Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 721 The Emperor's Heir

Chapter 721 The Emperor's Heir
When Tang Yan and Niya entered Tiandi City, what they saw was endless prosperity and prosperity.

Crowded, heavy traffic.

There are people coming and going on the street, bustling.

There are many shops on both sides of the avenue, and the sound of hawking and hawking keeps coming and going.

"The thousand-year-old ginseng from the middle of the green sea, the real old ginseng king, eight hundred gold coins!"

"It's dealt with, it's dealt with. The poisonous needle of the peak demon king Thunderbird only needs a hundred gold coins!"

"The 300th anniversary of Kenrui Restaurant, great discounts..."

"A superior demon king cub has a chance to grow into the demon king's green squirrel!"

The city is bustling and bustling, the streets are crowded with people, men, women, old and young, of all kinds, including powerful warriors, rough-clothed ascetics, adventurous mercenaries, and rich young ladies in luxurious clothes.

Tang Yan and the two entered the inner city, instead of going to the lively restaurant, they found a quiet hotel after walking a few streets.

There are few people coming and going here, but the decoration is very particular, with the elegance and tranquility of Jiangnan gardens. Tang Yan and Niya didn't think much, went straight to the top floor and ordered a seat by the window.

"My lords, what can I do for you?" The store owner came to the top floor and glanced at the green ripples on the backs of Tang Yan and Niya. The smile on his face deepened and he became more respectful.

In the Green Sea Fortress, the green mark on the back of the hand is the most conspicuous mark, signifying that both of them are martial masters, enough to receive special hospitality in any hotel.

"Give us some light food, a jug of sake, and tidy up a clean and elegant room. It's best if there's no one in the next room, so don't look for it."

Tang Yan took off the bamboo hat, gave the storekeeper a gold coin, and winked quietly. The storekeeper immediately understood, smiled and retreated, and went to make arrangements in person.

Niya reminded Tang Yan: "We will rest here for five days and try not to cause trouble."

"What if others come to bully me?"

"Why, there seems to be something else in your words."

"Just kidding." Tang Yan smiled, looking at the back of his hand: "Is there a way to remove these marks?"

"That giant map should be some kind of treasure, refined by a certain powerful person, and it cannot be eliminated easily."

"Eliminate it as much as possible, even if it takes some coercive means." Tang Yan doesn't like the feeling of being watched, even if the Yakoran family has good intentions, they don't need it.

"Go back to the room later, I'll try my best." Niya was even more unaccustomed to being watched.

Tang Yan looked at the flow of people on the bustling streets of the meeting, and looked far away, beyond the towering fortress, the end of his sight was full of verdant green: "There is a sea of ​​green, it is said that there are many treasures, and there are many magical monsters, are you interested in entering it? Next? We are not in a hurry to visit the Pure Land, we must appreciate the scenery along the way.”

Niya covered the veil in front of her, staring at the vast green sea at the end of her sight, but did not answer.

"What's wrong? Don't want to go?"

"Do you feel that the green sea is a little weird?"

"Strange?" Tang Yan looked into the distance and said, "It is said that the Green Sea World used to be the imperial capital of an ancient country. Contains strange energy, even a high-ranking Martial Lord can hardly walk in the air, it is normal for you to feel weird."

Tang Yan did a lot of homework before coming here, and tried to find out as much information as possible.

"Perhaps." Niya didn't think much about it.

"The former imperial capital of the ancient country contained endless treasures. With the destruction of the imperial city, they were scattered in every corner of the green sea. Some were buried deep underground, some turned into towering ancient trees, and some turned into streams and rivers. The precious monster that was once kept in captivity in the inner garden of the imperial court has now become the overlord of the green sea.

It is a pity that although there are many treasures in the Green Sea and emerge in endlessly, the imperial palace of that year has disappeared, as if it disappeared out of thin air and never appeared in the world. "

An old and gentle voice sounded at the stairs. According to the reputation, it turned out to be an old man. Although he was not in shabby clothes, he was very casually dressed, with disheveled hair, which was incompatible with the elegant and quiet layout of the third floor.

When Tang Yan looked at the old man, he was looking at Tang Yan with a smile.

Niya asked, "Why was the ancient country destroyed?"

"It's been a long time, and it has long been impossible to study it. But what is certain is that there was an emperor in the Green Sea Palace."

"Emperor?" Tang Yan and Niya looked at each other, looking at the old man strangely.

The old man was poorly dressed, but with a gentle smile, he walked towards them: "That's right, an emperor! They enshrine an emperor, the real emperor! Human emperor!"

Tang Yan was taken aback: "Martial Emperor? Human Emperor? There was an Emperor living in this land?"

"No, no, no, they enshrine an emperor. They are all the heirs left by the emperor, and they have the blood of the emperor. It's a pity..."

"What a pity?"

"Endless reincarnation, the emperor's bloodline declines, and finally dissipates completely. Along with the dissipation, there is also the luck of the ancient country. Tens of thousands of people are also displaced, gradually lost in the reincarnation of the years."

Tang Yan and Niya became more and more curious, and looked at the old man with a smile: "The ancient country disappeared, the imperial capital fell, but the emperor's descendants will not completely disappear, right? Are there no remaining branches?"

"There is no way to verify it, and there is no way to know. It is said that thousands of years ago, the imperial city and others appeared in the green sea, but the glimpse at that time disappeared like a mirage, and everyone who entered the expedition disappeared with them, and there is no news." The old man shook his head, like an old master who knows the past and the present.

"Hey! Damn old thing! Who told you to come up? This is where you can come?" At this moment, the storekeeper suddenly shouted angrily from down the stairs.

The old man ignored him, smiling gently, and just stared at Tang Yan.

"Hey! What about you! Are you deaf? I didn't see you for a while, and you sneaked up! Get out, get out of here!" Tear out.

The shopkeeper smiled and apologized to Tang Yan and Niya: "I'm sorry, sorry! I'm so sorry! I disturbed the two venerables. He is a lunatic, and he came in for a meal. The two venerables don't pay attention. I'll leave him alone." take away."

"Wait!" Tang Yan called to stop the store, and said, "I'll treat you to another pair of bowls and chopsticks."

"This..." The shopkeeper hesitated. Tang Yan was dressed in ordinary clothes, but it could be seen that the clothes were exquisite. Although Niya covered her face with a veil, her fiery red cloak embroidered with auspicious clouds and golden carved borders made her look rich, not to mention that both of them were high-ranking dignitaries. Or, how can you eat at the same table as a beggar!

"Thank you, young master. Shopkeeper, bring a jar of good wine!" The old man was not polite, he hunched over and sat down at the table, looked at Tang Yan carefully, and then at Niya who was wearing a veil, his smile deepened : "Are the two husband and wife?"

Tang Yan waved to the shopkeeper to make arrangements, and said, "We've been married for many years."

"Okay! Good, good!" The old man wiped his messy beard, as if he was very happy.

Tang Yan felt amused: "The old man has lived in Green Sea Fortress for a long time?"

"Not long, about five years, my master arranged for me to come here to wait for someone."

"Who are you waiting for?" Tang Yan inspected the old man's aura, but he didn't detect any signs of spiritual power flow, nor did he detect the existence of the restriction. In other words, he was just an ordinary old man.

"Wait for someone who deserves it." The old man smiled mysteriously.

At this time, the store owner personally brought the maids to serve good wine and dishes, served the wine again to make amends, and reprimanded the old man in a low voice: "After drinking your wine, get out, don't disturb the two venerables, or you will look good! "

"I'll just eat a jug of wine and a plate of food. Are you up to it?" The old man glanced.

Tang Yan personally poured a glass of wine for the old man: "Is the old man familiar with Luhai?"

The old man accepted it frankly, and poured down his head: "I have been waiting here for five years, I was idle and bored, and studied its past. Is this young man interested in going to the Green Sea to hunt for treasure? Although the ancient country has fallen for many years, the Green Sea The sea is never short of treasures, like endless, always appearing.

Treasures are obtained by those who are destined.

Some people have wandered inside for hundreds of years without finding anything, some people may find treasures just by walking casually, some powerful people from big families come to search and return without success for a hundred years, and some ordinary herb pickers may find ancient treasure scrolls.I think son, you are a destined person, maybe you will gain something. "

"No need, I still have things to do." Tang Yan felt that the old man was very strange, especially the strange taste in his eyes, which made him very unnatural.

"What do you want to do, my lord? I won't drink your jar of wine for nothing, old man." The old man grabbed the wine jar and took a sip, his face flushed red from the spicy alcohol.

"You're welcome, we'll settle it ourselves." Tang Yan politely refused, and by the way, filled a bowl of clear soup for Niya, and handed it over: "Taste how it tastes here."

The very normal behavior fell into the eyes of the old man, but it carried a very special taste. He smiled and nodded: "My lord, madam, thank you for your hospitality. If you are not in a hurry, you can stay here for a few more days. I will accompany you." Visit Green Sea Fortress.

There are many things here that are picked up from the green sea, some are ordinary things left by foreign warriors, and some may be treasures that have been passed down for a long time, and there may be something to gain. "

"If necessary, I will go to the old man's house."

The old man looked at Tang Yan, then at Niya: "The two venerables came to Green Sea Fortress to hunt for treasure?"

"We were just passing by."

"Where to?"

"We're on our honeymoon, just walking around and enjoying the sights."

The old man smiled: "You two don't need to be wary of me. I'm just an ordinary old man. I usually want to join in the fun and find something to do when I'm bored. I think the two venerables are kind-hearted, so they must be destined, or... I How many places can I show you?"

(End of this chapter)

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