Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 708 Slaying the Shuangzun Chaotic King City

Chapter 708 Slaying the Shuangzun Chaotic King City (2)

The hotel where En Wang stayed in the south of the city has been martial law by the accompanying guards.

However, Prince Jing's Mansion soon put martial law on several surrounding roads and cut off the hotel's connection with the outside world on the grounds of helping to maintain safety.No one can go out easily, no one can enter the hotel without passing through Prince Jing's Mansion.

"Is this trying to imprison us? Prince Jing's hospitality is really disappointing." Standing in front of the window, King En looked down at the guards guarding Prince Jing's mansion all around him. Leisurely indifferent, with a slight smile.

The sixth princess was dressed in fine clothes, graceful and generous: "Prince Jing's residence deliberately adopted some domineering methods to show the power of their palace, which can be regarded as giving us a small blow."

King En put away his folding fan and said: "Don't pay attention to them, after contacting the old marshal and them, we will discuss how to enter the palace to be important."

Aunt Qing lowered her voice and reported: "Old Marshal and the others had already entered the city the day before yesterday. At that time, Sansheng City's defenses had not been comprehensive, and they avoided the eyes of all parties."

"Have the old marshal and the saint come?"

"The old Marshal of the General's Mansion and the saintesses of the Yaochi Holy Land have all entered the city. It may be to avoid attracting attention. They didn't bring any subordinates and came to Sansheng City alone."

King En said: "The saint's attitude is very firm, and she clearly wants to keep Tang Yan. But the old marshal has never expressed his position, and he has ignored our inquiries. I think this old fox mostly has a wait-and-see attitude. Looking at our performance, Then decide what action to take."

"The old marshal is getting older and more cunning. If we don't see rabbits, we won't throw eagles. If we have a strong attitude and make progress, he will act crazier than us, but if he sees that Prince Jing's mansion has the upper hand, he may just come and shout , so as not to affect the prestige of the General's Mansion."

King En murmured: "Things cannot be controlled by him. Since we have all come in, we are standing on the same boat, and we will all be prosperous and all will be damaged. Our three parties need to have a unified pace, at least one direction, otherwise it will be easy to be defeated by Prince Jing." It will be used instead."

The sixth princess said: "Aunt Qing, think of a way to contact the old marshal and the saint as much as possible."

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps came from the stairs outside, and soon someone stood still outside the door, and said respectfully: "My lord, Your Royal Highness, Prince Jing's residence has sent a gift."

"Gift?" Aunt Qing just opened the door and took the gorgeous brocade box.

The guard who reported the report said: "The person who gave the gift also included a word from Prince Jing that Tang Yan is doing well in the palace and receiving the highest standard of treatment. You can rest assured."

King En and the sixth princess looked at each other, why did this sound strange.

In order to avoid accidents inside the brocade box, Aunt Qing used her body to block King En and the sixth princess, and opened the brocade box outside the door first.

hiss! !Two bloody fingers caught the eye, especially glaring inside the exquisite and noble brocade box. Aunt Qing's heart trembled slightly, and she almost threw it out.

"What is it?"

"You back off." Aunt Qing calmed herself down, waved her defender back, took the brocade box back to the room, closed the door, her face suddenly darkened: "The two fingers look like they were chiseled off alive. The finger still has a little body temperature, and it was just chiseled off."

Princess Six and King En both changed their expressions. "Tang Yan's fingers??"

"It should be true. Prince Jing is provoking us on purpose. The more we do this, the more we can't lose our sense of control. Tang Yan is Prince Jing's murderous enemy. Although it is strange why he didn't torture him publicly, no matter what, his life is sure. It's not going to be easy, and that's what we've expected."

The sixth princess felt anxious for a while, her bloody fingers and blood-stained bones were particularly glaring inside the brocade box: "Aunt Qing, we can't delay any longer. Find a way to contact the old marshal and the saint as soon as possible to confirm their opinions. Prince Jing If you send two fingers now, you may send two hands or two feet later."

King En looked at the sixth princess strangely, and asked Aunt Tian Qing's similar question, but more bluntly: "Sixth sister, do you like Tang Yan?"

"His Royal Highness! Is it time to joke now?" The sixth princess was a little annoyed.

"What is the real purpose of our coming to Sansheng Ancient City?" King En asked the sixth princess.

"Save Tang Yan."

"Save Tang Yan? Hehe, you really have Tang Yan in your heart, and the girl is not going to stay." King En smiled and shook his head. Before the sixth princess got angry, he raised his hand to comfort him: "Don't get excited. Think about how you were at that time. What are the original words for persuading me to intervene? It is to rely on this incident to show the posture of our Prince En Palace, whether it succeeds or not, let the world see the strength of our Prince En Palace."


"Okay, okay, give up, you and Tang Yan are not suitable, and it is impossible to get together. I can see clearly what kind of person he is. This person is very ambitious, which is rare in his life. Not only is he ambitious , his temperament is more wild, and he will never stop. It is impossible for him to be bound by you in the country of Yan, and it is impossible for you to travel around the world with him.

The three parties have their own goals in joining forces with the General's Mansion and Yaochi Holy Land this time. To save Tang Yan, Yaochi did not simply save him, but must have other plans. The old marshal came out in person only to attack Prince Jing's mansion. Our purpose is simpler , playing the name of Prince En's Mansion. "

Although King En is young, he already has the heroic appearance of the new king!

…Sansheng Ancient City is under full martial law. The four city gates have set up layers of checkpoints. Tens of thousands of troops are displayed inside and outside the city gates, searching the crowds. Each city has a senior strongman sitting in the city, secretly detecting the breath of the crowd. Once you find a respectable person approaching, pay attention to it.

In the crowd of people lined up in front of the city gate, an old man collecting herbs waited quietly with his granddaughter. The old man was old, leaning on a cane, with gray hair, and kept beckoning the naughty girl to be quiet.

They were lined up by ordinary people, and the inspection was very fast. The old and the young followed the order of the line, passed the inspection smoothly, and walked into the ancient city safe and sound, looking for shops willing to buy medicine.

But before the old man realized it, a hole appeared at the bottom of the medicine basket, and a three-legged toad the size of a palm fell down with a clatter. It slipped into the nearby alley with the messy crowd, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye. .

After touching a stick of incense, the three-legged toad appeared in a corner of the inner city. With a muffled wow sound, three figures appeared one after the other.

"Hey, Sansheng Ancient City is here after all. I committed crimes in my previous life." Zhao Zimo looked at the surrounding environment and sighed depressingly.

The long-awaited travel journey has just begun, and was about to enjoy the feeling of understanding the world, but unexpectedly heard the news that Tang Yan was captured alive by Prince Jing's mansion. At first, he wanted to grit his teeth and ignore it, and insisted on continuing the journey, but in the end he persisted for a long time. Can hold back.

Borrowing the jade token given to him when he left Yaochi Holy Land, he contacted Xuanyuan Longli and Du Yang one after another.

Fortunately, the three of them left Yaochi not long ago, just a few months. They traveled on foot, and they didn't go too far. It was Du Yang... who finally arrived at the Black Stone Gobi. back.

Xuanyuan Longli said: "I didn't expect Tang Yan to leave the Eternal Beast Mountain so soon. I originally expected it to be at least five years."

Zhao Zimo had no choice but to say, "I'd rather he stay in Beast Mountain. This guy is a disaster. Wherever he goes, he's already in his thirties. It's really not worry-free."

Xuanyuan Longli suggested: "Let's find out the situation first and find out the news. Tang Yan's arrest has caused a disturbance in Yan Kingdom. At least Yaochi Holy Land will not sit idly by, and the General's Mansion may also take action."

Du Yang's expression has been gloomy all the way: "Looking for news? How can I find time now! Tang Yan has been arrested for five days, a full five days, and he still doesn't know how he was tortured by those beasts. We will now Go into Prince Jing's mansion and see if you can find the place where Tang Yan is imprisoned, at least let me know what's going on with Tang Yan now."

Zhao Zimo felt stopped: "Don't be impulsive, there are half-sages in Prince Jing's mansion, what if you find Uncle Toad's aura? I heard that King En has entered the city on the way, let's go find them first."

"Half-holy? What's wrong with the demi-holy? The demi-holy may also investigate the entire palace complex around the clock. What he is wary of is the infiltration of powerful men of the same level, and he will not notice the breath of the demon king. As long as we are careful, he won't be able to detect it. "

Xuanyuan Longli said: "It's best to meet the Sixth Princess and the others first. There's no hurry."

Du Yang's attitude was extremely firm: "Don't be in a hurry? If you are not in a hurry, Tang Yan may be killed in minutes. If you don't go, I will go by myself. I can't be sure about Tang Yan's condition, so I don't feel at ease."

Xuanyuan Longli and Zhao Zimo looked at each other: "Let's go, let's try it first. But you have to make sure that you only look for him and make sure of his situation. You must not make a move unless it is absolutely necessary. That is Prince Jing's mansion, we can't make trouble."

...Zhaoyi and others traveled day and night, spanning tens of thousands of kilometers, and finally rushed to the west of the ancient city of Sansheng, hiding among the rolling low mountains, wishing for the towering giant city like a dragon ten kilometers away.

Nalantu said: "Going forward, we will enter the surveillance range of Sansheng City. According to the information we got on the way, Enwang's Mansion has already stated that it wants to save Tang Yan. According to my guess, Enwang will not act alone. The General's Mansion or other Who would be secretly assisting the top forces, otherwise King En's trip would be to bring shame on himself.

We still follow our original plan and don't act rashly. Once Prince En's Mansion confronts Prince Jing's Mansion, we will make a decision according to the situation. If necessary, we will not hesitate to destroy Prince Jing's Mansion. Rescuing Tang Yan is the most important thing. "

Zhaoyi said: "Prince Jing's Mansion is on good terms with Heavenly Demon Holy Land, we must beware of them."

"This trip must be full of variables, and there will be many accidents. The key lies in our cooperation." Odin glanced at Matthews who was holding his sword silently behind him. He hadn't seen him in just seven years. Chi has already been promoted to the second-tier Martial Venerable Realm, and the fierce sword energy emanating from the inside out even feels dangerous to him.

He knew that Matthews didn't want to see Tang Yan because of Niya's affairs, but he also knew Matthews' character.

"Chocolate, you are the key, don't make any mistakes again." Zhaoyi solemnly reminded Chocolate, but at a glance, this guy was smiling silly.

"Why are you smirking?" Nalantu touched the chocolate, the strength of this product has grown, and the meat has grown a lot, round, white and tender, which is a perfect match for Lulu.

"We are here to save Tang Yan, Tang Yan also has today? This guy has been arrogant for too long, and today I finally got a chance. If you don't go to him and make a fool of yourself, you will be sorry for this body." Chocolate thought more and more Excited, he laughed strangely and grabbed Matthews: "Brother Ma, let's go first."

(End of this chapter)

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