Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 72 Final choice

Chapter 72 Final choice

Tang Mingjing keenly caught the heat wave that just passed over his body, did it come from the secret room?With some doubts, he turned and walked towards Tang Yanshan's retreat.But it didn't go far, and a huge and majestic momentum, like a galloping wave, rolled and spread over the Tang family.

"Where are the thieves who dare to act presumptuously in the Tang family!" Somewhere in the family, Tang Jun, Tang Ba and others suddenly became alert, and they shot up into the sky like sharp arrows.

In the middle of the night, who will be presumptuous?This is to provoke the Tang family

"Tang Yanshan, you are safe and well, do you still remember the old man?" In the magnificent aura, a clear laughter came from a distance.

"Changtianzhu? Why don't you stay in Lingwang's mansion well, and go to my Tang mansion?" Tang Yanshan's voice came from the secret room, and it also clearly reached the ears of Tang Mingjing and others.

Changtian Bamboo?He is the chief enshrinement of the Ling Palace!This is a super strong martial artist!The faces of Tang Jun and the others became very ugly. They stared at the old man who had stepped into the air, and wanted to stop them, but felt deeply powerless.

Tang Mingjing raised his hand to signal everyone to be safe and not to be impatient, the one who should come is still here, the Lingwang Mansion is really aimed at the Tang family!

Thick white mist enveloped the air, and an eagle-eyed old man landed lightly, and walked into Tang Yanshan's secret room under the vigilant eyes of Tang Mingjing and others. "Brother Tang, there is something small I want to discuss with you."

"Say." Tang Yanshan looked indifferent, and didn't even look at Changtianzhu who walked in.

"Under the order of the prince, take away the princess, and settle some personal grievances by the way." Chang Tianzhu sat down on his own, looked at Tang Yanshan with a half-smile, and was not annoyed by the other party's arrogance.

"I haven't seen any Princess, you can go."

"Tang Yanshan, since I'm here today, I can be sure that the princess is in your Tang residence, otherwise, I'll search for it myself?"

Tang Yanshan remained expressionless: "Whatever."

"It's still the smelly and hard temper. I don't cry when I don't see the coffin. Due east, 300 meters, there is a rockery, 18 meters down, there is a cage, and there is a broken wooden bed in the cage. There! Humph, you are so rude to arrange the princess in such an environment."

Tang Yanshan raised her eyebrows: "Is there a princess in my prison? I'm really sorry, I don't know how she got in."

"Don't be so stubborn, this is the truth, no matter how much you justify it, it doesn't make sense. Let's talk about something serious. Do you know that imprisoning the princess of the empire without permission will lead to the extermination of the family."

Tang Yanshan gave him a cold look, and retorted unceremoniously: "Looting the children of the aristocratic family and the students of the academy without authorization will make King Zhou Ling a target of public criticism."

Chang Tianzhu sneered: "Looting? Evidence! You will be charged with another crime, framing the prince of the empire!"

"The fact is so, do you dare to confront it?"

"Forget it, you don't have any evidence, and you are the one who suffers! Tang Yanshan, don't think that no one dares to touch you because you are a Wu Zun. As long as I give an order now, the guards from the palace outside will rush in and rescue the princess. , your Tang family will be convicted of this crime, and you will definitely be scrutinized by the empire, and no one will be able to save you at that time!
However, the lord is kind, and I am grateful for your contribution to the empire in the past few years, so I thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.I will take the princess away, you will keep the secret forever, and give it to me personally by the way! "


"Your grandson Tang Yan! This kid always likes to talk nonsense. The prince is worried that it will bring bad influence and affect the image of the palace and the empire. Maybe it will bring disaster to your Tang family. Let me solve the trouble for you !"

Tang Yanshan's face suddenly turned cold: "Don't even think about it!"

"Don't look at me like this. You'd better think about it seriously. You have falsely accused us. There is no evidence. On the contrary, you imprisoned the princess with convincing evidence! We even have reason to suspect that the hijacking incident in the Psychedelic Forest is What did your Tang family do! Otherwise, why would you kidnap the princess? Huh? Ha ha!" Chang Tianzhu's smile became more and more gloomy.

"That's ruthless! King Zhou Ling raised a good dog!"

Chang Tianzhu looked at Tang Yanshan coldly: "If we want to get rid of the Tang family, we have enough reasons! Tang Yan knows too much, so we must get rid of it! Although you Tang Yanshan is a martial artist, it is impossible to protect him forever, let alone It is impossible to keep the Tang family! You should know better than me about the powerful relationship!"

"You are dismissed!"

Chang Tianzhu stood up, and said coldly: "For a dude to bury the entire Tang family, do you think it is fair to other clansmen? Think about it! The morning after tomorrow, when Tang Yan returns to the city, we will take action in the city, you If you block it, it means that you have not accepted the conditions, we will attack the Tang Mansion together and completely remove you from the empire! If you just sit back and do nothing, it will be regarded as acceptance of the conditions, and the Lingwang Mansion will have a good relationship with the Tang Mansion forever."

Half an hour later, the secret room of the Tang Mansion!

"If I had known this, I would have executed Zhou Linglu directly!" Tang Mingjing clenched his fists angrily. At the beginning, he was somewhat concerned about Zhou Linglu's identity, so he didn't kill so decisively, and imagined that one day he could replace Tang Qiong with her.

I didn't expect things to evolve to the present situation, and I didn't expect the counterattack of the Lingwang Palace to be so sharp!The method of turning right and wrong is so smooth!
Tang Mingzhong frowned tightly: "How did they find Zhou Linglu? Could it be the mist just now? Is this some kind of martial skill, or some magical weapon?"

Tang Mingjing looked solemn: "It may be some kind of perception-based martial art."

Tang Gan was sitting in a corner with a dazed expression. The princess Zhou Linglu was imprisoned at home. There was still such a secret about the looting incident at that time. Unknowingly, the Tang family was on the edge of a cliff!If it weren't for the repeated discussions between his uncles, he would not have believed it.

"What do you think of Changtianzhu's proposal?" Tang Yanshan looked at the three people in front of him. They were the most direct core of the family, and they had the right to participate in the decision about the fate of the family.

The three of them fell silent one after another, and it seemed appropriate to use Tang Yan's life to save the family's comfort, but the Tang family has always been united and could not do such a cruel thing.

Tang Gan was a little moved, but he didn't dare to show it in front of them.

Tang Yanshan said: "Yan'er is going to enter the city the day after tomorrow, we need to make a clear decision as soon as possible. Talk about your suggestions, what do you think, how do you say it, don't have any scruples."

"I suggest secretly sending someone to inform the second brother to turn around immediately and leave the Northern Wilderness forever." Tang Gan spoke first. This suggestion can not only arouse grandfather's favor, but also make Tang Yan leave the family forever, killing two birds with one stone.

Tang Mingzhong shook his head: "Since Chang Tianzhu knows that Yan'er will enter the city the day after tomorrow, he should have locked their whereabouts. No matter how we contact, we will not be able to escape the clutches of the palace's pursuers."

Tang Mingjing clenched his fist and slammed it on the wooden chair bitterly: "They just want to do something in the Giant Elephant City, so that we can watch Yan'er die and watch them torture our Tang family. If this kind of thing really happens Now, what face does our Tang family have to gain a foothold in the Northern Wilderness? I, Tang Mingjing, can't even keep my own children, so what face do we have to live in this Giant Elephant City."

Tang Yanshan's face was expressionless, but his heart was full of bitterness.

choose?how to choose!Tang Yan's true identity, I know best, his biological father's kindness to the Tang family, no one can replace this kindness, I promised him a comfortable life, how can I help him to a dead end?If the news reaches that place, what kind of disaster will the Tang family face?
But if he insists on insisting, the entire Tang family is destined to be buried with him!Chang Tianzhu has been in frequent contact with the Yang family, the Li family and the Giant Elephant Academy recently, probably to persuade them to form a temporary alliance secretly. Once the Tang family rebels, not only the people from the palace will come in, but also the Yang family and others will not let go. chance.I don't need to care about the Yang family and the Li family, but I have to take care of that old guy in the Giant Elephant Academy.

Chang Tianzhu's words are equivalent to pushing himself to the edge of a cliff, and there are two choices in front of him.

Either exchange Tang Yan's life for the fate of the entire Tang family, or use the entire Tang family to be buried with Tang Yan!

Tang Mingjing's complexion was ugly, and he also had something to hide. If Tang Yan was really his son, he might stand up and show his attitude now, sacrifice his child, and save the fate of the family.But I know Tang Yan's true identity best!The only ones in the whole family who knew Tang Yan's identity were himself and his father.

It was for this reason that he couldn't make a decision, because the implications were too great!
Tang Mingzhong's subconscious choice was to give up Tang Yan. After all, the overall situation was the most important thing, but his elder brother didn't make a statement, his father didn't make a statement, and it involved the face of the family. It's not easy for his uncle to say anything more.

The chamber fell into a long silence.

After a long silence, Tang Mingzhong seemed to have made up his mind: "Actually"

Tang Yanshan and Tang Mingjing both looked at him.

Tang Mingzhong opened his mouth, and was about to speak, but suppressed another wry smile.

Tang Yanshan's expression was not good: "Say what you have to say! Hesitating!"

"Uh, my father, if we really give up on Yan'er, how will the Tang family gain a foothold in the Northern Wilderness!"

"What I asked you to say is your opinion." Tang Yanshan's voice could not hear any emotion.

Tang Mingzhong looked at Tang Mingjing bitterly: "I'm just a suggestion brother, don't blame me"

"Let's talk." Tang Mingjing waved weakly.

Tang Mingzhong took a deep breath: "I suggest that Yan'er be expelled from the house, and the relationship between each other should be separated before the Lingwang Mansion takes action. This can slightly reduce the negative impact on our Tang family. By the way, I will make a condition with the Lingwang Mansion. Yan'er, yes, but you can only use Wu Zong's fighters, absolutely not allow Wu Wang to mix in, so that, more or less, you can leave a little way for Yan'er to survive."

Tang Mingjing said angrily: "Isn't it the same as not saying what you said? Yan'er is only in the Martial Spirit Realm, and a random Martial Sect can be wiped out, and there is no need for Martial King to do it."

Tang Mingzhong smiled sheepishly: "What else? Ask them to only use third-level martial spirits? They must have heard the news that Yan'er defeated Dong Leiming, so they definitely won't just send some martial spirits to deal with Yan'er? Besides, Tang Mingzhong Yan has Alinda by his side, she is a genuine second-rank Martial Ancestor. Since we have made conditions, we have to make some reasonable ones, some conditions that they think are insignificant and can bring Yan'er a way out."

Tang Mingjing's anger turned into entanglement, and then turned into pain and bitterness, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Tang Gan whispered: "Second brother can escape for a while, can he escape for a lifetime? This world is so chaotic, and he has provoked the Lingwang Mansion. In fact, he will not live long."

Tang Ming respectfully sighed: "If I had known that things would develop to this point, I shouldn't have let Yan'er attend the baptism with the academy!"

Dao Jingliang suddenly flashed in Tang Yanshan's eyes, he hesitated for a long time, and said: "For the sake of the whole family, I can only give up Yan'er, Ming Jing, you go talk to Chang Tianzhu, we are willing to drive Yan'er out of the house and accept them in Giant Elephant City." Intercept and kill Yan'er, but the precondition is that you can't use Martial King-level fighters. And no matter what the result is, what kind of accidents will happen, after this incident, the Lingwang Palace can no longer take any hostile actions against the Tang family."

Tang Mingjing frowned: "Father, have you really thought it through?"

"That's the way it is. I can't bury the entire Tang family for him alone. Yan'er has grown up. If he survives this catastrophe, let him go to the outside world."

Tang Mingjing and Tang Mingzhong looked at each other, shook their heads weakly and sighed, but at this moment, they hesitated instead, as if something was blocked in their hearts, and they panicked.

At dawn, Tang Mingjing went to the Giant Elephant Academy in the dark, handed Zhou Linglu into their hands, and made it clear that he was willing to expel Tang Yan from the house.

Chang Tianzhu readily accepted the conditions, and made it clear that he was willing to make friends with the first generation of the Tang family.

In fact, King Ling of Zhou really wanted to uproot the Tang family, but the Tang family was very powerful in the northern wilderness, and the old patriarch, Tang Yanshan, was also a strong martial artist with a deep influence in the empire. It caused a strong counterattack from the Tang family. At that time, the Northern Wilderness Region will become the focus of the empire, and he will also be questioned by the royal family.

In order to keep the secret, he had no choice but to make friends with the Tang family, shut their mouths, and get rid of the only evidence, Tang Yan!Du Yang!Alinda!

(End of this chapter)

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