Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 753 Beast Soul Contract

Chapter 753 Beast Soul Contract
"Big brother, you're in a daze again." Li Yi walked over with a bowl of rich toon broth, and while Tang Yan wasn't paying attention, he quietly fished out a piece of meat from it, threw it into his mouth quickly, and didn't even have time to chew He swallowed with a grunt.

"You should be called Uncle." Tang Yan woke up from meditation, smiled and hugged Li Yi in his arms. "This is what my mother asked me to bring to you. Eat it while it's hot."

"have you eaten?"

"Well, eat it." Li Yi looked anxiously at the bowl full of broth, which contained more than half of the lean meat, which was the best meat, and even the village head was reluctant to eat it.

Tang Yan put the bowl in front of him with a smile: "Come on, you steal two yuan, I won't tell them."

"Really?" Little Li Yi's eyes lit up.

"Really, I'm not hungry."

"Hee hee, Uncle, you are so kind." Li Yi was not polite, he didn't care about the hot hands, grabbed two pieces of lean meat and stuffed them into his mouth, eating them deliciously.

"Is it delicious?" Tang Yan showed a relaxed smile, the children here are very pure, pure like snowflakes all over the sky.

"Yeah!" Li Yi nodded vigorously, gobbled down two pieces of meat, and looked at Tang Yan with his mouth pursed. After getting the nod, he quickly grabbed the two pieces of meat in the bowl, his eyes smiling like crescent moons.

"Ahem!" A heavy cough sounded from behind.

Little Li Yi froze, almost vomited what he ate into the bowl.The two pieces of meat in his hands were in a hurry and there was nowhere to hide them. With a roll of his eyes, Tang Yan directly stuffed them into his mouth.

"Yi'er! Nonsense!!" Li Zige sneered.

"I didn't eat." Little Li Yi curled up in Tang Yan's arms, stretching out his two greasy little hands: "Look, there's nothing."

"You..." Li Zige waved his hand and was about to slap him.

"It doesn't matter." Tang Yan stopped with a smile, and patted Li Yi's little butt: "Little guy, run away."

Little Li Yi stuck out his tongue at Li Zige and ran out.

Li Zige apologized: "The child is not sensible, Brother Tang, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

"It's okay, kid." Tang Yan raised his hand to signal, "Sit."

"Brother Tang, are you used to living here?" Li Zige sat down with a sword and a golden horse, his every move was full of arrogance, and he was no longer as afraid as before.

After half a month of getting along, they already knew Tang Yan's gentle temperament. If the horror scene of that day was not still fresh in their memory, they would not even believe that this sunny-looking young man would be a super strong man.

However, the calmer and gentler Tang Yan was, the more mysterious and awe-inspiring they felt, or 'respect' had begun to far outweigh 'fear'.

Tang Yan looked around at the ice and snow outside the stone village. Although the wind was cold and the snow was piled up, the pure sky and earth, the cool temperature, and the life in the mountain village away from the hustle and bustle were rare spiritual habitats for him who had just experienced adversity. .

"Brother Li, I see that everyone in the village has a birthmark on their foreheads. What does it mean?" Tang Yan found that everyone in the village, from newborn babies to elderly people, had the same mark on the same position—— Rebel!

Li Zige shook his head and sighed: "This birthmark is the reason why we live in a harsh and icy world. The word rebellion means a traitor. Our ancestors once raised a flag to rebel, intending to overthrow the dynasty and establish a new kingdom. As a result...our ancestors Lost, lost very thoroughly.

All the affiliated forces were massacred, leaving us alone to survive.The royal priests sealed the blood of our family and sent us to fend for ourselves in this cold snow field. They wanted us to suffer and destroy ourselves.

This word of rebellion is the symbol of the seal, and it has been accompanied by children since they were born. It will suppress our growth, disrupt our blood, and prevent us from displaying our true abilities. The high-level Martial Ancestor Realm is the limit, and it is difficult to surpass half a step in a lifetime. "

"Your blood is related to your eyes?"

"That's right, the symbol of our bloodline is white pupils." Li Zige was silent for a while, and said without reservation: "Our bloodline inheritance is called the Beast Soul Contract. Accept the baptism of the spiritual spring to awaken the bloodline, and find suitable cubs. A contract between master and servant is concluded, and a person can only have one contract monster, and it will accompany us all until death.

But those of us survivors have sealed bloodlines, and there is no spiritual spring to cleanse the bloodlines. We can only attack the power of the seal between the ages of four and eight, when the power of the bloodlines is the strongest. They look for suitable cubs and reach a contract agreement with them, which is like the exchange of souls. "

"Is the level of the monster to sign the contract chosen randomly, or is it related to the bloodline?"

"It is related to bloodlines, which are divided into three, six, and nine grades. High-level bloodlines have powerful soul power, can withstand the souls of high-level monsters, and can form a demon king, or even a demon king. Low-level bloodlines have stronger soul power. Weak, can only contract level [-] or level [-] monsters.

According to legend, in the era of our ancestors, someone successfully concluded a soul contract with the demon saint cub. It was he who led our family to prosperity, who initiated the kingdom's rebellion, and who was the traitor whose fall made our family forever burdened with sin. name. "

Sign a contract with the demon saint?Tang Yan secretly exclaimed, as expected of the vast Central Plains of the Qitian Continent, there are all kinds of wonders, all kinds of bloodlines are mysterious and unpredictable, and there is actually a bloodline that can conclude a master-servant contract with a monster!
This is simply a natural beast cavalry team!
Tang Yan asked: "Do you hate him?"

"Hate? How is it possible! He is the hero in my heart and the greatest king of our clan. If I had the same talent, I would also give it a go." Li Zige's eyes were burning with passion and longing, but soon He became dejected, shook his head and smiled wryly: "It's all a dream, and it will never come true. Our family has been suppressed, and the power of the seal has not been loosened after thousands of years. We are doomed to hide in the ice and snow. There were thousands of people, now there are only a hundred."

"Beast soul contract...the power of the seal..." Tang Yan didn't answer, but just muttered silently.

Li Zige hesitated for a long time, then made up his mind and said, "Brother Tang, I have an unfeeling request, I don't know..."

"Huh? Tell me." Tang Yan smiled and nodded.

"There are more than a dozen children in the village who have reached the age of signing a contract, and two children are both eight years old. If you don't look for cubs, you may never have another chance in this life. But... the snow mountain is too dangerous recently, and there are often We dare not venture into the Demon King's activities. It's just... um... can you trouble me..."

Li Zige had never begged anyone, and today he tried to persuade him for the future of the village, but he swallowed the words again.

"Understood, how many children have reached the age in total?"

Li Zige was pleasantly surprised, stood up and almost knelt down: "Thirteen."

"I will be back before dark." Tang Yan left the village after leaving a sentence.

That night, Tang Yan returned to Shicun and brought a shock.

A cub of the demon king Lei Ying and thirteen cubs of two-headed snow wolves, the huge surprise shocked the nerves of the whole village. Both eyes were blurred.

They are all three-level high-level two-headed snow wolf cubs, which are at the same level as Li Zige's mount. When these children grow up in the future, they will form a powerful snow wolf team to hunt better and protect the village better. As long as it wasn't for the demon king to attack, they should be able to survive.

Tang Yan took Li Zige to the side: "I can try to erase the seal on Xiao Li Yi's forehead, but I'm not 100% sure of success. If you are willing to take the risk, I can try it once. If it succeeds, the demon king Lei Ying's The cubs are the contract monsters that will be little Li Yi's future."

"The seal of our family was set by the priests of the kingdom. It is said that it is printed in the blood. This is why our family has been accompanied by the same birthmark since birth." Li Zige was a little moved, but tactfully expressed his refusal .In his view, this is completely unrealistic.

"The priest of the kingdom is the strongest in the arbitration kingdom?"

"It is said to be a saint."

"How long has the seal been set?"

"Almost..." Li Zige calculated carefully, and said, "It's been 3000 years, just a little more."

"In 3000 years, at least [-] generations of inheritance, the seal is no longer as powerful as it was back then. I can give it a try, but I can't guarantee too much, [-]%, only a little more."

"Really?" Li Zige stared wide-eyed, stunned for a while, and asked hesitantly: "Brother Tang, your realm..."

"No need to ask, if you are willing to take risks, I can try. It is my gift to you, thank you for your care during this time." Tang Yan decided to leave, he could not guard them forever, and let Shicun give birth to a family of his own. The Guardian Warrior King is undoubtedly the best gift.

I wanted to find a cub in the Yaozun Realm, but the blood of the villagers in Shicun has been abandoned for too long. Li Yi's mental power will not be too strong, and he cannot bear the terrifying soul power of the Yaozun. Will become the war servant of the Demon Lord.

Li Zige hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Please, Brother Tang, if we can succeed, my Stone Village will forever..."

"This is what I should do. I will do my best." Tang Yan interrupted Li Zige, attracted little Li Yi who was wandering around the cub in the distance, and walked into the stone house.

"Zige, how did he bring back the demon king's cub?"

"Didn't you tell him about us?"

"It's better to kill this demon king cub tonight, so that the children can replenish their bodies."

Several old people from the village came over, looking at the unconscious cub of the Demon King with complicated expressions.Devouring the demon king's cub?It used to be something unimaginable, but the cubs of the demon king will be lucky if they don't eat them!
Li Zige looked at the closed stone room, his eyes bright: "He wants to unify Yi'er's body and lift the seal. The demon king's cub is the contract beast he prepared for Yi'er!"

"What??" The complexions of the clan elders changed drastically, and the young and middle-aged people nearby all looked over in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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