Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 594 I am Brother

Chapter 594 I am Brother
The violent flame tiger is arrogant, the more Tang Yan said that, the more it insisted: "I have the pure blood of the violent flame tiger, the blood of the white tiger, the ancient holy beast, if you want to bet, you will admit defeat. You brother!! What I hate the most is repeating and being unrighteous, if you give me your life, I will also give you my life!"

Tang Yan still frowned, looked at him sideways, and didn't speak again, but looking at it like this, he seemed very disbelieving and reluctant.

"What the fuck is your look!! Don't you believe me? There are so many people present to testify, I swear on the name of Dongkui Inspectorate, how about recognizing you brother??" The mountains were silent, and the cliffs trembled.

"Really??" Tang Yan showed a little hesitation.

Xuanyuan Longli's forehead was sweating, sighing secretly that this guy's acting skills are really extraordinary, this look, this expression, this just right hesitation, made him feel a little bit internally hurt! !
"Nonsense!! But I have a condition."

"tell me the story."

"I've lived for nearly a thousand years, and I'm a third-order demon venerable with the blood of an ancient beast. I'm older and stronger than you. How about I be a brother and you a younger brother?" Bao Yanhu said. Sometimes I feel a little sad and angry, when did my dignified inspector Dongkui fall to this point?
If I had known it now, I wouldn't have made any bet just now, and I would have killed him directly.

"Hmph, it seems that you are still very reluctant, and you still can't afford to lose."

"Are you deaf? I'm willing to accept the bet. I can't afford to lose!"

"A person who can afford to lose is worthy of being my brother Tang Yan. Unfortunately, you are not. You are still struggling with who to be the brother, which shows that you are very dissatisfied. If you are not willing now, you will get angry in the future." Hate, when the time comes...sorry, I'm still afraid of being stabbed in the back."

"You! You're cruel!!" Bao Yanhu stared, but Tang Yan didn't even look at him, and sneered and mocked him all over his face.He simply gritted his teeth, became cruel, and said in a voice like thunder: "I accept my fate, you will be my brother, and I will be my younger brother!!"

"Inspector, it's absolutely impossible!!" Gold Silk Silver Wolf and the others hurried over.

This is obviously a rush of anger, dizzy!
"Go away!! I would like to admit defeat, if I can afford to bet, I can afford to lose!"

"No regrets?" Tang Yan pretended to hesitate and stroked his chin.

"No regrets!!"


"I will do what I say!!"

"I am a brother, you are a brother?"

"What are you talking about, the matter is settled like this. When you join Dongkuiling Mountain, I will be like a brother in the future!"

"Inspector, he is..." Jinsiyinlang hurried up to dissuade him.

Baoyanhu was furious: "Go away! I've already made up my mind, stop talking nonsense."

Gold Silk Silver Wolf shook his head and sighed, alas, Bao Yanhu's fame in this life is about to fall into the hands of this little thing.

Tang Yan looked up at it: "You are right, but your attitude..."

"What do you mean?" Bao Yanhu didn't understand, he still stared at his blood-red eyes, gasping for breath, looking like he couldn't vent his grief and anger.

"It's fine if you don't understand." Tang Yan curled his lips, continued to close his eyes to rest his mind, and circulated the Immortal Yantian Art to recuperate his body. He was injured too badly just now, so he really needed to take care of it. Thanks to the second-order Martial Venerable Realm, otherwise he just really Can't bear it.

Baoyanhu still didn't understand, he looked at the golden silk silver wolf behind him. "What does this bastard mean?"

Jinsiyinlang said awkwardly: "He asked you to go down. According to the etiquette, the elder brother is on top and the younger brother is on the bottom, but now you... are standing too high."

"Damn it, I recognize it!!" Bao Yanhu gritted his teeth, and fell from mid-air, hitting Tang Yan in front of Tang Yan with a bang sound. The ferocious white tiger's head and two-meter-long strong body looked like an iron tower made of fine steel. .It looks creepy from a distance, but it makes people grin when they look up close. Hybrid genes are good. Look at this body with long bones.

Tang Yan ignored him and continued to recuperate.

Bao Yanhu glared, and almost slapped him, but... he let out a muffled growl in his throat, he took two steps back, and bent slightly: "Big Brother, I'll bow down to you."

Only then did Tang Yan open his eyes, and lazily said, "Get up."

Bao Yanhu glared again: "What kind of attitude is this!!"

"Huh? Still not sincere, you go, I can't bear this gift."

"You..." Bao Yanhu's chest rose and fell violently, panting violently like pulling a bellows, and holding it out for a long time: "Thank you, brother!!"

Tang Yan finished his cycle, and exhaled slowly: "It's not too bad. Let's go, I'll take you to meet my friend."

"Really take it?" Xuanyuan Longli was a little worried.

"It's okay, since we are brothers, we have to be honest with each other." Tang Yan deliberately raised his voice, but what he said was pleasant. In fact, he was thinking that the time had passed, and he walked slowly on the road for a while, waiting for them to arrive At the same time, Jin Yanpengying almost had to come over.

"Finally said something human." Bao Yanhu's tense face eased a bit, turned over and rode on the gold silk silver wolf, and roared: "Let's go!!"

"Huh?" Tang Yan raised his eyebrows, turned around and sat down on the ground again.

Bao Yanhu stared wide-eyed: "What's wrong with you?"

"We made it very clear, I am a brother, you are a brother, you must be sincere."

"Don't keep your words in your mouth, just say what you have!!"

Tang Yan pointed at the golden silk silver wolf: "You have a mount to go ahead, and I, the elder brother, follow behind? Is it plausible??"

This time, Gold Silk Silver Wolf was furious, wishing he could slap him on the ground with his paw.A dignified second-level demon master, even being forcibly captured by the violent flame tiger as a mount is a little uncomfortable, but now he wants to be used as a mount by a monster of the same level?When did I really become a mount?

"Come here!!" Baoyan Hu slammed down from the Gold Silk Silver Wolf, and slapped the Silver Wolf's back with a palm like a cattail leaf fan, which seemed to be a bit of a warning.

The golden silver wolf dared not speak out, but just cast a fierce look at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan nodded in satisfaction, then pointed to Xuanyuan Longli and Ren Tianzang, and then glanced at the two titan great apes: "These two are my good brothers, it's the first time we meet, do you mean to be the master? "

"Then what about me? What am I sitting on?" The Flame Tiger was about to ride on the giant ape, and he heard that hate, hate's teeth were hurting, this bastard was just looking for trouble.

Tang Yan smiled: "It's up to you to arrange it yourself, or you can just grab another one?"

"You're ruthless! Let's go!!" Bao Yanhu would just grab someone to use as a mount, at least he must be a demon venerable, this is worthy of his own status, why not just go on his own.

"Slow down on the road, I'm hurt too badly, I can't stand the bumps, so go as slow as you can." Tang Yan sat on the back of the golden silk silver wolf, and deliberately touched the few golden hairs on the top of its head, hating the golden silk Silver Wolf almost turned his head and bit him.

Xuanyuan Longli and Ren Tianzang were even more unceremonious, and directly stepped and sat on the shoulders of the Titan Giant Ape. The two giant apes were very manic, but they still held their breath and endured under the fierce flame tiger's gaze.

Just like that, Dongkui Inspector Dadi Baoyanhu strutting in front of him, behind him the gold-threaded silver wolf was flying slowly with Tang Yan on his back, and behind him two mountain-like titan giant apes rushed forward, with Xuanyuanlong squatting on their shoulders Li and Ren Tianzang, a group of people walked towards the retreat place in the distance in a strange atmosphere.

But under Tang Yan's moaning and chirping from time to time, the speed kept getting slower and slower. He could arrive in half an hour, but it took four times longer.

"What is that?" Zhao Zimo keenly caught an approaching dangerous aura, not just one, there should be several, as if it should be full of fighting spirit and fierceness!
"Yaozun! Has the aura of a third-level demon master, is it Dongkui's inspector again?" The three-legged toad was also alert, his cheeks swelled up slowly, and his sky-blue pupils radiated a bewitching coldness.

"Titan giant ape? Or two titan giant apes!" Du Yang strode into the air, looking solemnly at the two huge giants that stepped forward from Yuankong, 40 to [-] meters tall, and majestic, almost bloated, terrifying muscles , It can be seen clearly from a long distance, it is as if the two hills are moving, and the manic fighting spirit exuded is completely undisguised.

"They came from the east, where is Tang Yan?" Zhao Zimo was startled, and with a wave of his right hand, he pointed directly at the sky and the sea of ​​clouds, and the vast spiritual power surged towards the sky in the most manic way in his life.

A group of demon masters came to kill Tang Yan and the others, didn't they already die?No wonder they just noticed a very strong fight ten kilometers away.

Could it be... "Wait!" The three-legged toad suddenly stopped Zhao Zimo, his blue eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared straight into the distance. There seemed to be a flag flying in front of the two giant apes.

"Written on it? Don't... rush...move?" Du Yang looked intently, and saw the white flag fluttering high, and even saw the big crooked characters on the white flag.

They were fully on guard, and gradually saw the scene in the distance clearly. In front of the two giant apes, there was a heroic winged wolf, and a small dark green beast was sitting on it. A bamboo pole, with a white flag made of blankets fluttering, and a more wild and arrogant half-orc leading the way in front of the whole team.

Take a closer look, on the shoulders of the two giant apes sit cross-legged two familiar partners, Ren Tianzang and Xuanyuan Longli!

"This...what's the situation? Are they captured?" Du Yang was stunned. This scene kept his shrewd head from turning around for a long time.

"I don't think so." Although Zhao Zimo couldn't figure out what happened, the situation in front of him obviously didn't look like a prisoner's treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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