Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 752

Chapter 752
Tang Yan closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time, then slowly opened his eyes, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a gentle smile: "Thank you for saving me."

The stone hanging high in Li Zige's heart fell down with a bang: "Senior, you are very polite, this is our honor."

This smile also eased the tense atmosphere in the whole village, and the sound of relaxed breathing echoed everywhere, and all the bold young adults also smiled in response.

"Where is this place?" Tang Yan looked around, all he could see were undulating mountains, covered with white snow, and unscrupulous strong wind and snow.

The thoughts spread out, and the strong wind, mountains, and snow are the only main theme between heaven and earth.

It's like this all over several kilometers, the environment is harsh, spiritual power is lacking, and monsters and beasts are rampant.

"This is the Great Snowfield, located in the northeast of the Kenrui Territory." Li Zige secretly observed Tang Yan, and saw that his attitude was very gentle. .

"Kenrui border leader?" Tang Yan tried hard to recall, but couldn't find any familiar connection from his memory.

"This is the Kingdom of Arbitration, and the Kirin Territory is located in the northern part of the kingdom." The village chief walked over with a group of old people. Everyone was nervous and guarded, but they still tried their best to be polite. Hope you are offended.

"Arbitration Kingdom? Isn't this the Xingluo Empire?" Tang Yan frowned slightly.

"Xingluo Ancient Country?" Everyone looked at each other, unfamiliar with this word.

The village head pondered for a long time: "You are talking about the overlord empire of the vast Central Plains, the Xingluo Empire? I heard old people say when I was a child, leave the Arbitration Kingdom, go north, and cross the huge and terrifying group of blood-crying lakes. There is a very huge ancient empire named Xingluo, which has been passed down for endless years, sits on hundreds of millions of territories, and controls endless subjects. Its territory is too vast, and the Arbitration Kingdom is only one percent the size of the Xingluo Empire."

"One percent?" Everyone was secretly surprised, and Li Zige was also surprised.

"Are you from Xingluo Empire?" the village head asked Tang Yan.

Tang Yan shook his head and said with a smile, "Can I bother you here for a while? I won't live in vain. I can help you guard the village."

The strength level of the whole village is pitifully low, the vast snowy field roars with beasts and winds, and there are many crises. It can be seen that the villagers live very hard, and they need someone to sit in the town to guard them.

Li Zige and the others looked at each other in surprise, and nodded, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Snow covered the mountains, and icicles covered the eaves.

The icy cold wind howled day and night, rolled up the snow all over the sky, and the wild monsters vented their arrogance, performing the bloody process of life and death.

The vast land and the snow dance all over the sky, giving Shicun a fierce look.

Sometimes the wind and snow will break suddenly, and the sun will shine on the earth, bringing a little warmth under the cold winter.

The life in the village is fairly quiet and peaceful, but the harsh environment has made the villagers form the habit of having fun while suffering.The two demon kings provided sufficient food, enough for them to eat for a month. From the elderly to the children, there were long-lost smiles on their faces.

They have lived very comfortably recently, with plenty of food, and no longer worry all day long, because there is a super strong man sitting in the village!

Even when the children ventured out of the village to play, the adults no longer reprimanded them as harshly as before. They just laughed and scolded a few times and ignored them.

It has been half a month since I lived in Shicun, and time has passed unconsciously. Tang Yan's poor physical condition has recovered, and his drowsy consciousness has gradually become clear. .

The evil ancestor had planned and worked hard for many years, but tragically made a wedding dress for others.

After all, the green fire's fire spirit is still close to Tang Yan who conceived it since childhood. The immature call at that moment brought countless dangers, and it was even more refreshing.

Xie Zu's screams of grief and anger echoed in the sea of ​​​​Qi for a long time, and Niya's tenacious eyes stayed in the sea of ​​​​Qi forever.

At that time, it was a critical moment for the fusion of the evil ancestors, and they were completely powerless to resist.

The fire spirit is ruthless, dedicated to the savior, and brought devastating damage to the evil ancestor, almost destroying it. The Buddha's heart illuminates the sea of ​​energy, awakens hundreds of statues, and suppresses the struggling evil ancestor.

Niya tried her best to coordinate and decided the world in one fell swoop.

In the end, the three parties joined forces to pull the evil ancestor out of the evil spirit, and suppressed it into the abyss of Qi Sea.

After this battle, Xie Zu's vitality was severely injured and he fell into silence.

The evil spirit and the good spirit re-merge to form a complete soul that controls the body.

Endless dangers, in exchange for the transformation that comes with all the hardships.

The strength has crossed the barrier as he wished, and he has been promoted to the third rank Wuzun!

From the second level to the third level, it used to be the "threshold of fate" for countless venerables, and it was also a process that countless geniuses had to deal with carefully. Tang Yan knew clearly the difficulties and sufferings, but all of these were changed by an accident. It was a matter of course, and it turned out that the hidden danger of Xie Zu helped him overcome an extremely important hurdle in his life.

Arguably the funniest promotion in years.

Successfully devouring Yazi's soul and flesh, Yao Lingmai is on the way to awakening, and it is also completed in that painful calamity.After nearly half a month of research, Tang Yan felt the benefits brought by the awakening of the demon spirit veins. The toughness of his body has reached a terrifying level, and he was surprised to find that he possessed part of Yazi's ability-hiding soldiers in his belly, smelting Soldiers all over the world!

"The activation of the demon spirit vein is not only a simple incarnation of a monster, but also has a high chance of possessing the inheritance of the monster itself."

This is the comprehension obtained when the demon spirit was awakened back then, and Tang Yan now firmly believes in it.

The remnant sword that could compete with the ancient sword, the golden scissors that almost cut itself in half, and the black black iron mountain that smashed itself alive were all preserved in Yazi's belly, and now they have also entered Tang Yan's belly!
It is equivalent to having a life-saving skill again.

Of course, the most fortunate thing is the unexpected awakening of the ghost Qinghuo. Huoling, who turned into a pure baby, is very close to Tang Yan. From time to time, he calls out the title of father, asking him to sink his mind into the sea to play with it. Emotions continued to heat up virtually.

The Mist Baby of Life also received great benefits, because it fused with the 'blood doll' of the evil ancestor, and directly condensed into a liquid state, becoming a real baby of life, surging with unimaginable vitality.

Everything is so perfect, so exciting.

Like rebirth from Nirvana, transformation comes after pain; like a silkworm chrysalis turns into a butterfly, new life comes after suffering.

But... Tang Yan's soul was seriously injured!The reintegration of good and evil double thoughts after forced separation, and the hidden dangers left behind after the evil ancestors eroded, all make the soul very weak, and sometimes feel unable to control this body.

Realm and strength are hard to match.

Moreover, the soul is tainted by demonic and evil nature, and the mood is still fluctuating. Fortunately, the curse imprint left by Niya in his body can still bring some auxiliary effects, and it will not be too obvious.

All in all, Tang Yan is already very strong, and he is confident that he can withstand any devastation and change. Even if he encounters a semi-saint, he can fight and retreat. However, he still needs a long-term recuperation and an adventure to cleanse his polluted soul and completely remove it. The evil ancestor hiding in the abyss.

Also, Tang Yan was deeply worried about Niya.

From the time when the evil ancestor seized the house, Niya played an indispensable role. If it weren't for her continuous assistance, Tang Yan would no longer be herself. Because of this, I can imagine that Niya has paid too much. It's not as simple as a few simple spells, and maybe he paid a price that he couldn't understand.

He was worried about Niya's safety, and whether she could leave the void safely.

There are all kinds of joys and sorrows, since he left Yan country that year, a series of wonderful experiences, but also many hardships, Tang Yan has gained a lot, but also lost a lot, and truly realized the weight of love and friendship.

In terms of affection, Niya's devotion made Tang Yan feel deeply guilty.Mature and tolerant, graceful and glamorous, she is like a perfect masterpiece of God, perfect and flawless, like a sister, like a wife, like a relative. mellow.

Having a wife like this, what can a husband ask for?
This affection is too heavy, and he needs to spend his whole life to repay it.

Tang Yan is like a prodigal son turning his head back, but also like he has suddenly matured and completely awakened himself.

In terms of friendship, Brother Hei's devotion made Tang Yan teary-eyed every time he thought about it.

From the meeting of the Jedi in the daytime to the parting of the human palace, after ten years of suffering together, the black water leech is like an elder, accompanying him all the way.From the initial mutual use to the later interdependence, an unspeakable family relationship has been formed between each other unconsciously. Brother Hei knows most of his secrets and has been guarding himself with all his heart.

It even forgot the purpose of concluding the symbiotic agreement in the first place—to devour its own blood.

But... where did the purple-haired boy come from, and what background did he have?

That toughness made Tang Yan feel powerless, he must not be in the semi-holy realm, why did he completely suppress himself, and why did he disappear at the last moment?
Tragic life in the palace, tragic life and death, tragic family epiphany.

Tang Yan didn't want to swear childishly, nor did he want to shout out heroic words. The only thing that hurts his heart is self-knowledge. Maturity lies in the self, and transformation comes from the inside out.

For half a month, he was silently reflecting, and also calmly reflecting.

Young and frivolous, with a flamboyant personality, there is nothing wrong with it.

Tang Yan has been perverted, dissolute, crazy, rebellious and evil, and maybe he will still be like this in the future. This is his nature, not a defect.Maturity does not mean forbearance and escape, nor does it mean suppressing one's own nature.

He is a free and easy person, so the so-called reflection is to become more sophisticated, even more seasoned, to make the previous immature become mature, and to make the old Leng Jiang a little smoother.

It's not compromise, it's not discouragement, it's transformation, including body and mind.

(End of this chapter)

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