Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

"Do you want to take care of some business?" Brother Hei suddenly interrupted Tang Yan's meditation.

"Not interested." Tang Yan meditated cross-legged, absorbing the spiritual power between heaven and earth.

Because of the silence of the Youming Qinghuo, there was only a small amount of king-level spirit source liquid left in the golden lock. He needed to use it sparingly. At ordinary times, he only used the most traditional methods to replenish his spiritual power and repair his injuries.

Brother Hei said to himself: "Do you still remember Zheng Jianghe? The Zheng Jianghe who bet with Jia Jin, the son of Hanyue Academy, he is seven kilometers away."

Tang Yan still ignored it and continued to concentrate on recuperating and practicing.

"He was probably lost, he was wiping tears, he was hiding in a cave."

Tang Yan finished running for a week, and said angrily: "Do you want me to save him? Do you think I look like a savior? Or save that kind of bastard?"

"Zheng Jianghe is not worth saving, but do you want to enter Hanyue Academy smoothly? You can use him."

"Huh?" Tang Yan frowned, rolled his eyes, and showed a bad smile: "Brother Hei, you've changed, you've really changed, you've turned bad."

Brother Hei's voice was still calm, ignoring Tang Yan's ridicule: "Zheng Jianghe is a typical son, arrogant and arrogant, likes Zhang Yao, but he is not too shrewd. With your ability and eloquence, it is easy to get rid of him. He took it. You don’t need to be too exaggerated, as long as he can provide you with some help when you enter Hanyue Academy, that’s enough.”

"Is he crying now?" Tang Yan stroked his chin.

"Crying very hard."

"Isn't today the third day after he made an agreement with Jia Jin?"

"In two hours, the appointed time will pass. Continue seven kilometers to the east, and there is a team from Hanyue Academy searching for him. Ten kilometers to the south, there are groups of desert soil waves moving. Check the exact number and strength. I don't know, the distance is too far." The blackwater leech provided Tang Yan with some necessary information.

Zheng Jianghe was curled up in the cave and shivering. The harsh environment in the Huangsha District had almost destroyed his nerves.Three days ago, I got lost and panicked just after I came in.Because I have never had the experience of living alone in the wild, coupled with pampering and pampering, I soon developed a sense of fear.

The more frightened the more flustered, the more flustered the more timid.

In just three days, he encountered a patrol team of the Sandfall Mercenary Group, a pack of wandering coyotes, and was chased and crawled by more than 20 wild mountain porcupines.Due to the excessive consumption of spiritual power at the beginning, he is now extremely weak, unable to display the unique aura and martial skills of a high-level martial king at all, and he has gone deeper and deeper, and can no longer find a way to leave.

Under the double torment of physical injuries and mental pressure, the timidity and cowardice in his subconscious were completely 'seduced' out, and he finally found a cave to hide.The grievances of the past three days flooded into my heart like a tide, and all the persistence turned into tears of grievances, which fell down patter.

He now has 1 and [-] regrets, regrets betting with Jia Jin, regrets pretending to be B and throwing off the guards, even regrets coming to Fengdu Town, all kinds of regrets.

Now I just want to go back to the college, meet my familiar classmates, even the hateful Jia Jin, in short... help me... Sha!sand!sand!

A subtle voice appeared outside the cave, and Zheng Jianghe woke up suddenly. He quickly wiped away his tears, deliberately put on a resolute and cold expression, and posed in a meditation posture.

He thought it was the guards who were looking for him.

But... sand!The sound rang around the side of the cave for a few times and then returned to silence. Only the howling wind formed a devil's cry at the entrance of the cave, which sounded creepy.

Zheng Jianghe swallowed hard, clenched the steel knife around him tremblingly, and stared straight at the entrance of the cave, where the sky was full of yellow sand, and he could vaguely see a figure standing there. When he looked carefully, it seemed that there was nothing there. .

"Who? Who's there?" Zheng Jianghe tried to keep calm, but his voice was visibly trembling.

The yellow sand is rolling outside, and the inside of the cave is dark.

The strong wind howled outside, and the cave was silent and gloomy.

Zheng Jianghe suddenly shrugged his nose, smelling blood.

That's right, it's the smell of blood!

The smell became clearer and clearer, echoing in the cave.

"Who? Who!! Who's there?" Zheng Jianghe's voice suddenly became thin, his face turned pale, his body trembled, and he curled up in a corner tensely, his eyes fixed on the entrance of the cave for a moment. There was someone there. There must be someone, but the smell of blood made him feel scared.

suddenly!A black shadow broke through the sand and dust, rushed in from outside the cave, and fell to the ground with a muffled bang, splashing a cloud of dust.

ah! !Zheng Jianghe screamed involuntarily, protecting his body in horror, but... It's quiet, the cave is very quiet, nothing happened, only the smell of blood became stronger and stronger. After several minutes, he mustered up the courage to tear his hands apart. arms, looking forward cautiously.

Wolf?It's a desert coyote!It was a calf-like desert coyote, with a strong body and icy fangs. It looked ferocious and ferocious, but it was lying on the ground, motionless.One went straight from the back collar to the abdomen, was disembowelled, and there was no sound.

"What's going on?" Zheng Jianghe pretended to be brave and leaned over, and probed carefully. It turned out to be a wolf king. It looked like a high-ranking wolf king.

Just as he was surprised, another black shadow rushed in from outside.

Same bang, same blood, same desert coyote.

Zheng Jianghe was completely bewildered, and looked outside without knowing why.

For the next 10 minutes, a desert coyote would be thrown in every once in a while, and the last count was six, a full six wolf kings of the desert coyote.

Could it be that someone is hunting and using this place as a storage room?Zheng Jianghe suddenly became excited, looked outside cautiously, and tentatively wanted to put away these wolf kings. With them, his bet with Jia Jin would be effective, and he could also cover up his embarrassment, and even more completely enjoy the scenery a handful.

Wolf king!All wolf kings!High-level wolf king!
"Master Zheng, put the wolf king away, we should leave." An indifferent voice came from outside, making Zheng Jianghe's hand that was about to touch the wolf king withdraw as if electrocuted.

"Who? Who are you?"

"Let's go, I'll take you back to Fengdu Town, and the six-headed wolf king will be my gift to you." The voice outside was calm and indifferent, and the footsteps sounded again, but they were not approaching, but moving away.

"Who the hell are you?" Zheng Jianghe wanted to remain proud, but hearing the footsteps that were about to disappear, recalling the misery of the past three days, he hurriedly packed up the six wolf kings, stuffed them into a cloth bag in his narrow space, and walked quickly rushed out.

The sky was full of sand and dust outside, the strong wind howled, and the fine dust beat the body fiercely.

Zheng Jianghe wandered outside for a long time, finally found the black figure in front of him, and rushed up quickly: "Senior, are you helping me?"

"The road is uneven."

"Senior is really a good person, I... Huh? Why are you?"

"Why can't it be me?" The man in black turned his head and looked, it was Tang Yan!

Zheng Jianghe recognized Tang Yan: "You... why are you here? How did you catch the wolf king?"

Tang Yan strolled in the Huangsha District, and said indifferently: "I have been active in this area, and I have been paying attention to you for a long time. I can't bear to see you being wronged again, so I will help you. If you are willing to accept, just stay Get the six wolf kings, follow me back to Fengdu Town, and show off in a splendid manner. If you don’t want to, just throw it away, and then go back to the cave to wait for your reinforcements.”

"How did you catch these wolf kings?" Zheng Jianghe was more concerned about this issue.

"Knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing."

"Why do you want to help me?" Zheng Jianghe's head is a little messed up now, and he is also extremely vigilant.

Tang Yan smiled silently: "Someone is willing to help you. Your response is not gratitude, but questioning? You should go back to your cave."

"No...I...I'm just..." Zheng Jianghe really didn't want to go back to accept the terrified torture, he gritted his teeth and quickly followed: "Thank you, if you don't have any malicious intentions, I would like to make you my friend."

Listening to what Zheng Jianghe said, Tang Yan felt helpless. This is really a bastard: "There is only half an hour left before the three-day agreement. I suggest delaying some time and try to go back after dark."

"Why? With these six wolf kings, Jia Jin will have to call me brother from now on!" Zheng Jianghe became excited again, imagining the moment when he would be elated, but suddenly there were wolves howling in the distance, which made him shiver Hurry up to Tang Yan's side and follow closely.

"Mr. Zheng, let me be objective and fair. If you really brought the six wolf kings back on time, I am afraid that not many people will think that you did it yourself. Jia Jin will definitely come up with different excuses to humiliate you. you."

"Dare he? Who saw me looking for help?" Zheng Jianghe stared.

"Who saw that you didn't ask for help? I have a way to get the best of both worlds, would you like to hear it?"

"Say it." Zheng Jianghe resumed his haughty posture.

"If you delay going back after dark, you have to exceed the agreed time limit by more than half a day. In this way, Jia Jin doesn't have to fulfill the agreement, so naturally he won't make things difficult for you. You successfully brought back the wolf king. Although the time was exceeded, six The number of heads is enough for you to save face, and no one will question too much that you grabbed them yourself."


"There is nothing but, you have many ways to attack Jia Jin, but this time is really not the right time. Do it according to my method, it will be good for both of you, and if you really want to say it, you will be honored even though you are defeated. , will receive more attention.

You can look at yourself now, with injuries all over your body, most of which are wounds left by monsters. You look very embarrassed, but carrying six wolf kings as trophies, you are simply a hero who has returned home with glory! "

Zheng Jianghe looked at the injuries all over his body, and thinking about Tang Yan's words, his eyes immediately lit up.

"When the news comes back to Hanyue Academy, I'm afraid even the dean will look at you with admiration and reconsider the way you are trained. It will be enough to make all those who secretly look down on you shut up. desperately broke through Huangsha on your own. area, and desperately defeated the six wolf kings."

Tang Yan's method of deceiving people is that it is easier and simpler to deal with this kind of rich man who is eager for attention. After some preaching, Zheng Jianghe has already sunk.

"Not bad, I'm committed to you as a friend. When I return to Hanyue Academy, I will entrust my grandfather to give you a good job. My grandfather is the dean of the academy and a famous third-rank martial master in the empire!" Zheng Jianghe said frankly. I patted my chest and promised.

Tang Yan smiled silently, ignored anything, changed his trajectory in the Huangsha area, and walked towards the direction of the Sandfall Mercenary Group.

Zheng Jianghe was immersed in the fantasy of 'returning to his hometown', and even the harsh environment felt wonderful. When he felt something was wrong, he had already entered the tent area of ​​the Sandfall Mercenary Group.

(End of this chapter)

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