Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 621

Chapter 621
Clang! !

The soul-calling flag was inserted horizontally into the ground. The flagpole, which looked like a tattered and rotten flagpole, pierced through the tough steel-like ground, piercing through nearly half of it with a clanging roar.Strands of ghost aura rushed out of the soul-calling banner like struggling black pythons, fluttering high in the sky with bursts of shrill screams. The ghost aura was entangled and mixed, and gradually spread to the surrounding area, covering an area of ​​more than a hundred meters. The Second Elder's snow lotus breath and the icy area cooled down again.

If the cold wave permeating the snow lotus makes people feel cold in the body, then this ghost energy makes people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts, a kind of creepy cold.

"It's about to start." Tang Yan kept his eyes on Ren Tianzhu, and he rarely had the opportunity to see this ghost go all out. Today's arduous battle is enough for him to show his ultimate strength.

"Fengdu Ghost Emperor's Sutra, Volume [-], Lihun, Tianwen! I use my body to strip the bones and blood, and I use my soul to sacrifice to hundreds of ghosts."

A hoarse whisper sounded like the murmur of a ghost from hell, filling the sky and the earth, Ren Tianzun clasped his hands together, and knelt down on one knee facing the soul-calling banner.

There was a burst of white paper rustling like flipping through a book, echoing in this ghostly environment, pieces of white paper fluttered from Ren Tianzhu's body, yes, they floated from the body, as if the skin was peeling off, and It was as if the body was being sliced, one piece after another, and with the clattering sound, the pieces were separated one by one.

Ren Tianzhu's body wasted away at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Whether it was Tang Yan, Zhaoyi or the second elder, they all narrowed their pupils slightly, took a breath quietly, and stared fixedly at the horrifying scene in front of them.

I use my body to strip the bones and blood?
I use my soul to sacrifice my life to all ghosts?
Tang Yan looked chilly, and his scalp tingled when he heard it. Is this still a human being?His bloodline has already turned into a beast, could it be that Ren Tianzhu has turned into a ghost?
In just a short while, Ren Tian Zanku was as thin as a stick, a full ten circles thinner, completely out of human form, and might fall down or break at any time under the raging ghost energy.It was as if being stripped of flesh and bones piece by piece by an invisible bone dismantling knife, and turned into pieces of white paper, floating in the dark ghostly air.

White paper, white dense;

Ghostly, dark.

The collision of two monotonous and extreme colors stimulates everyone's soul.

"Open the door to invite ghosts!"

Ren Tianzhu's bloody eyes flashed sharply, and his black robe was windless, hunting and hunting in the ghostly atmosphere.The bloody lines on the completely inhuman skinny cheeks spread like blood vessels, and the soul-calling banners fluttered violently in front of him, stirring up ghost energy and boiling with exaggerated momentum. Countless lonely souls struggled and screamed inside, and there was a real ear-piercing sound wave Fill the sky and the earth.

Tang Yan's face was solemn and terrified, and the sound waves filled the air, like a wave of cold waves sweeping through his body, and his whole body was chilled, as if he was in a hellish place.

With the sound of opening the door to invite ghosts, there was a terrible throbbing from inside the soul-calling banner.

"The 36 capitals...the first capital beast...headless, boneless, heartless and lungless; the second capital realm...blood curse, heart curse, mourning curse; the third capital realm...serious ghosts, Si ghosts, black-haired ghosts ..."

A low growl sounded like a piercing heart, and a sound of shouting sounded like a ghost worshiping a ghost.

The sky is full of ghostly energy, and thousands of lonely souls attract evil spirits to step out of the banner of summoning souls.

At the same time, the pieces of paper stripped from Ren Tianzang's body gathered one after another, turning into strange paper figurines one by one, inheriting the attracted evil spirits.

These weird paper figurines are only more than a dozen centimeters, very short, but once the evil spirit enters the body, they all burst into a monstrous evil spirit, stirring up the surroundings, looking up to the sky and pretending to be howling evil spirits, trembling everywhere.

Even the holy light of the Second Elder was chased away one after another.

Tang Yan took a deep breath, and finally understood the sentence that Ren Tianjian said silently before the funeral - I use my body to lure my bones and blood!I use my soul to sacrifice my life to all ghosts!
At this moment, Tang Yan made up his mind in his heart, unless it is absolutely necessary, he must not provoke this guy, he is not a person at all!
The second elder's eyes were filled with shock. Perhaps it was because of the conflict between 'holy' and 'dead spirit' that he actually felt a strong threat. This threat came from Ren Tianfu, who was skinny and not human-shaped, and even more from the dancing spirit-calling banners. What is this thing.

She vaguely guessed that Ren Tianzhu was using his own body to arouse the power of the broken flag!

"I'm curious, what exactly does he want to do?" Zhaoyi looked at the weird paper figurines lingering in lifeless spirit. Do you want to rely on these things to break the formation?

"The blood curse leads the way, and the ghosts walk at night; when they leave the ghost temple of Dongling, they cross the path of Naihe; when they meet the gate of ghosts, they go to the blood spring of Wuyuan..." Ren Tianzhu's hoarse and dry voice echoed in the world, the wind gusts, and the ghosts Weeping and howling, the hundreds of paper figurines controlled by the evil spirit moved in weird and terrifying postures.

Step on the air, lie on the ground, move, jump!
Hundreds of ghosts sneak in the dark night, all kinds of ghosts interweave out of thin air, and outline weird virtual worlds one after another. Sometimes the river of blood reappears, sometimes ghosts descend, sometimes ghosts are haunted, and sometimes Naihe steps forward.

A shrunken ghost world was forcibly pulled over, and as they sneaked, it filled the area hundreds of meters ahead, and a large number of vague ancient characters appeared in the sky, and finally it was completely exposed in front of everyone, and a rough outline was drawn.

Invaded by ghost energy, alarmed by the ghost city, the hidden ancient characters of the soul formation appeared one after another.

hum!hum! !

Daodao's soul sounds like a death knell like a leather drum, and the ancient characters have nothing to hide, and they respond like a counterattack.

But the ghosts continued to move forward, screaming horribly, and some directly hugged the ancient characters, as if they wanted to devour its energy!

One ancient character collapsed, the second ancient character dissipated, and the successive ancient characters of soul art melted their soul power in the evil world drawn by the ghosts, and then collapsed.

At the moment when nearly a thousand ancient characters were lost by one-tenth, the soul array experienced obvious fluctuations, buzzing, violent riots emerged in the inner area covered by the ancient characters, and the temperature between the sky and the earth soared.

After only a short period of manifestation, the soul power of all the ancient characters increased greatly, and continued to form a stable space, sealing the inside.

"Be careful! It's about to break." Zhaoyi sensed the danger, and the sea of ​​flowers wandered and drifted, and the number continued to increase, and they also focused on wrapping around the area where the word "hun" appeared, like a huge flower bone, and wanted to include the area of ​​​​spirit power, so as not to The moment the formation was broken, something strange rushed out.

Ren Tianzhu also noticed the terrifying high temperature just now, and his expression was dignified. It seemed that there was not some kind of treasure hidden inside, but a terrifying monster!

Tang Yan's eyes were burning hot, and the sudden high temperature made the excited Youming Qinghuo appear a little quiet, but in an instant, there was even greater ecstasy, which clearly impacted his consciousness.

"Boss Ren, break it open, and I'll take care of the rest!!" With a bold idea, Tang Yan rushed to the front of the formation, let out a low shout, and completely released the dark green fire.

A substantive cry exploded, and the endless green fire surged violently.

With 'Tang Yan as the wick' and 'heaven and earth as the candle', the ghostly green fire surged hundreds of ranges in an instant, filling every corner of the flower sea world, and in the next moment, the green fire churned and gathered, and it turned towards " Array' area rushed.

"Everyone get ready!" Ren Tianzang seemed to have a premonition of something, his bloody eyes flashed a gleam, and he immediately went all out, the handprints changed one after another, and the speed at which the ghosts devoured the soul power increased significantly.

"Once let go, all retreat!!" Fang Zhaoyi and the second elder were also on full alert. They didn't know what would be released inside, and what made Tang Yan so excited!
Hundreds of ghosts are screaming, and the ghost city is manifesting, covering a range of [-] meters!

The soul array is flickering, the ancient characters are collapsing, and the crackling sound permeates the tense atmosphere.

"Three! Two! One!" Ren Tianzang roared suddenly, his eyes suddenly fierce: "Break!"

All the crumbling ancient characters suddenly collapsed, and all the ghosts also evacuated immediately.

Then...a catastrophic shock also broke out suddenly at this moment.

boom! !The loud noise was like a collapse of the sky, and the roar was like a tsunami. A sea of ​​horrific red flames appeared in front of my eyes in an instant.Like the collapse of a high flood storage dam, the terrifying wave of flames rushed in all directions like a torrent, rushing towards the sky.

In an instant, Tang Yan's ghostly blue flames engulfed the ghosts and the sea of ​​flowers.

The terrifying air wave carried unspeakable high temperature and explosive power, sweeping in all directions! !

Between heaven and earth, there is a sea of ​​flames!
In the depths of the remote holy land, the Skyhawk envoys and Scorpio envoys who were searching for something were startled at the same time, frowning and looking at the boundless white mist: "Is it the Nine Locks Soul Suppression Formation? It was broken? Who is it! Who can break our barrier?" Soul array!"

In another direction, the four eyes of the two-headed golden lion shone brightly. Startled by the strange and bursting sound waves, a young monk riding on it silently twirled the beads, with a smile on the corner of his solemn mouth: "After all, it's here!" , Lion Lord, please!"

From a different direction, a white and clean boy riding the 'Samsara Blood Snake Rhinoceros' caught this aura: "Is it the aura of Huang Yu? Why did it appear in that direction?"

(End of this chapter)

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