Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 756 What is Luck

Chapter 756 What is Luck
Tang Yan left the village before dawn, and ventured into the snow-capped mountains against the severe cold and blizzard.Within two days, three powerful demon masters were forcibly captured. Using fists as a deterrent and spiritual source liquid as a temptation, they surrounded their habitat near the valley where Shicun was located, and guarded them with a triangle.

In addition, they subdued five groups of powerful monsters and distributed them in other areas to form a complete guardian circle.

After secretly visiting the new village of Li Zige and others again, he went north to the ancient city of Agung alone.

Shicun gave himself a peaceful and comfortable half-month rest, so he should do what he could for them, at least he needed to give them a permanent living environment.In addition to these, you also need to figure out where you are and whether there are any new changes outside.

Tang Yan was not in a hurry, but walked slowly on the thick snow.

Ice and snow are flying all over the sky, and there is only white snow in the sky and the earth, boundless, empty and desolate, cold and lonely, and the sound of wind howling is like ghost horns.

Brother Hei left, suddenly and sadly, he has been silently guarding him all this time, he has already formed a habit, he will not be lonely, he will not be afraid, because he always knows that there is an elder silently guarding him.

But now... now my heart is empty, as if a piece of flesh and blood has been forcefully gouged out of my body, it hurts, it's cold, and it's bloody.

The purple hair is cold, the purple eyes are dead silent, the strange offensive, the incomparable terror, his sudden appearance, but also with the powerful offensive, shattered his arrogance for many years.

Where did he come from, what identity did he have, and why did he wander into the palace alone.

Calculating the time, it has been nearly 18 years since I came to this world.

In 18 years, the life cycle of a baby going to youth is also the adaptation cycle of being reborn from the previous life to the present. I have received a lot, realized a lot, and grown more.

But I also lost too much. Ilinda's snow lotus blooms and Hei Ge's rain of blood is destined to become a permanent picture in my life, an eternal sorrow.

For Alinda, I would rather endure more than ten years, concentrate on growing up, and pay homage to my sister's ten-year blood oath for his withered bones and blood; Said bloody battle against the sky, beheaded his head, cut off his fate, and responded to Brother Hei's words of comfort.

The strong wind swept the snow, raging in the mountains and ravines, looking up at the vast land, several violent snow hurricanes formed in the distortion, and collapsed in the distortion, turning into snow all over the sky, covering the sight.

Harsh environment, magnificent wonderland.

As he walked, Tang Yan stopped in his tracks, his dark and bright eyes passed through the raging snowstorm, staring forward, a gleam of brilliance suddenly appeared in the bottom of his eyes.

At the end of the line of sight, a purple figure stood facing the wind and snow, with dancing purple hair, cold purple eyes, purple clothes that were not stained with dust, and embroidered with strange patterns.

Tang Yan stared from the air, and the purple-haired boy stopped and stared.

They were all surprisingly quiet, without showing any fighting or killing intent, even the energy between the heaven and the earth was flowing freely, and the howling wind and snow were not affected.

But invisibly, a weird aura like a wheat awn pierced through the wind and snow, and collided in the middle of the confrontation between the two.

In an instant, the space around Tang Yan shook violently, like a terrifying air wave burst, sweeping all directions, the ground cracked, the snow was flying, and the wind twisted. Tang Yan tore the space like lightning, spanning more than a hundred meters of space, straight Take the purple-haired boy.

The purple-haired boy slowly raised his hand across his face, his dead pupils spread to the entire eye socket, and strange purple lines spread all over his body like ghostly symbols.

boom! !

Tang Yan struck with lightning, but he got up in an instant, flipped over suddenly, and forcibly changed the attack trajectory. His right hand turned into a candle dragon claw, and ruthlessly tore at the back of the purple-haired boy's neck.


The sky and the earth echoed like a dragon's chant, and a phantom shadow like a blue dragon soaring into the clouds, roaring proudly into the sky, and the terrifying coercion swept all directions.

The power of killing and cruelty, the power of tyrants!

The purple-haired boy turned sideways, split his palm like a knife, and shook his sharp claws in an instant.

The waves are calm, the previous moment was like a river without waves, but in this moment, it is like a strong wind sweeping through the seats, and the ocean is boiling.

Clang! !The sound of gold and stone, clang like thunder, the strong tremor force is centered on the point of impact, and it rolls back towards the two of them. The terrible shock wave shattered the snow-covered ground, shaking the mountains within a kilometer radius, and the avalanche Like a tide, the sound of rumbling resounded through the sky.

The entire area is like a giant shell falling, a terrible deep pit appears, and the shock wave scours in all directions, setting off a bloody tide and cracking the dense stratum.

One stroke touches, both of them retreat far away.

Tang Yan and the purple-haired boy confronted each other again across a [-]-meter deep pit, as calm as ever, but their eyes were shining with sharp eyes, and an invisible aura surged.

It's not killing intent, it's not fighting intent, it's not surging, it's not turbulent, but there are many crises invisibly, and the whole space is almost frozen.

Ow! !
The phantom with the body of a dragon and the head of a leopard entrenched high in the sky, screaming in all directions, the giant body entrenched in the mist, and its scarlet eyes were fixed on the purple-haired boy.

That's the manifestation of Yazi's bloodline, and it's fierce and mighty!
The space around the purple-haired boy twisted and surged like transpiration, the purple aura danced silently, and there was a vaguely disheveled human-shaped shadow standing there, lifeless, without any human or even living beings.

"If you kill my relatives, I will cut off your head. You will not be repaid in this life, and you will be reborn in the next life, and you will never die." Tang Yan said calmly, but the mood is deep. If you can't avenge this life in this life, you will reincarnate in the next life and continue to abide by the hatred. Never stop!

This is an oath, but also a curse, a curse directed at oneself!

"Your luck belongs to me. I will take it back with my own hands the moment you become holy." The purple-haired boy said something inexplicable, and turned to leave.

Tang Yan didn't say a word, eight bolts of lightning surged out from the eight-phase thunder seal, tearing apart the space, changing his body shape, and appearing in front of him in an instant, the eyes of silence shot out, like a distorted black vortex, filled with terrifying The power of destruction, this time, is mixed with surging ghost green fire.

"The you you are now can't beat me." The purple-haired boy paused and stabbed!Two glaring rays of light flashed in the purple eyes, bursting into the sky as if tearing apart the space, colliding head-on with the beam of extinction, the purple awns were sharp and swift, mixed with the breath of death that deprived life, permeating the horror like the scythe of the god of death breath.

The Eye of Silence and the Beam of Death have the same effect, but they are completely different, but the power is all overbearing and terrifying.

Two beams of light collided at high altitude, and a more terrifying roar was like a surging ocean tide. The tragic power shocked the entire snow field, and even the distant stone village was affected. Countless monsters looked from afar in amazement, or crazily avoided the collapse. tide of blood.

Tang Yan stood high in the sky, overlooking the snowfield, and slowly clenched his hands.But the purple-haired boy had disappeared, as if what happened just now was actually a dream.

In the void of heaven and earth, an indifferent voice loomed: "Don't look for it deliberately. After you become a saint, I will find you in person. The outcome of the battle will be determined, and the destiny of luck will be determined!"

Tang Yan dissipated the terrifying aura, suppressed the excited demon spirit veins, focused his attention on comprehension, and meditated to search, but there was no trace of the purple-haired boy.

The strangeness of his disappearance was like his silent appearance.

Who is he?
What is luck? ?
How did he find himself?

Tang Yan felt a strong sense of crisis and inexplicable doubts, like a strange dark curtain shrouded him, but he was at a loss.

Agung City, the ancient frontier city in the northeast of the Arbitration Kingdom, is adjacent to the vast and boundless Daxue Mountain. It is an ancient city wall with a long history.

If the Great Snow Mountain is the natural barrier in the northeast of the kingdom, then the ancient city of Agung is the material supply place for the barrier, and it is also an extremely majestic military city.

This is the fortress and the headquarters of the border garrison. There are nearly a million soldiers hoarding along the entire northeast, and the ancient city occupies more than half of them!

That afternoon, a beggar in ragged clothes and covered in blood staggered towards the majestic city gate, his expression was in a daze and his spirit was listless, as if he might fall down at any time.

Regardless of his care, he walked forward indiscriminately in the flow of people, muttering something, and everyone backed down one after another, showing disgusted expressions.

"Go away, beggar dog hole, climb in!" The guard soldier raised his foot and stomped over. The fat beggar let out a ouch, and turned into a rolling gourd on his back, causing uproarious laughter from the surroundings.

"'re tired of living..." The beggar is fat and has no arms, he keeps 'squirming' on the ground, his appearance is ridiculous, he wants to curse, but his voice is unbearably weak.

"Yeah? It's pretty good. Come here and beat him up for me, and the fee for entering the city will be waived." The soldiers guarding the city yelled and greeted, and seven or eight big men immediately surrounded them, punching the fat man. Hit and kick.

The fat man regained consciousness slightly, and screamed like a pig butcher: "I am...An...Derry! Ah, it hurts, don't...cough cough...hit, oops, stop it, I If you want to die, I will chop you into pieces and feed them to the dogs... ah..."

"Wait!" The captain who defended the city came out from the side door: "What did he say his name was?"

"An... what... Ander..." the soldier said casually, the next second, his eyes suddenly widened, he stared straight into the distance, his face turned pale, Gulu swallowed.

"Get out of here!" The captain of the city guard pushed aside the crowd and rushed to the fat man.

Andri was covered in wounds, all of which were scratched by ice and snow on the way here, and were bitten by monsters. It was a blessing to be able to get here alive, but now he was ravaged again, dying, like rotten meat lying on the ground. on the ground.

"It's really Lord Andri? How did you get hurt like this? Where's your guard?" The captain was startled, and looked at the fat man in disbelief.

"Take me into the city...I...have something" After Andri finished speaking, his head tilted and he passed out.

The captain hurriedly called the soldiers to carry Andri into the inner city, and rushed towards the Santo's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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