Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 590 Provoking Discord

Chapter 590 Provoking Discord
A ten-meter-high white jade snow lotus blooms on the edge of the vortex. The petals are swaying, and the core of the stamen is soft, exuding the holy brilliance of white jade. Compete for glory.

As a contemporary of Zhaoyi, the second girl's control of spiritual power can be described as exquisite.

After gradually accepting it tentatively in the early stage, the second girl gradually merged into it, and the snow lotus bloomed more and more brilliantly, until now it is in full bloom.The petals swayed gently, pulling part of the spiritual power in the mist vortex to gather here. The white jade brilliance is magnificent, swallowing all who come, turning into spiritual threads and condensing towards the stamen.

In the middle of the stamen, the second girl is completely immersed, like a holy fairy, untouched by the dust of the world, extraordinary and refined, clear and soft, and the gentle changes of the handprints attract the energy of the heavens and the earth.

"It's gradually getting on the right track, are you sure it will work??" Tang Yan was still worried.

"It can play a certain role, but whether she can really carry it or not depends on the Grand Palace Master herself." Xuanyuan Longli looked at the energy vortex of the successful wind, and his tense emotions relaxed slightly: "Once she persists Hold on, the accumulated energy of heaven and earth will explode in an instant, destroying herself, and even the second elder will suffer very painful trauma. But if the Grand Palace Master can really persevere, the future growth will be unlimited, and he will become a saint. The chances are great, and even the time to stay in the semi-holy stage will be shorter than other people."

Zhao Zimo said: "Through accumulation, thousands of years of accumulation, it came out in one day. She has taken a lot of spiritual source liquid, which has the magical effect of purifying the spiritual veins. It just happened to enter the Eternal Beast Mountain, where the spiritual power of heaven and earth is strong. The bloody battle of life and death brings a new understanding, and various opportunities are brought together to form this rare transformation in the world.

Now I sincerely hope that the Great Palace Mistress can transform successfully, maybe she will create a legend that stays in the semi-holy realm for the shortest time and successfully enters the holy realm. "

"What's wrong with you?" Du Yang noticed that Tang Yan's expression was not quite right.

"I'm worried that Dongkui's visitors will not be kind. This is the Eternal Beast Mountain, not the ancient country outside. If they don't care about reason or reason, a fierce battle will be inevitable today." Pinned on the 'possible factors' above.

Du Yang said: "No one thought that Zhaoyi's breakthrough would trigger a momentum of this scale. Now we can only wait, there is no other better way."

"No! You can't wait here." The more Tang Yan thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

Zhao Zimo was very depressed: "What do you want? Don't mess around, it's safest for us to get together now."

"Du Yang, Zimo, both of you are good at group battles, so stay here to guard. Jiumei, Boss Ren, please work hard and accompany me to the front to meet the strong men of Dongkuiling Mountain. We have to make the negotiation site as quiet as possible." Stay away from here, and when the time comes to really fight, you can also transfer the battlefield to other places."

"It's a good idea, insurance. It's just a bit risky. Once they come with hostility, the three of us may suffer." Xuanyuan Longli was very depressed about the title of 'Nine Sisters', but did not object to the proposal.

"Be careful, try to avoid fighting, as long as Zhaoyi goes out, we won't be afraid of anything." Du Yang and Zhao Zimo thought about it carefully and had no objection.

Tang Yan, Long Li, and Ren Tianzang rushed directly to the place ten kilometers east of the mountain stream, which happened to be the place to meet Dongkuiling Mountain. Tang Yan gave each of them [-] pieces of king-level spiritual source liquid, and when necessary Spiritual power, no matter what, you have to delay the time.

Ren Tianzang sat cross-legged under the ancient pine on the top of the mountain, and drew out the soul-calling banner, and the eerie Devil May Cry spread quietly. The paper figurine squatted on the top of the soul-calling banner, ready to face the battle at any time.

Xuanyuan Dragon Carp knew that the matter was of great importance, and made comprehensive defense preparations. The body was a pond, and the blood was a pool, allowing the nine-tailed dragon carp to manifest and swim freely in its body.

After waiting for less than a quarter of an hour, a fierce air filled the air.

The three of them were vigilant at the same time, looking at the mountains in the distance, they soon discovered the unusually rolling clouds and mists, and also detected an increasingly fierce and fierce aura from it.

"Coming back so soon?"

Xuanyuan Longli is strange, it takes at least half a day to go back and forth, how long has it been?

"There is a third-order demon master!" Tang Yan frowned slightly. Before he could finish his words, the clouds and mist in the distance suddenly receded like a wave. When the first two behemoths crashed down, they hit the top of the mountain hundreds of meters away with a loud sound. There was a huge bang, the mountains trembled wildly, and the rocks rolled, it turned out to be the Titan Giant Ape.

Immediately after, a gold-threaded silver wolf with wings on its back flew down, and a giant tiger-headed man stood erect on its back.

When the four great demon venerables came, they were all fierce and majestic, bringing a terrifying coercion.

"Damn it, how could it be it?" Tang Yan's face changed, and his eyes instantly focused on the scarlet blood eyes of the tiger-headed giant.

"Do you know it?" Xuanyuan Longli felt a mountain-like power rushing toward his face. The giant tiger's ferocious power was already strong, and the two titan giant apes behind him were even more amazing.

Tang Yan's eyes changed from cloudy to cloudy: "Did you see the mount under it?"

"Golden silk silver wolf, a second-level demon master, with lightning speed and strong defense. The golden thread all over his body can be turned into a tough and terrifying attack weapon. It is an extremely difficult category."

"Well. It wasn't this one that it rode before."

"Ride what??"

"A giant black python."

"Have you seen it? Why did you change it?"

"Killed by me."

"You..." Xuanyuan Longli choked on himself, and was almost suffocated by these words.

"You still see that Dongkui's inspectors are very kind? Change your strategy and don't move around. Look at me." Tang Yan took a deep breath, and while maintaining vigilance, he took two steps forward with a smile: "Brother Tiger, Long time no see, new mount? Very handsome."

Bao Yanhu looked at Ren Tianzang and Xuanyuan Longli, his expression was indifferent, and his tone was even colder: "You still have the guts to enter Dongkui? Don't be afraid that I will tear you alive!"

"I landed in Dongkui right after I entered the Eternal Beast Mountain. This is a kind of fate. Of course, I have to come back often."

"You bastard, don't give me that cheeky smile! I'm here today to take revenge. You killed my subordinates and take your head to take the blame!"

Bao Yanhu's eyes swept across the audience, and he confirmed that there were only three of Tang Yan and the others here, and the real breakthrough location should be in the mountainous area more than ten kilometers away, where a very strong energy fluctuation could be faintly sensed.

In other words, the three of Tang Yan are here alone, and it can easily kill them one by one!

"Wait!" Tang Yan raised his hand to stop it, and looked at it pretending to be puzzled: "Did you meet Jin Yanpengying on the road?"

Bao Yanhu looked cold and arrogant: "Is it related to you?"

"Of course! If you meet it, you should understand why I came all the way here." Tang Yan pointed to the place where Zhaoyi retreated.

"Huh?" Bao Yanhu has never actually dealt with Tang Yan, and he doesn't know his character. He only infers from the Nanhuang incident that he is a very ferocious lunatic. Too wary.

"It really didn't tell you anything? Or are you deliberately pretending not to understand?" Tang Yan was not afraid of the intimidating aura brought by the half-orcs. His vertical pupils were fixed on its tiger eyes, and his consciousness and vision were highly coordinated. With shrewdness and judgment brought to the extreme, Tang Yan organizes his thoughts and tactics through subtle changes in his eyes.

This ability was honed from negotiating with tomb robbers all the year round in the previous life, allowing him to accurately capture their psychological changes through his eyes, and sketch out certain scenes of the other party in his mind.

For example, today, he was constantly adjusting his attitude by speculating on the conversation between the half-orc and Jin Yanpengying and the relationship between the two inspectors.

The half-orc didn't speak, but just looked at him coldly, full of fighting spirit.It was vigilant, but it was being attacked by Tang Yan, and it was not vigilant about his conversation.

"We have negotiated with Jin Yanpengying, and Dongkui is willing to accept our surrender!"

"Dream! How could Dongkui take in you outsiders!" The half-orc snorted heavily.

"That's right, under normal circumstances they won't take us in, but what if there are more semi-saints among us? I think not only you Dongkui, but also Caesar and Beiming would be willing to accept us. A semi-holy warrior , plus five martial masters and two demon masters, isn't this lineup strong enough?"

"You treat me as a fool? Where are you half-sages, you really think that you can succeed as long as you retreat? It's a good idea!"

"It's not me who treats you as a fool, but Jin Yan Peng Ying! It seems that it didn't tell you anything, but rushed to claim credit." Tang Yan showed a weird smile on purpose.


"Jin Yanpengying witnessed the scene of my friend's retreat with his own eyes, and concluded that this breakthrough will be successful. Therefore, he agreed to let him lead the way and introduce us to Dongkuiling Mountain, a half-sage, and a group of Wuzun. The gift of this lineup will definitely It caused the high-level people in Lingshan to be happy, and at that time... Jin Yanpengying will not only get a generous reward, but also make friends with us. In the future, in this land of Dongkui, it Jinyan Pengying will be the first inspector! Or it may be more likely to advance.”

Sow discord?Tang Yan is best at this, and he can also speak reasonably!
(End of this chapter)

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