Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 684

Chapter 684
"You want me, Shabao, to surrender? You're a fart!" Cang Hong's eyes were ferocious, with a ruthless light flashing.Unwilling to be defeated, this bandit lunatic was trying his best to think of countermeasures.

"One! One!" Tang Yan didn't give him any room to buffer, his left eye twisted into a black vortex, and forcibly pulled Cang Gou into it.

"What the hell is this?" Cang Hong was startled, and looked into Tang Yan's eyes in astonishment.

"Two! The second one!" Tang Yan's silent eyes covered the corpse.

"Help me!!" Cang Corpse writhed suddenly, trying to escape, but the Eye of Mie Mie distorted the space, and retreated in without any suspense, and the screams disappeared quickly.

"You...what did you do to them?" Cang Hong panicked.

"Send them on the road, and there are no bones left. You are the third, but... I want you to see the destruction of the Sandfall Mercenary Group with your own eyes." Tang Yan gestured towards the sky.

The blackwater leech immediately locked on to dozens of mercenaries in front of it. Before they could react, their bodies paled and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all their blood gathered towards the sky.

Bang bang bang!
He died tragically in a blink of an eye, without a sound.

"Continue." Tang Yan spit out two words calmly.

"Ah!!" The screams rang out intensively, but they stopped abruptly. Deaths appeared in large numbers and quickly spread towards the periphery. Tens of thousands of mercenaries completely changed their expressions and retreated in horror.

Chaos!The [-] mercenary troops were in complete chaos, but when the blackwater leeches sucked up the hundreds of fleeing mercenaries at the outermost perimeter, the audience fell into an eerie silence again, with numb scalps and cold backs, standing dryly in the original place. land.

"Who the hell are you? Who gave you the order!" Cang Hong was furious and panicked.

"Continue!" Tang Yan remained expressionless and ignored it.

"Bastard!!" Cang Hong roared, stomping on the ground with one step, blasting towards Tang Yan like a cannonball, the surrounding sand and dust were flying and surging, like a roaring sand waterfall bear, trying to swallow Tang Yan.

boom! !

The ancient saber in Tang Yan's hand flicked, and he slashed Cang Hong cleanly, before uttering two words easily again: "Continue!"

"Stop!!" Cang Hong attacked one after another, and was defeated one after another. Each time was more miserable, and his voice gradually became chaotic. How could he resist Quansheng Tang Yan with his seriously injured body.

"This speed is too slow, use [-] as the base, kill me!" Tang Yan ordered to the high-altitude blackwater leech, making the surviving more than [-] mercenaries cold all over.

They have experienced too many killings and created countless killings. They are not afraid of death or threats, but the death they want is to die on the battlefield, not to be slaughtered like a chicken like they are now.

Anyone, no matter how hard-hearted, will feel fear.

Cang Hong finally couldn't resist Tang Yan's demonic behavior, not to mention his whole body was bloody and bloody, and he was powerless to resist. With a mournful cry, he knelt heavily on the ground: "Stop! I surrender!"

He had no strength left to stand, he was panting heavily, coughing blood from his throat, his eyes were mixed with resentment and pain.

"Say it again." Tang Yan raised his hand to stop the blackwater leech.

Cang Hong's eyes were full of hatred, and he squeezed out the cold words from between his teeth: "I surrender!"

"Louder, I can't hear you."

"I surrender!!" Cang Hong roared with furious flames in his chest.

"The voice is not loud enough, and what I want is the entire Sandfall mercenary group."

"Kneel down, kneel down." Cang Hong yelled at the members of the Sandfall Mercenary Group.

The expressions of the more than [-] members were fierce and full of hatred, but seeing the scattered corpses of more than [-] corpses and Cang Hong's tragic situation, there were sparse kneeling sounds, and finally spread to the entire team: "We are waiting for you!" Surrender!"

"Who do you submit to?" Tang Yan stepped into the sky.

"Submit to you."

"Who surrenders to whom?" Tang Yan's eyes were as cold as ice.

"Let my two brothers go, the Sandfall Mercenary Group will belong to you from today! Don't tell me they are dead, unless you don't want to take over Sandfall."

"It still has some brains." Tang Yan released Cang Corpse and Cang Gou from the eyes of Nirvana, and the two warriors, one tall, one short, one giant, and one small, rushed hundreds of meters away like a ghost, throbbing in shock, as if What a terrible thing happened.

Cang Hong gritted his teeth and was silent for 5 minutes before roaring hoarsely: "Cang Hong brings the Sandfall mercenary group and surrenders to Tang Yan!"

"This is what you said by yourselves. Remember it clearly. From today onwards, the Sandfall Mercenary Group will be under my control." Tang Yan silently looked at them coldly. Treating these ferocious beasts with kindness is a joke, and only by being more ruthless can they be suppressed.

"Do you know that Prince Jing's Mansion is chasing you? Do you still have the guts to show up here?"

"Are you talking about them?" Tang Yan recruited three severely wounded and dying Wu Zun from the golden lock, which were the two assassins and Venerable Guishui.

" killed them all?" Cang Hong had been in the mercenary world for many years, and he recognized Venerable Guishui and the two famous killers of Canglan at a glance.

"Do you want to continue watching? I still have a lot here. Su Qianluo from Prince Jing's Mansion, and the life-and-death mother-in-law of Jinyan Tower, do you want to continue?"

" are crazier than me." Cang Hong stared at Tang Yan and took a deep breath.

"One for each person, eat it." Tang Yan took out three king-level spiritual source liquids and threw them to Cang Hong.

"What is this?" When the three brothers gathered together, they could feel the surge of spiritual power, but they even wondered if there was any poison in it.

"As long as you are obedient, this is a panacea, and I will give it to you on a regular basis. But if anyone dares to betray, the end will be far worse than you expected."

The three of Cang Hong didn't make any more senseless resistance, and swallowed them all, refreshing spiritual power poured into the meridians, giving the scarred body the power to recover.But in view of Tang Yan's 'threat', he was more nervous and worried, and cursed secretly.

"What do you want us to do?" Cang Hong regained some strength, and his tyrannical mood calmed down a little.

"Pretend nothing happened, and I will notify you when I need you. Remember, don't play tricks on me. If I abuse you once, I can abuse you a second time. Don't even ask for the protection of Prince Jing's mansion. Here In Yan Kingdom, the royal family will always be the ruler, and the vassals will always be vassals. No matter how much ambition and scheming Prince Jing has, he will never be able to overcome the royal family. Before you make a decision, you'd better think about it with your head on your neck. The petty profit in front of me will end up as a lost dog."

Tang Yan left a sentence, put away the corpses on the ground and left the sand waterfall area.

"Brother, we..." Cang Shi was about to propose, but was interrupted by Cang Hong raising his hand.

"Rebuild the camp and order the brothers to keep quiet. What happened today didn't happen. You should find a place to recuperate your injuries. If my guess is correct, there will be a fierce battle soon."

Cang Gou looked at the direction where Tang Yan left: "Is he really Tang Yan? Wasn't he a Tier [-] Martial Venerable more than a year ago? How can we resist the three of us joining forces now?"

"More than a year ago, I was able to kill the little prince and Taiyin Taixu with my own hands. Now that my strength has changed and I have been promoted to the second level, I might even be able to resist the third-level Wu Zun. This is a pervert, a freak!" Cang Hong experienced Tang Tang himself. Although Yan's toughness is at the second level, it can be clearly felt that they are not at the same level at all.

When they lamented Tang Yan's brutality, on the back of a sand dune a few kilometers away, Tang Yan was squatting on the ground, his face full of bitterness, and he was shaking his arms and breathing: "The three lunatics are too ruthless. Can bear, hiss, pain, pain..."

Brother Hei said: "They are able to dominate the southern part of the country of Yan, of course they have some skills. Cang Hong's sand waterfall martial arts, Cang Shi's supernatural power, Cang Gou's thunderstorm, are all violent martial arts, matched with their barbaric temperament, The most difficult thing to deal with. Tang Yan, I found that... your recovery speed of Immortality Yantian Art has slowed down a bit."

"Isn't that right? Qinghuo is sleeping, Blood Soul Tree is sleeping, and Life Wuying seems to be joining in the fun. His vitality has dropped greatly, as if he was half asleep." Tang Yan gritted his teeth in pain, and his hands felt numb for a while.If before, I could be alive and well in a few minutes, but now it takes 10 minutes, and the pain is still unbearable.

"Honor Shura is in the west, do you want to meet him? We can unite with the three brothers of the Cang family. They will be in charge of containment, I will be in charge of sneak attack, and you will be in charge of hard fighting. There is at least a [-]% chance of destroying him."

"According to Su Qianluo's memory, Venerable Shura is the trump card in Prince Jing's hands. This man is ruthless, bloodthirsty, and not so easy to deal with. Look at me, and look at the three members of the Cang family. Let's forget it." Let's discuss it slowly after the sixth princess arrives. Calculate the time...she should be here soon, probably in the early hours of tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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