Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 710 Kill Order

Chapter 710 Kill Order

After receiving the report from the eyeliner in the palace, King Jing gave instructions to Wang Ziwei: "King En and the sixth princess have entered the inner city, it's time to bring Tang Yan out. I want to see if they can take Tang Yan away safely, or Watching Tang Yan being humiliated in front of them."

"The subordinates think that there is no need to rush to bring out Tang Yan himself. Two hands are enough, which can not only give them a warning, but also stimulate their emotions. Depending on the situation, take out a few bones one by one, so that the initiative can always be in the hands of others. in our hands."

Prince Jing was silent for a while: "This is the palace, we are the masters, they are the guests, our hands are too bloody, it seems that we are not polite enough. Let's cut out the two ears first, see the attitude of King En, and then follow the situation from Tang Yan. Cut something."

Wang Ziwei took the order, left the meeting hall and rushed to the entrance of the dungeon in the deep courtyard.

It has been the sixth day since the arrest of Tang Yan, and the palace is going smoothly. No one made troubles in advance, but unfortunately, they have not been able to round up the Sandfall Mercenary Group, which means that they have not cracked the "humiliating Su Qian" Falling' hidden dangers.

Otherwise, Wang Ziwei has more ways to make Tang Yan suffer humiliation, he can torture him more casually, he can do whatever he wants, until his life is worse than death.

But now, because of Su Qianluo's scruples, he could only cut a few parts from Tang Yan's body, and he still did it in a restrained manner, feeling unfinished.

But this time, Wang Ziwei decided to cut off Tang Yan's ear with his own hands.

Inside the prison space.

Tang Yan's fighting spirit soared to the extreme, the arc of the corner of his mouth became more and more cruel, his eyes were filled with evil red light, and the long hair on his forehead was first withered and yellow, and then pale.

Shouyuan is wasting!
Tang Yan didn't care at all, he just stared at the wall in front of him, clenched the ancient saber with both hands, veins appeared on his arms and wrists, like a lion preying on him, ready to go.

The killing intent and aura are like a high tide, and the energy is getting more and more turbulent, distorting the space of the cage, almost reaching the point of losing control.

Finally... buzz!

The runes inscribed on the four walls began to squirm, exuding lead-colored brilliance.

The wall directly in front of Tang Yan had the strongest brilliance, and the runes twisted into the shape of a 'door'.

Wang Ziwei stepped through the 'rune gate', and a strong smell of blood came to his face immediately. In this microsecond, he could not help thinking of the 'beautiful scene' of Tang Yan's suffering, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

But this is only a momentary conscious reaction, and accompanied by the smell of blood, there is also an extremely suppressed energy fluctuation.

Something is wrong!
Wang Ziwei's heart trembled, and his body that had not yet fully stepped into the cage stopped immediately, his eyes fixed on the hideous figure in front of him.

The reality of this scene is completely different from the fantasy in his mind. Rao Wang Ziwei was not surprised by his witty calculations, nor did he react immediately.

"Wang Ziwei, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Tang Yan didn't give him a chance to prepare and escape. The moment Wang Ziwei's half body stepped out of the space, the ancient sword that had been prepared for a long time struck out.


In the world of ancient warfare, the domineering war demon phantom roared up to the sky, and the black magic knife swung into the sky, the sky and the earth trembled, the mountains and rivers fell silent, and the terrifying blade directly hit the sky.

Crash!Like a heavy hammer falling on the glass, the entire sky screen space completely collapsed.

As the war demons in the ancient war world went berserk, Tang Yan displayed the Sky-Crash Battle Technique at the same time, which was also extremely fierce, and smashed half of Wang Ziwei's body head-on.Because of his entry, the "unlocking" of the cage restriction, that is, during this period of time, the restriction is no longer a comprehensive whole, facing Tang Yan's martial skill comparable to the blow of a third-order peak martial artist.

The runes inside the entire cage were completely confused.

Boom boom boom!
The black iron cage was no longer clamped, and violently trembled like boiling, with cracks all over the inside and outside.

This giant cage is located in the inner courtyard of the palace. When the prohibition is broken, its violent tremors can cause no less than a magnitude [-] earthquake.In an instant, the ground trembled, the houses collapsed, the ancient trees were broken, and the hideous cracks meandered and expanded.

Tang Yan exhausted all his power to use the Bengtian ancient combat technique, with a strong aftermath, layer by layer, click, the cage was completely shattered, and in just a moment, the entire prison exploded.

This time is the real earth-shattering shock, the terrible roar is accompanied by the shattered black iron fragments bursting open the ground, wreaking havoc in a straight line with the force of a heavy hammer.

The palace complex covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters was all impacted, and the central area was directly turned into a dilapidated pothole, as if it had been impacted by a meteorite.

Because there was no warning, a large number of soldiers patrolling nearby died tragically.

The sound wave was too fast and violent, and the tremor was very strong, not only flooding the palace complex, but also affecting the entire inner city.

All of a sudden, all the voices fell, and Dao Dao looked at Prince Jing's mansion in surprise.

Big question marks and exclamation points hang over everyone's heads.

The King En's troops, the old marshal, and the saintesses of Yaochi who were about to arrive all stopped at the sound, and turned towards the dusty temples in the distance.

"Haha, Prince Jing, can Tang Yan be my seat at the gathering of heroes?" The domineering roar echoed in the chaotic ruins, and a figure shattered the ground and rushed straight into the clouds, causing the entire city to stare in astonishment.

"It's Tang Yan? Why did he escape!" All the forces in the inner city changed their faces. Tang Yan was obviously under the full custody of Prince Jing's mansion, so how could he escape easily? But... the collapsing ground, the surging smoke and dust, mixed with sorrow The screams all became the foil of this roar.

Wang Ziwei was buried by the messy boulders, his body was in tatters, and his breath was weak. He was completely caught off guard before the attack, and he didn't even have the slightest defense, and then the attack caused by the crack of the cage caused unprecedented heavy damage.

Wang Ye and other Wu Zun Wu Wangs all rushed to the sky, looking down at the dilapidated palace, their faces became uglier than the other.

"Tang Yan!" Prince Jing raised his head to the sky, staring at the figure piercing into the sky, his face was as sinking as water, and his expression was cold.

"He is imprisoned in the black iron prison, how can he escape easily!" Patriarch Yan Xinghan's eyes shone brightly, piercing through the clouds like lightning, locking onto the phantom.

Layers of Buddhist voices suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth, like thousands of Buddhas chanting scriptures while beating fish.

The Buddha's light shines everywhere, as if the scorching sun blooms deep in the clouds, and the light fills the sky in a blink of an eye. In the eyes of everyone, a giant Buddha statue stands in a solid shape, surrounded by golden light and solemn treasures. The giant swastika rotates in the sky, like a round of scorching sun. world.

"Hundred Buddha seals, break reincarnation!" Tang Yan flipped his hands like nonsense, and played a hundred Buddha seals in succession. The first nine were the Vajra Dazang mantra seals. Gather together to form a firm and strong Buddha's palm.

The brand-new Hundred Buddha Seal, from the strongest to the strongest to the most powerful!

The Buddha's palm became the only thing in the sight of millions of subjects in the city. It pushed back the light curtain, broke through the clouds, and landed on the vast ruins of Prince Jing's mansion!

Inside the ruins, Wang Ziwei woke up with a start, with a muffled roar in his throat, and he raised his palm to the sky, and a dazzling light burst out, squeezing the spiritual power of his whole body to fight back hastily.

But... Facing Tang Yan's decisive killing intent, his hasty counterattack was of no help at all.

The Buddha's palm slammed down proudly, annihilated his light in a blink of an eye, and pressed down on the body.

In mid-air, Yan Xinghan frowned and stared at the giant golden Buddha. The domineering Buddha power in the palm print made him a little surprised. This is obviously the martial skill of the Pure Land. How could it appear in Yan Kingdom? Prince Jing never mentioned to him that Tang Yan has Pure Land identity.

"Old Ancestor, save people!" Prince Jing urgently reminded, why are you so distracted at this moment?Wang Ziwei is his confidant and a third-rank Martial Venerable.The fact that Tang Yan was able to fight out meant that the Balrog Bear inside would definitely suffer. If Wang Ziwei were to be lost again, the power of Prince Jing's Mansion would definitely drop again and again.

"Don't be presumptuous, junior, keep people under your command!" Yan Xinghan stretched out his hand and made a move. The space in front of him twisted and turned into a star-like blade, scattering bits and pieces of light, directly hitting the Buddha's seal.

Clang, the ear-piercing sound waves shook the world, but the random attack was unparalleled.The starlight trembled, the Buddha seal cracked, and the brief confrontation was completely destroyed, forming a whirlwind-like raging wave.

All objects within a hundred meters around are turned into dust.

Wang Ziwei was in the center of the storm, and was most affected. His already broken body was injured again, and he was thrown into the air in embarrassment.

"Save him!" Prince Jing's mansion had a gloomy face, and immediately shouted at the surviving guards.

But before they could rush over, the ground where Wang Ziwei had just fallen suddenly collapsed, and a beast claw shot out, grabbed him whole, and dragged him into the deep pit in a blink of an eye.

"What the hell?" The guards exclaimed, all drawing their knives to attack.

"You really have the ability, come and get it yourself." A cold voice seemed to reverberate in the ground, and in an instant, the whole Prince Jing's mansion was shaking, the ground cracked, rubble splashed, thick and ancient trees of black stone appeared and gathered together It formed a hideous and shocking giant stone forest, emitting ear-piercing twisted liquid medicine, filled with layers of petrified fog.

All the warriors who rushed in were swept away, some were pierced by branches, and some were submerged in the petrified mist, but they all turned into stone sculptures in a blink of an eye, retaining their expressions and postures before they were alive, but no longer alive.

Even Prince Jing was overwhelmed by this scene and forgot to stop his subordinates.

The image that emerged from the stone forest caused dense inhalation sounds in the distance, eyes widened, and the stone forest grew like a boil, as if their hearts were lifted to their throats.

The violent ground shaking even affected the entire ancient city. People in the outer city didn't know the situation, but eagerly watched from afar, wanting to know what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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