Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 74 Alinda

Chapter 74 Alinda

Bingdie's explosive power was extremely manic, and it affected a wide range. Even Rachel and Liu Weihua were thrown out because they were defenseless, and were almost buried by the falling stones from the ancient building.

"How is it possible?" The two struggled in embarrassment, a hint of horror flashed in their eyes.The power of this explosion is too strong, unlike what the first-order Wuzong can have!

"Chasing!" The two quickly regained their senses and chased after them.

Alinda shot at high speed in the academy, like a sharp arrow off a bow.At this moment, there was a storm in my heart, Rachel and Liu Weihua must have not acted kindly, they dared to attack themselves, they must have been instructed by the academy.This is not expulsion from school at all, but imprisoning oneself?Why!If you haven't returned to the academy for a few months, you shouldn't be imprisoned, right?

Could it be that Zhou Lingwang, a name that was almost forgotten, came to mind again!
Is it really King Ling of Zhou?Is it finally time to make a move?But why do it at the academy?Rachel and Liu Weihua, the instructors of the two colleges again?Did Tang Yan really expect that the Giant Elephant Academy might be involved with the Lingwang Palace?
"Alinda! Stop! How dare you attack the academy tutor!" Rachel's roar came from behind.

It was noon now, and it was the time for the students to finish their classes and rest. There were a lot of people on the road. They stopped when they heard the roar, and a large number of troublemakers rushed here.

"My God, is it Teacher Alinda?"

"What's going on here?"

"Why did you fight?"

"Get out of the way!" Elinda scolded coquettishly, somersaulted in the air, and flew out stepping on the branch of the tree.

"Elinda, framing the princess of the empire has already annoyed the Lingwang Palace. Today, you don't want to escape from the Giant Elephant City!" Rachel let out a snarl, and dense lightning bolts spread out around her, spreading nearly a hundred meters in an instant.

The third-rank Martial Sect, only one step away from the Martial King, the blow with anger is astonishingly powerful.

really!It really is King Ling of Zhou!Elinda's heart skipped a beat, she didn't make unnecessary excuses, her footsteps stopped, her figure stopped suddenly, the ice sword slashed in the air, and a gorgeous blue sword glow blasted towards Dianmang head-on.

boom!The sword glow was purely made of hundreds of ice butterflies. At the moment of impact, it exploded, forcibly preventing the spread of lightning and rebounding Rachel.

"Mr. Aileinda, your performance today is really surprising. Take a punch from me, the way of the earth!" Liu Weihua's eyes flashed with surprise, but the offensive was merciless, and he punched out, as gray as dust The air waves shrouded Alinda like mountains and seas.

"Ice blades! Sweeping the sky!" Alinda flew up, and a violent storm of ice blades swept across.

Rumble!Fierce battle broke out, dust filled the sky, purely formed by the gathering of spiritual power, it contained terrible power of destruction, but Elinda's ice butterfly was even better, not only smashed the dust, but also a large number of ice butterflies broke through the dust and went straight to Liu Weihua came.

"How is it possible?" Liu Weihua's expression changed drastically. He had absolute confidence in his own strength. How could this be?
At the critical moment, his body retreated sharply, and he swung a 'Water Way of Water' again, and the surging water vapor roared upwards.

Following the dusty sky, thick mist filled the entire area.

"Hiss!" The students watching the battle from a distance gasped. Although they didn't know what happened, the fierce battle in front of them was really spectacular. Is this a Wu Zong level battle?So gorgeous and so strong!
"He's a third-rank Martial Ancestor!" Rachel shouted in surprise from afar.

"What? Tier [-]?" Liu Weihua and the others, who fell to the ground in embarrassment, changed their expressions drastically.Aileinda has only entered Wuzong for more than a year and a half, how could she become a third-rank Wuzong?

Aileinda was as cold as ice, her eyes flickered, her breath was a little messy, and she continued to wield a little spiritual power, which was still too much for her who had just broken through to the third-rank Martial Ancestor.

"Ailinda, your growth rate is really surprising. In less than two years, from the first-tier Wuzong to the third-tier Wuzong, you may be written in the history of the school. I suggest you stay, the dean may Reconsider how to deal with you." Rachel put away her contempt, her right hand was tense, her index and middle fingers were tightly joined together, and a little bit of Lei Mang seemed to spit out a letter with a poisonous tongue, forming a crystal-clear jade knife!

Similar to ordinary jade knives, it looks like a precious work of art, but it is condensed by pure lightning power, which contains terrifying penetrating power. This is Rachel's nirvana. It is said that even the Martial King can threaten!

"Re-handling? How to deal with it!" Alinda was shocked by Rachel's thunder knife, but her face became more and more cold. She had always had hope for the academy, but now it seems that she was too naive. If the Lingwang Palace is involved, they will do everything possible to produce themselves!
"No matter what it is, it's better than you betraying the academy!"

"Treason? Who made the first move?" Elinda's face became colder and colder, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, layers of frost condensed on the vegetation, and her slender hands glowed a crystal blue ice blue, almost like ice swords. One body, this is the ice skill that I have rediscovered after entering the third-tier martial artist. I have never had a chance to try it. I don't mind fighting against Rachel today.

"In short, you can't escape. The guards of the Lingwang Mansion have surrounded the Giant Elephant City, and even the Tang Mansion has compromised. They have announced the news this morning to drive Tang Yan out of the house!"

"What?" Alinda's face suddenly changed.

"You, Tang Yan, and Du Yang are all on the wanted list of the Lingwang Palace."

"Impossible! Tang Yanshan loves Tang Yan so much, it is absolutely impossible to watch him die in front of her!"

"Tang Yanshan is the old head of the Tang family first, and then Tang Yan's grandfather. Before the family justice, he can only choose to save the family and give up Tang Yan."

Ailinda's whole body was cold, did the Tang family compromise?Isn't Tang Yan
"Tang Yan and Du Yang are sure to die, but your situation is different. The dean may reconsider. As long as you behave well, you may personally intercede with the Lingwang Palace."

"Teacher Ailinda, give up, we can jointly plead with the dean and save your life." Liu Weihua also walked over, with his left hand walking the way of earth and his right hand walking the way of water, two surging energies surged out people's aura.

Alinda struggled violently in her heart, stay?or go?What is Tang Yan's situation now?Although he is amazingly talented, he is only a teenager and a first-rank Martial Emperor after all. How can he resist the ravages of this tragedy and escape from the pursuit of the Lingwang Mansion?

"Elinda, the last reminder, give up resistance and go to the ancient building with us!" Rachel and Liu Weihua warned at the same time that there were more and more students around, and they didn't want things to become too big.

"Sorry! I'm sorry!" Alinda turned around suddenly, and shot outside quickly.

"Suicide!" Rachel's eyes flashed with hesitation, but soon turned into firmness.With a violent vibration of the arm and wrist, the thunder knife came out of his hand, as if cutting through the space, and went straight to Alinda in front.

The Thunder Knife is entwined with fine lightning power, carrying terrible destructive power. The cold chill makes people tremble from the soul, and the biting murderous aura hits Elinda's whole body in an instant, and the delicate but bright edge touches the back of her heart.

A sense of desperation permeated her whole body, Elinda couldn't dodge the knife at all, and she didn't plan to dodge, but resisted that she expected Rachel to just seriously injure herself, and didn't make up her mind to kill herself, because he I dare not kill in front of so many students.


The Thunder Knife shot past, piercing the abdominal cavity. Along the way, the sharp thunder and lightning destroyed the internal organs, and severe pain swept through the whole body. Elinda screamed and flew out fiercely.However, the experience of more than half a year caused her to wander around life and death many times and endured too much pain. This time, she did not faint. Yuan Ye, biting his blood-oozing silver teeth, rushed out of the Giant Elephant Academy.

This crazy and bold move shocked Rachel a lot. She never expected that this glamorous woman would have such a ruthless and tenacious side.

"What are you doing in a daze, chase after him!" Liu Weihua quickly came back to his senses, and chased after him with a roar.

(End of this chapter)

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