Randomly rushing into one, the balance will be destroyed, and the result is self-evident.

"It doesn't matter that much, Second Elder, please!!" Tang Yan raised his hand to signal.

"Let me try." The second elder exhaled with a heavy expression.

Just when she made up her mind to go there, Tang Yan said meaningfully: "Second Elder, Zhaoyi's success or failure is not only related to Bai Zeyu and Mu Rou, but also to whether we can leave Eternal Beast Mountain alive. Be careful."

"I know the seriousness, you can rest assured." The second elder understood that Tang Yan was thinking about his grievances with Zhaoyi, and was worried about causing trouble on the way.

"The current situation is very clear. Whether it is for us or for Zhaoyi, Dongkui's inspectors will come again. Even if we beg, we must beg their mercy. Tang Yan, you must remember this. "Zhao Zimo, Xuanyuan Longli, and Du Yang all had the same attitude and solemnly reminded Tang Yan of this 'war madman'.

Xuanyuan Longli said: "I feel that Dongkui's inspector is not as arrogant as Nanhuang. As long as we express our willingness to attach, they should consider it carefully."

Among the distant Dongkui Mountains, the Golden-Eyed Pengying crossed the clouds at extreme speed, but was suddenly stopped by a fierce aura, and the billowing clouds pushed aside, facing a heroic and extraordinary second-order demon king, the Gold Silk Silver Wolf, on top of it. Sitting upright was a giant man with a tiger head as strong as an iron tower. On the left and right sides were two titan giant apes, more than [-] meters high, with towering muscles all over his body, like piles of steel, exuding a fierce aura.

"Flame Tiger? Why are you here? This mountain group doesn't belong to your inspection scope." Golden-eyed Pengying was displeased, this mountain area belongs to his inspection scope, why did the Earth Flame Tiger suddenly barge in?Or bring the three most powerful generals under its command, this is to provoke trouble.

The one who appeared in front of it was the Dongkui Inspector who intercepted Tang Yan at the beginning, a half-orc with the blood of the Earth Flame Tiger.

"It seems that there is something abnormal when I found you here. Bring my brother over to help. Where are you going in such a hurry?" Dare to look directly.

"Do you still remember the group of people who killed the Sky Winged Demon in Nanhuang half a month ago?"

"Of course! Did you find it?" The Earth Violent Flame Tiger's eyes suddenly brightened!

When it first got the news, it was really shocked, because it found that the leader of the trouble in Nanhuang turned out to be the green monster he 'killed' at the beginning.Let it be very annoyed, this time has been hunting in its own territory, and is also paying close attention to their whereabouts.

"Not only have they found it, but the third-rank Martial Lord in their team is going to retreat and break through here. This has already triggered a wave of energy. I am going to report to Lingshan."

"Cause an energy wave?" The Flame Tiger Earth was startled, but it knew the meaning of this kind of phenomenon.

"Looking at their appearance may take some time. I have to go to Lingshan to ask for instructions, whether to send them all to Nanhuang, or adopt another attitude."

The Great Fire Flame Tiger said casually: "You go, I'll help you watch."

Jin Yanpengying thought about it for a while, and said: "Be careful, this group of people is not easy to provoke, I have checked, there is a total of one third-tier martial master, two second-tier martial masters and second-tier demon masters, and three first-tier warriors." Wu Zun, "

"I'll go and see the situation and help you delay the time so that they don't escape and don't take the initiative to make trouble. You go and come back quickly."

The golden-eyed pengying didn't think much about anything else, the wings of the golden fireworks fluttered and disappeared into the sky across the sea of ​​clouds.

The Fire Tiger of the Earth looked at the direction where Peng Ying disappeared, and his eyes flashed gloomy: "Attitude? What kind of attitude can you have! Kill! The Black Underworld Snake was killed by that kid. How is he going to avenge this revenge? He delivered it to the door by himself."

Gold Silk Silver Wolf said: "Inspector, they have a lot of people, should they call more helpers?"

"No need! They just went through a bloody battle half a month ago, and their injuries may be very serious. It's only half a month, and they can't recover a lot. What's more...someone is retreating and breaking through. Once they disturb her, they will explode. At that time, the group No bastard can survive. Come, follow me to meet this group of arrogant bastards! By the way, I will avenge the Black Snake! Anyone who dares to kill me will be bored."

(End of this chapter)

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