Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 620 Soul Formation

Chapter 620 Soul Formation
The four of Tang Yan successfully escaped to the safe area, and there was no accident in the left and right inspections, so they restrained their breath a little, and searched while being alert.

Tang Yan tossed in the depths of the sea of ​​fog, attacking fiercely with the Bajiquan routine, fighting against the [-] gravitational field with a strong posture.Grinding over and over again, sprinting over and over again, the dull impact on the ground echoed for a long time in the boundless thick fog.

The Second Elder and Zhaoyi did not have such violent tempering as him. They both circulated their spiritual power while walking, but they secretly wondered what kind of martial art it was. The monster's body was shot out with such wildness, which surprised them all.

Even the indifferent Ren Tianzhu has paid attention many times. Is this some kind of inheritance of ancient combat skills?It can be imagined that once close, the dense and fierce fists are enough to bring a fatal blow to the target, and its short, thick and dense routines will not even give the target a chance to display martial arts.

"Freak." The second elder muttered to himself and continued to investigate the surrounding situation.After getting along until now, she can no longer underestimate Tang Yan, and even doubts whether she can kill him in a head-on confrontation. This guy can't be judged by the difference in level at all.In less than half a year since they met on Black Rock Ridge, Tang Yan has successfully advanced to the next level. From the level where he could only resist with three moves, he became a level where he can ignore his own threats.

The growth rate is really astonishing, and it is enough to make those self-proclaimed geniuses in Yan Kingdom ashamed.

"Huh? Stop!!" Tang Yan's tumbling body suddenly fell steadily, and he waved his hand to stop the team, frowning as he felt something.

"Is there anything unusual?" Zhaoyi and the others immediately became alert.

"There seems to be a situation over there..." Tang Yan felt the slightest abnormal fluctuation in the area in front left, as if something was calling him, and the green fire seeds in the sea of ​​​​Qi sent out bursts of similar emotions - joy!
At this moment, the ghostly green fire pervaded Tang Yan's body without being stimulated, like light blue silk wrapped around his body, dancing on its own.

"Go!" Zhaoyi shouted, the petals flying all over the sky rolled towards the left front area, like a whirlwind of white jade sweeping across the obstruction, clearing the white mist hundreds of meters away in a blink of an eye, and the field of vision was wide, except Gray-brown earth and scattered gravel, nothing in sight.

"What did you find?" The second elder was surprised.In this team, Zhaoyi is the most powerful, and can detect the situation within hundreds of meters. If there is any problem, he will definitely find it immediately, but Tang Yan can only detect tens of meters at most. What can he find?
Tang Yan tried to communicate with the ghost Qinghuo, and the emotions that came back changed from joy to excitement. A familiar giggling sound echoed in the sea of ​​​​qi, and even the blood soul tree rooted in the Wuying baby shook slightly. It also seems a little excited.

"Why don't you talk? What did you find?" Zhaoyi didn't find anything unusual after careful exploration. She also wondered how Tang Yan could be more sensitive than herself.

"Come with me, maybe we're going to find a treasure." Tang Yan secretly guessed if it was some kind of treasure hidden in this holy mountain?Otherwise, how could it make both Ghost Green Fire and Blood Soul Tree excited.

Zhaoyi and the others became more and more strange, they continued to be vigilant, and followed Tang Yan forward.

After a long period of adaptation and training, Tang Yan has become relatively light when running, not like running like a giant elephant at the beginning. I don't know how long I ran, and I don't know where I got lost. He became more and more excited, and even became anxious, and the calm waves of Qi kept churning.

Follow the perception and move forward.

"It's near here." Tang Yan felt the temperature in the air rise slightly. For him who is good at controlling fire, the subtle temperature difference is very sensitive.

Zhaoyi searched intently, but found nothing, and the second elder was even more puzzled.

Tang Yan slowed down and approached according to his feeling. This walk took another quarter of an hour.But this time, Tang Yan gradually felt something wrong. The warm feeling seemed to be right in front of him, but no matter how he ran, the temperature remained in a similar area, and there was no intention of getting closer.


Zhaoyi suddenly stopped, and the petals spread out to the surroundings, and the scene manifested one by one, still the same brown-red earth and gravel: "I feel like we are standing still, or...were always turning in circles..."

"There is something strange in this area." The second elder raised his hand, and a blanket of crystal ice crystals rose up, and bursts of chill spread to the surroundings, but in a blink of an eye, it dissipated under the strange gaze of everyone, as if evaporated by some force Lose. "We can't feel the high temperature, but the ice coat on my body is melting rapidly. At first I thought it was my spiritual power being suppressed, but now it seems that I have been evaporated. There is a strange high temperature that can affect my body. Ice."

"It's a large array of fascinated souls." Ren Tianzan raised the soul-calling flag, and a thick noble aura rolled around. When the ghost aura passed by, the ghosts cried and howled, covering the void in front of him. In an instant, strange runes appeared in the ghost aura. The depths are revealed and clearly printed into everyone's field of vision.

Zhaoyi swiped her hands, and the petals all over the sky gathered and superimposed, compressed abruptly into a piece of crystal clear white jade petals, with a flick of her slender fingers, she jumped towards an ancient rune character in the midair. "It's a formation, break it for me!!"

Ren Tianzhu vibrated the soul-calling flag, and all the ghost energy gathered on the ancient characters locked by Zhaoyi, forcing them to manifest clearly, so as not to hide.

But a surprising thing happened. The white jade petals pierced through the ancient rune characters in an instant, and the ancient characters were still lying in the air, as if they didn’t really exist in this space, but Ren Tianzhu’s ghostly aura caused it to shake slightly, and the continuous movement spread to the surroundings The ancient characters of "" are faintly revealed.

"How could this be?" Zhaoyi is a semi-saint-level powerhouse. Although she has just been promoted not long ago, judging from the scenes caused by her promotion, even those old monsters who have been promoted to the semi-holy for hundreds of years may not be able to fight in real battles. Don't dare to be careless.

"This is a large formation of ecstasy. It was set up by a certain soul master, and it is immune to physical attacks. It can be seen that it has just been set up not long ago." Ren Tianzun looked up, and the bloody eyes gathered by the blood lines were fixed in turmoil. On the ancient characters, a strange blood light flashed across the bottom of the eyes.

"No matter how powerful the soul magic formation is, Zhaoyi is a semi-saint after all, so why..." Tang Yan raised his brows and realized: "Could it be set up by a powerhouse of the same level? It is the two souls of the Holy Spirit Hall Martial artists! It's the formation that they jointly set up here!"

"What's imprisoned here? It's worth two semi-sages who specialize in soul art to join forces to set up a large formation?" The second elder has already heard Tang Yan introduce the so-called Golden Tower Sky Eagle Envoy and the mysterious Holy Spirit Hall.

With the semi-holy strength of the two of them and the mysterious inheritance of the Holy Spirit Temple, this formation must be extraordinary.

"Is there any way to break it?" Tang Yan became excited instead. The thing that can excite the ghost Qinghuo must be a treasure, and it is bound to be obtained.It is even more enjoyable to break through the formation of the Skyhawk and snatch away his hidden things.

"Are you sure you want to break it open? Are you afraid that what is hidden inside is not a treasure, but some kind of powerful beast soul? Or...the ferocious beast they imprisoned?" Zhaoyi's face was slightly solemn.

Tang Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and he said firmly: "I feel like something is calling me inside, even if it is a beast they imprisoned, an enemy's enemy is a friend."

"We are facing enemies everywhere, it's not time to take risks, are you sure?"

"Definitely." The blood soul tree and the ghost blue fire had never been excited at the same time in the body, Tang Yan decided to try.

"I can't do anything about it." Zhaoyi didn't know anything about big formations, and she had tried her own calculations before to no avail.

The second elder said: "My spiritual power is suppressed in this area."

Tang Yan looked at Ren Tianzhu: "Boss Ren, is there a way?"

"You can give it a try." Ren Tianzang said with a blank expression.

"This is a grand array of soul arts set up by two semi-sages. Do you have a solution?" The second elder didn't quite believe it. From her point of view, no matter how weird Ren Tianzhu was, he was still a 'junior' of Yan Kingdom.

"Breaking the formation does not depend on strength, but on skill." Tang Yan remembered Nalantu once said such words, since the Skyhawk envoy dared to set up a formation here to hide things, he might be confident that he could avoid the detection of the holy beast, but this is For those holy beasts that 'do not understand' at all, there is no way to break them with brute force and martial arts alone. From Zhaoyi's performance, it can be clearly seen that it seems to be completely hit in the void.

However, Ren Tianzun cultivated the way of ghosts, and what he captured was souls. From an alternative perspective, he specialized in suppressing soul arts.

"I'll help you protect the law." Zhaoyi couldn't break through the formation, but she had enough ability to protect the law, not to mention the Huahai World who is good at group attack and defense!

Pushing out one palm after another, one piece after another, the flower clusters spread out, and each petal splits one after another on the way of scattering, one becomes two, two turns into four, four turns into eight, eight turns into sixteen... In an instant, a piece of flowers permeates four. A huge 500-meter-long flower sea world took shape, densely packed, blocking everything, and even the pressure of gravity seemed to be greatly reduced.

The second elder didn't say much, when he activated the snow lotus treasure, the holy radiance filled the entire flower world with a cold wave, which was equivalent to a double defense.

They are all cautious people, even if they are taking risks, they must be fully prepared.

"What do you need me to do?" The ghost green fire in Tang Yan's body let out a cheerful giggle, and strong fluctuations spread from the green fire seeds, and then spread to the whole body, so that the green fire on the surface of the body evaporated bursts, Almost out of control.


Ren Tianzan's dry, hoarse and hollow voice made people's heart tremble. Tang Yan, just for fun, stood far away and leaned against Zhaoyi: "Grand Palace Master, be careful, if there is any accident, try to make it happen. chance to escape."

"Take care of yourself." Zhaoyi's voice was cold, with a unique nobility and gentleness, but there was a little softness in her tone.Raising her right hand, pointing straight ahead, tempered colorful petals emerged from her fingertips, exuding a terrifying coldness and sharpness, which was her strongest weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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