Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 593 Willing to gamble and admit defeat

Chapter 593 Willing to gamble and admit defeat
"From now on, follow my brother and me!" Tang Yan had a ferocious face, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and let out a manic roar. The ghost green fire that was steaming around his body suddenly became radiant, turning into a fierce flaming giant eagle, drowning the three-stroke battle. The spear, it struggles and screams, the blue fire is boiling, collapsing the mountain, burning the dust and fog, the eagle's piercing, sonorous sound, piercing gold and cracking stone.

The scene is chaotic and out of control!

It was like a terrifying beast trying to break free from its cage. Such a prestige even made the giant apes tremble with fear. It was unbelievable that Tang Yan could be so vigorous after the spear pierced his body.

The three spears were shining brightly, nailing Tang Yan to death, and piercing through the green fire falcon. It drank the blood in Tang Yan's body, stirred up the blue flames, and exuded terrifying power, as if to kill Tang Yan's body and body. All the souls were nailed to the mountain.

In this situation, Xuanyuan Longli is no longer rushing forward to rescue, but just watching the out-of-control violent scene, waiting for the development of the situation. This is Tang Yan's own battle, and we should believe that Tang Yan can persist to the end!

Bao Yanhu wiped the blood from his face, his eyes gleamed with fierce pain, like a blade, he stared at Tang Yan viciously: "How dare you hurt me?"

"How about hurting you, so what about killing you! This is a fair duel, you can kill me, why can't I fight back? Do you want to play tricks? You can afford to gamble, but you can't afford to lose. This is the courage of your Dongkui inspector?! "

From the depths of the out-of-control green fire, Tang Yan's hoarse and wild roar came out. The voice of struggling became wilder and wilder, and the green fire boiled like a gust of wind sweeping across the ocean.This is Tang Yan struggling, frantically resisting the battle spear, even the mountain was implicated, rumbling and trembling violently, originally full of cracks, at this moment a large piece of rubble fell.

What is earth shaking and mountain shaking!What is a fierce beast out of the gate!
"What kind of monster is this?" The titan giant ape was surprised by Tang Yan's performance, and was aroused to fight.They are wild by nature, bloodthirsty and warlike, and they love nothing more than fighting some seemingly terrifying species.Tang Yan's current performance is just in line with their appetite.

"You lied to me!!" Bao Yanhu said viciously, now he understands, this bastard just pretended to be weak?
"Don't make excuses for your failures!!" Tang Yan continued to struggle wildly, forcibly destroying the spear that pierced his body. With the last hysterical roar, the boiling green eagle soared into the sky, swept wildly, and the mountain collapsed , The dust and mist are like tides.

All three spears shattered! !
"So strong!" Gold Silk Silver Wolf showed shock.

"You really can afford to gamble, but you can't afford to lose!" Tang Yan stepped out of the dust and mist, staggering every step, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, looking extremely ferocious.

This time, there was no camouflage, and he was really tortured enough, but there was a smirk on the corner of his mouth, and he stared at Bao Yanhu with vertical eyes: "I used this body to resist your three punches, it's the real deal, what else do you object to? I cheated Did you get out of the way? Or did you ask others for help? I am using this body, and I am resisting your iron fist, how can I tell you?"

Bao Yanhu panted heavily, but he was so stunned that he couldn't say a word.

Tang Yan carried his weak body back to Xuanyuan Longli and the others, sat down on his buttocks, took a deep breath, and operated the Immortal Yantian Art to heal his body, quickly repair the injury, and calm the churning blood in his body.

Xuanyuan Longli smiled wryly and shook his head: "Actually, you don't have to carry it by yourself every time. No matter how abnormal your body is, it won't be able to withstand three times of torture. In the future, if something happens, we will share it together."

Ren Tianzang didn't show much, he just closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Desperately?In this world, the person who can use the word "desperately" to the enemy and himself is the scariest person, and the person most likely to survive!
This is the direct reason why he doesn't dislike Tang Yan!

This is a lunatic, crazy to the enemy, even more craziest to himself, but also a shrewd lunatic, a lunatic who interprets the word "survival" to the extreme.

Tang Yan waved his hands weakly, and signaled to Long Li that he was fine.While running the Immortal Yan Tian Jue, he looked at Bao Yanhu with mocking eyes: "Are you hating me for pretending to be weak just now? Please think about it with your head, you just kept your hand because I looked weak? Seven spears, all killer moves! I haven't seen any signs of letting go!
If you lose, you lose. Do you have to transfer your excuses to others?This alone makes you unworthy of the title of inspector!

At most, I procrastinated for a few minutes on purpose. If this is what you think is cheating, I admit it! "

Bao Yanhu's chest heaved violently, but he still couldn't find a suitable reason to refute.lost?I actually lost!Attacked with three punches, but didn't kill this guy?Is the third punch saved?Yes or no?
"Don't worry about it, I won't force you to be my younger brother, just pretend that nothing happened just now, and you don't know each other without fighting, how about it?"

"Hmph! You're wise!!" The Flame Tiger slammed heavily, and his anger eased a little. It really couldn't accept being the brother of a second-level demon venerable, so it still recognized him as the eldest brother.

"Don't! Don't get me wrong. I just can't afford to lose this person!!"

"What did you say?" Bao Yanhu's expression that had just been released suddenly turned cold.

"A person who dares to bet and dare not lose, a meaningless game, if I tell it, I am afraid of losing Tang Yan. Such a bet, don't mind it!"

"Damn!! Are you laughing at me?"

"Isn't it? If you lose, you lose. You have to find the reason on the opponent. The bet you made, but in the end you wait for the opponent to speak up to cancel it. It's already shameless to this extent. How can you be worthy of being my Tang Yan's brother.

Um? ?You are shamelessly intent on killing me, why, you want to kill me?You are not only shameless, you also have problems with your conduct! !Looking for a guy like you to be your younger brother?I bother! !I really can't afford to lose this man, and I'm afraid of being stabbed in the back! ! "

"You are looking for death!! I have the blood of the orthodox Earth Flame Tiger, how could I do such a despicable and shameless thing!!" The Flame Tiger was furious. Although he has a hot temper and a passion for war, he has always been loyal and brave. No one questioned my own character.

"Just what I said to you, there is something wrong with your conduct! I am looking for death? I am looking for death, what's the matter, you came to kill me, didn't you just do what you wanted, find an excuse to kill me, and then openly Cancel the bet? Then kill my two brothers, and today’s incident will be treated as if nothing happened. It’s easy to calculate. Come on, come on, I can’t handle your fourth punch, so I just killed it .”

Tang Yan's mouth was crackling like a steel bean in an iron pot. Not only did Bao Yanhu's anger fly wildly, Xuanyuan Dragon Carp also hid secretly. This guy's eloquence is really extraordinary.

Bao Yanhu's anger, that hatred, these words almost exploded his anger, but the meaning of the few sharp diamonds inside was like a big iron cover, pressing hard on his heart, and he couldn't vent it.

The feeling of wanting to get angry but not being able to get angry is really... ouch! !

The violent tiger was furious, and its fighting spirit rose into the sky like waves. It rushed towards the mountains, facing those ancient trees and high mountains, there was a burst of violent bombardment when it ran wild, the ground trembled, cracks spread vertically and horizontally, the ancient trees shattered, and turned into pieces. Splashing with broken branches, it finally rushed towards a cliff like a bulldozer, hitting the tough mountain.

The manic momentum set off violent roar and dust mist, so that even Zhao Zimo and Du Yang, who were tensely on guard ten kilometers away, were aware of it, and immediately tensed up, tensely on guard.what happened?It seems to be fighting! !
The titan giant ape was baffled, but he could feel the master's anger. He roared immediately, and was about to rush towards Tang Yan and the others. However, he was forcibly stopped by the gold silk and silver wolf, so as to appease these two idiots, please stay safe.

"The character exploded, and I picked up a younger brother for nothing." Tang Yan watched the crazy flame tiger on the earth, but a strange smile gradually appeared on his face. .”

Xuanyuan Longli smiled and said: "It seems that it is done. We will have a place to stay in the future. With the help of this half-orc and Zhaoyi's assistance, Dongkuiling Mountain will probably take us in."

"Correct me, it's not a half-orc, it's my younger brother, my Tang Yan's younger brother."

As soon as the words fell, the cliff in the distance just collapsed, and a domineering figure broke through the mountain and rushed straight into the clouds. It was another burst of catharsis and ran wildly, rushing from Gao Chong towards the mountain peak on Tang Yan's side. "Tang Yan, listen to me!!"

Tang Yan pretended to be vicious and contemptuous on purpose, and shouted: "If you want to kill, kill it, come on!! Falling in the hands of shameless people like you, I, Tang Yan, accept my fate!!"

"Fart you!! I admit defeat!!" After Bao Yanhu vented, he stood proudly in midair, panting heavily, but his eyes were still very fierce, wishing he could slap him to death.

"No need!! I'm afraid of death, I'm afraid of being stabbed in the back!!"

Bao Yanhu was furious: "Bastard!! How can I be such a shameless person!!"

"Hmph! I, Tang Yan, make friends by heart, and brothers by life! You?? Forget it!" Tang Yan raised his eyes and glanced at him, and snorted coldly: "You just don't want to go to the place where my friend retreats Make trouble, wait patiently for Jin Yanpengying to come over, today's matter is my thank you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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