Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 73 Ancient Building

Chapter 73 Ancient Building
Two days later, Tang Yan returned to Giant Elephant City after half a year of training.

"Du Yang, tonight at Zuixiang Tower? You didn't have the guts to go up last time, so you have to be brave again today! Don't worry, I'll treat you and find you a tender chick!" Standing under the majestic city wall, Tang Yan opened his arms, took a deep breath, and a bustling and lively atmosphere came to his face, in one word, cool!

Du Yang rolled his eyes: "Hey, hey, you can't be so shameless, what do you mean you have no guts? I was your bodyguard at that time! Otherwise, I would have been in it long ago!"

Alinda was angry and annoyed: "You two little bastards, do you have to discuss this kind of topic in front of us?"

"Huh? Smell of vinegar? Sister Alinda, are you jealous? I knew it, you have feelings for me, well, since my good sister is unhappy, I will just stay at home and wait for you tonight." you!"

"You" Alinda ignored it directly, and walked towards the Giant Elephant City with the Frost Sword in hand.

"Sister? Sister! Don't be angry. Men go out to fool around when they are empty. If there are people at home, who will go out?"

"Who is your sister!"

"Could it be my sister? Hehe, I have no objection."

"leave me alone."

"Come on, we're going to be separated soon, let's find a place to keep warm?"

Looking at the cheerful and shameless back in front, Du Yang was quite speechless. He snapped his fingers at the bratty black girl behind him, and followed to the city gate. After half a year of absence, he was still full of nostalgia for his old life.

Just walking, Du Yang had a strange feeling, as if there were two eyes watching him from the dark, but he looked at the passengers passing by and the officers at the city gate, and found nothing unusual.

"Let's go, black girl." Du Yang stopped worrying and walked lazily into the city gate with his pockets in his hands.

"Princess, Tang Yan has entered the city. Only Du Yang and Ailinda are by my side, and the palace guards are already in place, ready to attack at any time!"

"Don't worry, let him go home, I will kill Tang Yan in front of the Tang family!"


"Remember, don't let Tang Yan die easily, give me severe torture!"

"Princess, do you want to go and admire it?"

"Of course!"

"Master, Tang Yan has entered the city and has been closely monitored."

"Did you take action at the Lingwang Mansion?"

"Not yet, it looks like we have to wait until he arrives at the Tang residence before taking action."

"Hey, this princess is ruthless enough, let's go and have a look. By the way, bring the young masters and ladies, such a good show is not always seen."

"Uh, master and miss, they have all passed away"


"Yan'er has entered the city, and there has been no movement in the Lingwang Mansion. It seems that he wants to make a move in front of us." Tang Jun came to the secret room of the Tang Mansion and saluted Tang Yanshan respectfully.

Tang Yanshan remained expressionless: "Is Alinda still there?"

"Just separated from the second young master, maybe he went back to the academy, why don't we send someone to stop him?"

"The Lingwang Mansion should be prepared. Let's not act rashly and intervene in order to avoid being caught by them."

"I just found out that Chang Tianzhu and others are all active outside."

"Don't worry, they don't dare to do anything, they just want to see if my attitude is firm. As long as we don't make a move, they won't dare to move. With me around, the Lingwang Palace won't dare to do anything too extreme!"

"Are we really going to abandon the second young master? Isn't it a little unfair to him?" Tang Jun was a little strange. He had been with his adoptive father for so many years, and he knew his temper best. He was eccentric, but he was very defensive. Yan is even more loving, how could he give up so easily?Still let Lingwang Mansion do something in front of the family?
Tang Yanshan said indifferently: "I can be unfair to one person, but I can't be unfair to the whole family."

Ailinda bid farewell to Tang Yan shortly after entering the city, and returned directly to the academy.On the way, he silently considered how to explain to the dean that it has been seven or eight months since he left the academy last time. As a tutor, he has been away for a long time. If there is no legitimate reason, he may be expelled from the academy.

However, I believe that the strength of my third-rank Martial Ancestor should make the academy open. Even if this level goes to a huge family, it will be treated courteously, and the same is true for the Giant Elephant Academy.

"Mr. Alinda, you are back. The vice president has been waiting for a long time." When Alinda arrived at the entrance of the college, the instructors Rachel and Liu Weihua were already waiting here.

"Vice-principal? He arranged for you to wait for me here?" Alinda was surprised. She had never been treated like this before, and she even arranged for two mentors, Rachel and Liu Weihua, to receive her. Could it be for an interrogation?
Rachel smiled and said, "We don't know what it is, we'll know if we don't pass."

Alinda didn't think about anything else, and followed the two into the academy. Students kept saying hello to them along the way. After seeing Alinda, many students were very excited.

Aileinda has not been promoted to a tutor for a long time, but her beautiful appearance, cool temperament, and responsible attitude towards the students make her well-known by most of the students, and there are not a few who secretly love her.Some time ago there were rumors in the academy that Alinda was taken over by the dandy young master Tang Yan and would never return to the Giant Elephant Academy. Many senior students were heartbroken and even exaggeratedly called for 'defending the goddess'.

After half a year, they suddenly saw Alinda come back again, could they not be happy?I almost ran to tell everyone!

Rachel and Liu Weihua walked in front with expressionless faces, indifferent to the enthusiasm of the academy, and did not speak to Alinda.Their strengths are the third-rank and second-rank Martial Sects respectively. One studies flying knife martial arts, and the other concentrates on water and soil techniques. They are powerful, have a high status in the academy, and they are all young mentors.He has always admired Alinda, and has taken offensives either explicitly or secretly.Every time I see her, I will warm up to others, but today seems to be a little abnormal.

Alinda vaguely felt that the atmosphere was not right. Although she was not narcissistic and did not like being surrounded by men, but Rachel and Liu Weihua's behavior was obviously not right, but she just felt strange, but did not pay too much attention.

Without talking all the way, Rachel and Liu Weihua took Alinda straight in, made many circles, and came to an ancient building in the deepest part of the college.

The ancient building is located in the depths of the quiet dense forest. It is only 60 meters high and 20 meters in diameter at the bottom. There are not many windows.

The whole body is brownish red, and due to the age, the color is dim, giving it a gloomy feeling.

This is a forbidden place of the college. It is said that it is a retreat place for the elders, and it is also a storage place for some natural and earthly treasures. Only those who have obtained the position of elders of the college are eligible to approach it.The rest of the idlers are not allowed to approach.

"The vice president is here?" Alinda stood in front of the ancient building. She used to look at it from a distance and felt it was mysterious, but now she observed it closely, but felt a clear coolness.

"Go in, don't make the vice president wait too long." The two raised their hands to signal.

"Anyone else?"

"There should be, we don't know, we just follow orders."

Alinda looked at the dark and quiet jungle around her, and felt something was wrong again, but she still walked into the dark and dark lobby of the ancient building under the guidance of the two.

Just after entering the ancient building, the door at the back was suddenly closed, and the crisp sound echoed in the simple and ancient lobby for a long time.

Alinda's heart skipped a beat, and she stopped immediately.

"Teacher Alinda, what's the matter?" Rachel's tone was very indifferent, and Liu Weihua's expression was also a little abnormal.

"This doesn't seem to be a place for regular lectures." Alinda looked at the ancient lobby, which was empty, with six steep stairs extending upward one by one, with a large number of monster statues in the corners, bypassing the messy stairs, and a dark place ahead. The area is dark and a little creepy.

The long fight in the psychedelic forest gave her a strong premonition about the dangerous environment.

"You don't need to ask any more questions, the vice president is waiting below."


"That's right, it's down there."

"Why do you come here? I want to know, what is it for?"

"Sorry, we really don't know."

"The dungeon is below." Alinda was about to take a step, but suddenly remembered something. A long time ago, when I was an ordinary student, I remembered that someone mentioned that the ancient building is the most mysterious place in the college. Some special characters may also be guarded.

It's more like a prison there!

"Teacher Alinda, you are overthinking." Rachel quietly winked at Liu Weihua, and the two approached Alinda without any trace.

Elinda's face changed again and again, and she suddenly turned and rushed towards the gate.

"Teacher Alinda, where are you going!" Rachel and Liu Weihua's eyes turned cold, and they rushed forward at the same time.

"Open!" Elinda strode and shot, a violent wave of ice crystals rolled around her body, turned into a strong storm and slammed into the closed door.

The entire ancient building trembled violently, and a large number of debris fell down densely. The thick iron gate flew out with a bang in the violent explosion, destroying more than ten ancient trees, and was deeply inserted on the short hill a hundred meters away. .

(End of this chapter)

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