Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 722 Young Talents

Chapter 722 Young Talents
While they were talking, footsteps were heard downstairs again.

The store owner who had not been away for a long time came back again and led the three young men and women very enthusiastically.

"Come, Brother Hawkesun, Sister Tiffany, this restaurant is the most elegant place in Green Sea Fortress. There are not many people here, but the environment is the most elegant, and the taste of the dishes is absolutely outstanding."

"It's rare to have such an elegant hotel in an important fortress town. Brother Kate is interested."

"Will the four younger sisters still come?"

"They are dressing up and will come for an appointment soon. You all know that my four younger sisters are a bit weird, and it is not easy to invite them all out."

Two men and one woman laughed loudly and chatted politely.

The young man in the lead shook his feather fan, his face was as clear as a sculpture, and his angular face was handsome.

Thick eyebrows, a straight nose, and thin lips all exude nobility and elegance.

A pair of bright eyes are full of passion, people will fall into it if they are not careful.

This is an unforgettable handsome man.

The young man greeted by him was relatively strong, wearing a purple shirt, wearing light armor, and swaying with blond long hair, reminding him of being tall and fit but not exaggerating. He looked dissolute on the outside, but the inadvertent gleam in his eyes made him People dare not underestimate it. There is a golden lightning mark on the forehead, which is extremely dazzling.

The girl following the two teenagers was obviously more eye-catching, with a devil-like figure exuding thrilling charm, a head of big wavy golden curly hair shining brightly, slender and fair legs, showing a perfect figure.

Handsome men and beautiful women are the focus of attention on the road!
"My lord, please wait a moment, I'll go and arrange it right away." The shopkeeper greeted warmly, lowering his head and not daring to look directly at the three of them, acting in awe.

"The best dishes, the best wines, I want to entertain the honored guests!" The leading gentleman, Lufan Gongzi, invited.

But when they just went upstairs, they all stopped, and they were talking happily, but now they all looked worried, and their eyes fell on the table of Tang Yan and the others.

The old man's appearance and clothes were incompatible with the environment of the restaurant.

The blond man looked unhappy: "Brother Kate, is this restaurant really the most elegant and cleanest place? Green Sea Fortress is really a magical place, even beggars can enter the restaurant!"

A hint of disgust flashed across the beautiful eyes of the sexy girl: "Let's go, I'm not in the mood!"

"Slow down!" The leading man snapped his folding fan shut, his expression even colder: "Shopkeeper! What's going on? I haven't been here for a few months, and your Suya Zhai is in such a state of desperation? You can enter if you have money?"

"My a moment!" The shopkeeper's face was pale, and his head was covered with cold sweat. He apologized one after another, and rushed to Tang Yan's room.

"Two venerables, I'm really sorry, we have a distinguished guest today, look..."

"What are we looking at? The money has been paid, the food has been served, and we have all picked up our chopsticks, how can you drive us away?" Tang Yan glanced at the three men and women, secretly saying trouble.

"This... this..." The shopkeeper's face was as pale as a piece of paper, and he didn't know how to deal with it.The three masters dare not offend at all, unless they don't want to mess around and don't want their heads.

But a man and a woman in front of me are also not easy to provoke. According to the investigation, they are all second-rank martial masters, or they are husband and wife. Such characters should not be provoked unless it is absolutely necessary.

The impoverished old man continued to pour good wine and savor the dishes, leisurely: "Shop, let me have a few more meat dishes, there is no meat, drinking is tasteless!!"

"Fatty meat, do you still want to eat meat? Hurry up and leave!" The shopkeeper finally found a way to grab the old man and was about to blast him outside.

"Alas, what are you doing? I am a guest invited by the two venerables. Let go, and you will wash the dirty clothes?" The old man looked old, but he was very energetic, and pushed the store away.

The store owner was caught off guard and flipped three wheels on the spot, almost exploding his lungs in anger: "Come on, come on!"

Hula la!Five Martial Kings rushed up downstairs, the first thing they did was to salute the three young men and women, and then they supported their boss: "What happened?"

The shop owner suppressed his anger and smiled: "My lord, I made you laugh. I'll treat you to today's meal. Look, how about just throwing that old man out and letting the two venerables stay and finish eating?"

"I'm still short of your meal money? Throw them all away! I'm treating guests here today, and I've neglected them, can you afford it?" The Lufan boy was so arrogant that he didn't even look at Tang Yan and Niya, and asked The two friends walked inside: "Don't disturb the interest because of some idlers, please come inside."

The blond men and women also ignored Tang Yan and the others, and walked towards the elegant area inside, like a high-ranking king, ignoring ordinary subjects.

The arrogance that emanates from the bones.

"Take this old thing out first! Bad luck!" The boss ordered the guards bitterly, and came to Tang Yan and the others with a smile on his face: "My lords, I'm really sorry, these three are not to be offended. Big man, the one in front is the young master of our Green Sea Fortress, Mr. Kate. The other two are Mr. Hawkesun and Miss Tiffany from the Bach family of the Xingluo Empire. The two lords are also people of status, but the younger one is just No one can afford to open a shop."

"Can't afford to offend anyone? Why don't you bother? Why are you here? Why are you chasing us?" The old man was like a thorn, and he grabbed the table and refused to leave.

"Shut up! When did I say I'm driving you away?" The shopkeeper said with a smile to Tang Yan: "Why don't I arrange a separate room on the fourth floor, and I will treat all the food and drinks, how about it? Both of you Your lord, please be considerate of the difficulties of the villain."

Tang Yan and Niya looked at each other and shook their heads slowly, meaning not to cause trouble.

Just be wronged if you feel wronged, they didn't intend to cause trouble, and they didn't want to be as knowledgeable as these young masters.

Tang Yan smiled and said: "It's not difficult for the store owner, let's change the room."

The store owner was pleasantly surprised, thank you so much: "Thank you so much, the two venerables will definitely be rewarded. I will arrange the best room for you, and I will give you a [-]% discount on all expenses!"

"Let's forget it?" The old man looked at Tang Yan very strangely: "Young people want to argue, but you don't want to resist? At least yell twice and retort a few words? You are all second-rank warriors!"

The shopkeeper was angry: "Oh? I said you, an old bastard, are sincerely provoking trouble, right? I kindly agreed with you to come in. If you come back and make trouble for me, believe it or not, I will make you disappear from Green Sea Fortress forever!"

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. Our husband and wife are here for our honeymoon, and what we want is to be happy." Tang Yan took Niya's hand and motioned the shopkeeper to lead the way.

"How do you know that we are the second-rank Wu Zunjing?" Niya suddenly asked.

"Me? I guess." The old man took a special look at Niya.

"Take it away, take this old thing away." The shopkeeper hurriedly signaled the guards to do it.

"Get up!" The guards roughly picked up the old man, and rushed down the stairs fiercely.

"Young Master, Ma'am, you have to behave well, many people are watching you, you must behave well..." The old man shouted loudly from the bottom of the stairs, followed by the sound of curses and beatings from the guards.

"What did he say?" Tang Yan was surprised.

"Don't pay attention to him, let's go." Niya turned back and held Tang Yan's hand, silently activating the meditation spell, for fear that anger would stimulate the demon seeds in her body.

Tang Yan and Niya were about to go downstairs when five men and women walked up to them.

The leading man is more eye-catching, with black hair like ink, sword eyebrows flying slantingly, slender and sharp black eyes, like eagle blades, thin and lightly pursed lips, sharp-edged silhouette, slender and tall figure, cold and arrogant but lonely. He is also domineering*, with a heroic spirit that looks down on the world.

Tang Yan and the man faced each other, they all stopped, and they were stuck in the middle of the stairs. The two sharp lights collided in the space, showing vigilance and aggressiveness.

They looked at each other, and they both sensed a dangerous breath from each other.

"Ah! I hate it! Why did it stop suddenly?" The man was followed by four girls with different styles, who were caught off guard and almost bumped into the man.

"Hey, up there, good dogs don't get in the way! Get out of the way!" A girl pinched her waist delicately.

"Get down first, then go up, what are you doing in a daze? Do you know who is in front of you?" A girl took the opportunity to hold the man's arm, inhaling his scent deeply, as if intoxicated.

The other two girls, one enchanting and cold and arrogant, the other lazy and weak, looked at the situation and took two steps back, as if they were too lazy to care and didn't want to get involved.

The shopkeeper looked at the man in front of him, the smile on his face froze again, he inhaled quietly, and almost knelt on the ground.

Oh my god, what happened today?Those who should come and those who should not come are all here!

"Hurry up and get out of the way, do you have to do it yourself?" The charming girl rolled up her sleeves and scolded.

Tang Yan took a deep look at the man, let go of his vigilance, and took two steps back with a smile to make way for the passage: "Everyone, please!"

The man didn't move, his slender eagle eyes stared coldly at Tang Yan, and then turned to Niya.

The enchanting and glamorous girl was a little dissatisfied: "Gu Lingfeng, let's go, what are you looking at?"

The man stepped upstairs, passing Tang Yan and Niya, and the four girls behind him all went upstairs.

"Who are those two?"

"Did something interesting happen just now?"

The four girls rushed towards the three who had come before, chattering.

"It's nothing, they're just two cowards, they don't know what to do and want to compete with us for a seat."

"Don't ignore them, the entire fifth floor is ours today."

Both Kane and Huo Kexun spoke disdainfully, and glanced at the backs of Tang Yan and Niya.

Tang Yan and Niya smiled and went downstairs arm in arm.

The black-haired man who came later suddenly turned around: "Gu Lingfeng from the Gu Clan of the Xingluo Empire!"

"Demon hunter, Tang Yan." Tang Yan replied casually, and followed the store to the fourth floor.

"Brother Gu is interested in them? Do you want me to invite you to have a chat?" The blond man smiled, but there was a hint of provocation in his smile.

"You can't beat them." Gu Lingfeng said coldly.

"What did you say? I can't beat the two casual cultivators?" The blond man's face suddenly darkened.

"Do you want me to call them up? You try?" The charming girl was full of interest.

"Sit down!" Kane scolded her dissatisfiedly, and raised his glass with a smile: "Come on, Brother Gu, Brother Hawkexun, I'll toast you two. Today I'll just drink and not talk about anything else."

(End of this chapter)

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