Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 755 Indelible Grace

Chapter 755 Indelible Grace

The obese man just stayed where he was, and the cub Thunderhawk in his hand fell to the snow. He looked at Tang Yan like a ghost, and a chill ran from his heels along his back to the back of his head.

"I've changed my mind. Cut the weeds to get rid of the roots, and I can't keep you!" Tang Yan raised his hand again, wanting to drive the obese man to death.

"Don't!!" The village head woke up suddenly, and hurriedly stopped Tang Yan: "No way, he is the inspector of Agung City, a prosecutor specially appointed by the royal family, if he is killed, our village will be completely over ah."

"We have been accused of rebels for thousands of years, and we can no longer shame our ancestors."

"He came to Xueyuan, someone must know. If he doesn't return for a long time, someone will definitely come to investigate. You can guard us for a while, but you can't keep us forever."

"You can kill him, but you can't kill the entire Arbitration Kingdom, and you will bring yourself into trouble. You must not do it."

The rest of the old people hurriedly interceded for him, and the fat man also woke up with a start, jumping up and screaming: "You can't kill me, I am a prosecutor appointed by the royal family! Killing me is to provoke us to arbitrate the kingdom... ah..."

The obese man suddenly let out a scream, and fell headlong to the ground. It turned out that it was Tang Yan who hit him with a green light, and directly incinerated his hands. His fingers connected to his heart, and the pain of severed fingers pierced his heart. Like a pig, the villagers were frightened for a while.

If you say kill, you can kill, if you say abolish, you can abolish, it is really unequivocal!

It seems that the smile is warm, but the shot is so ruthless!

"Brother Tang, you can't kill him!" Li Zige and others also pleaded one after another. Even though they wished to tear the fat man into pieces, even though they had a lot of pride and ambition, they were just a small village, and they were still remnants of the rebel army. Charged with obliterating royal courtiers.

"Even if you let him go, will he spare you?" Tang Yan felt sorry for the ignorance of the villagers, but he could somewhat understand their mentality.Standing at different angles and possessing different hole cards, it indicates that the decisions made will not all be made according to people's hearts and common sense.

Li Zige yelled at the fat man: "Today, we, Shicun, pleaded for you to save your life. I don't ask you to be grateful. I just hope that today's matter can be resolved peacefully. Don't bother us again in the future!"

"Definitely!" The obese man promised again and again, struggling to get up, and rushed out of the village.

Tang Yan secretly sighed, wanting to kill several times, but seeing the pleading eyes of all the old people and the trembling and weak bodies of the children and women, he finally gave up insisting, but two green lights shot out secretly, piercing through the fat man's body The scapula completely crippled his arms.

The shrill screams echoed in the snow field for a long time, and it sounded creepy.

"Father, my seal has been lifted!"

A childish sound of surprise came from behind Tang Yan, and the awakened little Li Yi rushed out cheerfully, showing off his smooth forehead to everyone.

"Really?" The atmosphere in the whole village suddenly became hot, and they quickly gathered to touch Li Yi's forehead.

"How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Tang Yan picked up Li Yi and focused on investigating his condition.

"No, I feel very relaxed." Little Li Yi clenched his fists, very happy, as if all the vines wrapped around his body had fallen off, and his whole body was indescribably relaxed.

The obese man who had already run a long way looked back, just in time to witness this situation, and fled into the snow mountain at full speed without hesitation.

"Benefactor, you are the benefactor of our stone village!" The village head burst into tears with excitement, and he knelt down in front of Tang Yan with a bang.

Li Zige's excited white eyes almost turned into red eyes: "Brother Tang, we can't repay this kindness, and Shicun has nothing to give you. We can only set up a desk every year to worship and pray for you."

"Benefactor, we will sincerely pray for you!" The other young and middle-aged men all knelt on one knee, their voices were sonorous and powerful, and their expressions were determined and tenacious.

Tang Yan tried his best to support them: "Get up, I should do it. I suggest you hide Li Yi, or simply move the whole village to the depths of the snow-capped mountains and find a safe place to live."

Li Zige shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This... Brother Tang accepted it kindly, but you don't know that this area is the exile area designated by the royal family. We must survive here. If we leave privately, we will be punished by extermination. .”

The village chief said: "The fat man just now is named Andri, and he lives in Agung City, which is next to the snowy field. He is the fifth clan brother of the Agung City Lord's lord, and is also an inspector appointed by the royal family. He does not have any important positions. It is only responsible for monitoring the situation in our exile.

Our life and death and the number of villagers are all reported to the royal family, and the royal family makes decisions based on the situation. If the problem he wrote is serious, we will be punished more.

In fact, 3000 years have passed since the rebellion of that year, and our stone village has not fallen to the present. There is nothing that can threaten the stability of the kingdom. The royal family basically entrusted all the power to him to decide on his own, so... everything in the stone village is decided by him , we really can't afford it. "

A clan elder was full of distress: "We send him tributes every few years, but he is never satisfied. He thinks of ways to squeeze us, and sometimes captures some villagers as slaves."

Tang Yan pondered for a while, and said: "I've lived in the village for half a month. If they don't come to make trouble, I will leave. If I still don't know what to do, I hope to use my own way to solve this matter, is that okay?"

Everyone looked at each other hesitantly, even Li Zige couldn't make up his mind.

"So afraid of resistance? If you can't fight, can't you escape?"

"We are not afraid of rebellion. It is because we have no ability to rebel and cannot escape from this snow-capped mountain." Li Zige looked at the population of only a hundred or ten households in the village. There were only fifty or sixty young adults, and the rest were either weak children or How can a woman without martial arts and a frail old man escape from the dangerous snowfield.

Even if they escaped, the word 'rebellion' on their foreheads is also a vivid symbol, they will be found wherever they go, and they will die in the end.

The village chief apologized: "We have caused you enough trouble. If we let you be implicated and wanted by the kingdom, we will really feel sorry."

Tang Yan was silent for a while, then said: "Pack up your things, I'll take you into the mountains."

"Huh? We..."

"Believe me, I will settle the matter satisfactorily. Bring everything I can bring, I have a space container, and I can collect them all."

Half a day later, at the bottom of the icy valley in the deepest part of the snow mountain, the place where the six-winged purple-scaled python is entrenched in the snowfield demon.

A shrill roar resounded through the mountains, accompanied by violent collisions, shaking the vast snowfield and frightening the rest of the snowfield residents around.

The ice layer splashed, the snowflakes fluttered, the mountains trembled, and a fierce fight brought countless astonished eyes.

Li Zige and the others trembled in horror. All the villagers, old and young, froze in place, watching the unimaginably wonderful fight in front of them in astonishment.

In just ten rounds, there was a muffled roar, a sharp tremor reverberated, the valley roared, and the vigor surged, Yaozun's six-winged purple scale python was completely defeated.

"Against it!" Tang Yan stood on top of the scarred purple scale python, a canopy of blue flames spreading under his feet, which might penetrate his head at any time.

"No..." The six-winged purple-scaled python raised its head arrogantly, Tang Yan kicked more than once, and his huge head smashed into the ice layer with a bang, blood overflowed, and the howling was like a howl, which shocked Li Zige and others.

"Convince!" The six-winged purple scale python's IQ is comparable to that of a human being, and its life is seriously threatened at this moment, so it has to lower its proud head.

"From now on, you have to do your best to protect the safety of the villagers. I will come back regularly. If you don't do well, I don't mind killing you and replacing you with other demon masters as guardian beasts."

The scarlet eyes of the six-winged purple-scaled python looked at the villagers, and a cold light flashed in the eyes just now, but the next second, it stomped its foot again, and there was a loud bang, and the scream turned into a moan.

"This is just a lesson. Don't play tricks with me. It's easy to kill you. If you do it well, there will be many benefits." Tang Yan got off the head of the six-winged purple scale python, and threw five spirit source liquids to it, It was practiced casually when dealing with fat men guarding corpses.

The reawakening of the ghost green fire brought about a new transformation. The refined spiritual source liquid is not only as simple as the original liquid of spiritual power, but also has a strong purifying effect.

"Brother Tang, what realm are you in?" Li Zige asked boldly.

Tang Yan did not explain too much, and recruited some necessary daily necessities from the golden lock, as well as some precious medicines, gold coins, and weapons, all piled up on the ground: "From now on, you will live here in peace, the six-winged purple scale python It is the guardian beast of the village."

"... benefactor..." The village chief knelt down again, tears streaming down his face, no matter how persistent Tang Yan was, he couldn't afford to kneel.

"Tonight, I will try my best to erase the seals of all the children. I will leave tomorrow morning. If there is fate in the future, I hope to meet again." Tang Yan gave Li Zige a strong hug and said: "Train up Xiao Li well. Yi, he is a good boy, I will settle the matter in Agung City."

Li Zige is a tough guy, but this time he couldn't help but his eyes were hazy, he just nodded vigorously, unable to even say a word of thanks, he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would cry.

Unexpectedly, a slight but strange gleam flashed in Xiao Li Yi's eyes, and he straightened his chest seemingly, and said firmly: "Uncle, you must remember my name, my name is Li Yi, I will I will repay your kindness with my life if I lead my tribe out of the Great Snow Mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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