Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 709 Slaying the Shuangzun Chaotic King City

Chapter 709 Slaying the Shuangzun Chaotic King City (3)

While King Jing's mansion was searching for suspicious persons by various means, the imperial marshal Yan, the contemporary saint of Yaochi, Zhaoyi and other Dayan reinforcements, as well as Du Yang and others also sneaked into the king's city by their own means.

The surface is bustling and noisy, but the dark torrent is mighty.

An invisible cloud of chills gathered over the palace, and it became more and more intense.

At noon, a strange wave of sound came from far away, like a flock of birds contending, like a howling wind. Looking from a distance, there was a black wave surging at the end of the sky, and the people in the western city stopped and stared. Soon, Quack, quack, densely packed black crows swept across the sky and converged towards Sansheng Ancient City at an astonishing speed.

The shocking scene caused bursts of gasps.

Standing proudly at the head of the city, facing the strong wind, Wang Ziwei cupped his fists and saluted: "Prince Jing's residence, Wang Ziwei, by the order of our ancestors, is here to welcome the distinguished guests."

Dense black crows covered the sky, dispersed the white clouds, and invaded the blue sky, filled with terrifying ominous power. Following Wang Ziwei's shout, the black crows gathered violently and gathered outside the western city gate to form a towering sky. The giant phantom brings shocking gazes together.

And then... Boom!Countless black crows all collapsed and turned into billowing demonic flames, then forcibly gathered into a vast dark cloud, swept across the city, and rushed towards Prince Jing's mansion.

The ancestor of the demon came to Sansheng ancient city!

Prince Jing personally came to visit the deep courtyard of the palace, the retreat place of ancestor Yan Xinghan, hoping to invite him out.If he can join forces with the ancestor of the demon to sit in the palace, and if the old marshal Yan dares to come, he will be able to give him an immediate blow.

But...after some statements, the ancestor refused.

Yan Xinghan really had no interest in paying attention to these trivial matters, and as for the death of the little prince, it had nothing to do with him at all.

Disciple?There are hundreds of his disciples and grandchildren, who have lived for more than 3000 years and spent endless years in seclusion, pursuing only the true meaning of martial arts. 60 years ago, he insisted on leaving the palace to sit in Prince Jing's Mansion because he admired Prince Jing, and also wanted to change the environment, balance the power divisions of the empire, and adjust the dominance of the Zhenguo General's Mansion in the court.

"If old thief Yan really breaks in, the Heavenly Demon Patriarch can handle it. If there are other semi-saints appearing again, or under special circumstances, it will not be too late for me to come forward." Yan Xinghan ignored it, just replied indifferently, and continued Concentrate on perception.

"The grandson didn't intend to disturb the old ancestor's meditation, just because this incident is special. The newly established Prince En Palace intends to use this incident to establish its prestige, while the old marshal intends to take the opportunity to make trouble and completely suppress Prince Jing's Palace, and other forces are active in the palace. I'm afraid it was also deliberately mixed up with this incident.

In recent years, the royal family's suppression of grandson has become more and more obvious, and the Zhenguo General's Mansion has once again become the most powerful faction under the court. If grandson loses face this time, I'm afraid..."

"Old thief Yan is in the semi-holy realm. He has lived for thousands of years and has been the first marshal of the empire for a thousand years. His disciples will spread all over the five major legions of the empire. His status has been accumulated over thousands of years. You only have a few decades Do you want to contend with him too?" Yan Xinghan raised his wrinkled eyelids, but his vicissitudes but still bright eyes fell on Prince Jing.

Prince Jing remained silent, neither accepted nor refuted.

Yan Xinghan took in all his expressions, sighed secretly, and said, "Forget it, I'll help you one more time. Old thief Yan is getting more and more arrogant as he gets older, so it's better to beat his arrogance so that he doesn't become lawless."

"Thank you, old ancestor, for your help." Prince Jing bowed.

The patriarch of the Heavenly Demon descended to Prince Jing's Mansion, and Yan Xinghan, the patriarch of the palace, broke through the gate. The gathering of the two semi-holy figures made the clouds formed over the entire palace thicker and thicker, and the energy between the heavens and the earth obviously converged here. .

At this moment, Prince Jing's Mansion is like a waking giant beast, exuding a very strong murderous aura, even ordinary people can feel the oppression, and move far away from the area where the Palace is located, and move towards the periphery.

Wang Ziwei returned to the palace and shouted loudly in front of the gate: "Open the door! Welcome guests!"

The sound was like a torrent of bells, calm and clear, and it clearly spread throughout all areas of the ancient city. Millions of people could hear it clearly, and some special people could also hear it clearly.

This is a signal, a signal to call them to 'make a move'.

"Patriarch Tianmo is here, and Patriarch Yan Xinghan is out. It's time for us to make a statement. If we drag it on, we will only lose our momentum. I hope the saint and the old marshal will show up in time." Prince En's expression could hardly hide his solemnity.

"Let go of your courage, don't be stage-frightened, what you do today will determine the attitude of Prince En's Mansion in the eyes of the world." The sixth princess straightened his brother's collar, but did not mention Tang Yan's life or death any more.

Prince En's Mansion walked out of the hotel, stood up on horseback, and shouted loudly in a clear voice: "Prepare a solemn gift, and visit Prince Jing's Mansion!"

"Let's drive! Enter the palace!" The three thousand guards all put on their armor and mounted their horses. Their voices were like a flood, and they marched towards the inner city with neat and steady steps. Their iron-blooded prestige and bravery attracted frequent attention from various restaurants and shops on the roadside.

Aunt Qing and the others secretly evacuated, and tried their best to search for the traces of the old marshal and the saintess of Yaochi, hoping to contact them as soon as possible and ask them to make an early move.

Somewhere in the inner city, in a simple courtyard.

"Let's start, the ancestor of the demon, Yan Xinghan, long time no see." An old man in a green armor and black robe stood up with a knife, his face was old but energetic, his figure was tall and thin but strong like a wolf, his face was wrinkled and angular Clearly, a pair of eyes were cold, like knives like swords, extremely sharp.

Yan Zhengcheng, the old marshal of the empire, finally appeared, headed towards the palace, snorted coldly, and strode away, leaving behind a room full of shivering simple townspeople.

Along the winding Qingshui River in the inner city, a peerless beauty was as startling as a ghost, and disappeared like a fleeting shadow, as light as a fairy and as graceful as a bird, but before people could see clearly, she disappeared without a trace, as if Just a trance, a momentary dream.

The contemporary saintess of Yaochi Holy Land showed up on her own initiative and moved towards Prince Jing's Mansion.

Strange spatial fluctuations emerged in the alley at the junction of the inner city and the west city. A plump, white and tender boy riding a white pig stepped out of the trace of space, and a woman as beautiful as a fairy appeared. It was Chocolate and Zhaoyi.

Back and forth four times, only one person was brought in each time, and all Matthews, Odin, Nalantu and Zhaoyi were brought in.

Zhaoyi could feel the increasingly tense atmosphere in the inner city: "It's too late to find out the specific situation. Chocolate went into the palace and searched for Tang Yan's whereabouts according to the situation. We are ready outside and we can act at any time."

"Let's go, lulu, go find Brother Yeqing, and kiss me first." Chocolate patted the white buttocks of the white striped pig leisurely, and leisurely tore open the space, stepping into the mysterious void.

The atmosphere in the inner city has been tense again and again, and the palace is in full swing.

The underground cage as the focus also entered the final stage of the fierce battle.

"Do you really think my demon spirit is a vegetarian?" Tang Yan was violent and ferocious, hissing like thunder. Relying on the powerful physique of the demon spirit, he confronted the flame demon bear head-on. The violent offensive was enough to send chills down the spine of any observer .

The entire cell has become a vortex of raging spiritual power, and the runes on the wall are shining brightly, trying their best to resist their impact.


Tang Yan entangled the Balrog Bear's throat with an exquisite attack, and with a hoarse roar, he threw it flying away. It tumbling in the air and fell to the ground with a bang. When the Balrog Bear roared and attacked, he suddenly drew out the ancient saber .

With a sound of crashing the sky and transforming the demon with one intention, it hit the Balrog Bear head-on.

Although the Balrog bear is tyrannical and fierce, but facing the unreserved Tang Yan, the use of the demon spirit veins and even the use of the body destroying technique, in the end, the hatred collapsed in the world, the majestic body was twisted and tattered, and only the weak breath remained. respite.

Tang Yan panted heavily, and walked towards the Balrog Bear step by step.

It was also a battle against the third-order noble realm, this time it was obviously much easier than when he fought against Shura.After all, at the beginning he only used the ancient saber and a few auxiliary martial arts, but today he used the strongest demon spirit vein and the Vajra Dazang mantra seal.

Apart from the fact that the Tang family's martial arts and ghost green fire were difficult to use, Tang Yan used all his housekeeping skills in this battle, and accomplished a record that was completely impossible in ordinary people's minds - beheading a third-tier demon venerable at the level of a second venerable!

"Nice job!" The blackwater leech returned to Tang Yan's body and gave a loud voice of appreciation. This battle was fought really hard, and Tang Yan's unrestrained power made it marvel.

"Wang Ziwei is coming soon, get ready, let's break this prison together and mess up his royal city." Tang Yan took a breath, recruited the Flame Demon Bear into the golden lock, and spread out the demon spirit veins, arriving at the place where Wang Ziwei left before. At the 'heavy door' that appeared, the ancient sword clenched his hands and stared coldly at the strange wall.

Heavy panting echoed in the cage space, Tang Yan's breath soared again and again, and the body destruction technique was gradually stimulated to the extreme, compressing the body functions to the maximum.

The arrogance is soaring, the killing intent is stirring, and the ancient sword is filled with a clear mist of demonic energy, full of chilling and fighting intent.

As time passed by, Tang Yan once again connected to the world of ancient warfare with his unparalleled fighting spirit, trying again and again, and persisting again and again.

For a quarter of an hour, for two quarters of an hour, for three quarters of an hour... With Tang Yan's disdainful efforts, the devilish energy began to linger around the body of the knife and travel through Tang Yan's body.

Like a war demon leaning over!

Tang Yan's body was thinning at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even appeared to be slightly old. He stimulated the body destroying technique excessively, so that the body could temporarily cross the barrier and reach a level comparable to the third level.

Combined with the record of the collapse of the sky possessed by the war demon, and the third-order Martial Venerable Realm combined with the body destroying technique, how powerful will it soar?

"Come on... Wang Ziwei... come cut off my two fingers...I will cut off your cycle of life and death..."

The beast-like panting echoed in the narrow cage, Fan Ruo's raging fighting spirit collapsed into the space, and Tang Yan's thin cheeks revealed a cruel arc.

(End of this chapter)

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